Guilt Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "guilt-quote" Showing 1-26 of 26
Ferdinand von Schirach
“And because people loved conspiracy theories even back then, suddenly everyone became a member of the Illuminati: Galileo, the Babylonian goddess Lilith, Lucifer, and eventually even the Jesuits themselves.”
Ferdinand von Schirach

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Vultures pick the meat clean off a bone. Guilt eats at the marrow, leaving a man hollow.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

“Guilt is the worst demon to bear, and it will keep you in never-ending turmoil.
Learn to let it go!”
Zane Baker

“The 6 greatest detriments to our health, happiness, and ultimate success: Regret, Worry, Guilt, Blame, Gossip, & Resentment
Removing just one can change your life.”
Charles F. Glassman MD

Carlos Wallace
“The company you keep determines how others view you. Identify with mediocrity and you will be labeled sub par. Collaborate with questionable people and your reputation becomes suspect. Guilt by association can end a career, hurt your business and cost you friends. Choose alliances wisely or you may be condemned for someone else's sins.”
Carlos Wallace, Life Is Not Complicated-You Are: Turning Your Biggest Disappointments Into Your Greatest Blessings

“The negative feelings of anger, bitterness, guilt, regret, resentment, and sadness represent a failure of a person to accept that the past is an event that holds no power over the present. The thought that the future will bring salvation is an illusion. We must exist in the present.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Ferdinand von Schirach
“She had two broken ribs, a broken left arm, and a broken nose; splinters from the glasses and beer bottles had gashed her back and arms. When the men had finished, they had lifted one of the boards and thrown her under the stage... They were playing a polka as the policemen pulled the girl out of the muck.”
Ferdinand von Schirach

نجم والي
“الشجاعه هي ان يعترف كل انسان منا بذنبه. بغداد مالبورو”
نجم والي

“I am sitting here at thirty-six feeling like I am responsible for the holocaust for all that is toxic and wrong. Maybe it’s because I eat meat, and I stepped on three ants last Tuesday.”
Amber Garibay

“A man in loss is not a man to trust.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Beth Revis
“I think death is easier than guilt sometimes.”
Beth Revis, A World Without You

“Guilt is to your health as a thief is to your wealth.”
Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain - The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

“I don't know who needs to hear this but it's going to be ok. You're doing the best you can with what you have. ”
Kierra C.T. Banks

“Guilt is an outward expression of self degradation. It is acceptance of one’s culpability, indiscretion, liability, sin, dereliction, and harm without resolving the crime, violation, or wrong. Guilt desires to remain hidden, hence, the paying for confessions to alleviate responsibility. Where shame separates you from social and cultural obedience, guilt brings you closer to the deceiver such as religion. Guilt is dancing with the devil and calling yourself good.”
Deborah Bravandt

Hannah F. Whitten
“Very rarely can the entirety of fault be held by one person.”
Hannah F. Whitten, For the Throne

“Anger, regret, resentment, blame, worry, and guilt all lead to one place: fear. Don’t let that fear stand in the way of recognizing your true worth.”
Charles F. Glassman

Tapan Ghosh
“Guilt is the fear of hurting your ego or that of your loved ones.”
Tapan Ghosh

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“You cannot prove a person guilty when the mistake is from your side”
Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Guilt is a control program that causes laziness, postponement, and reincarnation. Sin is a lie. The idea that a bleeding man can take away your bad behavior is a massive lie that NEEDS TO STOP.

Own your behavior. Grow up. Apologize. Apologizing is a form of dissolving “sin” and an initiation into adulthood. This is emotional intelligence.”
Deborah Bravandt

“The most effective diet is when you shed the weight of guilt, shame, and worry.”
Charles F Glassman

B.S. Murthy
“Exaggeration of hurt enhances the defaulters’ guilt.”
B.S. Murthy

Sharon J. Bolton
“Apparently, when it comes to guilt, a woman can never have too much.”
Sharon J. Bolton, Little Black Lies

Laura C. Reden
“And if the guilt didn’t kill you—the regret would eat you alive.”
Laura C. Reden, Haunted Waters

“Breathing alone is torture. My hell is inside my head. It’s engraved on the walls of my soul. I feel her touch, taste her lips on my skin, and hear her whispers in my ears. Her presence is everywhere. It’s almost tangible.”
ANNE .J. FRANKLIN, THROUGH HELL WITH YOU: A Small-Town Romance Suspense Novel

“Only guilt can give one the highest pain.”
Bharani Kumar Buyakar, Once Again Beautiful And Pure: A Tale of Strength and Redemption