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Dragon Isle Wars #2

Queen of Legends

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Her barbarian prince promised Wren the world, and she left him in the dead of the night.

With nowhere to go and price on her head, Wren goes into hiding and joins forces with the Kingdom of Myths to destroy the corrupt elf king and reclaim her kingdom, but it comes with a price.

Killing her husband.

Prince Arrik swore to never fall in love, let alone with a human with vengeance in her eyes and fire in her soul. Yet, despite all his well made plans, he can't seem to let her go. Even if it means revealing his secrets to secure his queen and crush his father.

As a twist of fate throws Wren back into the clutches of her devilish husband, she much forge a path forward that could lead to heartbreak, blood, or redemption.

Passionate and heart pounding, Queen of Legends is an enemies to lovers arranged marriage romantic fantasy with dual point-of-view (his and hers). The Dragon Isle Wars trilogy is inspired by tales of Beauty and the Beast, Vikings, and Reylo. It's perfect for readers who love Glint, A Deal with the Elf King, and The Bridge Kingdom.

Dragon Isle Wars Trilogy:
- Court of Dragons
- Queen of Legends
- Throne of Serpents

297 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 10, 2022

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About the author

Frost Kay

34 books1,341 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Frost Kay is a certified book dragon with an excessive TBR, and a shoe obsession. If you love bewitching fantasy and sci-fi, epic adventures, dark promises, thrilling action, swoon worthy anti heroes, and slow burning romance; her books are for you!

She claims ownership to the bestselling young adult series The Aermian Feuds packed with adventure, secrets, and betrayal.

Fans of Frost Kay love her epic and science fiction teen titles for their "witty banter and exquisitely crafted sentences (that) never leave you bored or wanting," and "find the writing on par with Queen (Sarah J.) Maas and Elise Kova."

You can find her at www.frostkay.net

You can also sign up for a free story here:goo.gl/Z2PkyC

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah.
203 reviews
November 11, 2022

This book started out so good and then the last quarter of it was a HUGE let down. Especially that last chapter.

I've never read such a rushed and disappointing ending to what should've been a big part of the story and pivotal scenes for the plot to go forward.

I'm truly baffled right now. I blink and all of a sudden, the attack with the rebellion has happened with very little detail, Wren is dragged back to the king and 'Poof' he's dead, and then Arrik is king just like that?

And Wren? It's like her personality did a whole 180. I understand she's been through a lot, but I don't know, her personality just wasn't what I remembered from the first book.

I had really high hopes for this book, but I'm sad to say I probably won't be finishing this series. It all just felt so rushed and not thought through all the way.
Profile Image for Yasna Millape.
14 reviews
November 11, 2022
what a mess!

This book was rushed and the ending was absolute garbage. So many things made no sense at all. Wren’s reactions, her feelings, the decisions she made… I am so disappointed. I expected more, not a masterpiece, but at least for the plot to have some substance. Wren didn’t do anything at all in the whole book, but complain about everyone using her. She was used? For what? She was unnecessary throughout the whole book, irrelevant even. Was she supposed to be the heroine here? All parties were saying she was important, crucial for their plans, but how was she important? It never became clear. What a waste of my time.
Profile Image for Karsyn.
449 reviews27 followers
July 9, 2024
Alright! “Then let’s rule together.” 👏🏻 werk queen
There are filler bits that kinda lost my attention, but overall I definitely enjoyed. I think it was a good improvement from book 1 also which I think is good, a follow up should be if you ask me!
Profile Image for Kerry.
373 reviews13 followers
July 6, 2023
Ok so I really enjoyed the first book, the main character was stronger and more independent, in this book she is many and doesn't seem to learn anything at all from her experiences and has some what of a double standard when it comes to men.
I love the relationship with her dragon and of course the involvement of dragons full stop.
It was a nice easy read but if you're looking for detailed and sensible thought out characters and plots with reasoning and justification im not sure you will find that here.
I can't decide if il continue on, sadly I think id need to reread as between reading and reviewing this just hasn't stuck well in my mind and only the frustrating elements are jumping out at me.
Profile Image for yadi.
356 reviews5 followers
April 10, 2024
This book was better than the previous, although I saw the plot twist coming. I just wish the the dragon play a bigger role in the story they’re just a background character the author is wasting so much potential I don’t even know why they have the dragon in the cover, well I guess it makes the book look a little more interesting.
Profile Image for KrisBooks.
86 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2024
Що робити коли ти нікому не можеш довіряти? Як вчинити, щоб було правильно і послухати своє серце? Це питання, які виникають у Рен після втечі від принца Арріка. Чи все так просто? Ні…

