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Bromance Book Club #1

The Bromance Book Club

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The first rule of book club: You don't talk about book club.

Nashville Legends second baseman Gavin Scott's marriage is in major league trouble. He’s recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. When he loses his cool at the revelation, it’s the final straw on their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he’s let his pride and fear get the better of him.

Welcome to the Bromance Book Club.

Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville's top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency titled Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it'll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his wife.

352 pages, ebook

First published November 5, 2019

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About the author

Lyssa Kay Adams

13 books5,629 followers
Lyssa Kay Adams is the pen name of an award-winning journalist who gave up the world of telling true stories to pen emotional romances. She’s also a diehard Detroit Tigers fan who will occasionally cheer for the Red Sox because her husband is from Boston.

Lyssa lives in Michigan with her family and an anxiety-ridden Maltese who steals food and buries it around the house and who will undoubtedly be a character in a future book.

Things Lyssa loves: Baseball pants, mashed potatoes, and that little clicking sound that scissors make on the cutting table at fabric stores.

Things she doesn’t love: Mean people, melting ice cream cones, and finding food in her underwear drawer.

Keep up with Lyssa on Twitter at @LyssaKayAdams. Please note: She mostly tweets about baseball pants and mashed potatoes.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 19,104 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,592 reviews45.1k followers
March 9, 2020
this story is cute, funny, heartwarming, a tad bit steamy, and a realistic portrayal of what it means to work to save a marriage. i really enjoy when a book is pure entertainment, but can also teach value life lessons in the process. and i didnt expect such depth from this story, but its what i got and i couldnt be happier.

and while i did enjoy the story, i was really impressed with the writing. the pacing is phenomenal and there is no wasted page, no wasted scene. everything has a purpose and, even though there are some really entertaining scenes, they also play an important role in the narrative.

as i admired the writing, i couldnt help but find myself really rooting for the main characters. i knew how it would end, but i was still invested in their effort to work on their marriage.

overall, this has some really great storytelling and im so ready for the sequel to be released!

4 stars
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews176k followers
February 9, 2023
This was WHOLESEOME. I honestly was expecting this to be filled with DUDE BRO type characters, but I was pleasantly surprised. I loved seeing a group of men come together to help their friend save his marriage. I also loved the aspect of a man overcoming toxic masculinity ideals that had been drilled into him and seeing him become more vulnerable and open to talking through issues instead of holding things inside.
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
April 22, 2021

“You guys read romance novels?”
“We call them manuals.”
Gavin Scott, second baseman to the Nashville Legends, seems to have it all under control.

His career has taken off like crazy, he has a gorgeous wife and two twin daughters - everything is coming up aces...or is it?

He loses his cool when he learns that Thea has been faking it in the bedroom and his reaction was the straw that broke the camel's back for her.

Thea asks for a divorce and Gavin is devastated. He has no idea how things got to this - he's desperate enough to try anything.

And that's when...he gets an invite to the most exclusive of groups.
“Book club isn't just about books.”
The guys have figured it out - women write romance books for other women.

They are literally writing out what to do in every situation under the sun - and men just never bother to pick them up.

Will this be enough to save his marriage? Or is it too little, too late?

Well, let's just say that Gavin has a lot of reading to do?
“First rule of book club?”
They finished in unison. “You don’t talk about book club.”
This one ended up being SUPER cute!

I really did not expect to love this one so much - so special shout out to Tucker the Reader for putting this one on my radar!

This book was such a fun role-reversal with the way romance occurred.

I LOVED watching the guys pour over the romance books - nitpicking them and tearing them apart as they sought out the hidden messages and tips for rebuilding the relationships.

I also adored the twins in this book - I very (very) rarely enjoy children in books (they often feel just too...precocious...) but this time I was quite pleased with the way they were written. The girls were cute but never cloying.

I do think there was a smidge too much cheese - the constant winking did stick out like a sore thumb - but other than that, this book worked really well.

I cannot WAIT for the next one!!

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Profile Image for Pam Gonçalves.
111 reviews9,475 followers
April 18, 2021
Preciso começar dizendo como esse livro foi apresentado para mim: "Uma história inovadora de como um homem pode entender a cabeça de uma mulher lendo um livro de romance". Foco em "inovadora" e "entender uma mulher".

A verdade é que o livro caí no clichê de sempre do que os homens pensam que agradam as mulheres. Acho até problemático ler as várias reviews caindo de amores pelo Gavin dizendo o quanto ele é um homem fantástico, sendo que a cada dia que ele tentava reconquistar a esposa ele fazia alguma merda e voltava a pedir desculpas. Não, não é esse o tipo de relacionamento que as mulheres precisam almejar.

Vemos um cara imaturo que sempre teve suas necessidades priorizadas e não aguentou nem ao menos conversar com a esposa de anos. E a técnica ensinada pelos amigos e aprendida por ele é a manipulação e a conquista sexual. Não existe interesse real pela vida da Thea. Quando enfim isso pode ser explorado ele joga do colo dela lidar com todo o problema. Que mais uma vez é resolvido em um passe de mágica.

A ideia que o livro passa é que se a mulher tem um orgasmo, todos os outros problemas estão resolvidos. Ela não precisa de interesses, hobbies, amizades, aspirações... nada. Tudo isso é deixado em segundo, terceiro... décimo plano.

É por isso que as cenas hot são as mais legais. Porque de fato priorizam alguma coisa da mulher, que, lembrem-se: era a premissa do livro. Entender a mulher. Uma pena que tenha se reduzido a isso. Até porque todas as outras mulheres do livro são completamente estereotipadas como se fossem as grandes inimigas da Thea.

