Discovery Quotes

Quotes tagged as "discovery" Showing 181-210 of 1,066
Nancy Omeara
“I wheeled and dealed with leaders from all over the world on behalf of the American people. In fact, my favorite headline from Washington Speaks magazine was “She Walks, She Talks, She Negotiates”.”
Nancy Omeara, The Most Popular President Who Ever Lived [So Far]

Leslie K. Simmons
“I led you here, only to bring you into something I would have spared you. Could I have known we would have what we dreamed of, only to watch it taken away?”
Leslie K. Simmons, Red Clay, Running Waters

Frank  Lambert
“Zam watched as the creature began to fade, until it disappeared altogether and all that remained was his own reflection in the mirror. He wondered if he was still sleeping, wondered if his nightmares were seeping into his waking moments. Maybe he was just going crazy. The only sign he was not going crazy was the fine line of blood that slowly trailed down the inside of the mirror.”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Frank  Lambert
“The shaver was the size and shape of a brick and almost too hot to hold in his hand. It hissed like it was angry with Zam and its three rotating shaving heads, behind the flimsy looking protective screen, looked like they wanted to rip the skin from his face before chewing it up and spitting it back out with a triumphant sizzle.”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Leslie K. Simmons
“Yes, he is a fluent and forward young man, with a great deal of Indian Pride. If only his heart were subdued by Divine grace, he might be exceedingly useful to his people.”
Leslie K. Simmons, Red Clay, Running Waters

Susan L. Marshall
“This old memory of me is here,
a more recent memory may
be somewhere else.
You'll find me where you need to.
The stems will help guide you.”
Susan L. Marshall, Fleur of Yesterday

Gabrielle Zevin
“A.J. thinks how similar everything in the crime genre looks. Why is any one book different from any other book? A.J. decides, because they are. We have to look inside many. We have to believe. We agree to be disappointment sometimes so that we can be exhilarated every now and again.”
Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

Bill Bryson
“Александр фон Гумбольдт зауважив, що кожне наукове відкриття минає три стадії: спочатку заперечують відкриття; потім заперечують його важливість; і, врешті-решт, приписують комусь іншому.”
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

Roald Amundsen
“When it is darkest there is always light ahead”
Roald Amundsen

Roald Amundsen
“A good book we like, we explorers. That is our best amusement, and our best time killer”
Roald Amundsen

Jordan B. Peterson
“Artists are the people who stand on the frontier of the transformation of the unknown into knowledge. They make their voluntary foray out into the unknown, and they take a piece of it and transform it into an image.”
Jordan B. Peterson, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life

Lucy  Carter
“Make it all end
Make it all end
Make it all end

But then I realize
No, I don’t want ambiguity to end,
I merely want despondency
associated with it to end,

I want to seek that knowledge
I want to find those truths

I don’t want to resort to chance wheels
and dice just to make a choice
and clear away the ambiguity

I want to use my dedication,
My intelligence,
My ambition to make those discoveries”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter

Maybe it’s not something to fear

Maybe it’s just another adventure to take
or puzzle to solve”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Yes, questions continue, since the notions I used only represented the what’s instead of the how’s, the why’s, the when’s, etc. Like what happened in the lectures, the facts were enforced, but nothing was done to dive deeper into them.

Finally, I was eventually able to solve one side of the rubik’s cube, now realizing that I had inadvertently taught myself the same way I had been lectured. I realized how even the Rubik’s cube can generate rudimentary and superficial knowledge in a user.”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Raw logic, Galileo knew, could lead one to discover a possibility, but not an actuality.”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

“The discovery of our calling is a great task; a task that is worth all of our efforts”

Lucy  Carter
“There is one thing I enjoy about STEM: I love how words such as therefore, because, since, and thus can often be used to deeply comprehend a topic in math and science. These words all precede some form of logical deduction, and that is what makes STEM so beautiful: with math and science, you can always learn the logic behind everything. From quantum mechanics to biomedicine, science always finds a way to explain the universe.”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lou Marinoff
“It lies within your power to choose wisely or foolishly. If you choose wisely, you are acting in conformity with Dao and your result will be good. This, in turn, will make you happy. If you choose foolishly, you are acting contrary to Dao and your result will be bad. This, in turn, will make you unhappy. These are laws of nurture. Just like laws of nature, they are woven into the very fabric of existence and cannot be contravened.”
Lou Marinoff, The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony

Lou Marinoff
“From nuclear families to communities of nations, others without whom we cannot live get on our nerves at times, becoming sources of everything from mild irritation to deadly conflict. Balancing the tension between individual and group is more of an art than a science, and Dao manages it with greater artistry than any other system yet discovered or devised.”
Lou Marinoff, The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony

“The wild heart craves cavernous depths.”
Kelly Graham Tick, 365 Days of Compassion

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“How the sea pulls to the light our unfiltered emotions. How this moment calls us into a profound exploration of the soul leading to a self-discovery, where love clashes with whatever is ugly only to emerge with all that is pure and true. We wrestle with our own desires to discover our deepest longing...and we carry with us a newfound understanding of our deeps and it becomes a timeless search for what is real as the ache keeps us pushing through the tidal waves of life....”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

“We are what we experience, the remnants of what we go through, and the consequences of what we choose.”
Itarcio A. L.

“We are what we experience, the remnants of what we go through, and the consequences of what we choose. We are ourselves; mutable and undefined.”
Itarcio A. L.

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Endure it. Then transform it into something greater, something that surpasses the suffering. Through the journey amid the moss and flow, comes the self-discovery...”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

“Free speech is the cornerstone of a society that aspires to genuine progress. It encourages the exploration of unconventional ideas, paving the way for paradigm shifts and breakthroughs that propel us forward. By embracing the diversity of thought, we ensure that our collective journey is marked by continual discovery, innovation, and the dynamic evolution of the human experience.”
James William Steven Parker

“The intricate dance of motivation, happiness, and self-improvement defines the path to being better and stronger. Motivation, the initial spark, requires a constant feed of inspiration, drawing strength from your goals and aspirations. Happiness, the ultimate goal, is a reflection of a life lived authentically, while self-improvement serves as the compass guiding you through the journey. To be better and stronger, one must embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and resilience. Recognizing and avoiding toxic influences, whether in personal relationships or political ideologies, is a pivotal step in cultivating a positive environment conducive to genuine self-discovery and improvement.”
James William Steven Parker

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“When the longing for discovery pushes you to a profound exploration of the self, the unknown becomes known, the real becomes surreal and the lowly turns sublime. It then becomes a descent into life as you journey between the valleys and mountains and beneath the ordinary, a world of extraordinary beauty is exploding inside.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

“So when you come across some observations that do not fit the standard explanation, let your mind wander to see whether some radically different interpretation might do a better job. Perhaps you will think of something that will fit both the new data and the old data and thereby supplant the standard expla- nation. Toy with different perspectives. Look for the unusual. Try consciously to innovate. Train yourself to imagine new schemes and innovative ways to fit the pieces together. Seek the joy of discovery. Always test your new thoughts against the facts, of course, in rigorous, cold-blooded, unemotional scientific manner. But play the great game of the visionary and the innovator as well.”
J.E. Oliver, The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery

Rebecca Caprara
“Discovery is a messy process, Mom would say.
Your father works best in a state of creative chaos.”
Rebecca Caprara, Worst-Case Collin