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Misty River #3

Turn to Me

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His promise will cost him far more than he imagined.

Guilt has defined Luke Dempsey's life, but it was self-destructiveness that landed him in prison. When his friend and fellow inmate lay dying shortly before Luke's release, the older man revealed he left a string of clues for his daughter, Finley, that will lead her to the treasure he's hidden. Worried that she won't be the only one pursuing the treasure, he gains Luke's promise to protect her until the end of her search.

Spunky and idealistic, Finley Sutherland is the owner of an animal rescue center and a defender of lost causes. She accepts Luke's help on the treasure hunt while secretly planning to help him in return--by coaxing him to embrace the forgiveness he's long denied himself.

As they draw closer to the final clue, their reasons for resisting each other begin to crumble, and Luke realizes his promise will push him to the limit in more ways than one. He'll do his best to shield Finley from unseen threats, but who's going to shield him from losing his heart?

432 pages, Paperback

First published May 3, 2022

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About the author

Becky Wade

24 books3,568 followers
Becky’s a California native who attended Baylor University, met and married a Texan, and settled in Dallas with their three children and one Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She loves penning sweet contemporary romances laced with sizzling chemistry, mystery, faith, banter, and humor. Her thirteen novels and five novellas have been recognized with a Carol Award, INSPY awards, and a spot in the Christy Award Hall of Fame.

When she’s not at her computer, you’ll find her power-walking her neighborhood, driving carpool, eating chocolate, doing yoga, or admiring her dog.

Connect with Becky via her website at BeckyWade.com, on Facebook as Author Becky Wade and on Instagram as BeckyWadeWriter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews
Profile Image for Julie.
4,169 reviews38.2k followers
August 11, 2022
Turn to Me by Becky Wade is a 2022 Bethany House Publication.

Just before his release from prison, Luke’s friend, and fellow inmate, died of a heart attack. His dying words to Luke were to help his daughter, Finley, with her annual birthday treasure hunt, alluding to the possibility that this time the hunt could put Finley at risk.

Finley works at a non-profit dog rescue and is a devout Christian. When Luke arrives, announcing his intentions help Finley with her treasure hunt, she accepts his help, working hard to ignore her attraction to him, as well the idea that the birthday hunt might be dangerous...

This is my first novel by Becky Wade, and I really liked it. The story involves two people who have both lived through gut wrenching tragedy, and still carry the pain and scars with them.

Luke is out on parole, but still riddled with guilt, while Finley lost her fiance, and believes she is destined to be single for life. But, Luke and Finely must rethink their presumptions about what plans God may have for them, while they work through the mystery of the birthday treasure.

There is a side romance, and a thread involving Luke's troubled teenage sister who is out sowing some wild oats.

That's a lot going on in one book, and it kept the pacing from ever picking up steam- causing the mystery to unfold at a snail's pace. Things do pick up in the last few chapters, though, with a few intense, 'hold your breath' moments.

The author note at the end explains where she came up with the inspiration for the mystery thread, but for me some of the details were still stretched the realm of plausibility- at least for me- yet, the human nature parts of criminal elements were spot-on.

That said, I loved Finley’s unconventionality, Luke’s transformation, the character development, the great message about mistakes, guilt, and worthiness, the sweet and often funny romance…. And of course, all those rescue dogs.

Overall, this is a lovely story and a nice introduction to Becky Wade’s work. I’ll definitely consider reading more of her books in the future.