Se o livro tivesse explorado a falta de comunicação dentro do relacionamento teria sido muito melhor. Mas a verdade é que isso não foi cogitado. Se você quer apenas as cenas mais quentes, leia. Se você espera alguma coisa além disso: não vale a pena.
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
492 reviews1,519 followers
October 26, 2019
2.5 stars
A light hearted second chance sports romance, which sadly didn’t really deliver

I seem to be in the minority here, but I didn’t love this. I thought I would, as it’s a sports romance, and is a story about a couple staying together, getting a second chance. It even has a men’s book club supporting each other, helping each other to understand their partners more!

It was an original concept! ✔️ I liked that it was about men in a secret book club, trying to understand and connect more with their partners and wives. ✔️ I liked that it was a quick read.✔️ I liked that it was a story about a couple staying together, I don’t see that much! ✔️ I liked that it was quite steamy! ✔️ The second half of the book was quite cute!✔️

Unfortunately, there was also a lot that I didn’t like…
I have to start with the female main character, Thea. She was unreasonable, irritating and a liar. The woman faked her orgasms for over three years, and it wasn’t the only thing she was faking. What was the point in that? She didn’t get what she wanted, and her husband thought he was doing all the right things, so carried on doing them! I’ve never understood women who do that. You should be able to be honest with your husband, and communicate your needs. But that’s the crux of this story. This couple aren’t honest with each other about anything! They don’t talk to each other. How was Gavin to know that she was unsatisfied, she acted, and lied about it. I’m not just talking about in the bedroom. She didn’t like the life of a WAG, she wanted a different life, wanted different things, but expected him to know all of this! Did she tell him any of this? NOOOO! He was not a mind reader!
Another thing that bothered me was that Thea accepted no responsibility for the breakdown in her marriage. Gavin was in the wrong, and she was in the right, and my goodness the book hammered that home to me! I actually ended up hating her, and feeling sorry for Gavin! She even kicked him out the house, and then was mad when he left? It was a test, and he wasn’t supposed to leave Like. She. Asked. Him. To? So of course he failed that, and then she asked him for a divorce… Poor Gavin actually hadn’t done much wrong. Yes he wasn’t as attentive as he should be, but with young twins, and a busy career, these things happen. He also wasn’t that sexually experienced, so didn’t always hit the spot with Thea, but she could have helped him out there…There are two people in a marriage, and Thea could have voiced her wants and needs, and they could have worked on their marriage together. He really loved her and his kids! Thea also compared all men to her absent, philandering father. Yes we get it, your father was an arsehole, but you can’t judge everyone by his standards, you have to have a little faith and trust. I actually think she needed some counselling, to move past her unhappy childhood, and perhaps they could have had some couples counselling? Gavin spent the whole book trying to win her back, and she shot him down over and over. By the end of the book, Thea realised these things and her character does grow, but by that point, at about 80% it was too little, too late for me! I just couldn’t stand her!

Other things that bothered me was the unsubtle feminism. The men in the book club, turning to regency romance novels to help them with their love lives, was just pure fantasy! And all of the unrealistic things that came out with..like talking about toxic masculinity! It felt preachy and overly political to me. I keep reading romance books with all of these “woke” men in, and it just makes me roll my eyes! You can have male characters who are feminists, and all round decent guys, without shoving it down my throat! The chapters from the regency romance which Gavin was reading also felt unnecessary to me. They were overly cheesy, and made me cringe.

Then there was the fact that Gavin actually used the actual lines and moves from the book he was reading! Word for word! It was really manipulative and Thea was angry about it, but got over it. I would have been furious to find that out. That the lovely, sweet things my husband was saying were straight out of a book, and not his real feelings!

I didn’t like Thea’s sister either! She was such a jealous, interfering bitch! She was the one who encouraged Thea to throw Gavin out, and every time they made any progress, there she was trying to undo it!

One final thing that bothered me was the twins. They were about 2-2 1/2 years old, yet were written as if they were 4/5 years old! I know it’s a minor thing, but it really irritated me how they didn’t act like toddlers!

To sum up, I felt that this story was too light hearted for the serious topic it covered. And the couple would have avoided all of the hassle and heartbreak if they had actually just talked to each other like mature adults. Urgh I hate the miscommunication trope! It might work in YA, but it really irritates me in adult fiction! JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER DAMNIT!

Many thanks to Berkley and edelweiss for the chance to download an e-arc in exchange for an honest review
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for emma.
2,261 reviews74.8k followers
April 20, 2022
I need a jetpack.

Ideally, actually, I would like to transform into a small bird (the best animal inarguably - if I could spend the rest of my life watching lil finches hop around and eat crumbs, that would be bliss). I would settle for a proportionate set of wings that I have on my human body if necessary.

But a jetpack seems most realistic.

Anyway, the reason that I now have the life ambitions of a more whimsical Wright Brother is this:

I’ve decided I do not want to grow up.

Yes, I’m 22 years old and technically an “““adult,””” or something heinous like that, and so this might seem a little late to make that decision, but better late than never as they say.

It’s time for me to find that second star to the right and fly straight on till morning because I’m pulling a Peter Pan and opting out of being a grown-up PERMANENTLY.

The idea of romance in this book, where the main characters are in their mid-to-late thirties and a handful of years into a depressing marriage, is not something I want to sign up for! No thanks.

I read romance for an ESCAPE. Not for realism. If I wanted to experience men doing the bare minimum in order to lock down a beautiful and caring woman I could just live my daily life with open eyes.

I’m here for happily ever afters and healthy emotions and communication! Not reality. Gross.

Instead this book gave me shotgun weddings, people who weren’t mature enough for long term relationships OR babies and had both, unplanned pregnancies resulting in TWINS, lack of communication, arguments that could validly end a relationship, basic incompatibility...

