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Sweet Royal RomCom #2

Royal Gone Rogue

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I need to find the perfect woman to be my queen. Love was never supposed to be part of the arrangement.

I've always done things by the book--that's the burden of being the heir to the Elsinorian throne. So when my father grows ill and my coronation seems imminent, I intend to find my future queen the same way ... with logic and a list of eligible women who fit a detailed set of data points.

My brother agrees to cover for me at the court, and I set out to offer a common woman the chance to be something more.

Only ... nothing goes according to plan.

Alessia is far more than she seemed on paper, and she stirs feelings I never imagined having. The next thing I know, I'm washing dishes in her grandfather's restaurant, hoping to win her hand and her heart.

Meanwhile, my absence in Elsinore has been noticed and the whole kingdom is wondering if I'm abdicating the throne. Though I love the simple village life, I need to return home, and I won't do so without Alessia.

The only problem: I might not have mentioned the fact that I'm the crown prince of Elsinore.

Royal Gone Rogue is the second in the Sweet Royal RomCom series with laugh-out-loud humor, heart-warming love stories, and sizzling chemistry that keeps the bedroom door closed.

366 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 28, 2023

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About the author

Emma St. Clair

53 books2,861 followers
Emma St. Clair is a USA Today Bestselling Author who loves sassy heroines, witty banter, and love stories with heart and humor. She has an MFA in Fiction and lives in Katy, Texas (go, Tigers!) with her hubby, five children, and Great Dane. Her favorite place to write is tapping on her phone while on the elliptical machine. No Emmas have been hurt in the writing of these novels. (Yet.)

Want a free novella? Grab Upping the Ante here: https://emmastclair.com/ante

You can follow the day-to-day on instagram @kikimojo.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 383 reviews
Profile Image for Jo.
19 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2023
So excited for Phillip's story! Hope we get an appearance from Sera and Rafe
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
954 reviews5,053 followers
March 25, 2023
4.5 This series is full of heart, humor & chemistry! Phillip stole my heart right along with Alessia's.
Philip goes rogue in Italy in his search for a wife as future King. I adored the couple's time in Italy - the setting, the Nonnos, the banter, the Cinderella vibes! It's impossible not to fall for them as they fall for each other. And dare I say that Callum somewhat redeemed himself for me?! I know
Emma is putting this series on the back burner but I sure hope we see more of it in the future! Callum and Graves need their own romances!
Profile Image for Pepper Basham.
Author 35 books2,100 followers
January 7, 2024
So much fun! Again, Emma St. Clair brings a dashing hero and spunky heroine together and puts them in the royal spotlight. I love her humor and how the characters compliment each other so well. The chemistry between these two was off the charts!!

Off to read my next Emma St. Clair book...The Twelve Holidates.
Profile Image for alex.
18 reviews67 followers
October 2, 2024
I absolutely loved the first book of the series with Seraf and Rafe, so I was super excited to read about Phillip and Alessia’s story! It did not disappoint for me! Who doesn’t want to read a story about a prince on a time crunch who flees to Italy to convince the woman most perfectly suited for him to marry him? Sounds far-fetched, but definitely the kind of plot I would read for a laugh-out-loud rom-com! Especially when said-prince will sign up to be a dishwasher at his crush’s nonno’s restaurant just to be near her and win her over🌻

Alessia was very wholesome but strong and independent at the same time. As someone who didn’t grow up knowing her parents, it was really heartwarming to see how many people she had in her support circle to make sure she was never alone. She had her nonnos, her best friend, and her entire community in Repestro. So I did understand how it felt for her to feel so much guilt about wanting to explore the world but dealing with the possibility of leaving everyone she cares about behind. It was also very precious to see how at home she felt with Phillip and his siblings, knowing that that was the kind of family she had always dreamed of having her whole life. I liked how she stood up to Phillip’s mother and didn’t let them change her during or after her visit to Elsinore. All of her impulsive actions were all out of fear of the unknown, which is so relatable especially when you think you’re not worthy of someone or something. I’m happy that she was able to realize what it was she wanted in the end and how she finally came to that decision to go after it with the help of her friends and family 💞

