Cosmos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cosmos" Showing 61-90 of 507
Dejan Stojanovic
“Without the Nothing, nothing can exist in the world as we see it. Nothing is the medium of the Being. Without the Nonbeing, there is no Being. This coexistence and symbiosis produce something we may call, at best, an illusion of “curvature of space” since actual space remains uncurved and cannot be curved.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“We still can insist that space is what we say because nothing, or an absolute vacuum, is not space. Then, we must prove how space can exist without this nothing or absolute vacuum. But we cannot prove that space is possible without nothing. Since we cannot prove that there is space or curvature of space without nothing, we will establish the opposite: without the absolute vacuum, the Nothing (void, emptiness), there is no space. When we become convinced that there can be no space without the Nothing or an absolute vacuum, we must answer precisely what space is and how it becomes space. The only actual space is nothing or an absolute vacuum; we have already stated that this space cannot be curved.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Since both past and present are in the Primordial Being, he has already walked his way; he will not arrive at any other time or have more or less time. He will return to the same “place” simultaneously, beyond time. He swims outside time and seeks and offers the purpose through the artifice of time. No particle is aware of its most profound memory. However, every particle rushes through time in its unmistakable walk, and every mistake is part of this unmistakable walk, part of its perfection.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Life has no meaning without the past and future; the present, without the past and the future, is the frozen moment. We all fight for the present, but if anything exists in time, that is the past and the future. Is it possible to measure the present? How long does it last? The present second is not the present: before we think about it, it becomes the future; when we think about it, it becomes the past, and the future becomes the past in the exact second. (This is a good argument about particles and waves since we cannot determine a particle’s exact position and momentum.) What time is there in the present? Only the Absolute is in the absolute present because the absolute present is timeless and spaceless. The present is eternity, and eternity is nothing.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“If we divide the second, every fraction becomes the past faster than the speed of thought and every fraction of every fraction. We would need to step down to the Zero Point of time to measure the present; we would need to divide the smallest number by the infinite number of numbers and look for the past in the infinity of the second. The whole matter is smaller than the numberless “number” of infinity. Infinity is endless.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Even endless knowledge of the Universal Mind cannot sustain infinity as actuality. The Universal Mind cannot transform into an absolute plurality of infinity. Its purpose is to transform from one into many and to exist meaningfully. The meaning and the purpose of the Universal Mind are saved based on this limit imposed by something without any limit, the infinity.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Real endlessness, absolute multitude, and variance imply an accident or the impossibility of an accident, which boils down to the same. Absolute multitude and endlessness can exist only in emptiness. The Home of endlessness and the multitude is Zero. We have to reach the bottom of a second, the bottom of time, to pass through the whole multitude and “infinity” to catch the present. Nevertheless, it is impossible to catch the present because it is Zero. Over time, the future becomes the past at the edge of Zero. The present is the annihilation of life; the present does not exist, but Everything is the presence of an organism that remembers and breathes according to its program—the present is the eternity it tries to avoid. All the rest implies some motion or illusion; it resembles eternity because it has eternal life.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Zero is the only thing endlessness and multitude do not want to possess. Zero is the only eternity—eternal sleep, but endlessness, the Absolute, wants motion and life. Eternity is possible only beyond perpetuity. Duration implies the number, endlessness, and space. Only Zero enslaves every number, every endlessness, and space; only Zero enslaves (captures) perpetuity (duration). Only enslaved perpetuity can be an eternity, and eternity can only exist (be) in the present. Every past is measurable and reducible to a number, and so is every future; only the present has no number. The only number of the present is Zero, and Zero is the “end of life.” Therefore, there is no life in the present, although it is the only life if we think from the point of view of life.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Zero is the enslaved time, enslaved past, and future in the present of Zero. Zero is the end of recording: the time that contains all time and an absolute multitude within itself. Time, an eternity, is smaller than a moment, than a second, than a fraction of a second; it is not measurable. Time does not exist. Eternity does not have measure; its only measure is Zero, into which it goes to sleep. That is why an instant is longer than an eternity: an instant has a duration.