The fun of a romance novel is rooting for a couple to get together because you feel the chemistry.

The fact that the potential of divorce between our lovely protagonists seemed like more fun to me is not a good sign.

There were just so many problems between these two!!

On top of that, it relied too heavily on female stereotypes for me. Like, the whole point of this book is that the wifey, whose name I don’t remember, is too #NotLikeOtherBaseballWives. She’s better than them. She wears, like, black and band shirts, you guys. You wouldn’t get it.

But still, she and every other woman in this book is portrayed as exactly the same. All of them love and read romance novels. All of them love and collect washi tape. All of them are obsessed with what they wear. It’s silly.

And then, I sh*t you not, every relationship somehow falls apart AGAIN in the last 10% and has to be hurriedly pressed back together like a wedding cake getting dropped on a sitcom.

And it’s equally stressful and unpleasant. With a similar lack of edible cake.

Bottom line: Now I want cake. And also to never think about this book again.


women be reading romance novels!!!

review to come / 2 stars i think

currently-reading updates

not sure if i'm capable of reading anything besides romance right now. better not risk it
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
March 1, 2020
Reread x2.
Still as perfect as I remembered it to be.


“Book Boner.”

Introducing: my new favourite bookish phrase!

This book was the one! My emotional state is in a frenzy right now. THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!

All you need to know is that it’s a book-club starring all dudes, who read romance novels to help them understand the women in their lives better. The relationship these men had between them was so awesome and full of humour and support! It was such a great bromance!

The story was adorable, it was (at times) cheesy, but it fuckin’ worked for me! 'Twas the perfect amount of cheese.

We are so in need of more romance stories that actually explore the dynamics of a relationship. About couples who are going through rough times and seeing how they salvage their relationship. Or not.

What I loved about this book is that the main plot runs parallel to an actual story-line from a book our main character is seeking guidance from. I liked what that indicated. That books are what we turn to for answers when we run away from life.

I loved this book! I already want to reread it.
Profile Image for Yun.
571 reviews29.5k followers
May 1, 2022
The Bromance Book Club has quite the interesting premise. Men who are experiencing trouble in their relationships get together to read romance novels, so they can better understand their women and strength their relationships. Ha! Gavin is in this exact position. He and his wife Thea are having trouble in their marriage, and he will do anything to save them.

There's a lot that I liked in here. Gavin is a sweet and well-meaning husband, though a little clueless and makes a lot of mistakes. When he realizes his relationship is in trouble, he makes the pledge that he'll do whatever it takes to win her back, including reading romance novels. His gestures and words are kind and endearing. And I have to say it was interesting to read a romance book from a man's perspective for a change. The story also includes some blurbs from a Regency romance thrown in, which is a genre I've never read before, and I found it all to be great fun.

But unfortunately, I had a lot of issues with Thea's character. She doesn't meet Gavin halfway. She has this attitude that since he messed up, well tough luck, she's done. She lies to him for years and then complains that he doesn't know what she's thinking. I couldn't connect with her at all, and I found the parts written from her perspective to be considerably less compelling. Also she and her sister Liv spend a lot of time bashing Gavin behind his back. It was all very whiny and childish.

Overall, this was a bit of a mixed bag. I found Thea to be grating, but I liked Gavin enough to keep going. Having men read romance novels to improve their relationships is an interesting concept, but for me, the overall story didn't quite hit the touching or charming notes it should have.

Still, I'm excited this book introduced me to Regency romances, which I can't believe I've missed till now.
Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews838 followers
November 27, 2022
10 pages in and I knew I was gonna love this book when the Bromance Book Club (or BBC boys, as I like to call them) claimed that they didn't help cheaters and stood up for Pumpkin spice latte.

"If masses of women like something, our society automatically begins to mock them. Just like romance novels. If women like them, they must be a joke, right?”

Imagine what a great place the world would be if all bros took a stance and stopped enabling toxic masculinity.This was so much more than a chick-lit. Also, the redemption/second chances trope was so neatly done.

Gavin and Thea's relationship was flawed, yet beautiful. Behind the rose tinted glasses and glamour of a perfect celebrity marriage, Thea is unsatisfied. In the bedroom and outside of it. And Gavin throws a fit when he realizes she's been faking it for 3 years. Tempers escalate and divorce is on the cards. Enter the BBC to mend Gavin's broken heart and marriage.

Despite the serious tone of Gavin's marital woes, his mind voice is bound to crack you up. Especially his regency-swears. And the parallels between his relationship and Lord Chest Hair's story in the HR novel/manual he reads to save his marriage were on point.

"That’s why fiction resonates with people. It speaks to universal truths.”

This line was everything!

Thea was a good heroine, but kinda forgettable. I only got glimpses of her as a dedicated mom/sister or as a despondent wife. There's nothing much about her personality as an individual.
The secondary characters were great, especially Mack and the BBC boys. Should be interesting to read about his relationship with Liv in the next book.
This was overall a fun, feel good romcom guaranteed to make you smile. 4.5 ⭐
Profile Image for Ashley.
521 reviews247 followers
February 21, 2020
Reviewed on: Ashes Books & Bobs.

Whew! Where to start with this problematic, trainwreck of a book? The Bromance Book Club is a fun, endearing, and exciting concept. Unfortunately, it should have remained a concept, because the execution of this story was the worst I've ever experienced.