It was really nice to see Prince Phillip again after catching him briefly in the first book. I thought his character was very refreshing because although he’s more in tune with his logical and rational side of handling problems and relationships, it doesn’t mean that he’s automatically cold or distant like other MMCs are often depicted. He’s actually found to be a hopeless romantic who wants nothing more than to pamper Alessia because although she acknowledges she doesn’t need luxury, it makes him want to treat her even more. I would have liked to see some more of his personality outside of his royal duties (maybe some more of his interest in technology?), just to give him more dimension? You could tell how much he really does value his role as crown prince and the role he has to play when he becomes king eventually, which is very admirable. I think he might have gone through the most character development between him and Alessia as he really comes to terms with how sometimes, love can find you unexpectedly while also choosing to pursue it over and over again 👑

I think the two things I wasn’t a fan of were the insta-love and miscommunication. It honestly dragged a little trying to get the two MCs together in their meet-cute and I didn’t feel any initial chemistry despite them secretly curious about the other from their first meeting. It did get much better afterwards, however, and I really found myself swooning reading their deep conversations and their small acts of love for each other when they thought no one was looking (which obviously, everyone was!) 🗯️

The found family trope is strong in this one and I love it! If it’s not done right, it can come off as forced and awkward. Luckily, this one was anything but that. I actually really enjoyed getting to know our supporting characters, particularly Alessia’s nonnos and the Elsinorian royal siblings. They made me feel super warm and fuzzy inside like when you know that someone deserves better and then you see them actually live out their dreams. The writing made me feel like I was there and bonding with them; just very wholesome fluff that really shows that love doesn’t have to be romantic for it to be true 🥰

Royal Gone Rogue is a feel-good, wholesome romance that’s about how two people from two different worlds learn about how sometimes, you have to chase the risk of falling in love and what comes with it because at the end of the day, everything is possible as long as you have a strong support system and the faith in yourself to go after what you truly want 💝 Definitely super excited to check out more of Emma St Clair’s other works! I loved seeing Seraf and Rafe make a quick cameo in this (hehe). I really, really hope she writes a spin-off of Callum, Henri or Juliet’s stories because I would read it for sure!

- Royal romance 👑
- Commoner FMC x prince MMC
- Travel romance ✈️
- Found family 💝
- Closed-door romance 🚪
- Insta-love (initially!)
Profile Image for Suzie.
433 reviews75 followers
April 1, 2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐💫 (3.5)
Steam Level: 🔥 (kissing only)
Trigger Warning: parent with liver failure, brief mentions of death of parents

With his father's health declining, Prince Phillip of Elsinore is under pressure to get married before he becomes the next king. But Phillip has never really had time for love or even liked any of the prospects his mother pushes on him. So when a trusted friend and advisor presents him with the name of a woman that fits Phillip's desired characteristics, all that's left is for Phillip to find her and propose. Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple. When Phillip meets Alessia he can't deny the instant attraction, and he realizes she might not want to leave her small town- and the grandfather who raised her- to become the next queen. As Phillip and Alessia get to know each other, the secret of his true identity weighs heavily on them both. What will happen when Alessia learns the truth about this handsome stranger?

Phillip and Alessia had quite the unique and unexpected love story! This had some rags-to-riches vibes with Alessia being raised by her grandfather and working in his small town restaurant before being swept off her feet by a prince. The way in which Phillip chose Alessia as his bride was definitely unconventional, but it ended up being a love match thanks to their instant chemistry and attraction. The main hang-up for me was that I never felt like I really got to know these two as individuals. We learn from the beginning that Phillip is serious, doesn't date much, and likes technology. But none of this is explained in depth. And the same went for Alessia. They did have some sweet romantic moments, but I just never felt truly connected or invested in them. The true star of this book for me was Phillip's brother Callum! We learned a lot about his playboy ways in book 1, but this story showed him as fun-loving, family oriented, and oftentimes blamed for screwing up. I really hope we get to see a fun romance for him- maybe someone who is immune to his charm at first? I also loved the fun sibling moments in this book, as well as the brief cameos from Rafe and Serafina. I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment in this series! (Please be Callum🤞)
April 1, 2023
Oh our Robot Royal has a heart…and a flirty side! *wags eyebrows* (No zebra sharks here!)
I mean I loved Phillip in Royally ReArranged (even though we only had a few snips of him) but seeing HIM. His character. His thoughts & feelings. SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER! I loved watching him thaw and start to separate the man from the title.

