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Anne of Green Gables #3

Anne of the Island

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'All life lessons are not learned at college. Life teaches them everywhere.'

At eighteen years old, Anne is leaving Green Gables for university-- her life's dream. But her feelings are bittersweet: although excited to see the world, she is heartbroken to leave her her home and everyone she loves.

Before long she has made new friends-- including handsome Roy Gardner, who seems to have stepped out of her dreams. When her childhood friend Gilbert Blythe finally confesses his love, it takes tragedy for Anne to realise what her heart desires.

306 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 1915

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About the author

L.M. Montgomery

2,033 books12.1k followers
Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.

Montgomery was born at Clifton, Prince Edward Island, Nov. 30, 1874. She came to live at Leaskdale, north of Uxbridge Ontario, after her wedding with Rev. Ewen Macdonald on July 11, 1911. She had three children and wrote close to a dozen books while she was living in the Leaskdale Manse before the family moved to Norval, Ontario in 1926. She died in Toronto April 24, 1942 and was buried at Cavendish, Prince Edward Island.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,294 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,261 reviews74.8k followers
August 26, 2024
I know a lot of people are still waiting for their Hogwarts letter, and that’s fine and all, but I’m still over here waiting for my formal invitation to attend college with Anne and Gilbert and Philippa and the gang.

I’m sure it just got lost in the mail.

I adored Anne of Green Gables (in spite of the fact that I read it for the first time at 21 years old, on a whim, having no intention of reading it beforehand and, in fact, only having a copy at all because it was very pretty and I’m very book-shallow). Against all odds, I loved Anne of Avonlea just as much.

And even more unlikely-ly, I loved Anne of the Island most of all. (So far.)

The writing is beautiful. The settings are immersive. The storyline(s) are charming. And somehow all the characters are lovely, regardless of whether they’ve been there since the beginning or were just introduced two pages ago. I love all of them.

So you understand my confusion at the fact that I have not yet been invited to Prince Edward Island, let alone accepted to Redmond College, LET ALONE inducted into Anne’s friend group.

But like I said, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time.

(I love this series way too much to consider the alternative.)

Bottom line: GIVE ME THE NEXT ANNE BOOK!!! Please.


i was late for work because i physically could not put this book down.

review to come / 5 stars


hello i would like to live inside these books and be best friends with anne and also be of the island thank you that is all
Profile Image for Ruby Granger.
Author 3 books50k followers
February 3, 2021
I think this might just be my favourite book in the series so far. In this book, Anne heads off to Redmond and becomes a college student. The book captures the wistful sorrows which come with growing up, but also retains all of the wonder which makes the Anne books so special.
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
December 10, 2020
Now this is the college life I longed for

Anne Shirley is about to do the unthinkable - postpone marriage and attend off to Redmond College. She still plans to get married, but only after her education.

She's found a darling house to rent with Prissy Grant (from Avonlea) and Phillipa Gordon (from Redmond). And now, her life will begin.

I loved the feel of this one - the hopeful wondering, the exciting change of scenery and the true friendships she finds. However. I do have a few issues with the way this one is written.

It almost feels like everything is solved too simply. All challenges are overcome with a bit of plucky effort and everything always works out just the way it needs to. Always.

And honestly, the first two novels I didn't mind this...but by the third novel of such coincidences, I am starting to grow a little tired of the sheer perfection of everything.
“It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen ... wonderful things.”
I still enjoy this series but there are a few problems/inconsistencies that are really throwing me off.

Dropping Diana Barry like a hot tamale

Remember Diana Barry - Anne's one, true bosom friend?
Kindred spirits alone do not change with the changing years.
Anne is such a liar.

Diana Barry - who was so essential to the first books - is pushed aside now that Anne's in college and Diana's raising a family.

I understand that friends grow apart over time but if that was the case, there should be a paragraph or two explaining that.

It's like...Diana was no longer useful to the plot so L. M. Montgomery just stopped writing about her. I mean, how hard would it be for Anne to write a few letters to Diana or for her to talk about missing her.

I feel so betrayed on Diana's behalf. So much for friendship.