As my friend concluded within the first 20 pages of reading, "Gavin didn't need to win his wife back, he needed a new wife." I felt nothing but pity for Gavin throughout this story and any real-life Gavin's who have to deal with monsters like Thea. This book starts out with the characters contemplating divorce after Gavin discovers his wife has been faking the big O for their entire marriage. However, this isn't the real issue - Thea asks Gavin to leave as some sort of test regarding his mind-reading abilities. Apparently, she didn't actually want him to leave, and when he did as she asked, she decides to hold this "failure" over his head for the entirety of the story. What?

This is where the book club comes into play - the guys decide to mend Gavin's floundering marriage by consulting a romance novel. This sounds like a cute idea, but things continue to spiral further down the toilet. Unfortunately, the guys' dialogue in this story did not resemble real male conversation in the least. Every interaction between the men in the story seemed fake, forced, and utterly laughable. I highly doubt professional male athletes are going to drink their pumpkin-spiced lattes over a romance novel while discussing their habits of toxic masculinity. This read as a feminist manifesto of male stupidity rather than a fun ROM-COM. As with many novels heavy on feminism, there was also plenty of cat-fighting and bickering between the female characters. This makes absolutely no sense to me. If we are going to encourage women to be strong and have each other's backs, why are the women always playing games and trying to one-up each other? Will our gender never get past this fifth-grade drama?

Every decision or word of Gavin's was written in a way to make him seem moronic and wrong, while his wife was the genius alpha in the relationship. Not only was this endlessly annoying, but Thea's sister, Liv, was consistently pressuring her to give up on her marriage. When Liv didn't get her way, she held it over her sister's head, guilting her out of loving her husband. Again - what?!

I honestly can't believe the amount of hype this book received as problematic as it was, and I especially cannot believe I trucked through it to the final page. 
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,068 followers
January 19, 2023

4.5 Stars

Huh, and people say romance books are trash . . . They obviously haven’t found the wonders inside them and need a lecture of their own from the guys at The Bromance Book Club. Am I right? XD

“You guys read romance novels?”
“We call them manuals.”

This book didn’t give me a book boner, but it did leave a HUGE smile on my face and made me cackle like a madwoman in the middle of the night. LOL. It was brilliant, marvelous, refreshing, cheesy, and hilarious. If you think about it, the conflict behind the marriage (miscommunication) and the couple’s personal issues (their backstories) were typical. But it was the concept of the story and how it was executed that made this such a unique book.

“Men are idiots. We complain that women are so mysterious and shit, and we never know what they want. We fuck up our relationships because we convince ourselves that it’s too hard to figure them out. But the real problem is with us. We think we’re not supposed to feel things and cry and express ourselves. We expect women to do all the emotional labor in a relationship and then act confused when they give up on us.”

I appreciated the relationship dynamics in this book. It seems baffling how anyone can live under the same roof with their spouse for years, yet rarely do they have proper adult communication. However, I’ve also seen it happened in real life. I love the idea of a married couple trying to reconnect, win each other’s heart back, and salvage their marriage. Gavin and Thea did all of it with flying colors.

The side characters were an absolute treat to read, except maybe Liv. The twins were total adorbs even though I did think they acted older than their three years. The unsubtle feminism from the male characters was a little too in your face, but I didn’t mind. Also, the chapters from Courting the Countess were a cringe fest, but at least I got a good laugh out of them. They might seem redundant, but I think it’s cool seeing how they mirrored and influenced Gavin and Thea’s predicament.

The audiobook was P H E N O M E N A L. I absolutely adored the narration. Gah, it was all that Southern drawl that did it. The British accent was a nice complement too. I’m adding it to my top audiobooks of the year list. With all that being said, make sure you don’t miss out on this quirky rom-com! And I believe audiobook is the best way to do it. Oh, also I’m raising a petition for Netflix to turn this into a movie. Anyone, who’s with me?

(Read as an Audiobook)
Profile Image for Tucker Almengor.
1,023 reviews1,685 followers
November 6, 2020

The romance genre has its problems which I discussed in my latest booktube video that you can click here to watch) but there are occasionally books like these that break down the problematic tropes.

Skip to 9:44 to here my thoughts on this specific book and what it does to push back against problems with the romance genre.




also Liv sucks



aka i'm re-reading this masterpiece


Many thanks to Berkley and Edelweiss+ for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review
Gavin had called this little proposition a competition. No, this wasn't a competition. This. Was. War.

This is one of those rare displays of love at first page. I was barely five minutes into the audio book when I thought to myself, Yup, this one’s a keeper. And when the final seconds played, my heart ached because the definition of bittersweet is finishing an amazing book.

So, what’s this book about?
The Bromance Bookclub follows Gavin, a hot baseball player whose marriage is in trouble. After being kicked out of the house by his wife, Thea, Gavin realizes that he wants to save his marriage. And so, he reluctantly enlists the help of the Bromance Book Club, a secret group of men who read romances to better understand women’s perspectives.

You’re probably thinking that this sounds super romantic and funny but you’d be wrong because that doesn’t even begin to describe it. I think one reason I loved this so much was because it was so meta. Kind of like Waiting for Tom Hanks, this book referenced plot points of romance novels and tons of pop culture.

I haven’t had too much experience with middle aged romance so I can’t say that this is the best one out there but I can say that it is the best one I’ve ever read. I think I have discovered a new favorite romance trope. Falling In Love Again. This trope seems to only be found in middle aged romances so I’ll definitely need to read more of them.

Finally, the sex. I don’t remember the last romance I read (yes, I do. I just don’t want to name names) but it was very disappointing when it came to sex so I was going into this novel with low(ish) expectations. (Why? I don’t know. I’m weird.) But this did not disappoint. There were many sexy and steamy scenes and each one of them were perfectly sexy and steamy.

