Erina Nakiri Quotes

Quotes tagged as "erina-nakiri" Showing 1-30 of 44
this Institute, which you have denied with all of your might...
... is the place where I've lived, grown and been reborn.
I have become a different chef...
... a different person!

"All right! Time for the clincher, don'tcha think? You've already swiped a ton from me, so why not finish the job?
Go on and say it!"
"You can't be serious?! Must I?"
"C'mon! Who else could close this out but our Captain? Do it!"
"Ugh. Fine. If you insist."
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

Erina, as she is now, is completely incapable of creating true gourmet.
Given how well I know her, I can say that with certainty."
"Oh? I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'd like to think I've changed, Father. The dishes I create now will not be what I once made.
My apologies, but your "precious daughter" has become a runaway and a delinquent. The good little girl you once knew...
... no longer exists
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 29 [Shokugeki no Souma 29]

“For my own daughter to serve something like this... I'm at a loss. It is so far from the correct answer that is positively deplorable.
This is a contaminated ruin. Goodness. I'd been so looking forward to tasting my precious daughter's cooking... but not if it's this. Just looking at it, I can tell it's worth no higher a score than zero. My appetite hasn't been stirred in the least."
"Oh my! Cooking is meant to be judged on taste...
... but you were able to judge on mere appearance alone? Incredible! I expected no less of you, Father.
should the two chefs who embody your personal ideal of correct cooking taste this...
... and decide that it is indeed delicious...
... then would you not think it necessary to reevaluate your decision?

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

What intense deliciousness! Both the tender chicken meat and its light juices are soaked in rich and creamy egg! The inside of the meat is still tender, while the outer skin is crisp and robustly flavorful! It was cooked in a way perfect for taking advantage of the luxury Jidori chicken's qualities!
The sauce is a simple one of eggs and cream seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper and heated to a thick creaminess in a hot water bath. With a touch of turmeric to give it a pleasingly vibrant yellow color, it's become a thick and creamy scrambled-egg sauce! Floating in it are crumbles of specially made rice crackers! Freshly steamed rice, sesame oil, minced squid and a pinch of salt were thoroughly combined, molded into thin rounds and then toasted to crispy perfection.
"The layered textures of the crunchy yet creamy sauce play amazingly off of the tenderness of the chicken!
Chicken, egg sauce and rice crackers! Those three things do technically make this a chicken-and-egg rice bowl!
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

But the one piece of this dish that plays the biggest role of all... is this wrapping around the chicken breast... the Croûte!"

A base of bread or pie dough seasoned with savory spices, croûte can refer either to the dough itself or a dish wrapped in it. It's a handy addition that can boost the aroma, textures and presentation of a dish without overpowering its distinctive flavors!
"You are correct. Therein lies the greatest secret of my dish.
Given the sudden measurements to the original plan and my need to create an entirely different dish...
... the Croûte I had intended to use to wrap the chicken breast required two very specific additions.
Those two ingredients were...
"Yes! Squid legs and peanut butter! Appetizer and main dish! There is no greater tie that could bind our two dishes together!"
Peanut butter's mild richness adds subtle depth to the natural body of the chicken, making it an excellent secret seasoning. And the moderately salty bitterness of the squid legs is extremely effective in tying the Croûte's flavor together with the meaty juiciness of the chicken!
"Even an abominable mash-up that Yukihira has tinkered with for ages...
... can be transformed into elegant gourmet beauty when put in my capable hands.
The Jidori chicken breasts and the squid and peanut butter Croûte... those are the two pillars of my dish! To support them, I revised all the seasonings for the sauces and garnishes...
... so that after you tasted Soma Yukihira's dish...
... the deliciousness of my own dish would ring across your tongues as powerfully as possible!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