3.5 stars

*Librarything giveaway
Profile Image for Oceana GottaReadEmAll.
799 reviews1,557 followers
May 18, 2022
Turn to Me is a slam dunk. Luke and Finley were hilarious together. It was adorable seeing Ben’s side plot as well. The banter, tension, and one liners were excellent.
I especially loved the faith and the mental health within these characters. Trauma is real and panic is real and it’s ok to need someone’s help to get through them.
There was serious sexual tension that was just enough but not inappropriate for my comfort level. But do know that Luke is rough around the edges when it comes to how he expresses his physical attraction for Finley. Finley is strong to her convictions though, which I loved.
The mystery with Finley’s dad was cheesy but I really enjoyed it still. Why not have fun with a story while being as realistic as you can too?
I’d still say Stay with Me is my favourite of the 3 books, but of course I rated them all 5 stars so that’s nothing against book 2&3!
Profile Image for Joy.
334 reviews
February 14, 2022
Oh. My. Luke is fantastically grumpy and I adore him! Fans of the Misty River Series have been eager for Luke's story and the wait has been well worth it. I want to tell you every little thing I loved and yet I don't want to spoil a single minute of this fabulous book. It has humor (oh! Does it have humor!), faith, mystery (y'all! There's a treasure hunt!!), swoon-worthy romance, puppies(!!!), and a few surprises along the way. Finley is exactly what Luke needs and exactly what he doesn't want. Their relationship, from page one, is a delight to watch evolve. Let me tell you, watching the Miracle Five, this book just gives all the friendship goals, too - I want to be and have this kind of friend(s). And through it all, is a faith thread that will touch your heart. And readers, don't fret - Becky Wade did not forget Ben and his happily ever after. Talk about sweet! [insert happy sigh] This is the perfect ending to an amazing series.
Profile Image for Heather Wood.
Author 6 books206 followers
March 10, 2022
Luke was as perfectly moody as we'd hoped he'd be in his story. Finley was an interesting choice for him- a "Jesus hippie," he called her. I think I'd be as annoyed by her methods of rehabilitating him as he was. 😂 But I loved how along the way, she realized that he had, in fact, rehabilitated her.
She specifically names Jesus when talking to Luke about how He paid for Luke's sins, and Luke turns to God and asks for forgiveness when he has nowhere else to turn. I thought it was a well developed story with characters you could like and theology I could affirm.
This one statement was all that gave me pause: "Why would He give her these feelings for Luke if He didn’t intend something good to come from them?" I think we should be careful about assuming that romantic feelings a believer has towards an unbeliever are "from God." We get feelings from a lot of places that aren't God, and His word speaks against being unequally yoked with unbelievers.
Other than that, this was what I've come to expect from Becky Wade: fun, depth, and sn overall enjoyable read. Bonus points because the main characters actually did trust each other when it mattered.

I received an ecopy of Turn to Me from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated, and all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,526 reviews177 followers
May 21, 2022
Apart from this being one of my favorite covers for a Becky Wade book, it is also now one of my favorite books of hers! This story includes amazing chemistry between the two main characters, a tragic backstory for the brooding hero, a spunky and upbeat heroine, witty banter, and even a hint of danger. I truly enjoyed every bit of this story and savored it from start to finish.

I liked that Luke and Finley were opposites in many ways. Luke’s guilt that he carried for years pushed him to make decisions that ended with him serving time in jail. His rough lifestyle and life choices were a very tough shell that Finley worked to crack through. And she did! I loved the way these two connected and they way Luke fell for her. And I just adored Luke! He was actually a person who felt things very deeply and was intensely devoted to those he cared for. It made for a wonderful connection between these two.

The banter between Luke and Finley was fun and illustrated the way they were connecting with each other. Another enjoyable side story, with lots of funny quips, was the friendship and “not romance” blooming between Akira and Ben. It was fun to see Ben find someone after his heartbreak from book two.

I highly recommend Turn to Me and personally know that this will be a book that I read more than once. I believe that readers could pick up this book and enjoy the story, even if they haven’t read the earlier books, however, I highly recommend all the books in this series as they create the full picture of everything that has happened to the members of the Miracle Five group.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog:
Profile Image for Cara Putman.
Author 61 books1,829 followers
March 20, 2022
I loved this story. The characterization was great; the hero and heroine are dealing with similiar issues yet very differently. So many layers: perfect pitch romance, a mystery, and coming back to the community and characters I've enjoyed. It was a great book to fall into.
Profile Image for Susan Snodgrass.
2,002 reviews246 followers
May 3, 2022
'He'd never been so alone. Never been so aware he was not enough.'

When I read a Becky Wade book, I am completely transported into the world within its pages. With each book I read, and I've read all her books, some twice, some three times, I am aware that this is a book I want to reread again. They all sit on my shelves. Always will.

Wade has a unique ability to make me totally feel each character, along with their heartache, pain, struggles, and joy. And her spiritual thread is incredibly powerful to watch unfold in her characters' lives.

I've been waiting for Luke Dempsey's story, the last one of the Miracle Five, the one who wanted to totally distance himself from everyone who ever cared about him. And he has done a good job of that until now. He needs to fulfill a promise he made, and he finds himself on Finley Sutherland's doorstep, at her animal rescue. He wants to be there to fulfill the promise he made to her dad in prison, but he doesn't want to be there. He wants to be somewhere else. But God has another plan. Isn't that just like Him? Wade has totally and completely created a powerful character in this man, one of the best book heroes ever. She did the same with Finley's character. I loved her spunk and ability to see the good around her. I just plain loved everything about this book. It most definitely will get read again. And it's going on my top reads list for 2022.

