The Power of Awe Quotes

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The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day by Jake Eagle
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The Power of Awe Quotes Showing 1-19 of 19
“The A.W.E. Method
A.W.E stands for Attention, Wait, Exhale and Expand.
Attention means
Focusing your full and undivided attention on something you value, appreciate or find amazing.
Wait means slowing down or pausing.
Exhale and Expand amplifies whatever sensations you are experiencing.
A.W.E. is a quick and easy intervention that can cultivate awe in the ordinary, at any time and in any place.
Cultivating awe for less than a minute a day reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, improves social connection, decreases loneliness, reduces burnout, lowers stress, increases wellbeing and reduces chronic pain.
The capacity to help heal the mind and body is only one of awe's superpowers.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“One of the most remarkable aspects of awe is its ability to help us feel more connected to others.
Find a place where you can be alone and then use the A.W.E. Method while thinking of a person who has been most dear to you in your life. They may be living or passed away.
Take time to create a clear picture of that person, maybe a particular memory or scene that captures their essence.
Hold the image in your mind, give it your full attention.
Wait the length of a full inhalation or maybe more than one, while you take time to appreciate this person. Imagine looking into their eyes.
Consider what they mean to you, what you learned from them or how you grew as a result of knowing them.
We can be in the moment while remembering. While you remember and feel, just remember and feel.
Then, when you're ready, exhale fully and allow yourself a moment of awe.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“5 Patterns of Strife -
Attachment. Resisting. Catastrophizing. Victimizing. Withdrawing.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Life can be a challenge and having tools to remind myself of who and where I am in that world and what is most important is priceless.
A.W.E is a simple tool that takes me away from the chaos of our world and reminds me that the experience of being alive is the true value. -Tom”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“In The Order of Time, physicist and author Carlo Rovelli sums up this dynamic beautifully:
"It isn't absence that causes sorrow. It is affection and love. Without affection, without love, such absences would cause us no pain. For this reason, even the pain caused by absence is, in the end, something good and even beautiful, because it feeds on that which gives meaning to life.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Winston Churchill once said," If you 're going through hell, keep going. "
Awe helps us do just that.
Awe is a vehicle that takes us to the other side of the pain and back to what is precious.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Consciousness is not some abstract concept. It's our state of mind - our thoughts and feelings at any given moment.
The 3LC model (Spacious, Heart, Safety) suggests the state of consciousness we are in will always influence how we perceive a situation, the choices we see for ourselves and our actions.
In other words, it affects everything.
Three Levels of Consciousness
Spacious - AWE - Expansive, Nonverbal, Nontemporal
Heart - Appreciation, Gratitude
Safety - Reward - Purposeful Proactive Productive
- Stuck - Anxiety Anguish Ambivalence
- Threat - Fight Flight Freeze”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Perception Language, like awe, is novel and requires cognitive accommodation - a different way of seeing and making sense of ourselves and the world.
Some of the highlights are
• Keep the conversation in the present.
• Remove blame and praise from every conversation.
• Understand that we are the source of our feelings.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“A.W.E. is a doorway to profound presence, spaciousness, ease and peace - a fast track to transcendence.
Part of the reason awe doesn't come naturally to some people is that their sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive more often than is necessary.
Many of us don't feel safe enough to open up to awe.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Real joy means immediate expansion. If we experience pure joy, immediately our heart expands.
We feel that we are flying in the divine freedom-sky. The entire length and breadth of the world becomes an expansion of our consciousness. We become reality and vastness. - Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Look at everything as if you were seeing it for the first or last time.
Then your time on earth will be filled with glory. - Betty Smith”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“In The Power of Now, author Eckhart Tolle writes," As soon as you honour the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out of the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care and love - even the most simple action.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“The Wait in A.W.E. is the pause in which we experience presence - that quality of spaciousness where the mind isn't overthinking and processing but being an observer.
With presence, there's no agenda. Nothing to do and no place to be. There's no thinking. Just being.
Because we have chosen to be in the presence of something we value, appreciate or find amazing, our experience of that moment is nourishing and powerful.
Waiting, when done with intention, is one way to be fully present.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“In an essay, clinical psychologist David Elkins highlights the transformative element of awe. He describes moments of awe as" the most important, transformative experiences of life… Awe is a lightning bolt that marks in memory those moments when the doors of perception are cleansed and we see with startling clarity what is truly important in life.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“Honouring the moment is honouring every human being you meet. The only place where you can meet them is in the moment. -Eckhart Tolle”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it. -Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life.”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. - William Butler Yeats”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day
“The tree that moves some to tears of joy is to others a green thing that stands in the way. - William Blake”
Jake Eagle LPC, The Power of Awe: Overcome Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose―In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day