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The Secrets of Ormdale #3

Castle of the Winds

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At Midsummer’s Eve, the Red Dragon will choose his bride.

Following this mysterious invitation, Edith sets off on a quest to the Castle of the Winds to find a lost family of dragon keepers in the mountains of Wild Wales. But all is not as it seems. Edith must guard her own hidden power, or she might not return to her friends in Ormdale—including the man who has come to love her. Will Edith make an alliance with the legendary Red Dragon of her dreams to safeguard her ancestral charge, or will she lose everything she has tried to protect?

Book 3 of The Secrets of Ormdale is a breathtaking adventure that will take Edith to exhilarating new heights…and deeper into peril than ever before.

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 14, 2024

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Christina Baehr

5 books276 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Christina Baehr.
Author 5 books276 followers
April 4, 2024
I’m so excited to share Edith’s adventure in the Welsh mountains. If DRAKE HALL leans cosy, CASTLE OF THE WINDS leans adventurous!

I get to share my love of Wales and some historical Welsh dragon lore that really delights me. One of Edith’s dreams comes true and that part was just sheer joy to write.

And is there such a thing as a cosy cliffhanger? A cliffhanger plus tea? If not, there is now.
Profile Image for Alissa J. Zavalianos.
Author 6 books409 followers
June 2, 2024
The stakes just keep getting higher! This is my favorite out of the series thus far, and I’m excited for book 4!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,271 reviews119 followers
June 21, 2024
I tried to read this slowly as a lead-up to Book 4 but that didn’t work. 😂 The issues facing Edith and her beloved Ormdale are getting more complex and miry. Her journey to Wales got her into all sorts of trouble and yet brought moments of intense clarity to Edith as well. It was fascinating to see the differences between Edith and Simon in their perceptions, judgments, motivations, etc. The completely different setting in Wales made the contrasts between them stand out while at the same time bringing them together. Christina does such a good job of making her characters complex. I was particularly struck by the complexity of Janushek, Helena, Arthur, Miss Falconer, and Lavinia in this story. I am so excited for Books 4 & 5!
Profile Image for Suzannah Rowntree.
Author 31 books544 followers
April 15, 2024
Hooray for another Ormdale book! It's now been about a year since I read the first draft of this book, and I couldn't be happier with how much richer and more resonant it's grown since! Book 3 finds Edith, our favourite red-headed dragon charmer, venturing out of Ormdale to the wilds of Wales, where she discovers that she has in fact not been invited to a dragon mating ceremony but something a good deal more sinister and harder to escape from. But there's still oodles of cosiness, sunshine, tea, and adorable dragons to investigate - so basically, if you love the Emily Wilde books but think they should have a lot more dragons and a lot more social criticism, these are the books for YOU.

Speaking of social criticism, I had to laugh when I was reading these books in their earliest drafts and an invitation to Wild Wales arrives for Edith, because I saw INSTANTLY what was going to happen in this instalment. In the fourteen years I've known Christina I have been sat down to watch THE VILLAGE and have heard a number of detailed rants on the deep unfairness inflicted upon the Alcott family (of LITTLE WOMEN fame) by their incredibly selfish father as part of his 19th century utopian commune. CASTLE OF THE WINDS presents its own take on small utopian communities, which if you were ever a homeschooled millennial, will be all too poignantly familiar to you - and unlike THE VILLAGE, presents such a story with special attention to the unique temptation such communities hold for women, and the exploitation they have all too often found there. In amidst the charm and adventure and romance, this book has the most deep and resonant themes of the entire series so far.

And then of course there are the delightful romantic tropes. We get to watch in real time as Edith realises that she's been decoyed very much against her own common sense into participating in a competition to marry a prince, then does her level best not to become the yielding heroine of a badly written villain romance - all while taking some important steps forward in her relationship with the gentle Simon Drake.

In short, absolutely delightful.
Profile Image for Jenelle.
Author 18 books246 followers
August 5, 2024
Ahhhhh so much intrigue and suspense! I feel like I can't say much because all the spoilers, but this is my favorite of the series so far... except I have to read book 4 stat because THAT ENDING!
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 29 books263 followers
September 16, 2024
5+ stars (6/10 hearts). Every time I think Christina Baehr can’t possibly surprise me, I end up mind blown. I am not exaggerating, these books get better and better!