The Schrodinger Cat

And I couldn't have been the only one completely flabbergasted by the cat story.

Upon discovery of a semi-friendly tom cat, Anne, Prissy and Phillipa decide to kill it with chloroform under a basket.

After leaving the cat under the deathtrap for a night, Anne lifts up the basket only to discover that the cat survived. She then adopts the cat and becomes best friends with the feline.

You almost MURDERED the cat - seriously, what the hell Anne?

The Revolving Plot

There seems to be a pattern to these books - Anne meets new bosom friends, one grumpy/ornery one and one miserable one (due to bad luck with true love).

Anne befriends the grump, tries (and ultimately fails) meddling in the miserable one's life...Then she learns valuable life lessons about not judging/meddling someone by their first impression. And everything ends happy.


Concluding Thoughts

Honestly, I'm more than a little disappointed by this one but not enough to stop the series. There were plenty of wonderful of moments and I really want to finish the series. Hopefully it picks up!

Audiobook Comments
Read by Renée Raudman - and it was a rather pleasant audio to listen to.

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Profile Image for Maureen.
574 reviews4,231 followers
January 17, 2016

I love Anne and I love Gilbert and I love everyone and I love these books.

Following Anne's story has made me SO HAPPY it's just so lovely and I can't deal with how good this series is.

Anne at college and all her adventures are so lovely. <3

I have no other words besides that I love these books.
Profile Image for Debbie W..
864 reviews739 followers
August 8, 2023
Why I chose to listen to this audiobook:
1. I've decided to reread this classic Canadian series since I first read it almost 50 years ago and have forgotten large portions of it except for the fact that I enjoyed it;
2. it was a free loan on Libby; and,
3. August 2023 is my "Historical Fiction" Month.

1. I loved seeing how Anne Shirley matures into a young lady. When she leaves Avonlea in PEI to attend Redmond College for 4 years in Nova Scotia, she makes new friends while still associating with her old ones, explores her writing skills more deeply, and even receives several marriage proposals (some humorous, some heartbreaking);
2. Anne continues to find joy no matter where she lives. I can relate to her delightful pleasures of nature during the spring, summer, and autumn months (also, like me, she doesn't seem so enamored with winter as much);
3. I'm always amazed at the patience Anne and her friends show towards vain peers and ornery busybodies;
4. I was most amused when Mr. Harrison and Anne discuss her first abysmal failure at story writing for a magazine. Also, I continued to chuckle at Davy's characterization. His comments had me laughing! I found that his antics to be generally harmless compared to boys his age nowadays;
5. I felt deeply moved by the heart-wrenching scenes between Anne and her dying friend, Ruby Gillis, as well as some of Anne's conversations with Gilbert; and,
6. narrator, Laurie Klein, has the perfect intonation for all the characters!

A couple of chapters deal with animal abuse meant to be amusing, but I couldn't get there.

Overall Thoughts:
Once again, author L. M. Montgomery has depicted her heroine as all too human; although sweet and charming, she is also flawed. Anne is a strong young woman ahead of her time and would make a fine role model for young readers today.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
678 reviews223 followers
January 27, 2008
My sentimental favorite of the Anne series. I always thought college was going to be just like that - my best friends, a cute little house in a great neighborhood, and my childhood friend, madly in love with me. Anne is one of my favorite literary heroines, and I liked her transition between girlhood and adulthood. She's grown out of classic Anne of Green Gables, but she's still the same person.

I must have read this book 30 times, and it never gets any less fun. It's one of my top 5 comfort books.
Profile Image for Degeorgetown.
37 reviews1 follower
October 11, 2013
After this book the series has lost its charm, I don't think I'll read any of the other books. This wasn't exactly a bad book... just kind of tedious. It takes place over 3 years and goes between Anne being at college and at Green Gables.

The best part: Anne and Gilbert finally get together!

The good part: It's fun to see Anne and her friends making a home out of Patty's place, even if her new friend Phil is extremely annoying.

The bad part: Davy is still disturbing to read about. He cries because he missed the "fun" of seeing Mrs. Lynde fall down the cellar stairs and hurt herself. Anne is proposed to 6 times. She turns down pretty much every one of them, it gets a little silly.

