God S Promises Quotes

Quotes tagged as "god-s-promises" Showing 1-30 of 35
“Dear God

Please take away my pain and despair of yesterday and any unpleasant memories and replace them with Your glorious promise of new hope. Show me a fresh HS-inspired way of relating to negative things that have happened. I ask You for the mind of Christ so I can discern Your voice from the voice of my past. I pray that former rejection and deep hurts will not color what I see and hear now.

Help me to see all the choices I have ahead of me that can alter the direction of my life. I ask You to empower me to let go of the painful events and heartaches that would keep me bound. Thank You for Your forgiveness that You have offered to me at such a great price. Pour it into my heart so I can relinquish bitterness hurts and disappointments that have no place in my life. Please set me free to forgive those who have sinned against me and caused me pain and also myself. Open my heart to receive Your complete forgiveness and amazing grace. You have promised to bind up my wounds Psa 147:3 and restore my soul Psa 23:3 .

Help me to relinquish my past surrender to You my present and move to the future You have prepared for me. I ask You to come into my heart and make me who You would have me to be so that I might do Your will here on earth. I thank You Lord for all that’s happened in my past and for all I have become through those experiences. I pray You will begin to gloriously renew my present.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back

Dwight L. Moody
“God never made a promise that was too good to be true.”
Dwight L. Moody

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“The best praying man is the man who is most believingly familiar with the promises of God. After all, prayer is nothing but taking God’s promises to him, and saying to him, “Do as thou hast said.” Prayer is the promise utilized. A prayer which is not based on a promise has no true foundation.”
Charles Spurgeon, Encouraged to Pray: Classic Sermons on Prayer

Grace Hitchcock
“He will always provide for His children, but it may not be in the manner we wish.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Gift Gugu Mona
“Faith is a commitment to stay focused on the fulfilment of God’s promises.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

“God will never delay His promise.
You have delayed Him.”
Mac Canoza

“When I look back over every struggle, heartache, disappointment, failure, and moment of fear, I recognize that God has been with me through it all. And I know that He will continue to be with me. There is no promise in Scripture that our lives will be free from pain or that everything will always go smoothly. But there is the promise that He is always with us, even in the darkest storms of our lives. We can find some peace in the middle of the hardest experiences because He is there in the middle of the storm. I can't imagine living my life without the truth of that promise.”
Ryan Stevenson, Eye of the Storm: Experiencing God When You Can't See Him

Germany Kent
“People who are prayed up and know that God is able move different.”
Germany Kent

Anthony Doerr
“His grace is sufficient in our distress. His covenant of vibrant love is displayed in our hearts continually, even if we are unable to see the rainbowed promise with our natural eyes. God's Word is the same. Its promises hold true regardless of the circumstantial evidence to the contrary. God's promised words which are best exhibited through our daily life are bright and beautiful. Calm lives or chaotic ones; His Word remains steadfast. During times of still waters or when we are in a tempest grip, it doesn't change the life-giving promise that His mercies are new every morning. His compassion never wears out. He renews us just as He is with us. He sustains us just as He is for us. No matter what we face, He will see us through it all. Just as the sun rises in the east to meet our new day, His mercy is new each day.”
Anthony Does

“In order to rejoice in hope, we have to make sure our hope is in God. We need our hope to be in the certainty of his abilities and his promises. Once our hope is properly aligned with God’s will, we can rejoice in the hope of getting God’s promises.”
Lillian Day

Euginia Herlihy
“You could be brutalised and savaged by life but God says ‘come to me I will make you a new creature and I will make all things new in your life.’ Believe God because He is not the son of man that should lie; neither the son of man that should repent: hath he said, and shall not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?(Numbers 23:19, KJV).”
Euginia Herlihy

“Keep trusting God's promises!!”
Charmaine J. Forde

Gift Gugu Mona
“When you stop seeing the problem you are faced with, and start seeing the promise of God for you; that becomes a good start towards a solution to your problem.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

“I admit that I often have to hold on to faith by my fingernails. When people I dearly love are in trouble, I sometimes pray for them and then walk away with no real hope that God will actually do something for them. Maybe it is an age thing; maybe I have watched too many people get stuck in the groove of tragedy, with no relief from God that I could see. In any case, I still have to pray for faith in God before I get back my hope for others or myself.”

Andrena Sawyer
“The ultimate act of surrender to God is rebellion against lies: the lies that the enemy has spoken to you, and the lies that you might have told yourself about you.”
Andrena Sawyer

Gift Gugu Mona
“Faith is a process whereby you hold on to God’s promises because you know that he will fulfil each one of them.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

“I wait upon the shade of the promises of our God even in the heat of the situation.Like, in the shades of Terebinth, even at Mamre Abraham pitched his tent. So pitch your hopes in the cool shade of Terebinth, even amidst the dusty turmoil of Mamre. Surround yourself with the cool whiff of the Lord's Word, His Promises which is everlasting to everlasting. Yes, Wait upon the Lord.”
Henrietta Newton Martin-Legal Professional & Author

Mark Batterson
“I believe that God never overpromises or underdelivers. He always delivers on His promises, but He does it on His timeline!”
Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge

“Still staying fervently prayerful, for I know God is forever faithful to fulfill his promises.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“God promises, therefore, he can performs.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“With persistent prayers, we shall behold the promises of God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Germany Kent
“Sometimes what we think is a disappointment is God working behind the scenes protecting us from that situation. Trust and believe, He will always come through for you with another opportunity, and catapult you with something more significant and fulfilling.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Hello to all of the dreamers. You are close to your destiny. Keep declaring what God said about you. Set new standards for your faith, walk in expectation and move through life with great energy so seamless, it becomes you.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Give your mood a boost with a shoutout to God for how far He has brought you.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Be about Kingdom Business. Believe that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly what you ask in order for you to achieve extraordinary results in life so you can be blessed to be a blessing.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Not sure where I would be had I not been blessed with a praying mother and grandmother.”
Germany Kent

Stefanie Lozinski
“I am with you.
I will carry you, no matter what.
Ask Me, and I will move mountains for you.
I will fill the empty spaces in your heart.
That is My promise to you.”
Stefanie Lozinski, Maker

Grace Hitchcock
“The Lord has provided for us all these years, so why would He stop now?”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Stefanie Lozinski
“For whatever reason, the High One has chosen to work through us to fulfill His promises. It is we who must act.”
Stefanie Lozinski, Manifest

“Life is Like a Puzzle, One all the Pieces are together it's a Beautiful Picture!”
Glen F. Barnhardt

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