My thanks to Bethany House Publishing for a copy of this book via Net Galley. The opinion expressed in this book is entirely my own.
Profile Image for Becky of Becky's Bookshelves .
521 reviews70 followers
May 31, 2022
Turn to Me is the third book in Becky Wade’s Misty River series. It is a standalone, but why would you miss out on reading other Becky Wade books in the Misty River Series? In Turn to Me we meet Luke who is grumpy and brooding. We are privileged to watch him transform in the story. He is one of the elusive members of the Miracle Five who all survived an earthquake in their teens. Finley loves animals and runs a dog rescue. She loves saving and fixing animals and also people. The humor between Finley’s free spirit and Luke’s broody self had me laughing and sighing. Their dialogue is amazing, and I loved the chemistry between them.

I felt like I was transported into the story and was walking beside the characters. Finley's friends and co-workers were so funny. If you followed along with Ben's story from the previous novels you will get to see his happy ending as well.

Turn to Me has depth, mystery, suspense, and incredible romance. The author takes you on a journey to watch the characters transform and become who they were meant to be. The themes of redemption, second chances, and forgiving yourself resonated deeply with me. Definitely one of my top reads of 2022. I cannot recommend Turn to Me highly enough.

I was given a complimentary copy and not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Dana Michael.
1,296 reviews155 followers
May 4, 2022
Turn To Me by Becky Wade is the best book to date by the author in my humble opinion. I love a good bad-boy hero and that is exactly who Luke Dempsey is. A good bad-boy. This book is the third in the series and he is one of the Miracle 5 who survived an earthquake while on a mission trip as a kid. He deals with survivor guilt. He has built up walls around himself. The heroine, Finley Southerland is a beautiful soul and runs an animal rescue mission. She has made it her life goal to rescue Luke and tear down his walls. There is also a mystery and some suspense as well. I love all the characters and the witty banter. My favorite thing is the melting of Luke's heart towards sweet Finley. This is a book not to be missed. Even if you haven't read the other two books in the series, this book can be read as a stand alone. It would be more appreciated as being read in the series, but definitely worth the read. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
*I was given a copy of this book by Bethany House Publishers and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Kim.
768 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2022
This book is the perfect ending to the Misty River romance series. It features Luke the ex-con, bad boy of the Miracle Five who everyone wants to help. Finley tries to rehabilitate him, and treats him like one of her rescue dogs as she tries not to lose her heart at the same time. Luke and Finley’s story is emotional, inspirational and exciting, with mystery and unexpected danger from a treasure hunt. The writing is as engaging as always, and the story is just so good. We also see a happy ending for Ben who gets some more page time and a romance of his own.

Many thanks to the publisher Bethany House for the eARC via NetGalley. A positive review was not required and all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Laura.
591 reviews118 followers
May 8, 2022
Well done! I'm so thankful for Wade's gift with writing.
Although I enjoyed the entire series, this story was my favorite. It just hit all the right spots for me. I LOVED Luke and his dry comments, especially with Agatha the puppy. I appreciated Finley's optimistic view on life, her love for animals, vegan foods, and her cacti collection. I chuckled a lot through this story, was touched with the Christian values that the characters clung to, and I even had some heart pounding moments due to the suspenseful plot. I really feel like this story was solid in its entertainment and moral values. (And no, it's not preachy, its simply truths and standards needing expressed and encouraged in, to the world we live in!) Wade pens characters that we can all relate too and be encouraged by. I loved it.
Profile Image for Toni Shiloh.
Author 56 books1,507 followers
May 3, 2022
Fans of Becky Wade will adore this conclusion and route for happily ever afters in the process.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. My review was not required nor influenced.
**Full review at https://tonishiloh.com/2022/05/03/boo...
Profile Image for Amanda (BookLoverAmanda).
515 reviews549 followers
February 5, 2023
Turn to Me by Becky Wade is the 3rd and final book in the Misty River Series and I LOVED IT SO MUCH! 5 stars! Ya’ll, this series is one of my favorites of all time. Top tier Christian Romance stories full of love, faith, heartbreak, redemption, grace, humor and real life characters you can relate to with real life problems.