The worst part: The author is constantly inserting her views on god and politics into the story.

The horrifying part: Anne and her friends find a stray cat and they decide to kill it by putting it into a box with chloroform. WTF. Even worse, Mr. Harrison decides he doesn't want his dog anymore so he hangs it. After it survives and tries to hide in the barn, he hangs it again. WTF. I know things were different back then but WTF!!! It's horrifying how calm they all are about murdering animals when they get so offended by statements like "God knows."
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,707 reviews2,518 followers
June 9, 2024
Ah . . . more comfort food in the form of a book.


After an eventful summer, changes are in store for Anne as she prepares to leave Avonlea for Redmond College.

Anne dressed in the cheerless gray dawn, for an early start was necessary to catch the boat train; she struggled against the tears that would well up in her eyes in spite of herself. She was leaving the home that was so dear to her, and something told her that she was leaving it forever, same as a holiday refuge. Things would never be the same again; coming back for vacations would not be living there. And oh, how dear and beloved everything was -- that little white porch room, sacred to the dreams of girlhood, the old Snow Queen at the window, the brook in the hollow, the Dryad's Bubble, the Haunted Wood, and Lover's Lane -- all the thousand and one dear spots where memories of the old years bided. Could she ever be really happy anywhere else?

But, there are new friends to meet and more challenges to conquer. Leaving home may bring heartache, but there is plenty of joy in store for our Anne.

This book covers four eventful years in Anne's life, including the hilarious circumstances surrounding the publication of her first short story, the death of an old schoolmate, and the marriage of another. Anne herself receives some mighty strange marriage proposals. This is my favorite:

"Yeh're a likely-looking girl and hev a right-smart way o' stepping," said Sam. "I don't want no lazy woman. Think it over. I won't change my mind yit awhile. Wall, I must be gitting. Gotter milk the cows."

This makes my husband's proposal of "You're sturdy enough for farm chores" seem almost romantic. (At least he didn't skedaddle off to feel up a bunch of cow's udders.)
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews783 followers
March 30, 2021
"Redmond was splendid and Bolingbroke delightful - but Green Gables is HOME."

In this third book of series, Anne's adventure continues through her college years. Honestly, I was a bit sad when I read the second book, first because of the heartbreaking end of first book and then because of the I missed the little mischievous Anne (Though Davy certainly made it interesting.) But that all changed with this book and it was just delightful!

"Oh," she thought, "how horrible it is that people have to grow up - and marry - and CHANGE!"

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire book, save a little bit where Anne's was a substitute teacher, and loved is just as the first book. Though there were several sad incidents, the story is narrated in a highly engaging way, and the ending was the favorite of the series so far.

"I'm sure no life can be properly developed and rounded out without some trial and sorrow - though I suppose it is only when we are pretty comfortable that we admit it."

"Sunburst and marble halls may be all very well, but there is more 'scope for imagination' without them."
Profile Image for mich.
656 reviews225 followers
January 12, 2017
Holy crap, do you guys know what this is?! It’s a New Adult book that was written ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO! (Seriously, that’s what this is!) I had no idea this sub-genre existed back then, lol!

College? Check. Relationship drama and angst? Check. Sassy, funny girlfriend? Check. Handsome, cocky love interest? Che— Wait, NO. No, no, nope! Move over all you hot, arrogant assholes, cuz Gilbert Blythe blows ALL of you out of the fricken water!

I totally loved this. LOVED. THIS.

Love love love love love :)

There were a lot of different things to love in the first book (and I loved it all), but I’ll admit that the thing that REALLY hooked me in was the cute rivalry between Anne and Gilbert. Oh, those two. . .

Omg, the angst! I had no idea! I didn’t know this book was gonna make me feel like this. All frustrated and hopeful and swoony and annoyed.