Alessia was truly his perfect fit! She was strong, but soft. Smart yet willing to learn. Loving, understanding, & forgiving. I loved seeing the TWO of them make each other shine!

They helped each other, not just survive, but LIVE!

The NONNOS! Oh I wanted them to have their own little epilogue. I just adored them, and their love for their little Lessy was so heartfelt.

I. Loved. Seeing inside the royal family. THE KITCHEN SCENE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOMENTS EVER! I loved getting to know Henri, Juliet, a redeemed Callum, and Just Phillip as siblings. It. Was. GREAT!!

There were so many miscommunications, BUT they were handled in a time and manner that made sense to the story since secrets and withholding information was kind of the backbone to the story.
I think it was handled perfectly!! 👏🏻 (and y’all know how I feel about miscommunication!!)

While I *adored* the romance it was so nice because I felt like it was so much more than that! Alessia found a family and a support system. Phillip found out how to be more than just the crowned prince.

I do wish we had seen Philip & Alessia together a bit more in Elisnore, but I do understand why they only got a few brief moments together at a time! (I’m just a greedy little romance reader 😈🤣😍)

And yaaaallllll THE NICKNAMES! *swoon* I’m a sucker for a nickname that only one person uses. AND WE GOT IT IN BOTH ROYAL BOOKS! My heart almost exploded.

I giggled! I laughed! I swooned! I sighed! I’m pretty sure I kicked my feet a few times…
It was adorable! And I think everyone should read the Royal books by Emma St. Clair. (You can thank me later)
4/5 stars

*I received this book from the author** All opinions are my own*
Profile Image for Chloe.
261 reviews43 followers
March 12, 2023

This is one of those books that make me love love. The sweetest, swooniest romance.

Phillip needs a wife before he's crowned King and uses a rubic to find the perfect wife. He flies to Italy where he goes to win Alessia over. But he learns she's more than what she seems on paper. He needs to return home but refuses to leave without Alessia. She's none the wiser thinking Phillip is a regular guy but with her whole life in Italy, would she be willing to move knowing the truth?

The first book in this series is my favourite book from Emma but this may have taken first place. I loved Phillip, he was just so charming. It gave me summer romance vibes since it was set in sunny Italy! Alessia was so hesitant in this and I loved that about her. Would 100% recommend this if you want a wholesome, fluffy romance during summer!

Content: kissing only
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,170 reviews349 followers
October 14, 2023
While I really, really enjoyed the first book in this series, Royally rearranged, sadly I just didn't love this second one quite as much. It was okay and a sweet royal romance between a prince searching for someone he can marry to make his dying father happy. He does find love and then loses it and then finds it again. I think I just didn't love the chemistry between the two MCs as much as in the other book. The plot felt pretty predictable and didn't have the same level of banter that there was in book one. Good on audio though with dual narration by Kylie Stewart and James Joseph. Many thanks to the author for sharing an early ARC copy with me in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Suzan.
1,003 reviews
October 20, 2023
��My granddaughter might make you give chase. But she is a prize worth catching.”

This story was so much fun! I love the royal & commoner trope, and the nods to Cinderella that are in this story made it even more delightful. I loved it!

Phillip and Alessia are both fantastic characters with a beautiful love story. Their relationship was full of great chemistry and so many sigh worthy moments.

The balance of humor and heart was on point, and even though it was an insta-love relationship, the romance progressed at just the right pace.

Royal Gone Rogue is a sweet, fun, enchanting tale and the perfect kind of royal romance! I’m really hoping some of the other side characters will get their own stories.

🎧 The story is told from a dual POV. I listened to the audiobook and I thought both narrators did a great job with their accents, inflection, and capturing the personalities of each character. They really enhanced the story for me with their excellent performance!

I was given a copy of the audiobook by the author, but a positive review wasn’t required.
Profile Image for Dreams✨.
132 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2023
This book was so mediocre but giving it 3 ✨ solely for the fairytale nostalgia it brings along.
Profile Image for Meredith.
638 reviews31 followers
March 14, 2023
Do you like The Prince and Me? I personally love it. I love the idea of loving someone so much that it pulls your focus and then having them love you so much that they help you refocus. I don't know, it's beautiful.