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Zero enslaves space and time when a compressed idea, the Universal Mind, explodes into itself through emptiness; when a compressed idea, the mind converts and irrupts into countless ideas (messages). Creation of space is the classification and ordering of ideas (information), not division or motion but development, birth, and happening, the life of an idea, and development of the musical scale. Space is the trembling of emptiness: the life of a mind that listens to itself.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“There is no time and space. Motion is a Sisyphus’ stone, and space is emptiness, which is nothing. Zero enslaves the space within itself, leaving emptiness without space out of itself. Zero frees the space from the condensed idea, offering the emptiness to spread within the compressed mind. The enslavement of emptiness is the birth of space. Freedom of emptiness is her slavery. Emptiness becomes the slave and the master; obeying God, the vacuum gives him birth, in a way, by providing space for plurality, but simultaneously enlivens itself.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“God is Sisyphus, and existence (life) is the stone. The accomplishment of purpose is the saddest point. Sisyphus is happiest without the total accomplishment of the purpose, while he persistently works and aims at the top. The accomplishment of the purpose is Sisyphus’ fall, so he forgets his achievement quickly. Voyage contains his whole hope and beauty; the voyage is the purpose of the stone—purpose to itself alone. He always arrives in the same place but chooses voyage instead of the target. The purpose and target were always there. Voyage is always new because it is fed from oblivion by unaware memory, with infinite possibilities stemming from the nature of the absolute through “free” will and unincidental accidents or errors. Voyage is the ultimate goal or purpose because it hides an infinite multitude within itself; the infinity of the finite through endless possibilities. The beauty of infinity is always new; the voyage is the sum of happenings on the scale. Every experience or adventure is new. Beauty shines from experience.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Only the possibility of a journey creates space because space, before and after, becomes (is) the same; only the Way on a journey creates time, and the idea of the goal gives birth to time. Time does not measure time but the length of a passed road. The journey is space since nothing journeys (travels) from one to another or apart from one another. Nothing is ever separated; rather, all travel with all; all looks for itself within and in the other, and every path is the idea of the Being that finds itself on its journey because it is the Way.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“The World is the Way because there is nothing outside, and through nothing, there is no way: The World travels through itself and within itself. Time is the measure of its Way, and since the world is the Way, the Way travels, not the world. The Way is the only measure, the only time and space. World-God is the Way.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Only (the) Nothing can be infinite because the Nothing has no beginning, end, or limit. Nothing can fill in Nothingness. Only Something with its properties (and features) can enrich itself or accept features and properties, yet Nothingness is without any features or properties. The featureless “nature” of Nothingness is its uppermost value and “asset”’ because the Being, in the pursuit of creation and creating (recreating), needs precisely this featureless feature of Nothingness, its most potent Force, which is the lack of any force, the forceless force.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Nothingness would cease to be nothing and become the opposite if nothingness were full. That is impossible (although nothing and something, on the metaphysical or symbolic level, can be the same if something is asleep).”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“The only way for interaction and mutual influence between nothing and something is through the activity of the One we have chosen to call Something. This Something “colors” nothingness with its own colors. This Something envelopes Nothingness. Regardless of how strange it sounds, Nothingness is never full, not even a bit. The Immaterial Being envelops the Nothingness in the form of a “material” Being, the Universe, yet all the happenings of the Something (the Being, Universe) are immaterial “forces” transformed from its primordial stage based on the principles of interaction between the primary, secondary and tertiary qualities.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“The underlying reality is the illusion of space, energy, and matter. All we see is nothingness, untouched by the happening of the Being. Since nothingness cannot be curved, what we experience as the curvature of space is the curvature of the Being presented to us as energy and matter, yet immaterial. But, “immaterial substance” (Universal Mind), although immaterial, is still something. This something has the potential to appear as material in the modalities of transformation of the Universal Mind. That is the creative potential of the Universal Mind to secure its creation and, more importantly, the meaning stemming from the creative power of the Ultimate Source.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“What we experience as Space is the most beautiful “illusion” filled with Nothingness. When we say Nothingness cannot be partially or fully full, we mean the opposite: only the Being may be full, not only partially but wholly full. The wholeness, fullness of the Being, comes from Nothingness. Without Nothing, Something is without the volume. Without volume, there is no “space.