(I’m guessing I’m the only person on the planet who hasn’t ever read/seen this series before, but I’ll just spoiler tag anyway :P)

Profile Image for leynes.
1,207 reviews3,273 followers
November 8, 2023
The spell is broken. You guys know how much I loved the first book in this series but its sequels annoy and bore the shit outta me. I loved Anne as a character in the first book because she has flaws, gets into silly scraps and has so much to learn. In Book 2 and 3, she is just insufferable. She has become such a Mary Sue. Everything comes natural and easy for her, every-fucking-body worships and loves her, every man she interacts with proposes to her, everyone wants to be her friend, she's everyone's favorite, she's the best in college, she's a gifted writer, her looks are captivating ... yada yada yada. I can't take it anymore.

To give you some examples of Montgomery's ridiculous heroisation of Anne: I shit you not that every fucking character loves Anne the best out of all people. "Phil adored Anne and Priscilla, but especially Anne." Ruby tells Anne on her fucking deathbed (she's dying of consumption) that she always liked her the best out of all of her school chums. When Charlotta the Fourth returns from Boston, she tells Anne: "I haven't seen anyone in Boston that's equal to you." Anne is such a special snowflake that even Rusty, the cat, who usually hates all (!) people, LOVES Anne. I cannot deal with tomfoolery like this. I am done.

On top of that, Montgomery's writing feels much more (out-)dated in Book 2 and 3 than it did in the first book. All of a sudden she has become this hyper-Christian and moralising writer. Her work reads more like Christian propaganda, and I found it insufferable. Anne has become so moralising and patronising herself, I could literally picture Montgomery sitting at her desk thinking to herself how well she did with infusing her (Christian) lessons and values into her young readers. Big yikes. Book 2 and 3 read as if Montgomery was writing a pamphlet on how a proper woman (aka wife) should be.
“Phil, you're not really frivolous,” said Anne gravely. “Way down underneath that frivolous exterior of yours you've got a dear, loyal, womanly little soul.”
Does that sound like the fun little girl we all came to love in the first book to you? Anne, what the hell? What has happened to you? Oh yeah, you had to grow up. Ugh.

Apart from Phil (WHO IS TRULY ICONIC) I also didn't enjoy any of the new characters. To give you some examples of Phil's iconic behaviour, here are some of her outlooks on life/being a woman: "I really hated the thought of being married for a few years yet. I want to have heaps of fun before I settle down." (as you should!) and "Being in love makes you a perfect slave, I think. And it would give a man such a power to hurt you." (she sure knows what's up!). The reason why I liked Phil so much is that she felt how Anne felt in the first book. Fun, independent, iconic. Funnily enough, I loved her romance with Jonas Blake ("It is impossible—but I'm horribly afraid it's true. I'm happy and wretched and scared. He can never care for me, I know.") a lot more than the shenanigans of Anne and Gilbert.

One thing I cannot excuse, however, is when the girls try to chloroform Rusty the cat and it's all played for shits and giggles, as if that's not animal torture and a literal crime?? I was so confused.

I hated how Anne let Roy Gardner on. He truly deserved better but he was a useless character bc it was clear from the start that Anne would end up with Gilbert. Didn't care for Miss Lavendar and Davy in Book 2, so no surprise that I didn't warm to them in this one. There's decidedly too little of Diana Barry in this book. And Rachel and Marilla are still my faves (I love that they are flat mates now!) but I also would've loved to see more of them. Their scenes were the best!

The last chapter was sickly sweet but it fuelled me with some energy. Gilbert is decidedly too good for Anne ("I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer.") but I am happy that they ended up together. Nonetheless, I was quite bored that the two of them were basically serving Laurie & Jo throughout this entire book (with Gilbert's first proposal and Anne's rejection of him etc.). Like, we get it. And it got so much worse when Anne only realised that she loved Gilbert when he was literally dying of an illness. Like, bestie, wake up? Where have you been for the last five years? You cannot tell me that Anne didn't have an inkling before, it is so clear that she was in love with Gilbert from the very start.