In this final installment, we follow Luke Dempsey and Finley Sutherland. Luke is the last of the Miracle 5 that has always distanced himself from the rest of the group. He was recently released from prison after serving time for felony theft and promised a fellow inmate and friend, which happens to be Finley’s father, right before he passed away, that he would help piece together the clues for a treasure hunt for his daughter. Finley’s father was worried others will be searching for the treasure so he trusts Luke to protect Finley as he helps her find this missing treasure.

Finley is the owner of an animal rescue center and accepts Luke’s help for the treasure hunt. What Luke doesn’t know is Finley is secretly working to help him along the way with his own emotions, healing and forgiveness for his past.

Luke and Finley were a delight to see together from their first meeting, I loved them so much ya’ll! Their relationship was so real, raw and beautiful. They made me laugh the entire time together and had the BEST banter! Both of them have been through some VERY hard times in life and it was beautiful to see them work through their troubles together, helping one another along the way – discussing faith, forgiveness, growth, etc.

There were times when the mystery portion dragged, but I still think this is a 5 star read as the ending was PERFECT as we truly got to see Luke’s rough exterior start to shed and open up as we saw how much he cared for Finley and would do anything for her. It was also nice to see Ben finally get his happy ending as well.
Profile Image for Ashlee (bookswithnopictures).
1,195 reviews85 followers
May 25, 2022
I will preface this review by saying that I had some expectations that are not hinted at in the synopsis, but rather what I wanted to see based on my love for a certain side character throughout the rest of the series. I have adored Ben for over two years and wanted more of him. I was fully anticipating more page time for him in this book than what is actual. I would have loved to see him have his own time as center stage!
That aside, Becky pulls out all the stops for the bad boy, Luke, of the Miracle Five. As with the other novels in this series, there are heavier topics dealt with (death, grief, survivor's guilt, etc) and they're handled with a deft hand. There's adventure through a treasure hunt, themes of healing and forgiveness, family drama, and a beautiful love that develops between the MCs. Finley is an ideal match for Luke with her ability to look past flaws and encourage others to overcome obstacles.
Luke lost his brother in a disaster on a missions trip as a kid. His survivor's guilt is strong and he pursues a life best described as self-destructive. While imprisoned, he meets and befriends Finley's father, leading him to meet and join her efforts upon his release. Finley's life isn't all roses, however, her lemons to lemonade attitude smooths out what could be a contentious beginning.
A note for audiobook fans: I listened to a good chunk of this book via audio and would recommend physically reading this series instead. The narrator, Barbara McCulloh, lacks the youthful tone I think this book needs. Her matronly voice would be more suited to either a historical fiction or nonfiction book.
Thank you to the author and Bethany House for the gifted copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Aimee (Getting Your Read On).
3,041 reviews279 followers
May 9, 2022
Ooh, I loved this book. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite of the series but maybe that's because I've been waiting so long to get Luke's story? The buildup was definitely worth it because this story had it all. Romance, Mystery (who doesn't love a treasure hunt?!), Danger and Dogs! 😍

Luke is a tough nut. He's been through a LOT and man, he's rough around the edges. Finley is his exact opposite and also exactly who he needs to soften up those rough edges. Finley is quite determined to rehabilitate Luke just like she does the dogs she rescues. Luke can't run away because, well, he made a promise and funny thing, he really likes Finley.

I loved the slow build of friendship for Luke and Finley. The growing intensity of feelings was spot on as both of them adjusted the way they viewed themselves and their lives. Luke's protective nature was attractive and as the danger became clearer to me as a reader, I became so invested in every move, every detail that was happening with the characters. It was one of those books that has lots of layers and lots of growth. Mostly for Luke as he reconciles with his family, his friends, and himself. I loved all of it.

Content: Christian Fiction elements, mild peril, mild violence. Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Courtney Clark.
643 reviews107 followers
May 18, 2022
Turn to Me by Becky Wade concludes the Misty River Romance series and gives readers the long-awaited story of the enigmatic Luke Dempsey as he keeps an inconvenient promise to Finley’s father – working for her animal shelter while providing protection and assistance in an adventurous final birthday treasure hunt. This story features a deep perspective of grace, a swoony romance, endearing and realistic characters, and a gorgeously fleshed out setting in the mountains of northern Georgia. Readers of the previous book in the series, Let It Be Me, will delight with occasional sections from Ben Coleman’s perspective as he moves on from heartbreak and develops a tentative new friendship with a sweet woman named Akira.