Overall, I cannot put into words how much I loved this book. GO READ IT NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Bottom Line
5 Stars
Age Rating: [ R ]
Content Screening (Spoilers) - Educational Value (0/0) ~ Violence (1/5) - [Punches are thrown, walls are broken] ~ Sex (5/5) - [Detailed sex scenes, sex innuendos, constant sexual content] ~ Langauge (4/5) - [F**k, cl*t, d*ck, b*tch, sh*t] ~ Drinking/Drugs (4/5) - [Alcohol, main character is drunk multiple times throughout the book]
Trigger and Content Warnings - Female sexual dysfunction, Divorce, Vomiting.
NOTE: This is an adult novel. It contains frequent and detailed sex scenes. Please do not read if those details make you uncomfortable.
Reps: [Female sexual dysfunction (?)]
Cover (4/5) ~ Characters (5/5) ~ Plot (5/5) ~ Audio (4/5)
Publication Date: November 5th, 2019
Publisher: Berkley Publishing Group
Genre: Romance/Comedy

The Bromance Book Club (#1) - ★★★★★
Undercover Bromance (#2) - ★★★★☆




goddamn it, that big green DOWNLOAD NOW button is so tempting... i just couldn't resist


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Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,307 reviews4,075 followers
November 26, 2019
A Rom Com book from a man’s perspective! Brilliant! Gather around ladies (and gentlemen)! You are going to love this!

A love story. Gavin and Thea have hit an impasse in their marriage! It all started in the bedroom, escalating off the charts from there. Ultimately ending with Gavin moving out.

Only problem is....they really love each other! I mean pure, deep-down, can’t ever see myself with anyone but you kind of love!❤️ But alas, their lines of communication have broken down and they’re on very different paths. Thea is asking for a divorce, while Gavin is determined to win her back!

Sometimes you need to go back to the beginning...

Enter his baseball teammates and affectionately known as The Bromance Book Club! That’s right ladies, look out! These husbands and boyfriends developed their own book club to read romance novels hoping to learn the art of “wooing”!! Is that sweet, or what?!

Oh my gosh, this was one of the most fun and delightful reads I’ve come across this year! I read this with a permanent smile on my face from start to finish, only to be interrupted by fits of giggles!🤭

If you’re looking for an adorable, fun Rom Com look no further!

A Rom Com buddy read with Susanne that we both just loved!

Thank you to Edelweiss , Berkley Publishing and Lyssa Kay Adams for an ARC to read and review.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,246 reviews35.2k followers
August 6, 2019
4 stars

 photo 4D1B2ECC-584D-418A-A343-5D06AC5177AD_zpsidzowuja.png

This book was such a blast to read. I could tell by the blurb it was going to be good, and it didn't disappoint. Reading this book was such a fun time.

The premise of this story is fantastic and unique. Gavin Scott who plays pro baseball for the Nashville Legends is separated from his wife. Things are not good and all he wants is to be back with is wife and daughters. There were a lot of reasons these two separated, but Gavin finding out that Thea had been lying about having the big O when they were intimate was the straw that broke it. He's not sure what he can do, but a few of his teammates come to him with a solution.
“Do you want to fight for your marriage?”
“Yes.” Jesus, yes. More than anything. And shit, now his throat was closing again.
“What are you willing to do?”
“Do you mean that?”
“W-w-what the fuck? Of course, I mean it.”

His best friend talks him into joining this group of guys for a book club. Yes, a book club. Gavin doesn't know what do think of this... can it really work? Can he did this? He's so bewildered by it at first, but like he said, he's willing to try anything so he gives it a go.
“Everyone ready?” The guys nodded, mouths full. “Good. First rule of book club?” They finished in unison. “You don’t talk about book club.”
What. The. Fuck. Gavin looked around for a hidden camera. This had to be a prank. “A book club? That’s your grand plan for saving my marriage?”

Gavin has trouble taking direction at first, but as he starts seeing little improvements, he works harder. He talks Thea into temporarily letting him move back and hopefully giving it another go. Thea is pretty darn stubborn. She isn't going to be easily swayed. But once she sees that Gavin is really trying and making an effort, not just by his words, but by his actions, she starts to come around little by little.

Gavin was by far my favorite character of the book. He's a bit oblivious, but sweet, charming, and determined. I adored him. Thea won me over by the end, but her stubbornness got to me at times. Once I learned more of her backstory, I could appreciate why she was the way she was. And when she stuck up for Gavin at one of the baseball events I legit cheered outloud.

This is one of those books that had some serious subject matter, but for some reason, I couldn't keep the smile off my face while reading. This was a refreshing and original story that made me smile, laugh out loud, and swoon. I can't recommend this book enough! I'm so excited there is going to be more from this series, I can't wait!!
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
July 1, 2020
4.5 stars

This may be a book I bump up to 5 stars depending on how it sits in my feelings. Y'all know I am a sucker for second chance romance, and this is a story between a young married couple on the verge of divorce. The husband, Gavin, is brought into the "Bromance Book Club", where a group of men all read romance novels in order to unpack their own toxic masculinity, be vulnerable, explore their feelings, and reconnect with their partners. IT IS A DELIGHT! We get both Gavin and Thea's perspective in all this and what allows it to work is neither person is an asshole; just flawed from past experiences. When they come together and open up more, it's magic. This was an excellent depiction of two people trying to work it out, and I was pulling for them. The only thing that grated on me slightly was Thea's sister, who also has her own baggage but was being way over the top about them not getting back together, and also that this couple reads like they are in their early 30s instead of mid-20s. But other than that, I adored it. Also, Gavin has a stutter which is shown in dialogue throughout the story and Thea is supportive and it's great to read. I plan on continuing with the books in this series, even though I know the next one involves Thea's sister. Maybe it can make me pull for her...
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,185 reviews56.8k followers
October 30, 2019
this was pretty damn good, even for a trad published romance ;)

the premise of the book is that this MLB player has "lost" his wife in a sense... and the fact that he's never given her an orgasm is a big part of that. other guys on his team apparently has suffered similarly so they've formed a book club to read romances to learn how to reconnect with their wives/gf/whatever and COMMUNICATE.