However, I hate that Montgomery basically insinuates that it is a woman's place to get married and have children. Diana gives birth to her first child, and Jane Andrews marries a Winnipeg millionaire. I feel like it would've been the bolder choice to have at least Gilbert move on to marry Christine and have Anne ending up on her own (... not permanently, but at least for the time being of Book 3 and 4). All in all, I feel like the gang grew up way too fucking fast. I'll forever cherish Book 1 and their childhood merriments, but basically straight up beginning with Book 2 it was "you're an adult woman now, so get it together and find a husband now". I'm not saying that that wasn't the reality for most women of Montgomery's time but Book 1 felt so progressive and daring, whereas the rest of the series is so mainstream/run-of-the-mill and tame. I'm afraid Anne has lost her charm.
Profile Image for sAmAnE.
1,154 reviews126 followers
September 4, 2021
جلد سومم تموم‌شد. این سه جلد تو این دوران واقعا انرژی خوبی بهم داد. خیلی خوشحالم که دارم میخونمش. از هر صفحش کلی حس خوب میگیرم، به نظرم این مجموعه، یکی از صادق‌ترین و واقعی‌ترین شخصیت‌های کتاب‌ها رو داره. شخصیت‌هایی که خود واقعیشون هستند و خواننده هر لحظه در فضا و‌مکان
داستان غرق میشه. جلد سوم خیلی خوب بود😍
آنی تقاضای ازدواج گیلبرت رو رد میکنه و وارد دانشگاه میشه و اونجا دوستان جدیدی پیدا میکنه.
در آخر این جلد گیلبرت بیمار میشه و دوباره آنی رو میبینه و اون‌ها تصمیم دیگه‌ای برای زندگیشون میگیرند.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ja.dziunia.books.
125 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2024
Czyli ta część, w której Gilbert ma tak ciężką sesję na uniwerku, że zapada na tyfus i prawie umiera.

Argument za zakazaniem egzaminów, zapewne.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews397 followers
April 15, 2018
Anne of the Island, L.M. Montgomery
Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about Anne Shirley. Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling Anne of Green Gables. In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, Anne attends Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her BA.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و پنجم ماه سپتامبر سال 2012 میلادی
عنوان: آنی شرلی در جزیره - کتاب سوم؛ نویسنده: ال.ام. مونتگمری؛ مترجم: سارا قدیانی؛ در 225 ص؛
آن شرلی در جزیره سومین جلد از مجموعه کتاب‌های آن شرلی اثر لوسی ماد مونتگمری است. خلاصه داستان: این بار آن شرلی قدم به دانشگاه ردموند می‌گذارد، و به همراه دوستانش در خانه‌ای به نام خانه «پتی» ساکن می‌شود. او با «رویال گاردنر» آشنا می‌شود. اما در انتها «رویال» را ترک کرده و با «گیل��رت بلایت» نامزد می‌شود. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for ;3.
510 reviews1,228 followers
August 22, 2024
this book is just anne getting proposed to by 36473 different guys and her being like ‘u guys hear something???’ before it finally takes gilbert almost dying for her to realize she’s only ever wanted one man and that man is gilbert
Profile Image for Becky.
5,823 reviews261 followers
October 10, 2023
Montgomery, L.M. 1915. Anne of the Island.

"Harvest is ended and summer is gone," quoted Anne Shirley, gazing across the shorn fields dreamily.

I don't know if there are enough words to describe how I feel about Anne of the Island. It is one of the most magically, wonderful, giddy-making, purely-delightful, satisfying books I've ever read...and reread...and reread. Reading this book makes all the world seem right. (At least during the reading process.) It picks up shortly after where Anne of Avonlea leaves off. Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe are preparing to go off to Redmond college. (Along with Charlie Sloane and Priscilla Grant who you may or may not remember.) Diana Barry is engaged to Fred Wright. And there is a hint of love in the air.

This is the story of Anne's college years; it spans four years. The books focus on her friendships with Priscilla Grant, Philippa Gordon, and Stella Maynard, her roommates. And of course the book focuses on her romantic-and-not-so-romantic dealings with men. Many men propose to Anne during the course of the book including Billy Andrews--who sends his sister in his place--and Sam Toliver with his bumbling, "Will yeh heve me?" (Charlie Sloane, Gilbert Blythe, and Royal Gardner are others.)