They look like glittering golden cubes!"
"And they're melting across the chicken breasts?!"
"Wait a minute... OH! MORPHING FURIKAKE RICE!"
"The chicken's already savory and robust aroma...
... is growing even richer and stronger!"
"A Furikake topping? At a glance, these look like cubes of some variety of aspic..."
"The First and Second Seats were already over the moon about this dish."
"Are you saying it is now even more delicious?!"
"Aah! Unbelievable! Already the rich scent of roasted chicken tickles the nose!
This flavor! I can hardly believe it! The warmth of the chicken has caused the aspic cubes to begin melting into a thick jelly...
... adding new and luxuriant layers to both the flavor and the texture of the dish!
The salty savoriness of its flavor seeps quietly into the crispy rice crackers...
... while the scrambled-egg sauce is infused with an even more decadently creamy texture!
"The sheer perfect balance of the dish is positively divine! Flavors clash and meld, amplifying and accenting each other in complete harmony!
What creative originality! Who would have thought that one simple addition would add so much depth and complexity to the entire dish?!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

I can smell the pungent scent of garlic and soy sauce coming from the eggs...
... almost as if they had been grilled!
But... the eggs are still raw!
How could he...?

It was then! When he slid the eggs across the heated oil in the skillet in that quick flip. Was that enough to infuse the raw egg with all the flavor of the seasonings?!"
"?! Wait, you can do that?"
"Heck no! If you're even the slightest bit too slow, you end up with a skillet full of half-cooked scrambled eggs."
"I've got about one second to cram all that flavor into the raw egg. And to do that, cheapo bland eggs are a better choice than high-end eggs with a strong flavor.
Can you even imagine it? All that thick, raw egg...
... practically bursting with the flavor of sesame oil, garlic, and roasted soy sauce.
Go on, try a bite. Then you'll understand.
Don't let it get cold.
The scent of garlic and roasted spring onion...
So heavy, it's just this side of being so much you could choke.
The thickness of it all strokes the tongue.
With each bite...
... the roasted soy sauce mixes with the rice...
... while the raw egg...
...slides slickly down the throat.

Yuto Tsukuda, Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 1

Wait a minute...
that dish.
I've seen it before!
It's the Tempura-Egg Rice Bowl he served me before!

"Now, I've made two servings of this. One for you, of course, Book Master.
The other one... how about you taste it, Nakiri."
"Don't confuse this for the dish I served you that other time.
See, that old dish wasn't enough to make you say it was good...
... so I've been secretly working on some new twists I could add to it.
Erina Nakiri!

Dig in. I call it my Soma-Style...
... Eggs Benedict over Rice...
... fit for a Queen.”
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

This hollandaise sauce that's been generously drizzled over the whole dish... I can taste yuzu kosho and soy sauce in it.
That's a decidedly Japanese twist on a typically very European sauce!
The heavy savoriness of thick sliced pork grilled to a crusty golden brown...
... balances perfectly with the briskly tart
Shio Konbu seaweed and shiso leaves mixed into the rice!
Then there's the centerpiece of his dish, the tempura egg! It's crispy on the outside and delectably soft and gooey on the inside!
Instead of freezing it, he must have poached the egg before deep-frying it this time!
The whites are unbelievably tender, and the soft-boiled yolk is so creamy you might not believed it's cooked!
To batter and deep-fry a poached egg that delicate without crushing it...
... you'd need skill and a touch bordering on the superhuman!
Just how much has he trained?! How hard has he practiced...
... to make this single dish?!

"Sure does take you back, doesn't it? This Eggs Benedict.
I switched the muffin out for some seasoned rice, a family-restaurant staple.
Then there's the poached egg that I deep-fried. Pork chops for the bacon. Japanese-style hollandaise sauce.”
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

“Father... I understand what you're implying. In which case...
effective immediately...
... I relinquish the Tenth Seat on the Council of Ten!
As of now...
...I am simply Erina Nakiri!"
"What the...?! You're kidding me!
You're seriously throwing away the Tenth Seat?!"