Finley and Luke are seeming opposites in many ways, but their common sense of honor unite them from their first interactions. Their conversations and banter highlight their chemistry, with Luke’s snarky sense of humor shining through at the BEST times! While Finley’s plans to “restore” Luke to society and wholeness through her friendship and encouragement are successful, I love that he challenges her to think and choose to hope in a future she had given up on.

I personally find an intangible something very relatable in the dynamics and relationships of Becky Wade’s stories. It is that key style element which elevates her stories in the genre. For Finley and Luke, it is their struggles to risk their hearts for love and to work through hard things in their lives. I especially find the parts of the story where Luke is processing the grief and loss of a sibling, and talking through his self-labeled responsibility, to be touching.

While the friendship-and-romance is the heart of the story, themes of forgiveness and an organic sense of the characters’ faith are all important parts that make up this impressive whole. I love the daring of the treasure hunt with personal clues leading Finley on a journey of discovery. The various pets and DOGS (tiny, fierce Agatha in particular!), the collection of cacti, Luke’s automobile knowledge and restoration, CeCe’s wisdom, Trish’s Christmas songs, Ben and Akira’s encouraging friendship, and Luke’s family are more small things I enjoyed.

I am a little sad to say goodbye to these “Miracle Five” characters with this last book in the series. The concluding chapters, with heart-wrenching moments and a certainty of HOPE, are perfectly written.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Rosalyn.
1,109 reviews23 followers
March 10, 2022
Oh my. This book.
Best story I’ve read in awhile.
I could NOT put it down, could not stop reading.
But it’s so bittersweet to reach the end of such a magnificent series….I don’t want to leave Misty river and the miracle Five.

This is Finley's story. And Luke's. One of my very favorite things about Becky Wade's novels is her characters. She has such a unique way of making real people, and they just come alive for me. This one is especially exceptional.
Finley is on a treasure hunt. A sort of remembrance for her, left in place for her, to make her birthday special. What makes it a real treasure is that her dad did it for her before he died.
But he made Luke promise he'd go and help Finley on this treasure hunt. Which means...there is a good probability of actual treasure. And that her life might be in danger.
I loved reading this story, and seeing Luke and Finley get to know each other.
The treasure hunt thing, well, totally my kind of story!
This is just such a good book, and I recommend that you read it!

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
Profile Image for Nicole.
813 reviews75 followers
April 11, 2022
Full disclosure: Luke's story was the one I have been looking forward to reading the most out of this series.
I love redemption stories and this one promised to be just that.
There were things in this book I really did enjoy.
I loved the grumpy/sunshine banter between Luke and Finley.
I loved the chemistry between the two and the treasure hunt angle.
I LOVED protective Luke.
However there were a few things that raised some flags for me.
Finley is a character who is supposed to be the one with the most spiritual maturity, yet she is the one who pursues a dating relationship with Luke when he is not a fellow believer and not in a place where he is even wanting to be. I don't like seeing that. I think "missionary dating " can be a slippery slope, and wished it were handled differently in this story.
There were some other things that may not be big for some but they just stall my enjoyment of the story. I'm a bit over certain models of guns being used as "the bad guy". I'm just over gun control lingo and fear being in so many stories.
These things caused a hiccup of my enjoyment, but it is well written and has a lovely story of second chances at life.
I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally. All opinions are honest and completely my own.
Profile Image for Marilee .
1,149 reviews153 followers
April 23, 2022
Loved this final journey to Misty River where we finally get Luke's story!

Luke is the epitome of dark and brooding, the mysterious hero with a complicated past as an ex-con who just wants to be left alone. Finley is exactly the silver lining optimist that he doesn't know he needs. Beautifully done grumpy/sunshine trope that comes with a heartwarming story of redemption.

The mystery was so well done and suspense was slowly ratcheted up throughout the book. Definitely a fun whodunit to try to figure out.

Loved seeing the Miracle Five all together - their friendship and loyalty is seriously #lifegoals. Ben's happily ever after story was a bonus surprise and I am SO glad the author included it in the book.

The only thing I didn't like about the book is that it means the series is over, but so happy to have them on my favorites shelf so I can re-read them anytime I want. 4.5 stars and a must-read for any fan of Christian contemporary.

