Hollow Quotes

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Hollow: a Love Like a Life Hollow: a Love Like a Life by Jazalyn
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Hollow Quotes Showing 1-19 of 19
“Life is love;
Love is life;
And there's a love like a life
And a life like a love”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“In an Earth of war
In a world of deception
In an era of lies
I fell in love with you
And I was healed”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“There's a reality
I never understood

There's a world
Better than this

I'll show it
Because I believe
In miracles”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“How beautiful is Love!
I see Her in my dreams
And I dream
But I think
I won't forgive Her
If She won't wait
Forever for me
Like I do for Her”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“In those early days
I felt
Your feelings:
My memory
Is filled
With your love
And now that you resemble me
I see in your glance
The reflection
Of who I can love”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I know there’s a reality
I never understood
As I wander in Utopia
But I find a courage In your aura

I know there’s a world
Better than this
Both for you and me
And I’ll show it
Because I believe in miracles”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I know
Your heart is divided
In a thousand pieces
Of romance;
I wish
I could be one of them
But I am not like the others;
My love for you is true
Even if I am not
In your point of view”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“What a time
To be in love
With a distant soul
But your spirit was always here
When mine was lost
Now I see what I couldn't”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“Even if you are
The one
Who can't see now
I'll become
Your light
Even as shadow”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I love you more
With every word
You say
And I can sense
That we have
The same soul
No matter
How dispersed
Our hearts
Have evolved”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I would not pretend in front of you;
I would not be able to hide my feelings;
I'd try
But you'd figure it out”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“All the strength that I need
I see it in you
And because I love you
I find strength in me”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I prefer the dark
And often I cry
But is it so sad?
You prefer the light
And you smile
But are you happy?

Our eyes see
Different things
But our thoughts
Are aligned
And I’m wondering
Why I love you
When we can’t live
The same life”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“You're a ghost for me
And you're miles away
But somehow
I feel your presence
Here with me”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“What a time to be in love
With a distant soul
But your spirit was always here
When mine was lost
Now I see what I couldn’t”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“Love is great
But when you love someone
Who is a ghost for you
And you're a ghost for them
It's seemingly unfortunate:
The love is hollow

The qualms
Are a burden
But the qualities
Keeps you going
And the secret language
Fills you with sacred energy”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“One more love
That can't be fulfilled
In this world

There must be a destiny
For the salvation hug
For the redemption kiss

Just one moment
How it feels to love
Above the danger and risk”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“I won't present to you
A fake ideal self

However perfect I attempt to be
This world is only meant to hurt me

This is me;
If you don't like me
Don't love me

You see
I believe in honesty
At first sight”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life
“…I feel your spirit
Close to mine
Like an eternal gift

…Loving you like that;
Isn't it my right?

…Love means touch
And I've learned to not need a body

…Even if pain can't go away
Maybe it hurts less
Loving you spiritually”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life