Що мене здивувало? Так це те, що троп «від ненависті до кохання» тут круто показаний. Дуже сильний прояв ненависті, який відчуваєш і якому реально віриш. Тут не виникло кохання з першого погляду, чи через те, що це принц гарненький, чи навіть через його мускули. Рен дуже сильна і вперта дівчина, яка хоче добувати за те, що вбили її рідних і за свободу своєї країни. Тут герої такі, що не хочуть переходити цю межу «від ненависті до кохання», а зберігають холодну голову. І як би це не звучало, але так мімішно спостерігати за тим, як вони бісяться через те, що в них все ж почалось легке проявлення прив'язаності. Це не могло пройти повз них, адже вони підтримують і захищають один одного, хоча і не хочуть це озвучувати і приймати.

Ця частина наповнена розкриттям таємниць і таких секретів, яких би краще ніколи не знати. Рен місцями наївна і вчиняє безрозсудно, але це можна пробачити, адже вона жила і виховувалась зовсім в інших умовах. Та вона будує дуже хитрі плани і шпигує, щоб зуміти повернути собі трон і захистити Драконячі острови. А ось принц Аррік не такий вже «білий і пухнастий», бо тут він розкривається з іншої сторони. Це ще той хитрий лис, адже у нього всюди подвійні ігри, свої пастки, хвилювання і бажання, щоб Рен була на його боці. Один одного варті точно.

Мені дуже подобається моменти, коли з'являється дракон. Трув фантастичний. А який у них зв'язок з Рен створений, що це дуже сильно і це так прекрасно, адже відчувається вся ця сила і магія, яка кружляє навколо них.

Що не так у цій книзі? Динаміка трохи заслабка. Історія повільна через що моментами здається, що нічого не відбувається, а там просто діалоги. Але все ж ця частина мені більше сподобалася за першу книгу. Попереду остання частина, де нарешті дізнаємося чи можуть вони перейти межу «від ненависті до кохання»😏

February 12, 2024
Welcome back mediocrity! This is the perfect example of second book syndrome.

I dnf'ed the book at 70%.
I was happy with the first book and was looking forward to reading this one. But nothing happens in this book. Atleast nothing of significance.

I added all sorts of book to my tbr but now I no longer have the same taste. Reading this book makes me realize how much I've grown. Thank you, next.
Profile Image for Amber.
12 reviews
November 19, 2022
Kinda Disappointed

I really like the characters and I think the overall plot idea is good, but the execution just didn’t work for me. Things jumped around too much and happened too easily, which took away all the suspense and excitement. I’ll probably still read the next book, but it won’t be at the top of my to-read list.
Profile Image for Juanita.
109 reviews12 followers
November 16, 2022
The first book was better.

This "Dragon Princess" is gullible and immature. Although she keeps moaning about not being a pawn, she stays blind and deaf to what is going on around her. Not growing or getting any wiser. Don't warriors- like she claims to be - do some recon? Gather all possible info on a mission? Even keeping tabs on their allies? Especially if said allies keeps you convined to a camp? Goodness knows after strike 3, you need to learn something. She makes me want to chew glass.

And the relationship between the Prince and Princess? WTF is going on there? Their interactions are stilted and leaves much to be desired. I expected more...everything. At this point, I feel like I've read erotic novellas with more depth than this.

I would actually like to see what happens to the Dragon Isles, Britta, the Vadon a@@wipe spy Rowan, Kalles the addict and the hodge podge enemies-to-lovers-kinda relationship.

