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Nikki Sex Nikki Sex > Quotes

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“Fear, anxiety, arousal, and pain; all are emotions and sensations. They are neither right, nor are they wrong; good nor bad. They are simply passions, a most important part of life. Feel them, fully experience them, surrender to them, and learn to accept them. As a submissive, you must let go. André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Fate
“Strange how mean words can return to ones thoughts, years after they’ve been callously thrown at you. They replay in your mind, spiking a sense of remembered pain. Nasty name calling can be an ugly memory that stabs unexpectedly—not unlike a nightmare where you wake up crying.
Sticks and stones, may break your bones—yet, cruel names can hurt you.”
Nikki Sex, Abuse
“The" Fatal Female Flaw. "It's when ordinarily sensible women fall madly in love with an unattainable man who can't or won't love them back. I also call it the Triple Fucked Factor.
Nikki Sex, Bound and Freed Boxed Set
“There are two sides to every story, as if that explains and justifies everything! You know what I say when someone tells me that? I say well of course there are two sides to every story, and one side is WRONG!”
Nikki Sex, Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy
“A person tends to believe whatever is repeated over and over, whether it is true or not.”
Nikki Sex, Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy
“Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.”
Nikki Sex, Fate
“To: Paul
Subject: The Perfect Woman
So your perfect woman would be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the parlor, and a whore in the bedroom?

To: Candy
Subject: The Perfect Woman
My perfect woman is a whore in the kitchen, a whore in the parlor, and a whore in the bedroom.
We can buy takeout.
Nikki Sex, Fate
“BDSM is like visiting a kinky Amusement Park. Once you pay the entry fee, you hop on an erotic roller coaster of deviant self-discovery. Although I have the threat of pain before me, I’m not even close to wanting to get off of this ride. It’s such a fucking thrill. Or is that a thrilling fuck? Whatever. Either way, it’s as hot as hell.”
Nikki Sex, Kink
“Men? They are simple creatures. Is there something wrong with your man? Feed him, and take him to your bed. Et Voila! All problems, they disappear. But if something is wrong with the woman? Je suis désolé. Women need to talk.– André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Kink
“Denial can be a most useful, temporary shield. Unfortunately, such flimsy armor will not last a lifetime. It is best to face your past, and do so quickly, before your past returns to face you.”
— André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Accuse
“An angry man rarely stops to let facts get in the way of his fury.”
Nikki Sex
“Behave," Kurt said, and slapped her buttocks. "Didn't I tell you to be still? Your job is to focus on my will and let me use your body. It's here for my pleasure, remember?”
Nikki Sex, Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy
“When you say, ‘Women are untrustworthy bitches. They lie and cheat and will nail anything that moves.’ Do you know what I hear from your lips? Listen now, for I shall tell you. I hear you speak these words: 'I am an untrustworthy bastard. I lie and cheat and nail anything that moves.' André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Fate
“I am a good lover, but that is not so difficult. It requires only that I pay attention, and watch and listen to a woman and her body."
André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Elizabeth's Bondage
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Bound and Freed Boxed Set
“Mmmm I like the sounds you're making," he murmured in a honeyed whisper. "I just bet that you're a screamer. Should I have brought earplugs?
Kurt Nielsen”
Nikki Sex, Carmen's New York Climax
“Abuse is a parasite that feeds off hate and shame, growing in size and strength with silence.”
Nikki Sex, Accuse
“For most men, at the very least, sex is a daily deal. Men need to come. If they aren’t doing it with you, then they’re doing it with themselves – or worse, with someone else.”
Nikki Sex, Kink
“If parents don’t want to hear the truth, children learn not to speak it.”
Nikki Sex, Bound and Freed Boxed Set
“Life's most obvious truths are the hardest to see but once you've burned everything to the ground they are the only things left standing.
André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set
“Pain is not the most important tool in Dominance and submission, yet it is a most worthy tool. Pain breaks down barriers and defences. And for intensifying the orgasm? There are few superior devices a Dom has to achieve such, other than varying degrees of pain.”
Nikki Sex, Karma
“A philosophical discussion ensued about right and wrong, and good and bad. Also about things to be ashamed of and things to be feel guilty about.

Could anything carried out between two consensual adults be wrong? And why should they be embarrassed by something a loving partner wanted to try?

Right then they made a pact to never lie to each other, and to live out their sexual fantasies together.

If two intelligent, loving and happily married people couldn't be honest with each other about their most hidden sexual desires, then who could?”
Nikki Sex, What Wendy Wants
“In life I would much prefer to be sinned upon than the sinner. It is easier, vous comprenez? With the clear conscience one sleeps very well. The sinner may deny it… but in his heart he knows. He does not deserve to be happy.”
Nikki Sex, Karma
“Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure! Always your goal is pleasure. Pain, yes of course! Yet pain must only be used as a means to add to your sub's sensation of pleasure. To do otherwise is un péché noir - a black sin. Such will tarnish the soul.
André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Bound and Freed Boxed Set
“The child, through no fault of its own, and through the very nature of being a child, is egocentric and self-absorbed. Thus, if the daughter does not make her bed, and the mother yells, and the father beats the mother – then the daughter believes all that happened is her fault. Why? Because she did not make the bed, do you see? André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Fate
“Yes, she fears the cuffs, the cross and the whip, but she will get past this. Such problems, even with time, do not go away on their own. They must be addressed.
André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex
“A child, without toxic interference, will naturally become the person they are meant to be. André Chevalier”
Nikki Sex, Abuse
“It was an obsession, it was a compulsion." The way to banish temptation is to give into it, "the saying went. Maybe if she experienced a gangbang, it wouldn't be such a big deal, and would no longer be the focus of her sexual imagination.”
Nikki Sex, Amy's Gangbang Love Story
“I love the passions. They create such sensation! Anger, grief, fear, love, hate, excitement. The fierce emotions make one feel. Such are a gift, so one knows one is alive. To live without passion is to have no life at all.”
Nikki Sex, Karma
“Deceit is a barrier to intimacy.”
Nikki Sex, Fate

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