I received a complimentary copy of the book but a positive review was not required.
February 12, 2022
I’ve been looking forward to Turn To Me from the very beginning of this series. My heart has been all about Luke making peace with his past, and finding love. Plus, there are puppies and a treasure hunt! So I went into this book with high hopes, and Turn To Me blew away my expectations! It’s so well done, the characters are so real and the setting so rich that it feels like we could all go to Misty River and hang out with all the characters.

For anyone who hasn’t read the first two books in this series, you can absolutely read Turn To Me and have no problems following along. I guarantee you’ll want to go back and binge the first two books, but again, no worries that you’ll be missing big chunks of the story if you read this one first.

If you are looking a page turner full of romance, strong faith elements, humor and mystery…this is the book for you! Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Jeanne Alfveby Crea.
797 reviews81 followers
April 10, 2022
Oh my goodness, what a completely wonderful story! I love this Misty River Romance series.
This series centers around the "Miracle Five"—five people who miraculously survived an earthquake while on a mission trip as teenagers. Luke is the last one to have his story told. He has avoided the other four for years. Then again, he has never really recovered from the guilt of losing his younger brother Ethan in that earthquake, and his destructive behavior that followed.

Turn to Me was a perfect wrap up for the series, and I am not at all ready to say goodbye to all the wonderful characters. After major guilt over his brother's death, followed by years of self-destructive behavior and a stint in prison, Luke Dempsey appears to be a lost cause to many, including himself, but it's a good thing Finley Sutherland doesn't see him that way. "Luke Dempsey was a tragic and thorny case. Many would say he was a lost cause. Thing was, she had a soft spot for lost causes. It ran contrary to her nature to abandon any creature to its lostness." Finley truly believes that no animal or person on earth was beyond redemption. Luke made a promise to her father in prison to protect her until she completed the last treasure hunt her Dad had planned for her, and Luke is intent on keeping that promise.

Besides being devastatingly handsome and brooding, Luke is a loner, and much prefers to be left alone rather than let anyone near, including his family and friends. The mostly-in-his-head responses Luke has to other people crack me up. (Luke in his head: Harry was not gorgeous. And Furry Tails was a lame thing to call a shelter.)

Finley is the complete opposite, she is outgoing, friendly, passionate about her causes, and a bit too much for Luke at the beginning. She holds her own with him and it is fun to watch. Finley owns and operates the local animal shelter called Furry Tales. She too has experienced a devastating loss, but has been working through it. She cracks me when she plans to use her five-step program on Luke that has worked well with wounded canines in the past.

The secondary characters are great too: Finley's friends Bridget and Meadow, her misfit co-workers, their extended families, and Luke's friends from the earlier stories make a few cameo appearances.

Author Becky Wade knows just how to pen a pitch perfect story! I love character driven stories and she knows just how to create them. Her characters are authentic and the issues they face resonate with people. She is definitely one of my go-to authors! Fans of fabulous stories with great character development, swoony romance, and with a touch of mystery will LOVE Turn to Me and the entire Misty River Romance Series. I highly recommend them!

Thank you to the author, publisher, and net galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Becky.
752 reviews44 followers
May 18, 2022
Turn to Me has it all - sizzling romantic tension, an intriguing mystery (can we say treasure hunt???), a strong spiritual thread, check-ins with the couples from the previous books in the series, and, finally a B-plot love story for Ben (member of the "Miracle Five" who recently had his heart stomped on).

I've been really curious about bad-boy Luke from the beginning of this series, and I have to say his story didn't disappoint! I loved the romance between Luke and Finley, the humor with his foster puppy Agatha, the reunion with his family, and the reconciliation with the other members of the "Miracle Five."

Turn to Me is a wonderful conclusion to the Misty River series ... and now the wait commences for Wade's next novel.

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Rebekah Millet.
Author 2 books129 followers
April 22, 2022
I love how I can pick up a Becky Wade book, and know that I’m in for an amazing read. This final book in the Misty River Romance series held everything I love about Inspirational Romance. Interesting characters, unique settings, faith elements, and chemistry galore between the hero and heroine. But more than that, I was struck at how Becky Wade has a way of bringing biblical truths to light in a way that I’d never considered. This book ministered to me in the same way that one of her previous books, Falling for You, did. Becky’s writing is a blessing.
Profile Image for Sylvia.
477 reviews48 followers
March 13, 2022
A stunning series conclusion from Becky Wade! I have been waiting two years to read Luke’s story, eagerly anticipating it the entire time, and I’m happy to report that Turn to Me exceeded my expectations.