"W-well, I have to!
If I don't, then I can't say that I am truly their friend to the bottom of my heart!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 24 [Shokugeki no Souma 24]

If we can secure victory in this Team Shokugeki and unseat the current Council of Ten... then I shall humbly accept the First Seat as my due! This battle is nothing less than the battle to restore the rightful queen to her throne, and I shall see us victorious!
The rest of you are... yes. You shall be my loyal entourage, who dutifully serve and revere their queen! Be honored!
"Whoa. Talk about force of personality."
"Yay! It's like she's finally back to her old self!"
"Heh. A wonderful sight, if I do say so myself. The royal dignity of a queen at all times. That has always suited her best, I think."
"Isn't it nice she's feeling better now, Soma? Um... Soma?"
"Hold it right there, Nakiri! Where do you get off deciding that?! The First Seat is mine! You hear me?!"
"Hold your tongue and listen to your betters, commoner!"
"Hey! Don't you underestimate the strength of family cooking, Nakiri! What happened to all that modest and sweet "friends to the bottom of your heart" stuff, huh?!"
"That was that. This is an entirely different matter! You just need to listen when the Divine Tongue tells you what's what!"

"Daaad! Get over here and tell her!"
"N-no fair! Getting Chef Saiba involved is against the rules!"
"That was great, Erina. No, really. You did an awesome job...
... standing up to that stubborn blockhead of a father of yours."
I think somewhere, somehow a certain father and son may have rubbed off on me a little.
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 24 [Shokugeki no Souma 24]

“Our lives! They're in your hands now, Nakiri!
After all, you're the one who convinced us all we could survive these exams in the first place.
That makes you our princess now!
Oh! But who gets the First Seat is another kettle of fish, just so we're clear."
"Grr!I-if you're going to recognize me as your "princess," then stay consistent and recognize me as your better in all things!"
"Shaddap! I'm not giving up the Top Spot without a fight!"

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 24 [Shokugeki no Souma 24]

“Her dish's secret ingredient is an impromptu Greek yogurt. It's a unique type of yogurt that's thickened and concentrated via a straining process."
Strained yogurt?
Straining yogurt with a cheesecloth, or even paper towels, removes some of its moisture, condensing the yogurt while giving its flavor a gentle body, reminiscent of cheese. Miss Nakiri mixed some strained yogurt into the meringue she used for her batter. That gave her pancakes a deeper, more complex flavor that, in turn, made the simple sweetness of her brown sugar bean paste stand out even more!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 29 [Shokugeki no Souma 29]

What a scarily talented young lady! Now that she said it, I can't think of any greater twist for this dish! It's as if she were divinely inspired, giving us a revelation beyond mortal ken!
"The answer I sought for my dish could only be found...
... by going above and beyond that which is commonly considered "correct." And had I not seen Tadokoro's dorayaki dish, which boldly challenged such notions... it never would've occurred to me to make my soufflé."
"She named her dish Soufflé Léger de Grâce, right? Soufflé Léger just means, like, a light soufflé.
Grâce is the French word for "grace"- not necessarily in the elegant sense, though, as it also means, "blessings."
And the Japanese word for that is Megumi.”
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 29 [Shokugeki no Souma 29]

I'll tell you this now.
In order to secure victory, our main dish must be created with powerful and persuasive flavor by our most skilled chef.
I say that not out of selfish pride but out of conviction that it's our best move on a purely strategic level."
"Hey, whoa! Hold it! Who says you're the better chef, huh?"
"On that matter, we have objective proof.

I was Tenth Seat on the Council of Ten. You are an average student.
Therefore, it is obvious who should make the main dish."
"Hmph! Stop acting all high-and-mighty! You renounced your Seat on the Council, remember? You're just an average student now, too, so there!"
"Now you're just splitting hairs!"

"Um! C-could both of you please calm down?"
"Yukihira. Nakiri. Perhaps a short break is an order?"
"Ugh!Enough of this! I'm getting some fresh air."
"Um! I-I'll come with you, Nakiri."
"Yukihira! This discussion is not over! You hear me?
Once I have taken my break, I'm going to give you my perfect plan for the perfect course should I make the main dish.
And then I will pound it into your skull, so prepare yourself!"

