Creative Imagination Quotes

Quotes tagged as "creative-imagination" Showing 1-15 of 15
Franz Kafka
“This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.”
Kafka Franz, Diaries, 1910-1923

“We renew our hearts and minds by exhibiting veneration for all living creatures and by unveiling a spirit of reverence and awe. Witnessing the magnificence of nature and displaying empathy for humankind is what inspires all artists.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Stephen R. Covey
“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
Stephen Covey, Dr. John Gray and Les Brown Barbara Bigford

Michael Bassey Johnson
“My imagination is like the sea, it is deeper than you can imagine.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“Why does it seem as if the poorly adjusted people – the misfits and social outsiders – create art and the most sane and rational of the human species make money? Does creating art require a person to tap into the irrational magma of their soul?”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“While engaged in automatic writing I strain to create a protective personal haven, ferret out a padded cell where I can rapturously hold court with the voltaic cells of the self. I labor in solitary, transfixed in a suspended state of consciousness. Freewheeling writing creates a bridgeworks to the situs where hidden gems of insight and candid genuineness wait to be unsheathed by the penetrating beam of a reflective mind trolling for inspirational insight. Probing putative desires while contemporaneously fencing with a barrage of suppressed insecurities, requires piercing protective layers of denial and traveling with teratological demons to confront the monstrous self-destructive gene lodged in the deepest recesses of a confused psyche.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Similar to other people, I suffer from my own brand of neurosis – a functional mental and emotional disorder involving emotional distress, indecision, social awkwardness, and interpersonal maladjustment. Unlike other rational people, I also suffer from mental delusions. It is a risky gambit attempting to hold at bay a pressing pack of personal abnormalities and a hazardous stable of personal neuroses including obsessional conduct, and compulsive thoughts while simultaneously straddling the horizontal bars of rationality and irrationality.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you read a book, you acquire knowledge.
When you look at a flower, your imagination grows wild.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“When we place our immediate conflicts in the territory of an archetypal story we can better see the nature of our problems and find solutions that bring creative imagination to bear in the realm of hard facts and hardening dilemmas.”
Michael Meade, The Genius Myth

Debasish Mridha
“Success is the byproduct of a creative imagination.”
Debasish Mridha

“All forms of procreation including birth and artistic endeavors are a response to the imminence of death. All acts of creation begin with termination of the old lifeless habits and the vigorous pursuit of life sustaining ideas.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Art reflects the current composition of a human soul. Perhaps when the artist finally arrives at the point of making art, an artist perceives all earlier drafts as remnants of their former loathsome self. Perhaps when the songwriter stops writing songs, the singer ceases singing, the musician no longer strums his or her instrument, and the poet no longer strings lyrical verses together they have entered a kingdom of one, a realm of aesthetical and ethical certitude. Perhaps when the writer who creates a piece of literature worthy of bestowing the exalted title of art, he or she must exhibit the same gracious manners by following suit by speaking no more.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Alex M. Vikoulov
“If you ask me, our planet and our entire lives are a [virtual] construct of our own minds and the mind at large. If we were to decode the COVID-19 message coming from the transcendent realm, I would approximate it as: ‘The next phase of human evolution is clearly in the cards now: Consuming synthetic meat and being open to the connectivity explosion with immersive virtual worlds not for escapism but for expansion of the human creative imagination should become a conscientious choice for billions. The ‘Cradle Age’ is almost over.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, NOOGENESIS: Computational Biology

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you run out of imagination, dream.
When you run out of dreams, imagine.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary