Human Intelligence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "human-intelligence" Showing 1-15 of 15
Ken Robinson
“If all you had was academic ability, you wouldn't have been able to get out of bed this morning. In fact, there wouldn't have been a bad to get out of. No one could have made one. You could have written about possibility of one, but not have constructed it.”
Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative

Isaac Asimov
“Feminine intuition? Is that what you wanted the robot for? You men. Faced with a woman reaching a correct conclusion and unable to accept the fact that she is your equal or superior in intelligence, you invent something called feminine intuition.”
Isaac Asimov, Robot Visions

Carl Sagan
“Perhaps the most striking aspect of this entire subject is that there are nonhuman primates so close to the edge of language, so willing to learn, so entirely competent in its use and inventive in its application once the language is taught. But this raises a curious question: Why are they all on the edge? Why are there no nonhuman primates with an existing complex gestural language? One possible answer, it seems to me, is that humans have systematically exterminated those other primates who displayed signs of intelligence.”
Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence

Eliezer Yudkowsky
“Ending up with that gigantic outsized brain must have taken some sort of runaway evolutionary process, something that would push and push without limits.

And today's scientists had a pretty good guess at what that runaway evolutionary process had been.
Harry had once read a famous book called Chimpanzee Politics. The book had described how an adult chimpanzee named Luit had confronted the aging alpha, Yeroen, with the help of a young, recently matured chimpanzee named Nikkie. Nikkie had not intervened directly in the fights between Luit and Yeroen, but had prevented Yeroen's other supporters in the tribe from coming to his aid, distracting them whenever a confrontation developed between Luit and Yeroen. And in time Luit had won, and become the new alpha, with Nikkie as the second most powerful...

...though it hadn't taken very long after that for Nikkie to form an alliance with the defeated Yeroen, overthrow Luit, and become the new new alpha.

It really made you appreciate what millions of years of hominids trying to outwit each other - an evolutionary arms race without limit - had led to in the way of increased mental capacity.

'Cause, y'know, a human would have totally seen that one coming.”
Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Carl Sagan
“Intuitive: The word conveys, I think, a diffuse annoyance at our inability to understand how we come by such knowledge.”
Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence

Carl Sagan
“As in all such technological nightmares, the principal task is to foresee what is possible; to educate use and misuse; and to prevent its organizational, bureaucratic and governmental abuse.”
Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence

Carl Sagan
“And despite the insignificance of the instant we have so far occupied in cosmic time, it is clear that what happens on and near Earth at the beginning of the
second cosmic year will depend very much on the scientific wisdom and the distinctly human sensitivity of mankind.”
Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence

Central Intelligence Agency
“An individual analyst also can brainstorm to produce a wider range of ideas than a group might generate, without regard for other analysts’ egos, opinions, or objections.
However, an individual will not have the benefit of others’ perspectives to help develop the ideas as fully. Moreover, an individual may have difficulty breaking free of his or her cognitive biases without the benefit of a diverse group.”
Central Intelligence Agency, A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis - Cognitive and Perceptual Biases, Reasoning Processes

Ramona I.
“The word 'artificial' reminds us that AI has limitations, whereas human intelligence is boundless.”
Ramona I.

“Out of the mouths of babes comes only bubbles. Out of the mouths of men like me, only babble.”
Warren Eyster, The Goblins of Eros

“အသိဉာဏ်ဆိုသည်မှာ ပုံစံအမျိုးမျိုးရှိသည် မဟုတ်လား။ တကယ်တော့ ဒီကမ္ဘာမှာ လူသားကသာလျှင် အသိဉာဏ်အရှိဆုံး၊ အဲဒီအသိဉာဏ်ဆိုသည်မှာလည်း လူသားများသာပိုင်ဆိုင်နိုင်သည့် အထူးကြီးမြတ်သည့်အရာဟု တွေးခေါ်ခြင်းသည် တစ်ဆိတ် လူသားတွေဘက်က သိပ်မာနကြီးလွန်းရာ ကျနေသည်လေ။”
ရီနေဆန်း, ရေချယ်ဦး

Ioan Petru Culianu
“nu exista alta realitate decat inteligenta umana. Lumea a venit la fiinta datorita acesteia, iar nu invers.”
Ioan Petru Culianu, Hesperus

Ioan Petru Culianu
“Au fost numeroase inteligente capabile de a se inchide in propriul lor vis. Poate ca, de fapt, lumea insasi nu e decat visul unei astfel de inteligente.”
Ioan Petru Culianu, Hesperus

Sukant Ratnakar
“Human beings are the most intelligent species on this earth, but they are also the reason for the extinction of many species. What can we expect as human intelligence grows?”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Aiyaz Uddin
“If humans can be taught, they can be taught anything. If humans can learn, they can unlearn and relearn anything. If humans can be taught and can learn, there should be no excuses not to provide them with opportunities. In fact, perhaps all a person needs is an opportunity, as they already possess the inherent capacity to learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
Aiyaz Uddin