Augustine Dagnone

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Michael G. Kramer
“The Vietnamese soldier said, “Before I spoke to her, I had given her a cooked ration of rice. Instead of her being grateful for the meal, she abused me! What gives with these Kampuchean People?”
Michael G. Kramer, A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume One
tags: war

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“God knows what we do not see, so let Him lead and set you free.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

“Fedin laughed outright, a grim, calculating gesture as hard and unfeeling as cold steel. “Twenty million Russians have been slaughtered by the Fascists in the last six years..... Always remember this, Squadron Leader. It was our war, our victory and now it is our Berlin. We tolerate your presence in this city… if that.”
KGE Konkel, Who Has Buried the Dead?: From Stalin to Putin… The last great secret of World War Two

Michael Tobert
“The street outside is empty, lit only by a half moon; yet factory engines beat in the background and the working day is about to begin. Maggie steps out of the tenement and suddenly the street begins to fill with women, some running, some pulling their jackets around them, some lighting pipes, some, like Maggie herself, taking a pinch of snuff. From other tenements come other women, and soon all merge into one, like a herd of cattle off to market, clopping over the stone pavements and the cobbles, lowing with last night’s news.”
Michael Tobert, Karna's Wheel

Karl Braungart
““What’s puzzling is the sender wrote, ‘I hope this is helpful for the Tariq’Allah office in Istanbul. Stay in touch.’ Turkey does not speak Arabic. Someone wrote this cover page in Arabic.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

year in books
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126 books | 35 friends

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