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Obsidian Queen #4

Creatures of Midnight

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Previously published under Shari's pen name, Shannon Lynn Cook, the Obsidian Queen series returns in an updated edition. This contemporary fantasy is full of magic and humor, perfect for readers who enjoy swoony romance and sparking chemistry.

Twenty-two-year-old Madeline Bennet is certain of three things: she’s sick and tired of being kidnapped, her love life is a royal mess, and something is wrong with her magic.

Madeline is fabled to be the only woman alive who can open the thresholds to Aparia, but there’s a tiny problem—she can’t see the magic to unlock them, and time is running out. The shadow creatures are creeping out of hiding once more, the Entitled are furious she slipped through their fingers, and the Royal Guild has discovered her existence.

At least her knights have her back…mostly. Eric keeps disappearing, Gray is half in love with the tracker who followed them home from Vegas, the tracker is half in love with Jonathan, and Rafe…

Well, no one ever knows what the Obsidian Knight is thinking.

It’s clear Madeline must shove thoughts of romance aside and focus on learning more about her Obsidian magic, but the answers she’s seeking seem to lead to more questions.

The most chilling of all: did she link her magic with the wrong knight?

222 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 27, 2023

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About the author

Shari L. Tapscott

62 books837 followers
Shari L. Tapscott writes young adult fantasy and humorous contemporary fiction. When she's not writing or reading, she enjoys gardening, making soap, and pretending she can sing.

She loves white chocolate mochas, furry animals, spending time with her family, and characters who refuse to behave.

Tapscott lives in western Colorado with her husband, son, daughter, and two very spoiled Saint Bernards.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Rose (Adventurous Bookworm).
1,059 reviews158 followers
March 26, 2024
Now to book five...

"Hey, I have a question."
"I'm sure you have lots of questions, Bunny." She slowly turns her eyes on him, shoves a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, and gives him a patronizing pat on the arm. "But don't feel too bad about it. We can't all be the smart ones-some of us have to be pretty."

Someday, if I can figure out all this Obsidian magic, we might need to attend some sort of family counseling. Or at the very least, pick up some kind of pamphlet. I can see it now: So You Think You Might Be an Evil Queen: How to Cope with Your New Magic After You Learn Your Parents Kidnapped You as a Baby. Okay, it's a little wordy. Let's call it a work in progress.

"Charles is an excellent judge of character. He's very discerning."
Gray scoffs. "Please. That cat hates me."
"Point proven," Rafe says dryly.

Yes, I'd prefer a declaration of passionate love, but whatever. A knight's vow is good too.

"You want me to teach you to shoot?"
"If there's a shooting range nearby." He snorts and leads me toward the checkout. "We don't need a shooting range-we're in Texas."
Profile Image for Kaylee.
34 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2024
I love Jonathan's family sooooo much! (sorry spoiler!!) Like I love them all so much and how they stood by Madeline even though she's evil. (Supposedly evil anyway.)
And I'd like to dive in and marry Jonathan and keep him for myself please and thanks.
Anyway, back to the book. I don't remember having any trouble with the book or any hate towards it. Just that I enjoyed reading it on a boring Saturday. The world and layout of this story is just brilliant so I can't complain in the slightest. I think what boosted my love so much was that I didn't read anything about the book I just bought it. And it all fell into place after that.
Profile Image for Vibliophile.
1,567 reviews127 followers
February 28, 2023
Even better than before!

I love the new prologue & adjustments made to pave the way for book 5!

In book 4 it becomes undeniably apparent to the team that the devastating triangle between Madeline, Rafe, & Jonathan must be broken - or the world will be. The author did such a powerful job depicting their struggles that my heart ached for them. It was such a roller coaster of emotions.

I wasn't sure how I felt about Teagan, at first, but I really liked his addition to the story. I think I'm even more in love with Rafe than I was before, & I'm glad the author kept him true to his character - loyalty is a core part of who he is, so his decision was fully consistent with his character. (And I like Parker & am totally ready to ship the 2 of them, lol!)

I'm so excited to see what they find & what the author has planned for them in Aparia!!

*Romance level: passionate kisses, nothing graphic, though the romance is at an adult level, so not advisable for young teens
Profile Image for Deborah.
672 reviews51 followers
March 5, 2023
I don’t think any other author could write this and get away with it(if that even makes sense). Shari is just so good at writing. I get sucked into the ridiculousness of this series every time!! Lol.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
Author 26 books34 followers
June 27, 2024
Another page-turning good time, with less turmoil, as requested.
113 reviews2 followers
March 1, 2023
So Good!