I love Edith. She’s so, so relatable. I’m not as smart as she is, nor as good at reading people, but I totally am as naïve and optimistic. Seeing her take a hefty dose of realism and finally fully understanding the wickedness of people—beyond just what she heard as a clergyman’s daughter—was splendid. So was her growing faith. Simon was a brick, as always, and their tiny growing romance THE SWEETEST; I can’t wait to see it blossom. Arthur was despicable, and fascinating; and somehow I hated his father worse. The Welsh maiden, whose name currently escapes me, and the butler, and the schoolteacher too, were my favourites—what intriguing characters! I’d wish to see them again but I think they’d be out of place anywhere else. As for Miss F, she was well worth leaving in Wales, despite all the interest she commands.

The plot was certainly more intense than any of the other books so far. Questions are raised, a few answers given, more puzzle pieces are revealed—all during a forced sojourn in an unknown village buried in the remote, unforgiving mountains where a selfish, self-satisfied theoretician enforces his idea of Utopia. Flying dragons, a rival, hostage negotiations, and thousand-year-old beasts make for plenty of excitement, and the author tackles more deep topics: oppression & minority, politics and sin nature, losing oneself to conformity, and the vulnerability + exploitation of women and children, to name a few.

I enjoyed so many things, like the medieval aesthetic, the symbolism, the dragon love; I appreciated the splendid humour and thought-provoking messages; the ending had me melting and the cliffhanger aghast… it’s absolutely an amazing addition to the series. <3

Content: mentions of women being mistresses & exploited; attempted a*sault to Edith that doesn’t get too far; discussion of the a*sault of a minor ending in pregnancy;

A Favourite Quote: “There are no invisible people here. Everyone has a purpose, everyone is respected. No one is superfluous.”
The old woman who had touched my face so tenderly, what would her condition be if she had grown old in a Welsh mining town, I wondered. Or in Ormdale? I felt a flush of guilt—some of the servants at the abbey were growing old, with no comforts to alleviate the inevitable complaints of age. Had I been content not to see them? Was Ormdale full of invisible people?

A Favourite Beautiful Quote: How odd, I thought, that Arthur’s good looks made me feel off-balance and slightly ill, but Simon’s made me feel like I was sitting in my own chair at home with a teapot brewing and a good fire warming me.

A Favourite Humorous Quote: Goodness, why wouldn’t he find me dull? Quick, I must think of something dull! What was the dullest thing I could think of? Ah! I had it. “Have you ever attended a charity bazaar, sir?” I asked.
He looked taken aback. “No, I can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure…”
“It is no pleasure. It is a torment,” I said fervently. I then launched into what I hoped was an interminable description of one of the most tedious afternoons I had ever survived. But somehow it didn’t come out that way. It was rather like that ridiculous book I had read on the train. Nothing of any consequence happens in it, the people and events are tiresome in the extreme, but one never wants it to end. From Arthur’s rapt expression, I was beginning to think I should consider trying my hand at a comic novel next instead of my usual detective fare, when I caught a glimpse of Miss Falconer’s face and began to fear I would not survive the night. (Perhaps a knowledge of common poisons would come in handy, after all.) Faltering, I ended my story rather weakly. “So you see, sir, you haven’t missed anything at all. There’s nothing at all to interest you.”

*Quotes to come. I received a complimentary copy of this book for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*
Profile Image for Tara Grayce.
Author 28 books693 followers
May 3, 2024
This book is a delicious entry into this gaslamp, cozy Gothic dragon series! Our leading lady faces far more danger and mystery as she steps into the mysterious Castle of the Winds, which turns out to be nothing like what she expected! There's a wannabee Arthurian cult, discussions on society, dragon riding, and so much more in this book!

But that ending...argh! This book does end with a bit of a cliffhanger, FYI. I can't wait for the next book!

I received a copy of this book from the author, but my opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jessica Brown.
168 reviews20 followers
April 8, 2024
To say I consumed this book would be an understatement. I finished it in three hours and I have no regrets 😝

There is so much danger, secrets, betrayals, and intrigue, that there was no way I could put it down; and I confess, I'm still gasping over that cliffhanger ending! Like the author says, it is a cosy cliffhanger although I never thought that possible. But tea is involved, and Edith is fine, even though a very important other person isn't... no spoilers 😅

And the dragons! Oh, the dragons ❤️ I've never wanted to live in a world where dragons existed until now... I'll just have to live vicariously through Edith.