But I find myself wondering if suffering through more juvenile moaning or condescending chauvinistic conversations will be worth it....
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,968 reviews93 followers
November 12, 2022
It's been a long time since the first book in the Dragon Isle series was published, life happens. After reading the first chapter of Queen of Legends, it all came rushing back, it's like I didn't forget a thing, this story sort of embedded into me.

Queen of Legends was great but this book stressed me out. Wren is on the run with the rebels and could be caught any minute, Arrik is hunting Wren and has a plan that's been in the works, and the royals are as dangerous as they are crazy plus a country that has more bad citizens than good. Like I said stressed.

Wren sorta disappointed me a little in this, I thought she was smarter but she keeps making bad decisions, all her emotional turmoil over what's happened in the last few months is starting to get to her. One thing is for sure there is most definitely a pull between her and Arrik. They are attracted to each, the chemistry is strong and they get each in a way that no one else does. Theirs isn't a soft love it's all blades and battles, they get a thrill from confronting each other but neither is willing to go too far. I actually think they make a perfect match, too bad they are using their heads instead of their hearts.

The story was also great. I got a better look at the rebels and I don't trust them. They don't trust Wren, she's tainted because of her forced marriage but Wren still tries so hard with them and it's frustrating. Wren's aunt Vivienne is the leader and she has something up her sleeve, that centers on Wren and I have a feeling it's not good. I don't like her or trust her along with her third, Bram. The man is just a nasty piece of work who I just want to punch in the face. At least there's Leif who is a friend even if he reminds me of a chaos spirit and Josenu who readers first saw at the palace and seems to be an ally. It's fairly obvious at this point that all people have good and bad, and Wren is learning that not all dark elves have a dark heart and maybe not all rebels have a good one.

Talk about a great fantasy, Queen of Legends have spies and assassins, opium dens and brothels, rebels and coups, a wayward prince and fierce princess, pirates, and a soulful blue dragon. The entire Verlantian monarchy is corrupt and they aren't the only ones. Darkness and danger are lurking everywhere and all it takes is one wrong move... There are so many factions vying for control and no way to know who is friend or foe or someone in-between. I guess readers are gonna find out soon in, Throne of Serpents, the final book in the Dragon Isle trilogy.
Profile Image for Jéylan Davis-Jones .
28 reviews18 followers
July 6, 2024
Better than the first- but I’d give it a 3 star rating for the pacing and the lack of strength from Wren. I feel like the plot of her being dragged along needs to shift otherwise the series will be a 3 star.

Other than that, I enjoyed it and would read it again. Onto the next!
6 reviews
November 14, 2022
Love these books however I am really sad the next book is a year away…
Profile Image for Melina.
293 reviews18 followers
March 18, 2023
4 Stars

I binged the 2nd installment in this series in a day and half! Great pacing, character development and romantic tension. Leaves you guessing at the end as to how the heroine will proceed in the next and final book. The ending did feel abrupt and rushed... I thought at one point I had missed a chapter.

I could relate to the feelings of isolation Wren felt. Frost Kay noted she wrote this during the pandemic shut down and it shows. Wren struggles with these feelings and forming genuine friendships / partnerships.

The constant political maneuvering added great tension and the twists in the second half were great reveals. However, the dragon in the story seemed to pop up randomly. Still, I enjoyed Wren's interactions with Arrick and how their relationship starts developing. I just wish the ending would have been better fleshed out with a couple more chapters.
Profile Image for Gabriela.
43 reviews
July 1, 2023

This book was like fantasy romance junk food for me. I enjoyed it but I won’t say it was the most quality book I’ve read. It’s a short book so I can’t blame the romance for being a little rushed, however it was annoying how wren could fall for arrik who played a part in her countries demise but then kick her childhood sweetheart to the curb because he was a double agent and she stubbornly assumes his love for her wasn’t real (seems like she only lets arrik be multi dimensional with his motives and feelings)