I can hardly put the books from this series down - they are just so good! This book did not disappoint even though it felt a little more like a filler book to get all the characters where they need to be for the final book of the series. It was still such a good read! So many sweet moments with my favorite two people (which I won’t mention by name to avoid spoilers!) and a couple possible relationship surprises at the end that I can’t wait to see what she does with in the final book! Read if you enjoy fantasy with some amazing characters, flirting, a sword fight, and dragons. :)
Profile Image for Erin.
714 reviews83 followers
March 18, 2023
Great installment. I devoured this in a day. New developments made the plot interesting. And thankfully there were still no unnecessary miscommunications. Love that about this series. (FYI- The first two books are still the best, I think. My fave is #2 because of all that back and forth banter and chemistry.)

I felt like there was a missing scene between the last two chapters. I wanted to see a meaningful culminating scene between the main couple before the ending chapter. I mean, a week has passed after all... I need MORE of them!! But I guess that just increases my anticipation for the last book. And I’m also excited about a secondary romance that is brewing with two other characters that I really like. Yay!

Btw, Eric and Chloe- I’m just not feeling it at all. In her brief introduction, she was uber-prickly, abrasive and rude. There’s a mention of Eric pursuing her - for absolutely no good reason, might I add. Then suddenly they are a couple. Say what? But… I don’t like her! and I like Eric. So, yeah. Why make Chloe so unlikable? Oh well- Eric is becoming a peripheral character so I guess I don’t care.

Another btw, I am so glad about Rafe and Nichole. Best decision ever. Rafe’s short explanatory monologue was great- nailed it! In fact, at the end I was really into Rafe as a character. Can’t wait to read the next book. I’m shipping him and a certain girl…

Last btw, and the only critical thing I have to say- Jonathan kept taking Madeline’s hand in this book without an accompanying mention of him reading her thoughts. In the previous books, that was a thing. Like, every time they touched, they were careful not to touch skin on skin. And if it was skin on skin, the mind-reading issue was addressed. However, in this book, it was almost like it was forgotten. And when it wasn’t, it’s like it didn’t matter.
In the first books, he said it was very distracting for him during intimate moments and prevented him from having meaningful relationships. Which is realistic. In this book, the mind reading apparently wasn’t distracting at all. That bothered me, esp in their kissing scenes. (Which btw, I needed more of. Just sayin’.) Surely she can’t keep all random thoughts out, esp knowing that there’s pressure to do so bc someone is in her head! Just no. I liked how her magic could be used to prevent that in previous books, but the issue is only exacerbated at the end of this book. So now they can BOTH read each others’ random thoughts whenever they are touching? What a curse! There’s gotta be a way to control that… I’m just not sold that this is a romantic, good thing for them. Hoping this gets addressed in the next book.

I liked that we saw Jonathan in combat in this book, to prove that he’s capable and tough. I liked the moment when Rafe kissed Madeline in front of Jonathan, although not much angst was developed from it, tbh. And I liked Jonathan’s family a lot!

4.5 stars. This book sets up really well for #5. Can’t wait.

Language- no swearing
Sex- no sex scenes or talk of sex. Some kissing.
Cover- I like it a lot.
I read this on KU

How I rated the series:

- Guild of Secrets- 5 stars!!
- Princess of Shadows- 5++ stars!! (my fave)
- Knights of Obsidian- 4.5 stars
- Traitor of the Entitled (novella about Eric and Chloe)- 1 star (DNF @60%)
- Creatures of Midnight- 4.5 stars
- Queen of Aparia- 2 stars
Profile Image for Sierra.
713 reviews
July 10, 2024
Reader’s Notes:

– this is book 4 of 5 (6 including the novella – the novella (Traitor of the Entitled) is best read before this book)

– this is told from Madeline’s point of view, except for the prologue

– there are some steamy kisses (one of which included her hands going under his shirt)

– there is some fantasy violence


I picked up this next book thinking, ‘oh I’ll just read one chapter’… needless to say it ended up getting read in one whole sitting! XD I loved getting that different perspective in the prologue and trying to figure out how it was going to mix in with the current story. I loved that Madeline was actively trying to figure out what she wanted to do going forward, but wouldn’t sacrifice someone else’s choice in order to get the result she wanted. I loved getting to see new creatures & characters in this book, and I hope we’ll see more of them in the last one!


Madeline is supposed to be able to open the thresholds between earth & Aparia, but that is silly considering every time she’s tried, she can’t even see the dang things! Not to mention that the bond between her and her knight are causing trouble with her love life. Plus, the shadow creatures are starting to come back out of hiding… and Madeline isn’t sure if she’s going to have enough power to send them away again…
Profile Image for Constance Lopez.
Author 8 books97 followers
February 28, 2023
The best one yet

Was this my favorite book in this series? Yes. Yes it was. Was it my favorite because the THINGS I WANTED TO HAPPEN in regards to the romance HAPPENED? I can neither confirm or deny that.

Poor Maddie is put through the emotional wringer with this one. I mean. She's always put through the emotional wringer. But in Creatures, she's weary, and I felt that weariness to my bones. I just wanted to give her a hug.