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

Eishi Tsukasa and Rindo Kobayashi's meal carried us to a paradise of haute cuisine... and when we thought we had settled comfortably into our new Eden...
... a Divine Messenger appears...
one who has learned playful trickery.
A Rebel Angel...
come to steal us away to a new land of unknown delights!

"Father, I'm determined...
Cooking requires freedom. And to protect that freedom, I will spare no effort and shrink from no challenge!"
It's no fun if you already know what you're going to get.
"Honored judges, that is the extent of my specialty...
Le Plat Véritable...
... Delinquent-Daughter Style.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

“Wouldn't you agree that we've each made it this far precisely because each of us has pursued our own goals? Those around us are continually pressing forward, growing, learning and moving onward. Doesn't that in and of itself give us the courage to take that first step ourselves?"
"Excuse me? You dare give your opinion to the Dean of the Totsuki Institute? You, a lowly servant of the Nakiri Family?!"
"No! I-I'm not just a... a...
I... I'm..."
Come here with me!
"I'm not just Miss Erina's aide...
I'm also her friend!"
"Secretary Girl!"

"Father, Hisako is correct.
Chefs who hold different views, different values, and who cook with different goals than I do...
it was only because of my interactions with them that I could create this dish.
Meeting those you call "contaminated," Father...
... is what transformed everything.
They are the greatest spice cooking has to offer me.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 30 [Shokugeki no Souma 30]

“All this is necessary for the sake of that one special woman...
... to whom I will devote the whole of my cooking."
"The First Seat on the Totsuki Institue's Council of Ten... the chef who holds that position is one of the most important people to the future of the culinary world...
Ah. For all his annoyance earlier, he looks like he can't feel insulated at that.
"Now, who do you think the most important woman is in the culinary world?"
"I'm sure you could make a case for many different ladies, but to me there's only one choice...
The heir to the Nakiri Family- a family that has commanded the Totsuki Institute for generations...
... and bearer of the Divine Tongue itself...
... Dean Erina Nakiri!
If I'm going to make the greatest woman of the culinary world mine...
... then I have to be the greatest man- otherwise I won't be worthy of her. Don't you agree?
Um! Then you're saying..."
"Erina Nakiri...
... will be my bride."
"I'm just gearing up to start my courtship now, though.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 32 [Shokugeki no Souma 32]

I have brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for you today, m'lady. Will you do me the honor of accepting them? Though, of course, when held up against your radiant beauty, my princess...
... even lovely flowers such as these...
... are reduced to mere garnishes that only highlight your exquisiteness even more."

"Er! I-I-Instructor Suzuki!"
"So, yeah! Anyways... staying cooped up inside battling paperwork all day will wear you out. I brought along a handful of snacks...
... so how about we have ourselves a little tea break, hm?"
"Ah! I-Instructor Suzuki, please! You must cease coming here every day like this!
I-I am the foremost executive and leader of this Institute! I cannot in good conscience accept such personal gifts! Kyaaa!"
"Miss Erina!"

"Whoops! You okay?
You had a cheese stick stuck in your hair.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 32 [Shokugeki no Souma 32]

“There has been a time or two when I haven't been able to escape having tea with him. For someone so young, he knows a lot. I sense incredible esprit and joie de vivre from him. Each time, I came away feeling that the time I spent conversing with him was well spent."
"Ooh, that's a good sign!"
"Oh yeah! Come to think of it... hasn't Yukihira been chasing you around too?"
"Yo, Nakiri! I brought you 30 new recipes I'm working on!
Taste 'em and lemme know what you think!"
"What?! I'm not eating all of that!"
"Yikes. There's nothing romantic or princely about that."
"You're telling me! He could certainly stand to learn a thing or two about manners from Instructor Suzuki."
"Oho, what's that? You're admitting there's something about Mr. Suzuki that you like?"
"Ah! Manners are not the same thing! First off, I doubt I'm ready for anything like... like romance or dating. What about you, Tadokoro? Is there anyone that you, um... like?"
"M-me?! Um... I-I'm not sure. I don't know much about romance."
"There! See? I'm not the only one behind!"
"Ooh, so you haven't found your first love yet?"
"Wow, really? But you have to have an idea of what your type is, right? What's your ideal man like?"
I have admired Chef Saiba for some time. Would that count as a first love, I wonder?
"I'm not certain this counts as, er... first love... but I do have a picture of what I would consider ideal. First... he would have to be passionate about and fully devoted to cooking.
He would never grow complacent or lose the desire to improve himself. And, um... I-I wouldn't mind if he had a little bit of a wild and dangerous side. Someone who could do things and creating dishes far beyond anything I can imagine. I would truly respect someone like that...
And I think I might like to date such a gentleman too."
But isn't that like...

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 32 [Shokugeki no Souma 32]

A chef of your caliber, princess, is practically guaranteed to be invited."
"Yes. What of it? The BLUE is a brilliant stage where the best of the best shine.
Not a place where certain lawless criminals would ever be found."
"Easy now, princess. Retract your claws and listen.
See, this year's BLUE is gonna be a little different. The Top Organizer who has run the event for years... is on record of having said..."
"The purpose of the BLUE...
... is to gather promising young talent from around the world in order to determine who the greatest chefs to shoulder the upcoming generations will be."
"Accordingly, inviting chefs from only the usual culinary world is insufficient! If Noir are not allowed to participate, the BLUE will not be fulfilling its mission statement!

"Which means?"
"Exactly what you're thinking.
This year's BLUE will be a true and equal free-for-all...
... between the Culinary World and the Underworld...
... to determine who the First Seat of the next generation will be.

I'm going to be there, of course.
Right on that glorious stage, you and I shall pledge our vows to each other!
The crowd of guests watching us will be greater than any wedding ceremony ever held!
The next BLUE is being held this summer.
I can already tell this'll be the best summer vacation yet.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 32 [Shokugeki no Souma 32]

Whoa-ho! Talk about utter domination! That freakish talent of yours- hospitality, was it?- sure is impressive! You're pretty darn fired up too. Never expected you to wipe the floor with my subordinate like that!"
"There's something I'd like to say to you...
... and he just happened to be in my way."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Miss Nakiri seemed really scary at first...
... but the closer we've gotten, the more she's turned into a gentle person who smiles a lot.
But then you came along and lied about who you are. You messed with her emotions and put her in an awkward spot as the Dean.
I-I'm going to be honest. Right now, I...
I'm a little mad at you!
To me, Miss Nakiri...
... is a precious friend.

And if you keep upsetting her like that...
... then I'm going to get really mad!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 35 [Shokugeki no Souma 35]

“Man, that Divine Tongue thing really is a pain in the butt."
"Seriously, when the tiniest things are wrong with your dish...
... she'll let that thing wag until you wanna rip it out by the root.
But when it comes to saying what she really wants to say...
... to the person who really needs to hear it? It doesn't budge an inch.”
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 35 [Shokugeki no Souma 35]

I've noticed you seem awfully preoccupied with the princess of late. Do you even realize the situation you're in? I wouldn't let myself get distracted if I were you."
"Distracted? What, are you kidding? I've been looking at no one but you this whole time!”
Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 35 [Shokugeki no Souma 35]

If we train her, honing her skills as a chef to the very utmost of her considerable ability...
... then it's possible we could delay the day the storm takes her.
We must raise Erina to be the greatest chef the Nakiri Family has ever produced! And to do so, we must find them! Find the perfect rocks that will polish her to a mirror shine...
A Veritable Generation of Diamonds!

Professor Hayama. I hear your student Shiomi has found an intriguing boy overseas."
"S-Sir Senzaemon! How did you...?!"
"Oh, I simply happened to overhear it.
Have you thought of bringing that boy to Japan and enrolling him here?"
"What?! B-but, sir! Not only is Akira a foreigner, he's an orphan of unknown origins! Is such a thing even possible?!"
"I will speak with the Ministry of Justice. Whether it be through bribery or sheer force...
I will see to it that they grant Akira Hayama Japanese citizenship."
You know that boy from the harbor pub?
Now Alice is insisting that he come with her back to Japan, and she won't listen to reason.
Father is right. For Mana's sake...
... I will help him with his plan.
If Alice wants to bring Ryo Kurokiba, then so be it! He will learn at Totsuki alongside her!
I've heard all the rumors about them, you know. So you have not one but two highly talented nephews?
How wonderful! Their futures look bright indeed.
Say... have you thought of sending them to our Institute? I'm sure the Aldini Brothers would do well there."
"Okay, okay. You win. Geez. Stubborn old coot.
But don't come crying to me...
... if Soma flips the tables on your grandkid and uses her as a steppingstone."
Competing against Erina just may destroy the confidence of these children, but so be it! I'm fully aware that this plan is an imperious use of my power for personal gain...
... but I'm willing to make any sacrifice!
I will do whatever it takes to make Erina into a light of hope!
Then I will show her to Mana...
Through her own daughter she will see...
... that there is yet hope and promise in cooking!"

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

“Once again, I find myself looking forward to your cooking...
... Erina.
But don't worry. I have already prepared a bucket for when it fails to reach my standards."
"Oh, you needn't worry about that, Mother. I will be serving you a large slice of humble pie to go with dinner.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

“Princess... er, Erina."
"I'm aware this is terribly belated, but please allow me to offer my sincere condolences on the death of your mother.
Now then, do you have any plans for what you'll be doing from here on out?"
"Huh? Plans? Me?
Um, I don't really have anywhere left to go..."
"Really? That's perfect. We were just searching for a chef of exceptional talent.
Satisfying the Book Master's exceedingly refined palate is no small feat.
We can have no shortage of highly capable chefs on hand to accomplish this task.
If everyone wasn't present for our cozy family meals...
... it'd reflect poorly on the venerable Nakiri Family's good name.
And you are family.
Isn't that right...
... elder brother Asahi?

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

Back when we were both still third-years...
... and I found the note you left saying you were suddenly going abroad...
... I was absolutely infuriated. I think I now know why that was.
I always thought you'd be there with me, cooking and competing whenever we wanted...
... but instead you left without a word to anyone, not even me.
To me, that was...

Y'know, back when he and I first met...
What was it he said to me?
Something about how the trick to being a better chef...
... was finding someone who means so much you want to give them the best food you've ever made?
Something like that, anyway.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

Someone you want to cook for more than anyone else.
Someone special.
Someone you want to dedicate the best food you've ever made to...
I think that special someone...

"I'm home! How ya been, Nakiri?"
"Welcome home.
I made time in my busy schedule to be here, Yukihira. Don't you have anything else to say to me?"
Oh yeah, sure. Thanks.
You won't believe this recipe, though. It's amazing!"

"Sheesh. It's always recipes with you."
But... it's strange.
Somewhere along the line...
...I've come to look forward to tasting your dishes...
To look forward...
... to seeing you.

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 36 [Shokugeki no Souma 36]

The mellow cheese melds together seamlessly with the chicken in the pâté...
And by serving it warm instead of chilled, far from ruining the firmness of the meat, the moistness of the chicken has instead come alive!
Not only that, the flavor of the porcini sauce is hardly overwhelmed. In fact, it now has a complex and intriguing taste to it!
This is still a rough idea with plenty of room for improvement, but the promise is there.
By deliberately matching powerful taste with powerful taste...
... they are actually magnifying each other!"

"Well? Whaddaya think, Erina-chi? Is it good? Hm? Hm?"

"Nope, the greasiness of the pork came out too strong. It's made the whole thing taste too heavy."
"Yeah, but I'd still like to retain the pork's richness somehow!"
"Are you all experimenting with another dish? Oh! Both chicken and pork? That combination won't do at all.
You can't simply add more and more things, you know. Remember, less is more."
"Hang on. How about we add some kind of tartness to it?
Isn't there something that can keep both the chicken's umami and the pork's richness while zapping the greasiness of it all?

Yūto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 18 [Shokugeki no Souma 18]

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