The some of prose were too cheesy, like when arrik would think about how he wanted to claim/conquer Wren (the characters smutty thoughts come off too forced/creepy) or the lack of creativity when we are constantly reminded of how small and curvy wren is. It’s junk food because I know what the author is trying to appeal to but I keep reading because it’s entertaining. Or

I like the idea of the main character Wren, a spitfire dragon rider princess hell bent to protect her people. But she’s naive and doesn’t calculate her decisions well for someone that is in a political position of princess. She writes people off and trust them in a way that feels inconsistent and only serves the romance plot (like rejecting her childhood lover for “betrayal”conveniently when she starts to admit her feelings for arrik). The ending is what was the last straw for me. Yes, arrik kept her in the dark and couldn’t trust her to play the part (which i think is fair bc when has she ever proved to be capable of such???) but her immediate reaction to him killing the king was so annoying. Could she really not stop the consider the secret plan that was playing out?? To her defense, arrik did not help her feelings of betrayal by delaying the freedom of her lands and instead proposing a new deal. And that’s what I mean when I feel like wrens thoughts and feelings are only made to serve the plot because now that she feels betrayed she’s going to try to take on this conniving secretive role by pretending to be a cooperative wife, when really the author is just trying to make way for an interesting book 3. When in reality, wrens actions thus far, doesn’t suggest that she would have the capability to play double agent.
Also are we gonna ignore the fact that Wren and Arrik are technically third cousins??!! Cause wren’s biological dad (idril) is the cousin of Arriks father (king Soren) not sure if this will come up in future books lmaoo

My favorite part of the books was the action scenes, a few sexually tense scenes, and the kinship with her new dragon (we stan a beastly bestie) I hope book three we get more dragon activity!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lizzie.
62 reviews
March 10, 2024
Book two was just as predictable as book one; what kept me going was the promise of an enemies-to-lovers romance. I can't explain the feeling of anticipation, but when it finally came, it was weak! Her ex-fiancé/best friend isn't really dead but pretended to be, and he was a spy. However, when he came back, she chose to love someone who killed her entire family/kingdom. This person would be Arrik (enemy), which I get, but another man lied to you, and one man killed your family!! Two different things. On top of that, she didn't even let Rowan explain why he let her think he was dead and why he needed to be a spy. Honestly, it's pretty stupid to me. While the plot was predictable, there were small twists here and there. Never expect Arrik to poison his father and maybe kill his brother to gain access to the throne. Although it wasn't entirely out of his character. I'm super confused about how the rebellion comes into play considering Arrik doesn't seem to trust them. My prediction is that Wren's aunt (leader of the rebellion) isn't as trustworthy as she seems; she also keeps the majority of rebellion information from Wren and keeps her on a very short leash. I loved that Wren and Arrik's relationship grew during this book, but it's such a slow-burn romance between them. I loved how the book depicts the growing trust from beginning to end. Arrik poisoned his father and wants Wren to sit on the throne with him as partners and nothing else!! Man and Wife!! I love that. Speaking of sitting on the throne, I don't know why Arrik has kept his stepmother close considering they don't like each other. I think she played a part in the king's death and/or his brother’s death. It's so out of character for his stepmother to sit beside the throne, especially when she wants power, so why was she just sitting there while Arrik is crowned king? Back to the Rowen part, whyyyy!! Why did he do it? Pretending to be dead but sends a gift to his ex-fiancé through someone else on her wedding night of course she found out during book two that it was actually him. He knew the "love of his life" was getting married and didn't stop it?! Insanity. I could never and would never stand back and watch the love of my life get married. I was mad at Wren for not letting him explain. I want to read book three to get all these questions answered, so wish me luck!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Regina Blume.
128 reviews
February 6, 2023
⭐️ 2

Unfortunately I enjoyed this book even less then the prior one. Everything about this plot just feels so rushed and underdeveloped.

Again, like the last book there are definitely parts where I can see what the author may have been trying to do with this story. Things like putting the dragon isle as a prize between feuding powers, building a strong hero who is the tipping point of the war but is held back by not knowing who to trust, building a relationship between two characters who are working towards the same goal but the need for subterfuge keeps getting in their way.

