Focus On Your Dreams Quotes

Quotes tagged as "focus-on-your-dreams" Showing 1-30 of 121
Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
tags: achieve, achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-attitude, achievement-quotes, achievements, achievements-success, achiever, achievers, all-is-yours, bangambiki-habyarimana, believe-in-yourself, believe-in-yourself-quotes, create-your-future, create-your-life, create-your-reality, create-your-world, entrepreneur, entrepreneur-quote, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship-quotes, entrepreneurship-training, focus, focus-on-success, focus-on-the-prize-ahead, focus-on-your-dreams, focus-on-your-life, focused, focusing, goal-setting, goals, goals-and-dreams, goals-and-plans, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-living, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes, inspire, inspired, inspired-life, inspired-living, inspired-mind, inspired-quotes, inspired-soul, life-energy, motivate, motivate-myself, motivate-yourself, motivated, motivation, motivational, motivational-enlightenment, motivational-quote, motivational-quotes, positive, positive-attitude, positive-mindset, positive-motivation, positive-outlook, positive-quotes, positive-thinking, positive-thinking-quotes, positive-thought, positive-thoughts, running-quotes, succeed, succeeded, succeeding, succeeding-in-life, succeeds, success, success-quote, success-quotes, success-strategies, successful-living, successful-people, the-great-pearl-of-wisdom, win, winners, winners-and-losers, winners-mentality, winning, winning-and-losing, winning-attitude, winning-from-with-in, winning-from-within, winning-goal, winning-in-life, winning-mentality, winning-the-game, words-of-revelation, words-of-wisdom, words-of-wisdom-inspirational, words-to-inspire-you, words-to-live-by, words-to-ponder, you-are-a-god, you-are-great, you-are-powerful, you-are-the-universe, you-create-things-by-your-mouth

Carlos Wallace
“Each day, wake up with a plan. Don’t just approach your days in an unfocused void. That state of mind leaves too much room for discontent, opposition, unhappiness and hopelessness.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

Germany Kent
“Focus on your goals and ambitions and less on people and things that are counterproductive. A few simple disciplines practiced everyday along with the right mindset will eventually give you the results you desire.”
Germany Kent

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The attention you give to your bad habits is the fountain from which they draw their strength.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

Germany Kent
“In life, you always have options. Your goal and role is to figure out which ones work better for you.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“If you want to achieve your goals you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and take risks.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“A person's actions will ALWAYS tell you what their priorities are. People spend their time, money, and energy on what's important to them.”
Germany Kent

“Make it happen just don't dream it; Make commitments only when you mean it.”
Wrushank Sorte

“When you get to bed and wake up each day for a month
at the same time, you will make it a habit that is harder to break.”
J.K Dean, Get That TROPHY: A zillion ways to win with Focus

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I focus on my weaknesses, blindfolded thoughts, and pessimistic personality because my ultimate focus is in bonding with the human tribe”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“If you don't focus on your destination every bustop will look like yours.”

Anath Lee Wales
“I don't care about who I was, my past is far away from me, in fact, I am proud of who I am today and am interested in who am gonna become, perhaps, thats something I must act on”
Anath Lee Wales, your life can be changed.: the true guide to become a change maker!

“One of the keys to success is staying focused. Staying focused on your dreams is like following the light in the tunnel even though you are walking through the dark.”
Deborah Nwakwesili.

Ahemad R Kazi
“Focussing on anything can take you to new heights and in a shorter time frame”
Ahemad R Kazi, The Inheritance of Dreams

Germany Kent
“If you would be less concerned with someone else's shine and focus on your grind, you would see the growth and progress that you desire in your own life.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Boss chicks don't have time to worry about what you are doing. They are too focused on their own hustle.”
Germany Kent

Geoffrey Ocaya
“Quietly working on what you care about and what you are great at, minding your business while striving for excellence will get you far in life.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

“People who are intelligent are considered smarter than idiots. Intelligent people will not get distracted by piglets squealing and naysaying. With their deep understanding, their minds will continue to work, in pursuit of their craft, just like night owls at their desks in their quiet lairs; using the blood of the defeated piglets as ink for their writings.”
D.L. Lewis

“Destinations are ordinary; Journeys are unique.”
Wrushank Sorte

“The thing which hurts you; actually shakes you. The thing which breaks you; actually makes you.”
Wrushank Sorte

“You cannot change whatever happened, no matter how hard you try; no matter how hard you think about it, how much you cry.”
Wrushank Sorte

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your destiny is in two places:
One is in your hands, and the other is in your dreams.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Carlos Wallace
“If you know more about what's happening in another person's life than they do, your focus is flawed. While you are busy eyeing the progress of others, you lose sight of your own opportunities! Handle your own business. Put your personal affairs in order. Paying too much attention to someone else's blessings will ultimately cost you your own.”
Carlos Wallace, Life is not Complicated, You Are

“Taking action is how you make things happen. Throw massive action at whatever you need to do. Even if it seems like you’re only taking baby steps at a time, you’ll eventually hit your stride. When you keep taking action, you learn faster.

Each result teaches you another way how to do something, or how not to do something.
Sometimes, the only way to get past some problems is to overwhelm them with”
Mlungisi Simelane

Mitta Xinindlu
“Be so focused on your journey to the point that the devil starts fasting and praying because of you.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“What habits you adopt on your ordinary days determines what you can achieve on your extraordinary days.”
J.K Dean

“When everything is designed to grab your attention, the most radical act is to focus on what matters.”
Y.K.Y. SADEK, Obedience is Happiness: The Promises Of Tomorrow

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