There are many side stories in Anne of The Island. And while these little asides and tangents are not employed much in modern fiction, within the works of L.M. Montgomery, they are so thoroughly charming that they just work well. Really really well.

I loved this one. Loved the romance. Loved the characters. Loved everything.

Here's my favorite bit of the book:

There is a book of Revelation in every one's life, as there is in the Bible. Anne read hers that bitter night, as she kept her agonized vigil through the hours of storm and darkness. She loved Gilbert—had always loved him! She knew that now. She knew that she could no more cast him out of her life without agony than she could have cut off her right hand and cast it from her. And the knowledge had come too late—too late even for the bitter solace of being with him at the last. If she had not been so blind—so foolish—she would have had the right to go to him now. But he would never know that she loved him—he would go away from this life thinking that she did not care. Oh, the black years of emptiness stretching before her! She could not live through them—she could not! She cowered down by her window and wished, for the first time in her gay young life, that she could die, too. If Gilbert went away from her, without one word or sign or message, she could not live. Nothing was of any value without him. She belonged to him and he to her. In her hour of supreme agony she had no doubt of that. He did not love Christine Stuart—never had loved Christine Stuart. Oh, what a fool she had been not to realize what the bond was that had held her to Gilbert—to think that the flattered fancy she had felt for Roy Gardner had been love. And now she must pay for her folly as for a crime. (237)

© Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ⁠✿Elham^^.
45 reviews13 followers
April 4, 2023
اینکه من آنشرلی رو دوست دارم و از خوندن دو جلد قبلی کلی لذت بردم و کیف کردم توش شکی نیست، اما این جلد ›››››
این جلد واقعا چیز دیگه‌ای بود برام... پر از لحظاتی بود که می‌تونستم درکشون کنم و حس میکردم منم الان درست تو همین نقطه از زندگیم هستم که آنی تو این جلد تجربه‌ش کرد.... برای همین بیش از اندازه به دلم نشست و بعد از تموم کردنش با بغض کتابو بغل کردم 🥲😍✨
Profile Image for Elaina.
340 reviews199 followers
February 7, 2017
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :D :D :D :D

I loved this book SOOOOO much!! Probably as much as the first book, if not maybe even a little bit more! :)) It was really hard at first to determine which one I liked better, but I think I like Anne of the Island more since she just starts college and all ^_^ I felt like I could relate to her and the things she went through more in this book. There were so many little, tiny things that I enjoyed about this book, but the main thing I loved…....(I think you can guess what that is by now XD lol)..….it’s Anne & Gilbert <3 <3 They will forever be my favorite fictional couple! ^_^ I really liked that they were friends/enemies ;) hehe since they were kids before they even thought about starting a relationship. I felt like Anne was being a little stupid at times about what she expected in a relationship, but I’m glad she finally figured out who was best for her in the end ;)

I also really enjoyed getting to see Anne and her friends go to college and pick out a home to live in. When they picked their house, Patty’s Place, there was this cat that followed Anne home and she and her roommates didn’t want it living with them, so they did this really sad—but also kind of funny :p—thing to it…Anne’s roommate, Philippa or Phil, tried to chloroform it to kill it and that scene was a little cruel and hilarious at the same time XD *cowers in shame* hehe I seriously didn’t mean to laugh at that scene, but I couldn’t help it haha…I’m glad that it didn’t end up dying though because I would have felt terrible if it did :p

I’ve mentioned this before, but I just really adore the characters in this series!! ^_^ They all seem like old friends now or ‘chums’, as they call it in the book, and I enjoy just reading about their day-to-day lives...By now, I think everyone on Goodreads knows how much I love the Anne of Green Gables series hehe so of course, I think all of you should go and pick these books up ;)
Profile Image for Kerri.
1,047 reviews473 followers
May 8, 2023
Another (mostly) wonderful story following the wonderful Anne Shirley. If it weren't for the unexpectedly cruel events of chapters 16 and 17, I would have considered this a perfect book. There's something magical about following along as Anne makes her way in the world, and I find the books so comforting and joyous to read. They are a lovely thing to begin and end the day with, and I almost always put the book down in a good mood, eager to return as soon as possible.