Luke fits the outline of my favorite type of hero—brooding, dark, and secretly sensitive—but he is so much more than that. His journey was beautifully written, and I loved the parallels between Finley’s work with animals and her relationship with Luke. Finley was a great heroine too; I really connected with her character despite our many differences, and her own experiences of loss and grief were also portrayed well. I really enjoyed getting to see Ben again; my one wish would have been to see more of him and Akira in the epilogue.

I devoured this book. I highly recommend all of Wade’s books to readers who enjoy contemporary romance, but Turn to Me is something special. Don’t miss out on this series! 4.5/5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Latisha Sexton.
Author 8 books259 followers
April 10, 2022
I have been waiting for Luke's story since I read, Stay With Me. I knew I would love it and I wasn't wrong! This is the last book of the Misty River series and really needs to be read in order.

Becky Wade is a favorite author of mine and she does a wonderful job of creating unique and vibrant characters and side characters that jump off the page and stick with you. She's a master at weaving brokenness and redemption throughout her stories.

Luke and Finley are polar opposites in every way. Finley is a hippie Christian, animal activist, and free spirit bent on rescuing Luke from his guilt. Luke is a brooding, one-word sentence, ex-con who turned his back on God when his brother died as a child. The only reason he's working at Finley's non-profit dog center is to honor a promise he made to her father on his deathbed.

This is a fun, opposites-attract story filled with heart and treasure hunts. Luke and the tiny dog may have been my favorite parts of the book. I also loved Ben's side story and HEA.

This was almost a 5-star read for me, but there were a couple of things that made me knock a star off.

1. Christians dating non-Christians. I really don't like it when CF makes it seem like dating a non-Christian is okay. Of course, in books it always ends well and the non-Christians ends up giving their lives to God by the end of the book. But this does not always happen in real life and I think it can be dangerous to let readers think this happens. And that's what happens when Christian characters go into a relationship with someone who is not on the same page about God. This bothers me in CF and I see a lot of it. The character even laments the fact that God gave her feelings for this man. Not all feelings (even if they seem good) are from God and that thinking can lead to disaster.

2. Christians casual dating. Why do we think it's okay for Christians to casually date? This only opens the doors up for you to fall into sexual temptations. Dating for a Christian should be to see if that person is someone you want to spend your life with. If you don't think you would, then why date them and have any level of intimacy with them?

I do appreciate the hope and message of redemption throughout the book. Finley presents the Gospel to Luke and doesn't shy away from it. He's also confronted by others who love him, who show him the truth and love of God.

I'm sad to see the series end, but I thought it was a beautiful ending to such a wonderful series!
Profile Image for Jaycee Weaver.
Author 34 books265 followers
April 15, 2022
I’ve been anxiously anticipating Luke’s book all along, and this did NOT disappoint! He’s the absolute perfect begrudging grump with a compassionate heart, and Finley is his perfect counterbalance. I love her sunny hippie side as well as her ability to see through Luke and identify what he really means/needs. I love that Ben also gets a chance to discover someone new after his hopes were previously dashed. And above all, I love that the mystery elements create the drama and tension so that the characters are free to grow and fall in love without unnecessary angst, yet I had to keep flipping the pages to see where they would end up next!

Many thanks to the publisher for my advance copy. My review is freely and willingly given without expectation. I’ve long been a fan of Ms. Wade’s books, it is my joy to read and review!
Profile Image for Amy Watson.
38 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2022
Sometimes, a good book makes it nearly impossible for you to read anything after it for a few days. This third book in the Misty River series is one of those books. Wade continues to bless readers with her deep faith themes, relatable romance tropes, mystery, intrigue, and of course plenty of laugh out loud moments!

Redemption is on display in Luke's story and we are all reminded of freedom that is ours, if we just accept it. I loved Luke's journey of finding true freedom, a choice only he could make, eventually.

I could not put this book down. As a huge fan of this author, I've had my favorite Wade book for a long time.

I now have a new favorite! A must read.
But, I warn you, a book hangover is coming your way!
Profile Image for Melissa’s Bookshelf.
2,206 reviews127 followers
April 30, 2022
I love Becky Wade’s books and Turn to Me has to be a new favorite! In this amazing conclusion to the Misty Rivers series, we finally get Luke’s story. A treasure hunt, mystery, suspense, sizzling romance, cute animals, and funny sarcastic dialogue all expertly woven in with messages of faith and forgiveness kept me eagerly turning those pages.