i'll start by saying that i typically do not like second chance romances. i'm a pretty forgiving person in real life but to make a second chance romance angsty you typically have to make the guy a jack ass and a half. and i'm not really here for that.

this book worked because if you've ever been in a long term relationship you get it. sometimes you lose each other and need to reconnect. and we get to see this relationship built almost from scratch. not to mention the whole idea behind the plot is cute as hell.

i think that our hero, gavin, could have stood to grow a bit more throughout the book. and thea could have been more forgiving/tried to grow a bit more as well. but overall i found this to be a really sweet romance and by the end of the book i was swooning.
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,519 reviews20.3k followers
October 17, 2019
Might be more of a 3.5 but I'm rounding up because this was a lot of fun! I can't lie and say that it wasn't a smidge pander-y and contrived at some parts, but overall this was a really fun ride and I definitely recommend checking it out if you're interested in reading a romance about a couple staying together rather than getting together. I 10000% will be carrying on with the series!
Profile Image for Linaria.
696 reviews47 followers
June 22, 2019
Him: Ok, if that's what you want

Seriously, this is how the book goes. I thought that this would be a light, funny romance. Unfortunately, while the premise was absolutely ridiculous in the best way, the book took itself way too seriously. Not to mention the book gets awfully serious in parts which just didn't vibe with me with the wacky premise. I took a chance on this book, and it definitely didn't hit a home run. I know, I'm hilarious.
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
November 1, 2019
4.5 stars

When I went into this book, I was crossing my fingers that the execution of it and the writing style matched how great the synopsis was. I'm so glad the book held up to how good it sounds, and it's definitely a memorable romance I'll be recommending!

My primary concern about this book was that since it's about a married couple with kids, I wouldn't be able to relate to it or enjoy it since they're several years ahead of me on the maturity scale. Attached to that, I was hoping this wouldn't become a women's fiction book about fixing a marriage with no steamy scenes. Quickly, both of my fears became obsolete. The fact that this book follows characters who are already in a relationship makes it so much more real. Rather than two characters living out a dolled up romance, this is about a relationship that's dead and both characters having to fight to reanimate it. It's different than anything I've ever read and was so interesting and realistic and human. In addition, the scenes of Gavin and Thea interacting with their kids were SO wholesome.

I jokingly told my friend while I was reading this that it reads like what a Nicholas Sparks book would be if Nicholas Sparks books were actually good. It talks about family issues--both in their current relationship and in their childhood trauma--while also being a cuddly romance about two adults rediscovering each other through honesty. This book was SO soft because Gavin was making an effort to be attentive to Thea's needs and insecurities, and watching them reblossom to one another was so heart warming and emotional.

The writing of this book is spectacular in all areas except one. I loved when the author would delve into the character's backstories and they way she wrote their dialogue and all the humor that was folded into the Bromance Book Club. I especially loved how this book was a mix of real-time action with scenes interspersed from the regency romance book the men were reading. The reason I took off .5 stars, however, was there were moments in this book where the characters would randomly get on a soapbox about feminism that didn't match the context of the conversation at all. There were seriously some paragraphs that read like an essay for a women and gender studies class rather than a romance book because it wasn't subtle at all. The men in the book club are self-aware about feminism and toxic masculinity, which is good, but it wasn't subtle at all and ended up sounding like fan service to other women reading the book because those random feminism rants didn't sound authentic to the men's voices at all. But a part of the book I did like is that Thea, the wife, was strident in her independence and her feminism, which I enjoyed way more than when the characters went off on tangents about the male gaze and the patriarchy.

But overall, this book was so addicting and enjoyable. It was quick and sweet but also the perfect amounts of meaningful and realistic. I love any romance book that takes the shininess away from relationships and delves into real human lives, and this book definitely fits that category. I can't wait to pick up a copy when it comes out!
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,864 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2024
This is a romance book, and this is the first book in the Bromance Book series. This book is about a couple a man that are having troubles in their marries, and they makes a book club where they read romance books to help save their marries. I really love this book because it was so cute and well written. I main characters are Gavin and Thea. Gavin is a baseball player and Thea is a stay at home mom that wants to go back to school. Thea asks Gavin for a divorce after Gavin moves into the guestroom because of some issues they where having in their sex life. Gavin works hard through out this book to win her back. This is a really cute romance book. This book does have some really steamy times in this book.
Profile Image for Danielle (The Blonde Likes Books).
643 reviews409 followers
February 10, 2020
Ugh, I feel like the only person on the planet who wasn't head over heels in love with this one. I really liked the concept, but I *hated* the characters. I felt like Thea wasn't acting like an adult, and her sister Liv was horrible! I felt like there wasn't enough backstory to understand *how* the characters got to this point...we saw the event that was the final straw that led to the separation, but not the build up that led to the decline of their marriage, so it just felt like everything happening wasn't necessary. The main characters are married, but do zero communicating, and shut each other out when they are mad or upset, which just seemed like a really immature relationship, and not like an adult marriage, and it just didn't feel realistic to me. Thea made Gavin guess what was wrong every time she was upset, and it drove me nuts. How can she expect him to learn, grow, and not make the same mistakes again if she wont actually tell him why she'd upset? UGH.

