Couple Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "couple-quotes" Showing 61-90 of 91
John Marrs
“Maybe when you took it back to the basics, that's what love really was: just being there for someone when the sun rises and sets.- Jade”
John Marrs, The One

Namrata Gupta
“Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“He made you dependent on him so that your happiness depended on his and his depended on whether or not you agreed to what he said.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Yarro Rai
“To express you is paradoxical
I start with silence and end with abyss
So, I am preserving my void
Waiting for it to become irrational
So that I can at least be labelled as insane”
Yarro Rai, Abyss :

Fredrik Backman
“Ove and Sonja are not perfect, but they are a harmonious couple. According to others, Ove and his wife together are like night and day. It is evident that Ove is night. This comparison does not irritate him. Ove is always a sad and unsociable person. However, his wife always amuses herself. Sonja affirms that Ove is night, because he is too stingy to burn the sun. Ove wonders why Sonja wants to be with him. She likes all sorts of abstract things – music, books and all kinds of wonderful words. Ove is a man of action. He likes screwdrivers and oil filters. Despite their dissimilitude and different perception of life, this couple love and support each other, because there is esteem between them.”
Fredrik Backman, A Man Called Ove

Namrata Gupta
“I can spend a lifetime like this, just sitting here with you like this.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“Heartbreak is very hard to live with. In the morning, it made me wish that I could just snooze my alarm and hide from the sunlight. In the afternoon, I cried at work silently, then I ran to the washroom so that nobody noticed. In the late afternoon, my brain would unsuccessfully try to take control for an hour after which I would be exhausted from the emotional roller coaster led by my heart. At night, I would squeeze my pillow, howling inside and yet not being able to scream, wishing that I could stop feeling the stinging pain.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

“To Lovers out there …

Your physical eyes will see the person you will like, and your heart eyes will see the love from the person you like.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

You can’t put your friends first, when you have a partner and when you are In a relationship. Marriages and relationships end when more than 2 people have a say in the relationship or marriage. Some even extort, sacrifice, undermine, ridicule, mock, disrespect, and humiliate their partners in the relationship so that their friends can benefit or have a laugh.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

People who have options or who think they have a lot of options to choose from when It comes to partners in a relationship. Usually don’t care. They won’t be bothered about you, how you are feeling or how are you doing. They don’t care if this relationship is working or not. Won’t try to resolve things or try to make means. Especially when they know they are your only option.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there…

A perfect love in a relationship.
Is when one love without fearing.

Without the
Fear of losing your partner
Fear of being cheated on
Fear of being played
Fear of being taken for granted
Fear of being abused
Fear of being heartbroken
Fear of being disappointed
Fear of being killed
Fear of not being respected
Fear of being not loved back”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Avijeet Das
“Why does my heart desire you all the time?”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“Why can't my heart be near you all the time?”
Avijeet Das

“To lovers out there…

I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Melanie Sargsian
“You are wrong, we didn't take different paths. YOU just chose to change your direction.”
Melanie Sargsian, Lovember: A Collection of Short Love Stories

“The joy of dating is not in what it guarantees, but in the boundless possibilities inspired through love.”
Wayne Chirisa

“To lovers out there …

There must be a difference when you are single and when you are in a relationship.
There must be a difference when your alone or when you're in a presence of your partner.
There must be a difference when you talk to your partner and when you talk to anyone. You can’t be in a relationship and be feeling the same way single people feel.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Namrata Gupta
“He knew how often I needed to travel to be sane, what my favorite places were, which seat I would choose in a restaurant, which songs I listened to depending on my mood, how I looked when I was hungry, how much sugar I would like in my coffee, what hurt me and what would fix it, when I craved a hug and how tight should that be, how to make out my mood from my voice and how fast my heart would beat if I was asked to address a gathering of five hundred people.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“He would treat me like a child, which was not a bad thing exactly, but came with shades of grey since being a child also came with the inability to make one's own decisions, being dependent on someone else and being directed by an 'elder' about the right course of action.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“I think you're confused most of the times. You just go with the flow till all your choices disappear and you're left with just one path to follow. You postpone decision making. Maybe because most of the times you're scared of facing your thoughts or the reality.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“You're my soulmate. You feel familiar, like someone I have known since before. You are at the back of my mind always.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

“To lovers out there ...

A relationship must be 10 percent looks and 90 percent feelings, but some people have made it 100 percent about looks .That is why their relationship is always failing every time. Their relationship is about looks, not feelings. They end up looking at the wrong places and looking at the wrong people. They want their relationship to look like so and so relationship. They want their love to look certain way not to feel a certain way. Looks are deceiving and looks keep changing. Most relationship are toxic, bad, emotional draining, hurting, even when people look happy in them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Ranatta Philip
“Relationships can be like old shoes—we stay in them even when they are no longer functional because they are comfortable. But comfort is rarely an indication of a life well-lived.”
Ranatta Philip

Verliza Gajeles
“All I ever need is one sweet day and a good view with you.”
Verliza Gajeles

Jostein Gaarder
“Al usar el pronombre «nosotros» ponemos a dos personas detrás de una acción común, casi como si se tratara de un solo ser compuesto. En muchas lenguas se emplea un pronombre específico cuando se trata de dos —y sólo dos— personas. Ese pronombre se denomina dualis, o dual, que significa «lo que es compartido por dos». Me parece un pronombre muy útil, porque a veces no se es ni uno ni muchos. Se es «nosotros dos», como si ese nosotros no pudiera partirse.”
Jostein Gaarder, The Orange Girl

Abhijit Naskar
“You are my sky, my land and my ocean. The breath of my life is you and my salvation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Şehit Sevda Society: Even in Death I Shall Live

“Why does kissing you always feel so good, huh?”
Drunkhys, Orion & Roseline

Eleanor Davis
“This is my favorite part of you, your eyelashes when the light hits them like that. This is my favorite part of you, right where your ear meets your jawline. No, this is my favorite part, the little crease under the tip of your nose.

Well, I only like the tip of your nose. If you didn’t have such a great nose-tip, it would be over between us.”
Eleanor Davis, The Hard Tomorrow

“To Lovers out there …

Your physical eyes will see the person you like, and your heart eyes will see the love from the person you like.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos