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Jody Hedlund Jody Hedlund > Quotes


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“Hardships are the Lord's greatest blessings to the believer. Without them we would love the Lord only for what He does for us. Our troubles teach us to love Him for who He is." Sister Norton in "The Preacher's Bride”
Jody Hedlund
tags: faith
“When things don't turn out the way we want, about the only thing we can do is know God is still there piecing together all the scraps of the events in our lives the way He has planned. He sees the big picture even when we don't.”
Jody Hedlund, Unending Devotion
“You don't have to let his definition of success be yours”
Jody Hedlund, Unending Devotion
“Courage can be displayed in many forms, my lord,' I said gently. 'Sometimes it's evident in the knight charging forward with the lance on his steed. But perhaps it can also take the form of a head bowed before the enemy.”
Jody Hedlund, An Uncertain Choice
“Just because the whole world changes its opinion about something doesn't mean God changes his.”
Jody Hedlund, Newton and Polly: A Novel of Amazing Grace
“My theory is that every little bit has the potential to help. We just have to learn where to focus our limited time and energy, because we obviously can’t do it all.”
Jody Hedlund
“Sometimes we have to take risks, even put our lives in jeopardy to do what's right.”
Jody Hedlund, An Uncertain Choice
tags: risks
“There are actually some men in the world who care more about a women's character than her physical appearance.”
Jody Hedlund, For Love and Honor
“We're human. We break things. It's what we do with the brokenness that counts.”
Jody Hedlund, Searching for You
“Maybe we should stop looking at why God doesn’t answer every prayer the way we think He should. But instead we should count it a blessing that He hears our prayers at all.”
Jody Hedlund, Love Unexpected
“God uses trials and hardships to mature us in ways nothing else can.”
Jody Hedlund, Stay with Me
“The love within them shone as brightly as the lighthouse beam on the darkest, stormiest night. It broke through her confusion and heartache and filled her with a warm glow.”
Jody Hedlund, Undaunted Hope
“Moreover, Jesus showed love to the lowest, poorest, sickest people. As His followers, He calls us to do the same.”
Jody Hedlund, The Preacher's Bride
“I have searched far and wide... he whispered, and have finally found the one my heart desires.”
Jody Hedlund, A Daring Sacrifice
“But even brave people are afraid on occasion. Sometimes fear can protect us from being too foolish or reckless.”
Jody Hedlund, A Daring Sacrifice
“My sister always said if we’re stronger in body, that just means we’ve got more responsibility from the good Lord to take care of any who are weaker.”
Jody Hedlund, A Reluctant Bride
“Hardships are the Lord’s greatest blessing to the believer. Without them we would love the Lord only for what He does for us. Our troubles teach us to love Him for who He is.”
Jody Hedlund, The Preacher's Bride
“If only I'd realized earlier that it never pays to fight evil with evil. But after watching my father die, I'd been consumed with bitterness and had allowed it to lead me astray from what was righteous and pleasing to God.”
Jody Hedlund, A Daring Sacrifice
“Would not the world be a better place if a man simply lived in humility and loved his brother or sister as himself, regardless of one’s birth?”
Jody Hedlund, A Reluctant Bride
“Sometimes, when we think we've come to a dead end, we've arrived instead at God's stepping-stone on the way to bigger plans.”
Jody Hedlund, Always
“I couldn’t change it. Couldn’t hide it. Couldn’t deny it. I was unique and beautiful in my own way.”
Jody Hedlund, For Love and Honor
“She brightened the darkness of this place with her kindness and concern for everyone.”
Jody Hedlund, Beholden
“Whatever the case, through the long hours of the night, I'd come to the conclusion that I needed to be the first to accept myself, flaws and all, before I could expect anyone else to. If I constantly hid my true self, if I was ashamed of the way God had made me, then it stood to reason that other would be ashamed of me too. But if I stopped hiding the real me - if I accepted and embraced everything about myself, including the mark on my skin - then I'd take the first step in showing others that they had nothing to fear from me.”
Jody Hedlund, For Love and Honor
“God wanted him to go to Him with his deepest needs, to stop looking elsewhere, so that he could be made whole again.”
Jody Hedlund, Hearts Made Whole
“Besides, every woman appreciates when a man takes the time and effort to demonstrate his love, not for what he can get out of it but for what he can give.”
Jody Hedlund, Evermore
“My vanity suggested I should take offense, but the deeper part of me was relieved- relieved that he was noble enough to want to make such a sacrifice from his heart rather than from his desire to impress me.”
Jody Hedlund, An Uncertain Choice
“Maybe that's why God had placed the angel at the Garden of Eden—to keep people away from the Tree of Life? Not to prevent them from having something good, but to protect them from something that had the potential to ultimately destroy the world?”
Jody Hedlund, Come Back to Me
“Each one of us is imperfect in some way. Perhaps God designs it so. Then none of us can claim to be like him, the only true perfect being.”
Jody Hedlund, For Love and Honor
“This man. This time. This place. This was her destiny. This was exactly where she was meant to be. Forever.”
Jody Hedlund, Come Back to Me
“Kindness can form the bridge that helps a person cross from pain to peace.”
Jody Hedlund, Beholden

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