I loved the plot, and everything we learned about the magic, and the FORESHADOWING AND THE TWISTS, and....yes. It was just all around incredible. Also, that prologue, ugh. RIGHT IN THE FEELS, Shari. Have you no mercy??

No complaints, none whatsoever. It's perfection and I will just live in a suspended state of anticipation until the final book releases.
23 reviews
March 1, 2023
Can this series end well?? No, probably not.

This was an interesting installment to the series. I gather that a good number of readers are pleased with the direction this story has gone, but I have to say, it came at a high price. If you don't enjoy love triangles, then this is going to be a rough read. It has the feel of a divorce to it that left me with a bad taste in my mouth and questioning whether this series can actually end well.

I give it four stars because the story is great, the characters are well written, and this author has a knack for keeping readers engaged. That being said, my intuition says that there's no easy happy ending here. Guess we'll see in book five.
61 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2023
exciting ending

I don’t want to give anything away so I’m just going to say that I can’t wait to get the last book! I was thrilled with the outcome of various situations in this one and sad about others. The ending was a Cliff hanger but also not. The author did an excellent job of wrapping this story up while still making the reader anticipate the final chapter of the series.

One of my favorite things about this author is that I never have to even consider the possibility of questionable content or language in her books. That’s a hard thing to find these days, especially for adult books. It’s something I greatly appreciate!
Profile Image for Christina.
775 reviews32 followers
March 21, 2023
Fantastic Urban Fantasy!!

The adventure continues in this next book, and it was just SO good!! I adore Madeline and Jonathan, and their heartache felt so raw and real. I love the different layers the author had added to each of the characters- they’re just so well done, and you can’t help but love and root for them, faults and all. The storyline reached quite the climax at the end of this one, so basically I NEED to read the fifth and final book RIGHT NOW!
Profile Image for Stacey.
953 reviews
January 12, 2024
Madeline's adventure continues as the dark creatures are growing stronger while her and her knight's obsidian magic is waning. A chance encounter with a very old Aparian offers both hope and destruction. But how do you choose between the knights you love and the darkness that could destroy the world? Madeline makes difficult choices in book 4 of this series. This book is a little darker in tone, but there is still plenty of witty banter, handsome flirty knights, and fashion.
Profile Image for Alisa.
791 reviews42 followers
April 12, 2023
I binge-read this series a few weeks ago - I wish I had reviewed all these books right away because they totally deserved it!

I will probably come back and re-read this series in the future, and leave the reviews they deserve, but for now I'll just leave a review for the whole series - I loved it! 5 solid stars!!!
65 reviews
February 27, 2023
Enjoying the series

Book 4 is done and I must now wait for Book 5 to complete the story? What? I NEED to know what happens when the threshhold opens. What happens to all the characters especially Madeline and Jonathan?
Profile Image for Candice Allen .
541 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2023
So good

Choices can be hard to make especially when the consequences can destroy a world or two... Full of surprises and adventure and romance I really enjoyed this fourth book. Love the characters and the emotions this story evokes. Can't wait to read the last book!
Profile Image for Sarah Hickner.
Author 5 books31 followers
June 18, 2023
I’m loving this series. I will admit this book felt more like tug of war between the two men of the love triangle, so it was probably my least favorite of the series so far. That being said, I still really enjoyed it and am rushing this review so I can dive headfirst into the final book!
146 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023

This is a great series. Engaging and entertaining, well written with great characters and the perfect touch of humor. No whining fmc, no raunchy sex, no violence just for the hell of it. Perfect.
780 reviews1 follower
October 6, 2023
Is it possible to break the link?

Still more surprises in this book and not all of them good, but all are interesting. Most of the book is about trying to find a way to break the link and it’s getting desperate with stronger shadow creatures to control
Profile Image for Tara Grayce.
Author 28 books686 followers
March 11, 2024
Ahh! So good!

I never read this series before the re-release and the addition of the fifth book. I can't IMAGINE all the poor readers who had to endure when the series ended here. I was SO GLAD I had book 5 on hand ready to go to dive right in!
9 reviews
February 28, 2023
Good read!

Loved it, but really hard waiting for the next one to come out. Love the relationship these characters have together.
Profile Image for Melanie Mason.
Author 25 books38 followers
February 28, 2023
ooh exciting

This book has me on the edge of my seat. I’m eager to see how the series is going to end.
80 reviews1 follower
February 28, 2023
best yet

I love this version just as much as the original one and I can’t wait to see how it ends in the final book.
12 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2023
a must read!

This is the first series I’ve ever read by this author and I find myself counting down the days to the next book. I love it!
184 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2023
the suspense!!

Dear readers, Shari has some surprises for you. Strap in and read up, this gets really good …on to #5!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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