I am awaiting the fourth book in this series with great anticipation ☕🐉

Note: I received an advanced reader copy from the author, and I was not required to leave a positive review. All views expressed are my own
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 8 books142 followers
April 11, 2024
Another excellent installment in the Secrets of Ormdale series! Edith continues to be the most relatable of protagonists — simultaneously sensible and eager for adventure, equal parts practical and appreciative of drama. She's intelligent, but she's still allowed to make mistakes — and, I'll admit, she flubs a bit more in this book than she does in others. However, at no point was I actually frustrated with her because every time, I had to admit that I probably would've done the same thing, probably for the same reasons (those reasons being dragons and responsibility, but especially the former). And, as a writer, I absolutely love the points where her writing comes up in the narrative, especially the brief scene wherein she tries to solve a problem by considering how her protagonist would address her, only to admit that her protagonist never would've gotten himself in the situation in the first place. Honestly, same.

I also enjoyed seeing Simon continue to come into his own, so to speak, as he has an opportunity to determine who he is and who he wants to be outside of the expectations and influences that have surrounded him all his life. Again and again, he has opportunities to display his character, and again and again he proves himself to be a man of quality (especially held up against certain others). Also, he just demonstrates so much courage and trust throughout the book, and I love him for it. The continuing relationship between him and Edith is additionally lovely, and I really appreciate that the two of them are so mature about how how they deal with their feelings and the fact that they're able to be friends even though they both know that they're into each other but aren't yet ready to act on that.

Castle of the Winds takes us to Wild Wales, another dragon-holding, and I loved exploring the new culture, dragons, and lore there. I especially appreciated the inclusion of Arthurian and Welsh myth references! Because of the new location and some other stuff going on in the story, this book is more adventurous and has higher stakes than the first two in the series. The characters are often caught off-guard by the differences between Wild Wales and their home, and the dangers they're dealing with are simultaneously more insidious and more threatening than what they've faced in previous books. Plus, there are some absolutely magnificent action bits! However, the overall tone remains cozy, so this is still a low-stress read and not a major departure from the other stories.

Additionally, I loved that the new location gave Baehr opportunities to explore new facets of her series themes. Where Wormwood Abbey and Drake Hall were largely about the danger of maintaining "the way it's always been" even when those traditions are harmful, Castle of the Winds presents a different way of idolizing tradition — a "return to" tradition, so to speak — that may seem better but offers just as many opportunities for abuse. And, of course, family and the way it can build a person for better or worse continues to be a major theme.

This series continues to get better and better, and I look forward to what book four will bring!
Profile Image for Katie King.
56 reviews
April 4, 2024
Edith and Simon’s visit to the Castle of the Winds isn’t what either of them imagined. Simon might be the one leaving home for the very first time, but it’s Edith that will learn and grow the most over the course of the book.

This book was a thrilling ride all the way through. There was danger and intrigue, friendship and betrayal, dragons and blow darts.

That ending! Book 4 can’t get here soon enough!
4 reviews
May 13, 2024
CASTLE OF THE WINDS is Book 3 in the Secrets of Ormdale series.

It is Hilarious (I mean, cracked-up-on-the-lounge-laughing funny) – Intriguing (…Robert Owen, ick, ow) – and Infuriating (because Edith is blind to the looming train wreck).

Very quickly we find there is a case of mistaken identity. No red dragon? Just an amazingly handsome bloke? Edith is aghast:

"The flower of manhood was now wearing a slightly quizzical expression. I suppose he wasn’t used to young ladies looking at him as if they’d found a nest of rats in their hatbox."

Did I mention funny?
Edith is determined to manage her way through the dilemma…but she is not resoundingly successful. I found myself yelling “EDITH!!” periodically (did I mention infuriating?)

Far from home, without many trustworthy allies and with nasty secrets simmering below the service, our red-headed dragon charmer is on a steep learning curve. Poor Simon; he is not exactly well-used in this book…but no more on that for fear of spoilers. This book was great fun.

Go forth and read!

(I received an ARC from the author and am delighted to provide this review).
Profile Image for Jan.
188 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2024
It was obvious from the first sentence that this book would be quite different from the previous two. This one has much more action and adventure. I appreciated getting to see other kinds of dragons and meet other dragon keepers. The dragons were fabulous, but I did not like the dragon keepers very much. Overall, they were not nice people. It was unfortunate that Edith made the mistake of assuming they would be honorable and trustworthy simply because they oversaw their dragon valley. This put her in some very precarious situations. She was fortunate to escape with little harm. There were moments where I felt Edith’s joy interacting with the dragons and moments where I feared for her safety with the rulers of the valley.