Anyway, this one clearly wasn't for me, but I'm obviously in the minority here, so take for what it is.
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,538 reviews28.8k followers
November 26, 2019
4.5 stars
This book is so stinking cute!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did because I'm not usually a fan of second chance romance, but this book was everything. It follows a baseball player Gavin Scott who is having problems in his marriage and him and his wife are on the brink of divorce, so he joins the "Bromance Book Club" which consists of Nashville's 'top alpha men' and they read romance novels in order to understand women better. Gavin joins in the hopes he will be able to win his wife back.

I just loved this book so much. I love that Gavin and Thea have twin daughters who are so freaking adorable, and I loved seeing them work together as parents through the good and the bad. I also just adored Gavin so much - he's my favorite type of male character because he can be hot-headed and hard on the outside at times but then he's so soft and pure and he has a stutter and he's just so sweet. Thea is also an interesting character because her parents were really fucked up and because of that she has issues with trusting people. These two were just absolutely adorable and my heart was soaring this entire novel and rooting for them every step of the way.

The ending did get a little cheesy for me, which is why I bumped off a half star, but I still highly recommend this. It was so so so cute and I can't wait to read more in this series and from this author!
Profile Image for Debra.
2,839 reviews35.9k followers
December 3, 2019
4.5 stars


The Bromance Book Club is everything you have heard it is - fun, sexy, heartwarming and addictive. I didn't want to put this book down! This is Rom-Com done right! A book from the male perspective!

Sometimes love isn't enough. Especially when you find out your wife has been faking the big "O" and you flip out which gets you kicked out, so you walk out, and decide you want back in, but she is not having that. Whew! What's a guy to do? Turns out Gavin's friends know exactly what to do as they come together and suggest a book club of sorts where they read romance novels to learn how to keep love alive and in in Gavin's case, how to win back his wife. As this group of guys give him advice, Gavin attempts to save his marriage to Thea.

I wasn't a big fan of Liv, Thea's sister who I felt was annoying and went out of her way to be rude to Gavin. I didn't see her reactions as being justified and when she told him she lived there in the house he paid for and she was being a jerk - I was thinking "show her the door". Seriously, I hope she gets her head out of her you-know-what in the next book. She did soften up at the end but has a long way to go!

Enough about her, Thea and Gavin (and their daughters and dog) were adorable and very human. They both had issues and worked on them. I found this to be a pleasant surprise and could not put this book down. This isn't a book about people falling in love, it's a book about people in love with issues, and them finding their way back to the beginning, trying to get back what they lost, to become better individuals, and to move forward.

The result is a fun, sexy, heartwarming and clever story.

Thank you to Berkley and Edelweiss who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,806 reviews29.6k followers
December 2, 2019
The Bromance Book Club is adorable, sweet, and sexy, giving a new twist to the rom-com. This one was definitely lots of fun!

Gavin Scott should be on top of the world. He’s a star for the Nashville Legends, a Major League Baseball team, he’s playing really well, and he has a beautiful wife and adorable twin daughters. But things between him and his wife, Thea, haven’t been good for a while, and she just kicked him out of the house, saying she wants a divorce.

But Gavin’s teammate and best friend knows how much his marriage means to him, so he recommends group counseling—the group being a number of local guys who have been in the same situation as Gavin and wanted to save their marriages. The key, they say, isn’t apologizing or declaring your love. It’s getting to know your wife again, reconnecting with her and recapturing the romance and passion you once had.

And the best learning material? Romance novels, because they can help you woo her the way she’s always dreamed. But the most important thing is you can't share any of this information with your wife!

It sounds like a ridiculous idea, but Gavin doesn’t see much alternative. Thea is ready to end their marriage permanently, and his ego and pride keep getting in the way of what he’s learning. He doesn’t realize that they both have to change, however, if this plan will work. Not only are there issues between them which need work, but each of them has their own issues they need to deal with as well. It's not going to be easy, that's for sure!

This book was really adorable and pretty sexy, too. I thought it was a fun twist on the story we see so often, given that we're dealing with romance between a married couple. I love that Lyssa Kay Adams made Gavin real instead of your stereotypically sexy baseball player, and I liked most of her characters. (I will say I’m not a fan of those who sabotage relationships for whatever reason, and if you read this you’ll know who I mean.)

If you're a rom-com fan, you should definitely plan to add The Bromance Book Club to your list!!

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

You can follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,398 reviews70.3k followers
June 7, 2022
This had a great premise for a contemporary romance novel.
A group of high-profile hot dudes has formed a secret book club, and read regency romance novels to better understand the women in their lives.
Hilarity ensues!


I really like second chance romances. And I really like romances that deal with people who are already married and the spark has fizzled.
If you're married or have a long-term partner, you know that shit happens. Long relationships are like the ebb and flow of the tide when it comes to sex and being in love and I enjoy novels that deal with it.
Now, this wasn't a long marriage. The couple in question had only been together for a few years, so while I understood this to be the first (of many) big misunderstanding and fights, it did seem a little overblown in the dramatics department.


He finds out that she has been faking orgasms when he finally gives her a real one. He's all butthurt that she lied and moves out of the bedroom in a huff, refusing to speak to her for over a month. At which point she kicks him out and tells him she wants a divorce.


At this point, he realizes he's been an idiot and tries to win her back. His best friend steps in and lets him into their secret book club.
The meetings are 100% the best part of the book. The guys all give him advice based on things like what's the backstory? and it's time for the grand gesture!, all while trying to hide the fact that they have these books in their possession from the ladies in their lives.


The rest of the book is simply ok.
Mostly I was frustrated at Thea for not taking him back sooner, not realizing that her sister was giving her advice that was terrible and selfish, and completely ignoring the fact that if he was willing to work on their marriage AND she loved him that for the sake of their daughters she should give it a real shot. <--instead of agreeing to give it a shot but planning to ignore him.