Absolutely adored Luke! His Han Solo/pirate like bad boy persona with a heart of gold completely captured my heart. Of all the “Miracle Five” childhood survivors of the earthquake that struck on that fateful mission trip to South America, Luke suffered the most. Feeling guilt and blame for his brother’s death, Luke’s life spiraled out of control leading to a stint in prison. After eight years, he’s finally out and trying to adjust to a non-regimented life. He has one promise to fulfill and then he can leave Misty River and escape to his dream house in Montana.

Finley Sutherland is a beautiful, sweet, positive ray of sunshine who believes in the rehabilitation of animals and people. She never thought she’d date again after losing the love of her life, until Luke Dempsey walks in the door of her animal shelter. She’s agreed to hire him straight out of prison to help with the shelter’s website and computer tech needs. Her father served prison time alongside Luke and his final wish was for Luke to help her find the treasure he hid and protect her from those seeking it. As the two hunt for clues and work side by side, it’s hard to ignore the palpable attraction. But will they give in to their feelings or will past heartache ruin their chances?

I loved the romance between Finley and Luke! They are such polar opposites, yet they compliment each other so well. He’s the gruff, grumpy, sarcastic. little rain cloud to her positive, sunny, free spirit. Loved their sizzling kisses and heartfelt conversations. The sarcastic dialogue had me laughing out loud. I especially enjoyed Luke’s complaining over taking care of a troublesome little puppy. The puppy loves him and he secretly loves her back.

The treasure hunt was fun and I was right there alongside Finley and Luke waiting to see where each clue would lead. The actual treasure was a complete surprise and the suspense really ratchets up when they finally figure out where and what it is. There’s also a side romance between Ben and Akira, an employee at the shelter, which added some lightheartedness to the story. After suffering disappointment in the second book, it was fun seeing Ben find love again. Akira is such a delightful character who tends to blurt out her feelings in the best way.

If you love pirate like heroes with a secret tender heart, sweet yet sizzling romance, a little suspense, and beautiful messages of hope and forgiveness, you’ll love this book! Fans of the series will enjoy seeing the other ‘Miracle Five” survivors and catching up with them. If you haven’t read the series, don’t worry, it can definitely be read as a standalone. There’s enough backstory so new readers will enjoy the story. Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book. Highly recommend to those who love Christian fiction and romance. All opinions are my own and I was not required to give a positive review. 4 1/2 stars.

Content: Recommend to a more mature audience. Brief discussions of intimacy, underage drinking/drug use, some violence/murder.
3,423 reviews1,749 followers
June 2, 2022
"Your faithlessness doesn't affect God's faithfulness at all."

So...yeah, think about that for a second. This book is full of simple truths we can all stand to hear on repeat for the rest of our lives. Absolutely love that aspect of Becky Wade's writing. Her characters are perfectly imperfect and there's something honest and raw about being invited into their lives and growing along with them.

Which brings me to Luke. Helllloooo .....brooding bad boy hero who wears his Grump crown proudly. His backstory is heartbreaking and frustrating all at the same time. Yes, he survived something horrific and it's left emotional scars but he is determined to never let them heal! And grrrrouch to anyone who tries to get past that wall around his heart.

Enter Finley. Miss Susie Sunshine, marching to the beat of her own drum with confidence and so much...well, sunshiney goodness that you practically need to wear sunglasses in her presence. She's a survivor of her own heartache, though, and she hasn't emerged completely unscathed, but she's still living and striving and reaching out and doing good.

And she rescues dogs!!!! I love her just for that alone. When she applies her canine rehabilitation tactics on Luke....bwahahahahaha! Laugh out loud funny! And then there's sweet little Agatha...snort...you have to read the book just for all the Agatha/Luke drama.

There's even a treasure hunt in the middle of this prickly love story. It's why Luke ended up working at Finley's animal rescue. He promised Finley's dying father that he would protect her and he takes that promise very seriously. And it turns out that he should because....danger lurks. Eeeepppp!!! Love the hint of mystery that plays out at the end.

Oh, and did I mention the toe-curling kisses? And the second romance plot that is oh so sweetly satisfying? Turn to Me might just be my favourite Becky Wade book ever, and that's saying something!

I listened to the audible edition narrated by Barbara McCulloh and enjoyed every blessed minute of my listening experience.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews

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