Do you like royal romances? Peacocks? Funny brothers and nosy sisters? Cameos from previous books? Emma St Clair’s writing style? Europe? Pancakes? (I've mentioned this plenty but I LOVE pancake scenes in romance novels. It's truly ridiculous 😅) Romance over class divides?

Well, this lovely novel came out a few weeks ago and if you've been on the fence about it at all, here I am, your trustworthy bookstagrammer, encouraging you to go for it!

Thank you @kikimojo for the ARC. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Travelogged Blogs.
1,214 reviews114 followers
May 24, 2023
“You might be the only one in the world to really see me.” “Then everyone else in the world is missing out.”

I enjoyed reading the book. The plot and the characters were entertaining. There were so many dreamy fairytale moments and while I enjoyed the book when Alessia & Phillip were in the village, I did not really enjoy their time at the palace that much. There were moments where I felt the chemistry between them and there were moments where I did not tbh. Overall, it was an okay read, lighthearted and drama free, engaging and we'll written.
Profile Image for Tayo.
493 reviews23 followers
August 6, 2024
This is going to be a mean spoilery review. In short, I didn't enjoy this, it was mostly boring and then incredibly frustrating and although I tried my best to cling to a passable 3 star rating, 2 is the best I can do. I will caveat that this is one of the strongest cases of it's not you, it's me, that I've come across in a long while.

In my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion....

Okay. I thought not long, but hard, on what might have improved this for me, and I think this should have been a novella instead of a full-length novel. There simply wasn't enough story here to fill the roughly 350 pages in any meaningful or engaging way.

Phillip needs to marry because he's a royal and his father is dying. His solution is to use a rubric to find a bride who fits his idea of what a good companion would be. Enter Alessia (Sia). Phillip therefore goes to Italy to get his future bride and is met with a pretty cold shoulder from Sia who has no intention of leaving the life she's built, and especially not for someone who is likely just passing through.

The premise was interesting enough, and I was interested in seeing how St Clair explored the threads of:
- Phillip being born to rule, not necessarily having the desire to do so
- Alessia's guilt of wanting to leave her hometown but feeling beholden to stay
- Phillip's relationship with his mother
- Alessia's relationship with her grandfather, in terms of each one making sacrifices for the other
- Even the dynamic with Phillip and Alessia
And not a single one of these was delved into with any depth whatsover. You can get away with that in a 100 page novella, I will dock all the marks if we have a full length novel that's developed as though it were a novella.

One quote that perfectly summarises my experience reading this is:
I’m not sure what changed between her resistance the first night to her openness now

This quote was from Phillip musing on the rapid progression of his relationship with Sia. See, Sia doesn't give Phillip that much time of day when he first pops up. She's wary of him, even if she did feel drawn to him, and Phillip wonders how he can bridge that gap. But then in their very next encounter (of which the above quote relates), they're then essentially talking about dating. This is what I mean about novella-vibes. The progression did not feel organic at all, and not earned and completely lacked investment. And this splotchy pacing was maintained throughout the full novel.

In their encounters, we get a yada yada of how Phillip now works in the family restaurant and they have this whole routine. We don't get to see the conversation of him deciding to work in the restaurant or the early progression of their relationship with all the awkwardness and tension and butterflies. We jump straight from Sia being wary of Phillip to them essentially dating in the space of a chapter (even if they don't put a firm label on it). Not satisfying, at all.

So for the first 50% of the book I'm not frustrated, I'm mostly bored and disappointed at the lack of sparks, tension and momentum of the book.
Then we transition over to the latter half. Sia finds out that Phillip is a prince (of which he had been trying to tell her but she was resistant). They go back to Elsinore, because Phillip's dad's health declines. And get sort of engaged while Sia tries to adjust to royal life. Eventually Sia finds out that Phillip found her through a rubric/algorithm, she freaks out and goes back home, until she eventually plucks up the "courage' to be with Phillip. Not satisfying at all.

I expected the tension in this book to come from Sia not wanting to leave her grandfather in their failing town in Italy. But this wasn't explored. At all. Her reason for going back to Italy was running away from Phillip not towards her stable life. And as one of the biggest premises of the novel, the lack of development and resolution of this plot thread was beyond frustrating to me.