Edith’s family was not as present in this book out of necessity since she traveled to Wales with only Simon as her companion. I missed their unwavering support of her, but they were there for her when she returned. I think her family is one of the greatest assets in this series. It is rare to find books with such a strong family dynamic. Janushek is also becoming a great support for Edith. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.

Edith and Simon had an opportunity to get better acquainted on the trip to Wales and it appears as though romance is blooming. That would, of course, require surmounting the issue of Simon’s mother and her need for complete control. Now we must wait and see what happens in the next installment. I am looking forward to seeing how Edith solves the problems she inadvertently created for Simon and herself.

I received an ARC of the book from the author, but my opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Claire.
Author 8 books82 followers
April 9, 2024
Official review: this is the book where the series takes a more adventurous and gripping turn from its cozy roots, but also does some of the funniest things I've ever seen by the heroine. HOWEVER I CAN'T MENTION THEM because I don't want to spoil you.

BUT I will say that I nearly rolled on the floor in chapter 5.

So do not be daunted in the face of tense moments! This book introduces some very good characters I am excited to see more of and puts a serious lens on "traditional practices we've always followed." You may also howl a little at some points but have faith! I am excited to see the lore and Edith's character arc deepen as we progress on to book four.

* * *
Read in beta RTC but aaauuuwwwwwgghhjssfjgzhvj
Profile Image for Ashley.
1,062 reviews40 followers
April 11, 2024
Oh my goodness, y’all! This series just gets better and better! I love the settings, the characters, and, especially, all the dragons.

This was a charming, fun, and witty adventure. While still cozy, this installment has more action. There was danger and surprises all along the way. I could hardly put the book down. I was hooked and completely enchanted.

I enjoyed seeing Edith and Simon venture outside the relative safety and familiarity of Ormdale and experience new things. I loved getting a chance to visit the Welsh mountains. What a spectacular setting!

I can’t recommend this series enough! It’s so much fun! Be sure to start with book one, and you’ll be hooked! I’m very eager for the next book!

I received a copy of this book and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Abigail Hartman.
Author 2 books48 followers
April 21, 2024
I had the good fortune of reading this in beta! I'm looking forward to seeing how the story has changed since then, but I think I can safely tell readers of the series to expect:

- the antes being upped a LOT since books 1 and 2
- a new dramatic setting in the mountains of Snowdonia
- Edith making some foolish decisions while Simon and the reader shake their heads
- some villainous behavior from someone I started out thinking was a protagonist
- Edith making MORE foolish decisions while Simon and the reader silently scream
- a spinster aunt whose spinstering comes in handy due to above foolish decisions
- still tea (that's a given)
Profile Image for Katherine.
169 reviews37 followers
May 12, 2024
Another Very Good Book in the series, with the continued delightful references to literature, history, tropes, philosophy, landscapes, and religion.

Naturally, we continue to glean more practical tips about the basics of dragon husbandry. Such skills never go astray, especially when one is rearing a small human horde. The main takeaway here: when in doubt, sing.

(Also, don't be patronising to others just because you judge yourself to be wiser. No one person can be the best judge of everything at all times.)

Very much looking forward to book 4!
Profile Image for Julie Zilkie.
196 reviews8 followers
August 26, 2024
This was my favorite book in the series so far! It kept us all engaged and wondering what would happen next..sometimes I was right, sometimes I was wrong--which I like in a book! Edith continues to teach us many lessons--the one I most took away from this one is, if you have a trustworthy man in your life, then it would do you well to take his counsel when it is given. It could save you a lot of grief and trouble! Although in this instance, it would probably make the story a bit duller. :)
We started the fourth book this morning!
Profile Image for Lisa.
221 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2024
I was not sure I liked this one, but about 2/3 through there were many unexpected twists and turns with insightful faith elements. I still am unsure of the age level as there are mature themes. Is this considered YA? Maybe late teens?
Profile Image for Alisha.
1,124 reviews88 followers
July 25, 2024
Easy to read but also delightful to take one's time with! Edith is great.
Profile Image for Stephanie A. Cain.
Author 20 books54 followers
April 14, 2024
I really enjoy this series, and every book successfully raises the stakes without losing the cozy, familiar feel of the characters. Edith's family doesn't get to play as big a part in this book, but they are still present in her thoughts and heart, and when she is with them, they're a lovely source of solace.