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Nothing can be in the Nothing. Nothing can be only in the Something. Without the Nothing in the Being, there can be no Being, the Universe, in the sense we experience the World, and there can be no space. Whole Space is Nothingness contaminated by the “illusion” of the Being transformed into Something we call Universe.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“The biggest paradox of Nothingness is that its nonexistence creates infinity. The lack of any property makes the infinity of nothingness. Infinity is nowhere. If the point of infinity were identifiable, its end would be known, which is impossible.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Neither Something (the Being) nor Nothing (the Nonbeing) have an end or could have an end. That which has always existed does not have a beginning or end, and that which has never existed cannot have a beginning or end.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Nothingness, or its possibility, derives from the world with its definite properties, which we experience as dimensions “shaped” by our senses, feelings, and thoughts. Our experience is our ultimate reality. Without this reality of plurality, the ultimate truth of the Being (Oneness) is less natural and meaningful.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Dimension, or something that has an extent, cannot be infinite like previously described nothingness. If this were possible, there would be two “infinities”—the infinity of the “Absolute” (God) and the Infinity of Nothingness. These two principles would not function in correlation and influence one another (servitude and dominance) as active and passive principles. As two absolute infinities, these principles would function as the active (or passive, with no difference) principle in both cases. Such a relationship would only lead to mutual annihilation, not coexistence and influence. These worlds would become so different that this absolute difference would merge and convert them into the same principle, regardless of how paradoxical this may sound. But this would be the death of both, and death is not possible in either case.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Since it is possible to imagine either one or the other concept theoretically, it is impossible to defend this “concept” even theoretically or as a hypothesis. Infinity is only a potential, not an actuality. The Being and Nothingness are “finite” as actualities and infinite as potential. Nothingness cannot have any potential per se, yet the Being cannot exercise its potential without the Nothingness with no potential. The lack of any potential of the One feeds the potential of the Other. The power of Nothingness is equally “forceful” as the power of the Being. Without Nothingness's “forceless” force, there would be no force of the Being or the possibility to exercise its power in creating the World (the Universe). Absolute passivity of Nonbeing is equally vital as the activity or dominance of the Being.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Nonbeing plays almost an equally important role as Being. By lacking form, the Nonbeing offers life to the form. By lacking limits, the Nonebeing provides the opportunity and space to the Being (with limits).”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Being is finite, and only something “nonexistent” can offer infinity to the finitude of the Being. Being and Nonbeing are the alpha and omega of existence. They negate each other and support each other. They fight with each other and make love to each other. The result is a Living Being, a Living World. The lack of one is the death of the other. Without the absoluteness of nothingness, there is no absoluteness of the Being. The absoluteness of one is equal to the absoluteness of the other. The Being and Nonbeing, without the World or plurality, become one, and this Oneness is the negation of both or the transformation of both into nothingness without the attribute of absoluteness (the Nothing cannot be anything else except nothing).”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“Conditional absoluteness of the Being is, at the same time, proof of its relativity and the relativity of its antipode. This very relationship makes them relative. Absolute itself unites the Being and the Nonbeing. Lovemaking of the Being and Nonbeing results in the World’s birth. The world is relative because it comprises two “absolute entities”—Being and Nonbeing. It would not be able to exist without the Nonbeing as it would not be able to exist without the Being.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“The power of the Being is not in its infinity, which is already “accomplished” in its finitude, but rather in its life. Its task is not to impress itself with its omnipotence and power but to preserve life. Its only purpose is life, and its only glory is manifested and represented by life. Being is a Phoenix and Sisyphus. The Nonbeing is Atlas holding the whole Universe on the “shoulders” of nothingness.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE

Dejan Stojanovic
“We cannot be sure how many universes make up the Universe. The Universe we live in, which began based on a theory of the Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago, is only one of the many, comprising a much bigger Universe than we think. We believe the energy of the Omniverse can explain the dark energy for which we cannot find the source or explanation.”
Dejan Stojanovic, ABSOLUTE