We also had no resolution or development in Phillip's relationship with his mother - so why even bring this into the story is my question.
And if it's not clear, I had no investment or interest in the romance, as both characters lacked development for me, and the romance even more so.

So, no, I didn't enjoy this one which is a shame.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie (read_with_steph).
784 reviews37 followers
March 2, 2023
Another great, movie-worthy, royal romance from Emma St. Clair! In the follow-up to Royally Rearranged, we see Prince Phillip searching for a wife before he must become --which might become sooner rather than later, as his father is gravely ill. When his most trusted advisor uses a rubric to find him the perfect match, he takes the risk and travels to the coast of Italy to meet the supposed woman of his dreams, Alessia. And she's even better than expected, their chemistry instant. He decided to stay a few weeks and woo her, rather than proposing an arranged marriage as planned. But when his father becomes more ill and Alessia finds out he's a prince, will everything change?

Phillip is another swoon-worthy hero and Alessia seems like she would make an amazing best friend--two extremely likable main characters that make this easy reading. It's the perfect mix or archaic yet feminist, a modern royal kingdom with modern royals trying to figure things out. I think the romance had great pacing, a mix of fun locations, and me shipping the characters the whole time! I'm really hoping we get a book three with Callum, and then maybe even the sisters! Give me ALL the royal romances!

Thanks to the author for my eARC and finished copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 9/10
Profile Image for Milena Bookish❤️.
259 reviews126 followers
June 20, 2023
It was funny and well-written. It had depth, and it had a lightness, I think the romance had great pacing and a mix of fun locations. I wish we could have gotten a little more time between Phillip and Alessia as they were first getting to know one another. A fairy tale story with real-life hurdles to overcome.
Profile Image for Laura Miller.
Author 3 books47 followers
April 3, 2023
What a beautiful read from Emma St. Clair! I absolutely loved every minute of this book! Another one for my all time favorite list along with Royally Arranged! I just can’t get enough of these royals!

This book had me smiling the entire time. When I wasn’t reading it I couldn’t wait to jump back in and get transported into this magical world once again.

Phillip is always doing what he is supposed to, but he wants to find his own wife instead of having to choose one out of the women at the ball his mom is throwing. So he decides to use an algorithm to pick his match. He then heads to a village in Italy to meet Alessia! He goes there under cover and these two are drawn to each other from the start! They are seriously so cute together and the sparks between them fly something fierce. I love how Phillip takes a job as a dishwasher to be close to Alessia and how they get to know each other as Alessia and Just Phillip. The strolls through the village together were something special.

I absolutely loved the cast of characters in this book. The nonnos, Phillip’s sisters, and Callum. Callum had me laughing so many times! I enjoyed his reaction to Phillip’s algorithm. Phillip and Callum had so many great moments and banter in this one.

There was truly so much to love about this book! Like pretty much everything! :) Some of my favorite moments were the Twilight and Sean Astin references, eating Flavia in pjs, Alessia meeting the queen for the first time, challenging Phillip’s princehood, all the swoony kisses, Cinderella vibes, and Rafe and Serafina’s appearance.

Emma St. Clair writes the best royal romances with a blend of fun and heart! I can’t recommend this book enough! I really hope we get Callum's story one day!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Vibliophile.
1,572 reviews128 followers
March 1, 2023
Delizioso! 💕

Phillip's story is every bit as yummy as Serafina's - and even more fun! While I was so moved by Rafe's story & arc (redemption stories are always favorites of mine), Phillip's lonely soul arc was still totally emotionally engaging & watching him accidentally stumble into love while he was looking for a bride was wonderfully entertaining. I love this series & hope Emma does more!

*Romance level: passionate kisses, nothing graphic
Profile Image for Nour.
303 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2023
As cute and quirky Phillip and Sia were together they didn’t beat Seraf and Rafe cuz they were absolutely adorable. This book was right there in the middle though. What I really really REALLY need though is a book for Callum. He had had SO MUCH character development since the last book. He genuinely is becoming a fav of mine, even though he had his worst-person-ever moments in the first book. Again, character development!! I really hope he gets his story bc I’m so proud of his character eeeek.
Profile Image for Oghenefejiro.
144 reviews2 followers
December 31, 2022
15 year old me would have read this and thought this was peak romance like i swear i was gagged by the selection series and the queen of babble trilogy by meg cabot and this book, is the combination of the two.

I truly can’t describe what I read but it was cute
Profile Image for Dawn.
273 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2023
I really loved the first book in this series so I’ve been eagerly awaiting book #2!

Prince Phillip was so prim and proper in the first book so I was anxious to see who would catch his eye. He asks an adviser to help him find the perfect woman for him and trusts the advisors charts and graphs and rubrics and goes to a small town in Italy to meet Alessia. His plan was to propose marriage as an arrangement and that they could choose to commit to one another day by day. But once Phillip sees Alessia and starts talking with her, all of his plans fly out the window. She doesn’t know he’s a prince yet and he takes advantage of that to just be a regular man and get to know her better. I’m sure you can see the flaw in this logic. 😉 Eventually Alessia discovers he’s a prince and you get to see her manage royal life.

I wish we could have gotten a little more time between Phillip and Alessia as they were first getting to know one another. There were interactions between them in the early chapters that were just referenced in the past tense by one of the main characters instead of letting the reader witness them in full as they were happening. And you all know me and my need for a strong emotional development between my characters. I just felt like I was missing out a little. However, once those few chapters passed, we were experiencing everything in time with the main characters and I really enjoyed the rest of the story. There were so many fun supporting characters and some very sweet and swoony scenes. I also loved seeing Alessia bringing out Phillip’s playful side - their swim in the sea 😍😍 - and thought it was so fun to see his siblings include Alessia into their antics right away. And of course there were some meddlesome birds, because no Emma St. Clair book is complete without some quirky animals!

I would highly recommend this if you’re a fan of the movie The Prince and Me! In my opinion, I think it would be best enjoyed after reading book 1 in the series, Royally Rearranged. That book is about a different couple but it gives a lot of background info on the supporting characters in this story that I feel you’d miss out on otherwise.

Thank you to the author for an advanced copy to review.
Profile Image for Jerrye  Tellmeagreatstorylove.
785 reviews14 followers
March 17, 2023
Just when I think she can’t write a better story than the last one, Emma comes out with another one that is just fabulous. Y’all, my face hurt from the perma-grin I had the whole time I was reading this book. From the brothers conversations to the Nonnos and their misuse of slang phrases, this book was a joyride from beginning to end. And then you throw in the sweetest love journey and SUPER swoony kisses and you’ve got this book you just want to sit and reread over and over again. I’m not giving spoilers because I can’t be that mean but please go get this book for yourself and get ready to have the BESTEST time reading. Also, don’t plan to drink anything while you read because you might choke from laughing! Definitely one of my favorite reads of 2023.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the author via Bookfunnel. I am not required by anyone to write a positive review and the opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.
Profile Image for Leslie Books and Socks Rock.
799 reviews22 followers
November 5, 2023
Daylight Savings in the fall means an extra hour of reading, right? Forget sleep!
Especially with this audio by @kikimojo Royal Gone Rogue was so fun! I couldn’t stop listening and I need this to be a movie 🤩 guess I’ll have to watch The Princess Diaries 2 as a close second. 😍
I love royalty tropes plus a little secret identity, fake dating with the barest touch of insta love (pointed out mockingly in the book) with Cinderella threads and this was a perfect RomCom.
The narrators did a fantastic job bringing the characters to life with emotion and sarcasm to life. I loved all the nerdy bits relating to Lord of the Rings and Samwise. 🤓😂
I always love Emma’s humor in books. She perfectly balanced the emotions, laughter and love (closed door) in her books that makes her an auto read author and she’s a fantastic human too.
The audio released last month and thanks to the author for an audio arc. These are my own thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Tricia Anson.
372 reviews37 followers
March 18, 2023
Another royal win! If you like royal romances, hidden identity, instant attraction, and fairy tale vibes—this is your read!

Things I Loved:
-Callum—he’s redeemed
-Zebra shark
-Callum’s Charm School
-Operation Bad Beard
-The nonnos
-Just Phillip
-“He makes you shine.”
-The Princess Bride reference
-Dr. Love reference
-“You might be the only one in the world to really see me.” “Then everyone else in the world is missing out.”
-“You are beautiful in your work apron, beautiful when your hair is damp from the sea, and you are beautiful in this dress. You bring beauty wherever you are because it comes from inside.”
-Alessia’s meet the parents moment, but especially his dad’s reaction
-All the Sean Astin references
-Egg me
-Challenging his princehood
-Ostentation of peacocks
-Operation Acquire Alessia
-Perfect dramatic moment
-Remember the time

I loved the ending so much. I loved seeing more of the royal family and I really adore the sisters and yes, even Callum now. I loved getting a glimpse of Rafe and Serafina again! All in all, I will go back to Elsinore anytime.

Content: Innuendo and more passionate kissing. Closed door/clean.
Profile Image for Morgan Giesbrecht.
Author 1 book128 followers
March 11, 2023
4.25 ⭐️

After a lingering migraine & another high stress book, I needed something light & sweet, and Emma never fails to deliver!

There was so much to love about this story:

✨Phillip & Alessia
✨the Nonnos, who were a hoot and a half
✨Phillip’s bodyguards hanging fairy lights
✨the Dr. Love tie-in
✨Callum & Phillip’s top-notch banter
✨the royal siblings’ midnight kitchen snack raid
✨the attack peacocks… I can’t even
✨Graves was the best

The romance-y stuff was sweet, albeit a bit much at times for my un-unromancey self, but it was the perfect palate cleanser, and just what I needed!

Content: mild innuendo; physical attraction; kissing
Profile Image for angela.
177 reviews10 followers
June 18, 2023
i absolutely adore this series <3 phillip has to be an earth sign bc carrying his family? rubric to find love? an absolute nerd? sold… also was waiting for the serafina/rafe cameo AND THEY DID NOT DISAPPOINTED it made me so happy i wish there’s more books i want to see juliet specially love story. THE CALLUM REDEMPTION ARC THO perhaps some men. anyway alyssa <33 everything for MY queen
Profile Image for Modern Miss Granger.
975 reviews123 followers
March 1, 2023
HOLY MOLY this book was just lovely. Thank you SO much @kikimojo for letting me read this gem of a story!

Here’s what I loved about this book:
• hidden identity
• Italian coastal town setting
• nostalgic fairytale feel
• instant love (it worked so well)
• Prince & Me vibes
• all the swoony kisses

This book was such a fantastic read, I totally binged it. I felt transported to the world of Phillip and Alessia and I wasn’t ready to come back! What a wonderful story.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5
Steam: make outs
TW: sick parent, death of parents in the past
Profile Image for Dana Michael.
1,306 reviews149 followers
October 10, 2023
I listened to this sweet romantic comedy and really enjoyed the story and the narrators. This is the second book in the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for adri.
8 reviews
January 27, 2024
Giving the Prince and Me very cute very wholesome but dragged out….it needed more PASSIOn yo? Lowley dissapointed
Profile Image for Sarah Bowe.
1,654 reviews
February 25, 2023
Chapter 15 "but she won't discover that it's him til Chapter 3" (Beauty and The Beast)

I didn't think that when I started this book that I would grow to adore Prince Phillip (because I did feel in book 1 he was totally the Robot Prince!) as much as I did! 😍 Oh, when he leaves his royal duties to go to Alessia's village and gets to be the man, not the Prince.....I mean, I like that guy!

Alessia is such a great character. She is so lovely and I love her bond with her Nonno! As things are thrown at her once she finds out who Phillip is, she deals with it with as much poise as she can in that moment (even with an embarrassing start with the Queen.. Which had me laughing!).

I love the side characters- Luci, Marco, Graves, Henrietta, Juliet, etc... even Callum is back to being a gem in my eyes! As much as I loved Rafe and Sera in book 1....Phillip and Alessia may have an edge up on my heart ❤️

But this book is full of laughs (the peacocks!) and nods to certain movies.... Such fun!
Profile Image for Amanda Morrill.
344 reviews15 followers
March 9, 2023
I loved this book from the very beginning! The brother banter made me love Callum. This story had major The Prince and Me vibes and I am all for it! I loved the dish washing water fight scene. I loved their romance. I thought it flowed very well while still having obstacles to get through (very realistic). The nonnos were also great characters. Loved it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 383 reviews

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