I also thought too much emphasis was put on her orgasm.
Towards the end of the book, everything sort of hinges on the two of them making love and him bringing her to orgasm. And while I love to have an orgasm during sex as much as the next gal, it's not something that would ever be a consideration when it comes to whether or not my marriage fails.
Girl, I can do in two minutes what it takes him thirty to do. There is absolutely NO NEED to put that much pressure on anyone to cum during sex. And believe me, young lady, there will come a time when he won't be able to finish every time, either. If you're lucky enough to get older, age levels the playing field.
So, let's not be sexist about orgasms or the lack thereof.


However, even with those minor annoyances, I liked the basis of this one.
It's more than likely I'll check out the next book in the series because the other guys seemed pretty funny.
February 29, 2020
Hero gets love advice from bro’s and books.

I didn’t really know what to expect from this book. I knew it was a romantic comedy because of the premise, But I wasn’t sure if the story would be any good aside from the inherent hilarity of a bunch of guys reading and talking about romance novels. To tell the truth, that premise did lead to a few laugh out loud one liners and quotable sections of the book. The storyline was good as well.

This was a book about a marriage in trouble with one of the parties Gavin, fighting to keep the marriage, and the other, Thia is past the point where she already gave up on the marriage. Gavin couldn’t take the fact that his wife had been faking the big “O”. His pride was hurt and his insecurities blew up. He didn’t react well to the news and Thea kicked him out and he wants to make his marriage work.

Thea blames him for leaving even though she kicked him out, but that isn’t the only reason she is done with him. So Gavin doesn’t have an easy road ahead of him to convince her to give him another chance. His best friend Del, from his baseball team brings him in on a secret club. Gavin thinks it is a joke at first but soon finds out that he really needs it.

The club gives him a regency romance novel to read where the Hero is in a situation similar to Gavin. The book club also offers him advice on how to win Thea back. The members are famous athletes and political figures from the area. Gavin is reading the novel throughout this book. It is funny to see the comparisons between his situation and the Hero’s from the book. The Bro’s in the club also tell Gavin about how steamy the romance novels can get.

Gavin decided to catch up on some reading after putting the girls to bed, but holy shit. He had no idea a major sex scene was coming up. And not just any sex scene. This was fucking filthy. Did people actually do that shit back then?
Of course, we did, Lord Jelly Finger responded. Do you really think white, Western civilization invented cunnilingus in the twentieth century?
Whatever. All Gavin knew was that it finally happened.
He got a goddamned book boner.

One thing I really liked which endeared Gavin to me was the fact that he has a stutter. He wasn’t the standard Sports Hero with all kinds of confidence and cockiness. I guess That was why I liked him so much more than Thea. Plus the fact that she basically blamed him for the fact she was faking it, saying he should have known. But did she ever tell him there was an issue? No she didn’t.

Overall the books was enjoyable and it did have some steamy moments. I will give this one a heat index of 3 out of 5 flames 🔥🔥🔥. The story was extremely interesting and I have thought for a long time that if more men read romance novels, us girls would have a lot more fun in bed. Not that it isn’t fun already.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for len ❀ is a little inactive :(.
383 reviews4,254 followers
May 26, 2021


✧ a broken marriage
✧ a book club made of men who read romance novels to fix their relationship and help themselves specifically
✧ two cute twin daughters
✧ a protective sister who wants the best for her older sister that you may or may not hate but it really depends on how you take her
✧ a big guy named mack who literally thinks toxic masculinity needs to end !!!
✧ mack loves pumpkin spice lattes and thinks its sad how men feel embarrassed for shopping, drinking psl's, and reading romance novels !!!!!!!
✧ oh he also believes women should not change themselves for the man they love !!!!!!!!!!!
✧ he used the little mermaid as an example and how the message of it is wrong for little girls because they could get the assumption that they need to change for them which um, no, you shouldn't
✧ protect the bromance club including del, yan, the russian, and everyone else

pls read this
Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
442 reviews2,263 followers
October 28, 2020
Second chance romance and a book club for guys who are trying to repair their relationships by reading romance novels ‹-- that alone made me read this book 😂


Famous baseball player Gavin Scott, has screwed up his marriage. He let his pride and fear push away the love of his life. When his wife asks for a divorce, Gavin knows he won't give up was and needs help to win her heart and trust back.

And so that's where the Bromance book club comes in.

A group of men, who have all found themselves in the same situation as Gavin, read romance novels to better understand women and to improve their relationships.

Gavin returned to his chair. “You guys read romance novels?”
“We call them manuals,” the Russian said

I loved this unique plot. I mean, just from the premise I knew I'd enjoy this one but I didn't expect it to be this awesome.

It being a second-chance-romance I knew it would be heartbreaking and sad, so the book club added a great layer of humour and fun.

I liked that we got POV from both Gavin and his wife, Thea. We get to view the situation from both sides and I appreciated that.

The book club was honestly the best. Those parts had me laughing and aw-ing because of how serious these men were to better themselves and help one another.

In my experience, the relationship - in contemporary romance - of an already married couple (especially one already with kids) is hardly explored. It was so refreshing to read about.

Another unique thing about the plot was that Gavin has a stutter and it's not often I read about speech problems in books especially when it's the male MC. So props to Lyssa Kay Adams for that.

The writing and pacing was A+. I finished this in one day and was left wanting more

Thank goodness there is already a sequel planned because I really need more from the Bromance Book Club.

« Thanks to Berkley and Edelweiss+ for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review »
Displaying 1 - 30 of 19,104 reviews

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