What we get is a weak FMC who spends the whole book complaining, who’s supposedly dealing with all these dark characters but has the hero’s ‘luck’ of actually never being hurt in any significant way, while we get insignificant minor characters being used to emotionally manipulate the audience into feel the level of wrongdoing. The rebels should have been defeated by now for how ineffective they are, they don’t actually do anything in this book but travel from place to place, the relationship between our hero’s is a farce as they spend about 20 pages total actually interacting with each other which was somehow even less than the book prior.

Finally all the twists at the end? I didn’t really care. I hate when authors write these supposedly perfect characters and then completely alter their personality or how another character feels about them like flipping a switch just to suit the story and I think it just shows how emotionally immature our hero is with the way she handles both this change and then the events of the final chapters. I can see where she would definitely have trust issues given how little she know Arrik but I really find myself not really caring about how she feels as she never thinks things through and always just reacts without any forethought.

I’ll probably finish off this series because I hate leaving series unfinished but I won’t be rushing to it.
Profile Image for Lauren.
23 reviews21 followers
February 20, 2023
Let's be real, these books aren't masterpieces and are what I refer to as popcorn fiction. Brainless entertainment mostly. There's very little information given on side characters and world lore - we have to piece things together as a reader and are left with giant holes. The two main characters are unpolished archetypes that *could* be very interesting if they were developed better, but as are they are just backstories with little agency or momentum to carry them. As others have said, our heroine has tons of consistency errors and seems never to do anything even when she says she's had enough over and over again. She is called naive many times and I'm inclined to agree, which gets a bit frustrating to read. Especially when she is simultaneously complimented for being sly and cunning? The consistency issue again.

The ending is also just...the worst. Rushed, inconsistent, complete 180 on all the mediocre development we were given to build up to it, all for the sake of continuing the enemies to lovers trope. Obviously the trope is fun, but it progress is never made and maintained then it loses any sense of reward and appeal. Plus, relationships can only be " betrayed " so many times before it's just not a twist or realistic anymore.

May read the last one when it comes out, but not because I'm dying to. It will be to fill the void, just as these first two did. 😅
Profile Image for Shelby Hill.
147 reviews4 followers
December 3, 2022
Queen of legends
Stars: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️
A little slow at first. I wanted her to be running from her husband and him actually hunting her. But he knew where she was the entire time. This book introduced new characters, reintroduced a character and had a few spaces of conversational spice between Arrik and Wren. I felt like we got to know Wren but I needed more of Arriks personality. I needed more of his perspective. I felt the ending was a tad rushed and had a mistake. The mistake was that Wren said it took two days after the king died to be brought forth to the new king. But when Arrik is speaking he says justice was done today. So which is it? Did he make her stew for two days or did he care about her enough to bring her in front of his court after his fathers death was resolved. It kind of made me dislke Arriks character given the fact that he kept her in the dark, then had the old queen beside him, after having his wife wait for two days. Also why not just go speak with her in your rooms? Why would you present her anger to the public other than to make himself look wicked. I don’t know. I thought he was getting a little bit of character growth and care towards his wife but it disappeared by the end of the book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Solstice Ice.
21 reviews
December 3, 2022
Overall, this was a great read, in a well built fantasy world with a lovely slow burn romance and adventure.

What I enjoyed:
- The plot moved along at a decent pace. It swept me up from start to finish
- The slow burn romance was carried along nicely, with some progress but enough left for book 3
- Wren’s character saw some growth and change, and she remained very likeable throughout

What I struggled with:
- Wren bobbles around with a lot of self-disappointment and guilt for some of the decisions that she makes (or doesn’t make), based on her idea of what her parents would have expected of her. Since we saw so little of them in the first book, I really struggled with empathy for her struggles in this area. Rather irritating when it feels as if the obtuseness is forced on her for the sake of adding to the conflict.
- I think this lack of empathy/understanding with her led to some confusion about why she responded to the slow burn so erratically.
- the end …. Totally derailed me. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I missed, that a certain main character did a sudden 180 turn.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gelly.
123 reviews10 followers
January 15, 2023
While Wren the dragon princess has escaped the palace and prince Arrik, she gets to travel around the city of elves and other places and get to know the Kingdom of Myths the revolution that goes against the king. Wren gets herself Trove, a new sea dragon and gets close to the prince while learning that he actually hates the king and wants to kill him for what hes done to his mother and so many people. Wren gets to meet her real father who is an arrogant lord and finally while another prince and brother to Arrik is killed, Arrik kills the king and they both become the next king and Queen of the elves and the dragon isle. Wren also has a brother who is a pirate and an aunt who is elf herself. Thats pretty much the plot and what i need to remember in order to read the next book when it comes out.
The plot was very interesting and it certainly keeps you going. Wren is a bit stuborn but i think thats what makes her interesting to read. In combination with Arrik, i think weve got ourselves a very intriguing and promising duo that we want to read about again.
Four out of five stars cause i would love some extra details on a lot of stuff.
Profile Image for The Earls List.
550 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2023
Not what I expected.

This is a fantasy novel with dragon, dark elves, and a rebellion!

If you like this novel, try reading “The Wrath & the Dawn” by Renee Ahdieh. The bravery displayed by the female leads, the distraught and misunderstood male leads, and a chance for the world to end!!!

A fantasy world with an isle of dragons and their princess has just escaped her dark elf husband and joined the rebellion!…correction, warrior princess. The prince who destroys her home then takes her prisoner and brings her to his king father. Much death and destruction later they are wed, and she uses every moment trying to get back to her home and her sister. There is a new dragon, some fun new allies, and a whole lot of stuff brewing in the back ground.

Female lead- wren is fierce, loving, and unpredictability aggressive by nature. A wild child with red hair and the capability to ride dragons!

Male Lead- aroch is grumpy (anyone with that many assassins after him would be), untrusting, and kinda smitten. Not that he’ll ever admit it.

Side characters- too many to explain.

Writing- Mostly written form the female leads point of view. This leads to more confusion than in the first book. While I am not blown away by the writing, in general it was enjoyable.

My Impressions:
I did expect a little more movement then this novel gave the reader. I would have liked to see less predictable twists, more emotional development, and a plot that didn't go in circles.

This was an unpaid review. I came across this series while scrolling on Hoopla.
Profile Image for Amber Keehn.
454 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2022
I have been a huge fan of Frost Kay for years, having started with her Aermian Feuds novels (Sage and Tehl are still one of my top couples of all time) and now reading her Dragon Isles series. What i have enjoyed with these books is the move toward a bit more morally grey MMCs (Arrik) while still keeping that kick butt heroine with Wren. This book picks up with Wren having joined the resistance against Arrik's father, King Soren, with her long lost aunt Vienne. She is frustrated and feels like a prisoner all over again because they treat her with suspicion and refuse to allow her much movement alone. Wren is also being hunted by Arrik, who can't get his wife out of his head while continuing to insist he feels nothing for her (lies, obviously). The book is brilliantly crafted and keeps the reader engaged with action, adventure, suspense, a little bit of romance (no spice), and a few plot twists that just add so well to the story. So excited to see what she brings us next!

I received an ARC copy of this book in advance for my honest and voluntary review.
88 reviews
November 25, 2022

Before starting the Queen of Legends, I had to reread the first book- Court of Dragons. As a side note, I like the cover of the second book better than the first… 😊 I was glad that I did - the Queen of Legends was much more enjoyable because I didn’t have to rack my brain to remember details of the first.
The Queen of Legends was very enjoyable! I really liked the dark Prince - the Dragon Princess character was harder to get my arms around- she seemed to slip easily into a victim mentality; so, I had to remember her gentle upbringing didn’t prepare her for the diverse circumstances she now found herself.
The secondary characters were well developed and provided the human conflict that moved the story forward.
I did find some of the sentences rather odd - the use of adjectives- as if they had not been edited properly. It could very well been me..I was gobbling down the words.
I look forward to next November and hope my favorite characters find themselves together.
Profile Image for Brianna.
67 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2023
I'm conflicted on this one... I want to give it four stars, but the relationship-building wasn't really there. It felt like Frost was making up for the lack of it in the first book, and implanting details in this second one of characters reflecting on moments we initially didn't know. It felt fabricated. Toxicity at its finest with Arrik and the rose-tinted glasses. There's a lot more I want to unpack but that's for another time and place.

I liked the chosen brother-sister relationship with Wren and Lief, that was probably my favorite one. I hope that Lief makes more of an appearance in the third book and his character is flushed out more.

As for the direction the series is going after the cliffhanger of Arrik going off the rails hurt personally ... so good writing there. But I'm scared (in a good way). I think this may be a villain's story instead of a happy ending, of Wren becoming the conqueror "antagonist" of a MC and I'm kinda here for it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
July 12, 2023
3 ⭐/ 0 🌶️

"If he wasn't half in love with her already, just fighting with Wren was enough for him to want to keep her forever. She was his match."

✔️ Fast Read
✔️ Fae & Dragons
✔️ Loss & Betrayal
✔️ Political Maneuvering
🚫 Human Trafficking / Forced Drug Use
✔️ Slow-Burn
✔️ Anti-Hero/Morally Gray

"Why can't I escape you?" she whispered. "Because we're inevitable," he murmured back.

Profile Image for Isabel (The Reader & The Chef).
243 reviews65 followers
January 6, 2024
As I’m making my way through the Dragon Isle Wars series, I’m happy to report that my excitement for this series has not faded! A few of the mysteries included in book 1 have been developing in this installment and even though some of them are still unclear, we get to see a wider perspective.

Wren joins the rebellion to overthrow the King Soren and finally end the tyrant’s reign. However despite Wren being excited at first, the future is not looking too bright. And it doesn’t help that Wren keeps being lied to & deceived by the people that claim to be on her side. She gets to learn a bit more about Arrik and wonders if perhaps he was not the evil everyone claimed to know.

My favorite characters in this sequel were Leif, Gunn & her friend dragon Trove! I hope to continue reading about them in book 3 and that they continue to be the friends/family that Wren desperately needs.

All in all a fantastic read and I���m really looking forward to see how Wren’s story wraps up!!
Profile Image for Fiona.
89 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2022
I really enjoyed Queen of Legends. The slow burn is killing meeeee. I’m a big sucker for curve balls and I feel like there was one in every chapter for me, whether it be an emotional curve ball or political.

One interaction that stuck with me the most is when someone says to Wren “You’ve changed” and the most heartbreaking yet badass response to that is “the loss of everything important will do that to a person.” In that alone it showed the the type of character arc she went through.

I will say, I was expecting more out of the book. But that’s my own personal preference. I wanted more romance between the two, but also more plot development or in a way quicker development. Frost Kay did a great job setting up for all of this through for book 3!
59 reviews2 followers
November 13, 2022
Wow! What a ride. Enjoin backup with Wren and Arrick where we left off in the first book. I really enjoyed this story as usual when it comes to Frost Kay. This world is an adventure to be a part of and I really enjoyed Arrick’s development as a character.

Wren has some serious truest issues, she is struggling so we are really going along with her as she’s trying to discover herself. She’s struggling and feeling very used throughout the story.

In true form there’s lots of adventure, fantastic twists and turns in this story. It’ll definitely keep you on your toes! Great story and can’t wait for the next adventure!
Profile Image for Rose (Adventurous Bookworm).
1,059 reviews158 followers
June 7, 2023
This book was terrible. It was wandering and I still don't see what the point of it was. Not to mention that the MMC gave me the heebie-jeebies. It was partly due to having a narrator voice the character's thoughts but the MMC only had one emotion when seeing his wife--lust. It was gross and icky. He never saw anything beyond her appearance.

Genre: fantasy
Age: new adult
Series/Standalone: second book of a series
Tropes: enemies to lovers (although lovers still hasn't come yet)
Rating: 1.5/5 Stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews

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