The story at the heart of this book is a misunderstanding that seems trivial at first, but quickly snowballs into a sinister situation. Edith is discovering more about her own connection with the dragons while also seeing how a different group of dragon handlers deal with the magnificent creatures.

We're also given some lovely hints at romance unfolding, as Simon has traveled with her to Wales, and we get to see that, although he's had a sheltered upbringing, he's more than capable to handle the challenges the wider world throws at him. He and Edith are both experiencing some culture shock, both in Wales and in Wilder-Wales, and they make a good team, even though they can't anticipate everything their hosts have in store for them.

Another strong installment in this lovely series. I look forward to the next book.
Profile Image for T P.
83 reviews
April 6, 2024
It just keeps getting better. This is my favourite so far! I love how Christina pivots from social commentary to absolutely thrilling action sequences, and back again. Who knew!

Also, the Welsh flag dragon (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿) gets made real in the most awesome way. Not that that's a spoiler, given the awe-inspiring beast is on the awe-inspiring cover!
Profile Image for Christine Gustin.
242 reviews3 followers
July 27, 2024
Started reading this after dinner and stayed up until midnight to finish it—I just couldn’t put it down!

The ending?!! Let’s just say that I’m glad to have book 4 already downloaded and I know exactly how I’ll be spending my Saturday morning tomorrow!

Age recommendation = 13+. A but more intense than the first two in the series, but still absolutely lovely and redeeming. So fun and original!
Profile Image for Abbie Lewis.
103 reviews12 followers
July 12, 2024
I am so glad the 4th is coming in two days. A longer wait would have been brutal 😆
24 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2024
I loved this one, it takes us on a whole new journey to the Welsh mountains and had elements of high stakes plot, but with those elements of coziness us readers sure do love.

There is a more intense survival part of the book which I absolutely loved, and Edith had to overcome some harrowing events and make some very tough decisions — poor dear!

I loved the descriptions of the welsh “mountain community” she enters into, this book felt fresh and a bit different than the previous two. There are some ominous undercurrents and certain characters are not who they appear to be.

If you are here for the budding romance between Edith and Simon, you will only get bits and pieces of page time with them together, but it was just enough to keep this hopeless romantic hooked! I love how their relationship is moving from crush, to a fine stout healthy love and Simon has really won my heart.

Can not wait for book 4!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Janelle Webb.
5 reviews
June 20, 2024
I think I’m falling more and more in love with dragons! This is my favourite of the series so far, such mystery and drama but cosy at the same time. And beautiful dragons, did I mention I love the dragons?
Profile Image for Rebecca.
239 reviews19 followers
July 28, 2024
when I tell you these books were MADE for me

Something I continue to appreciate is how well they incorporate social issues? So many of them, but none of them forced in against the plot’s will, none of them jarring the reader with the realization that clearly this book was written in the twenty-first century, not the nineteenth… Edith (charming, courageous, unconventional clergyman’s daughter) is a heroine with the correct “modern” opinions on a lot of these things but feels entirely of her time, not like a twenty-first century girl dropped into late-Victorian England (one of my pet abominations).

On the made for me note, I will also NEVER get tired of watching rich arrogant men who think they can run the world better than God and anyone else get taken down. (I hope they truly, fully get taken down in the end.)

Lily’s story in the last chapter did disturb me. Not gratuitous, but just…oh God. Made me appreciate that the author included a note on content at the front, even though I didn’t read it till after.
Profile Image for Angela Bell.
Author 4 books229 followers
August 27, 2024
Christina Baehr's third installment of The Secrets of Ormdale Series is a high-flying adventure with an undercurrent of gothic suspense.

In "Castle of the Winds" our friends Edith and Simon set forth on a quest to the mountains of Wales where they encounter new dragons, hidden perils, and a village that's positively medieval. Fans of "How to Train Your Dragon" will adore this novel's unique blend of cinematic action, whimsical creatures, and endearing characters.

I, for one, need to read the next book POSTHASTE because oh my heart, THAT ENDING, dearies! 😬

If you're in the mood for a fantastical read, let your imagination soar to the "Castle of the Winds!"

📚 The Secrets of Ormdale Series
📖 "Wormwood Abbey" (Book 1)
📖 "Drake Hall" (Book 2)
📖 "Castle of the Winds" (Book 3)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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