Decluttering Tips Quotes

Quotes tagged as "decluttering-tips" Showing 1-6 of 6
Lisa J. Shultz
“In the process of decluttering things in my life, I was peeling off the layers of my past that no longer mattered to my present life. But as I did that shedding, memories and emotions arose. I sometimes felt sadness as I removed reminders of a failed marriage or the loss of a loved one. I grieved lost dreams and deceased people and pets. If I looked for it, I also experienced gratitude for the good times and the love that once was. Eventually, I felt lighter after I worked my way through a particular emotional zone that exposed remnants of unhealed parts of my life.”
Lisa J. Shultz, Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

Lisa J. Shultz
“I decided to break the trend of accumulating stuff sooner rather than later. I moved to smaller homes ahead of my need. I downsized before I was forced to do so. I sorted and dispersed my things while I had the energy and the ability to either donate or sell my stuff.”
Lisa J. Shultz, Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

Lisa J. Shultz
“My clearing has allowed me to rediscover things I stopped seeing and put them into a place of prominence.”
Lisa J. Shultz, Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

Mary Vraa
“When you can identify the behaviors that led to too much in your home, you can begin protecting the space between your things.”
Mary Vraa, PopUpPurge(TM) Release Midlife Clutter & Reclaim Inner Clarity

Annie Eklöv
“I know what it’s like to look at a mountainous discard pile
and wish a DeLorean would transport me back to better
choices, but we can only go forward. The wasted time and
money are gone.”
Annie Eklöv, Help! My Room Exploded: How to Simplify Your Home to Reduce ADHD Symptoms

Annie Eklöv
“If their story is lost, precious
family treasures are demoted to antiques. Knowing history is
the difference between selling them when you’re hard up for
cash or holding on to them at all costs.”
Annie Eklöv, Help! My Room Exploded: How to Simplify Your Home to Reduce ADHD Symptoms