Rather bizarrely Chapter 16, Adjusted Relationships, depicts a stray cat that follows Anne home. Anne decides they must get rid of him, and Phil declares that they will chloroform him. This is attempted, the cat survives and Anne ends up keeping him. This was framed as a somewhat comedic incident, but I just couldn't find it funny. It felt odd that Anne would be so blasé about killing a cat, especially one that appeared to be in good health. While I understand this book is not from recent times, would it not be unheard of to simply try to rehome the cat?

Then, in the following chapter Davy sends a letter that recounts Mr Harrison hanging his dog, which fails on the first attempt but succeeds on the second. Again, this felt like an alarmingly casual depiction of animal abuse.
These were the only parts of the book I didn't enjoy, but I have to say they did lower my enjoyment of the book enough that I can't love it as much as I wanted to. My tolerance for animal abuse varies quite a bit depending on the book in question, so I know it might seem unfair that it bothers me here, while in another type of book it might bother me less, but it felt so out of place. I think it was the fact that it was supposed to be humorous that I found most jarring.

Now that I have addressed that, I will focus on the parts I did enjoy. Horrible as it may sound I enjoyed the way Ruby's illness and death was handled. I thought it was beautifully written and I have thought about those chapters often in the days since I read them.

I liked that Anne continued her friendship with Diana, but was able to strengthen old friendships and make new ones as well. Diana will probably always be my favourite of Anne's friends, but in this book their relationship undergoes a change. By the end of the book Diana is a wife and mother, while Anne is not. She feels happy for her friend, and also a little left behind, something that I think remains utterly relatable. I hope they stay close in the books to come.

Anne's relationship with Gilbert is a strong focus in this book, and I appreciate that there was something of a slow build. Anne is still young, so I love that she was able to take the time to focus on her education, to live in a house with her friends, to be her own person for a while. I even like that she rejected Gilbert's proposal. Wonderful as he is, it felt important that she could take her own time with that. When they actually do get together, I was happy because of course I love Gilbert, (how could you not) but I was also relieved that they wouldn't be marrying immediately. I'm excited to see what Anne does with herself during the time that they are engaged.

This was a buddy read with Carolyn and Leeanne, which always adds to the reading experience. We are still in the early stages of discussion, but I look forward to all that we will have to talk about!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jo.
268 reviews1,056 followers
September 14, 2011
"In imagination she sailed over storied seas that wash the distant shining shores of "faery lands forlorn," where lost Atlantis and Elysium lie, with the evening star for pilor, to the land of Hearts Desire. And she was richer in those dreams than in realities; for things seen pass away, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

Dear Lucy Maud,

Thank you.

Dear Manchester,

Anne says hi.

Hope you’re well.



Mrs Gardner,
You called your son Royal?
What is wrong with you?

Yours Truly,


ps. Tell him I say HA.
Profile Image for سـارا.
276 reviews236 followers
August 6, 2023
این جلد رو خیلی دوست داشتم. حال و هوای خونه‌ی پتی، دوران دانشجویی آنی و در نهایت تصمیم درستی که گرفت..
فضای کتاب میون تمام مشغله‌هام حالمو خوب میکنه، وقتی خیلی خیلی خسته‌ام هم‌ دوست دارم بشینم سرش و شده چند صفحه بخونم.
انگار رها میشی از همه چی و وسط گرین گیبلز تو یه دنیای دیگه زندگی میکنی..
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,059 reviews997 followers
July 19, 2018
These books honestly make me so happy. Anne is one of my all time favourite characters, I’ve grown to care for her so much and I get so absorbed reading about her life. And now that I’m older I relate so much more to what she starts going through as an adult, it really makes rereading these books a pleasure!
Profile Image for Kristen Peppercorn .
559 reviews95 followers
March 22, 2018
Good Lord! It was extremely trying to get through this one. I think it's safe to say I've had enough Anne for the time being. There were still elements that I liked in this book, but I had some major issues with Anne herself here.

What a blind idiot! You had the tingly feelings for Gilbert in the past and just brushed them off as nothing. In my experience, that tingly feeling doesn't evaporate. Every time you see that person, it grows and grows until eventually something needs to be done about it either way. How can you blush every time someone mentions that persons name and have no idea why? You're a smart lady! Why are you acting so dumb?

Second of all, I don't know if this was typical back in the day, but what was up with dating people but hardly ever seeing them but once or twice a year, even though you go to school together and live close by? How do you date someone for two years and hardly know them? Why are you being proposed to every thirty seconds.

Also that story about that guy whose mom wouldn't let him marry anyone until she died was extremely effed up because he wouldn't propose to his girlfriend after twenty years until the mom died but he PROPOSED TO ANNE when the mom was still alive. What a crock of poooooop!

Anne became pretty stuck up the older she got. I liked her better as a little crazy kid. By the end of the first book she matured and I was like: fine. This is fine. Everybody grows up at some point. However, Anne needs to get over herself, thank you very much. She walks around with her perfect nose acting all better than everyone and is worshiped everywhere she goes and just blech. Stop.

Lastly, I was upset by the animal abuse featured in this book. At one point, Anne and her friends try to kill a cat by suffocating it in a box. Thankfully it doesn't work but SERIOUSLY!?! You were going to kill a cat just because it was ugly and liked you? Then later on, she got pissed about something in her own life and took it out on the poor puss by boxing its ears. WTF, ANNE!?!

The ending is what I wanted all along but it shouldn't have taken until the last few pages to get it. This was a frustrating read!

Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 29 books263 followers
July 3, 2024
5+ stars (9/10 hearts). One of my favourite things about this series is that Anne grows up through them. Seeing her leave Avonlea and really begin the adult life by herself in another province, at college, is so much fun, every time.

Anne just becomes sweeter and wiser and lovelier throughout the series, and she remains such an inspiration to me. Priscilla, Philippa, and Stella are excellent sidekicks and teach you a lot, all the while diverting with all their humour… as do dear Aunt Jimsy, fun Reverend Joe, darling Gilbert, and poor Roy. As a college student and a beginning adult, I am motivated and encouraged by the girls.

It’s really such an excellent book to grow up with and read consistently. I love the humour and beauty of this book, and how real it is—the stories and characters and thoughts and lessons are real—most of them boiling down to how to be a responsible, beautiful person. The romance is lovely and such a good lesson (is romance what you expect it to be, or do you imagine it to be something else and become confused?). I can hardly explain how strong and elegant and timeless and good this book is, and how wonderful the writing style. And the ending of this one is just so so beautiful... Montgomery is a genius for endings. <3

A Favourite Quote: It must not be with her as with poor butterfly Ruby. When she came to the end of one life it must not be to face the next with the shrinking terror of something wholly different—something for which accustomed thought and ideal and aspiration had unfitted her. The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth.
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: ...the Lake of Shining Waters was blue—blue—blue; not the changeful blue of spring, nor the pale azure of summer, but a clear, steadfast, serene blue, as if the water were past all moods and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “I had a nickel with me when I got on the car. I thought it was in the left pocket of my coat. When I got settled down comfortably I felt for it. It wasn't there. I had a cold chill. I felt in the other pocket. Not there. I had another chill. Then I felt in a little inside pocket. All in vain. I had two chills at once. ... I concluded I must have put it in my mouth and swallowed it inadvertently. Just ... when all hope had fled, ... I suddenly remembered where I had put that wretched coin of the realm. I hadn't swallowed it after all. I meekly fished it out of the index finger of my glove and poked it in the box. I smiled at everybody and felt that it was a beautiful world.”
Profile Image for Amanda (BookLoverAmanda).
530 reviews574 followers
April 30, 2024
Anne of the Island - LM Montgomery - #3 in the Anne of Green Gables Series - 5 Stars

Ya'll I loved this one so much! Anne goes on a new adventure as she packs her bags and heads for Redmond College. We see Anne really making her own choices and living life with friends and I just loved seeing her realize there was still good things to come in her next stage of life. I love the secondary characters and Davy made me laugh so much with his questions to Anne. I also love Anne and Gilbert SO much! Excited to read the next one.
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