Higher Power Quotes

Quotes tagged as "higher-power" Showing 1-30 of 46
San Mateo
“I call it "Higher Power" not to exclude any cultures/religions, as I feel everyone is pointing in the same direction, with different names, from different perspectives.”
San Mateo, San Mateo: Proof of The Divine

Elliot Wake
“For you, happiness is being with a man. For me, happiness is being among friends. Love takes many forms, Will Scarlet. If I must lie to the world to be true to my heart, then I'll lie. I'll cheat, I'll steal, and I'll do it with a smile. Love is the only higher power I answer to, and my love is no less for being chaste.”
Elliot Wake, All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages

Susan Patron
“Because sometimes Lucky wanted to change everything, all the bad things that had happened, and sometimes she wanted everything to stay the same forever.”
Susan Patron, The Higher Power of Lucky

“I have said for many years
that the only real difference between a philosophy
and a religion
is one or more gods...

I am learning more and more--
as I did when studying eastern religions in my twenties--
how powerful prayer can be,
and I don't mean because one god answers anyone's prayers.

It is the place it puts us in.
Vertical communication.
Surrender (to the powers that be
and those that may or may not be).
And so:
Shellen Lubin

Aleksandra Ninković
“Divine does not tempt us to see what's in our hearts, it tempts us so we could see what's in our hearts.”
Aleksandra Ninkovic, Write like no one is reading

“Embrace YOU...Believe in yourself, in this very moment...forgive yourself for all mistakes and 'bad' decisions you may have made in the past. Do not allow others opinions or judgements of who you were yesterday or decades ago define who you are today. Each and every day opens new doors for miracles of healing to occur in our lives. Embrace these miracles, big or small, even those you may presently be unaware of. Live in this moment, for this is all we have. Give thanks to your Higher Power for all that you are, for the very breath that allows life, love, and abundance to flow to you and through you forever more. Live in the Light of All That IS.”
Angie karan

Karl Wiggins
“There are hundreds of thousands of musicians, artists, painters, poets, writers and bricklayers, and we certainly need walls, music and art, but I truly believe that what some of them do comes from a higher source.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Ernst Jünger
“A critical attitude, like activity, is one of the fundamental characteristics of our time. Both are interdependent. If the critical attitude should dwindle, there would be more peace and less intelligence, to the benefit of the essential. Neither criticism nor activity, however, can steer the course in such a direction - this means that higher forces are involved.”
Ernst Jünger, The Glass Bees

“Like you trust a doctor to treat you or your loved ones, trust the universe. There are energies that can take care of your things and people better than you can.”

Criss Jami
“Humans find it rather natural to believe in some sort of Higher Power; but it takes something supernatural to actually find that Higher Power...And finally, to believe it.”
Criss Jami

“Someone once said to me, 'There are so many religions in the world. They can't all be right.'

And my reply was, 'Well, they can't all be wrong either.'

All religions in the world today share more commonalities than differences, yet language blinds many from seeing these truths. Some people will tell me that what I write about is straight from their holy book, but the truth is that the main principles found in all holy books were already engraved in all our hearts. If you think common sense, the golden rule and knowing right from wrong are exclusive only to your faith, then you need to open yourself up to the rest of the world's religions.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Stewart Stafford
“Organised religion is a contradiction in terms - it's the fallible meeting the infallible. Any earthly, bureaucratic representation of a higher power will prove to be inherently problematic.”
Stewart Stafford

Edward P. Jones
“What we need is a new God. Somebody who knows what the fuck he's doing.”
Edward P. Jones, All Aunt Hagar's Children: Stories

Mimi Novic
“Faith brings comfort and strength to all of us, but we must surrender to a higher power and when we do, we are the most humble and the most powerful.”
Mimi Novic, Guidebook To Your Heart

JOAN TIERNEY, September: A Map

James Lee Burke
“You know what they say at [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings. Coincidence is your Higher Power acting with anonymity.'
'I didn't know you were in the program.'
'I'm not. I go for the dialogue. It's great material.”
James Lee Burke, Robicheaux

Gift Gugu Mona
“Overcomers keep on moving, even where there is no way. They know that God will make a way. They focus on God’s power, even when facing a dark cloud. Because they surrender their own power, to a higher power.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“Overcomers keep on moving, even where there seems to be no way. They know that God will make a way. They focus on God’s power, even when facing a dark cloud because they surrender their own power, to a Higher Power.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

“Shimmy over to the passenger seat, put on your seat belt, wind down the window, feel the breeze on your face and just enjoy the ride. Let your Higher Power do the driving. Your Higher Power wants you to live your greatest life and it knows the way you should be going in order to get there.”
Saskia Lightstar

Sally Andrew
“I'd given up on the NGK dominee's God a while back. But when I listened to people talking about their HP (Higher Power), I realised God may not be a big, bossy guy with a white beard. She might be a quiet inner voice.”
Sally Andrew, The Milk Tart Murders

Sally Andrew
“Listen to any message that your Higher Power may be sending you.", Ricus said.
But all I heard was a bleating sheep.”
Sally Andrew, The Milk Tart Murders

Laurie E.    Smith
“The more we are willing to release all that is holding us back from accepting a higher, loving power into our lives, the more we become available to experience true miracles everyday.”
Laurie E. Smith, Spirit In Disguise: A Guide to Miraculous Living, Book 2

Robin S. Baker
“You can initiate a phase of death and rebirth at any time. You don't have to sit idle and wait for an outside force to make that happen for you. Choose to end things. This will always spark an opportunity for a new beginning.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“In my personal life, learning more about my inner workings has given me confirmation that there are higher sources of power that exists among us. And because we are created in the energetic and spiritual image of them, we can experience nourishment and growth on their level of existence as well.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

“The Twelve Steps teach that the only way to be freed from addiction and restored to sanity is through total and constant reliance on a Higher Power. I guess this Higher Power is somehow supposed to replace drugs, pleasure, and whatever else we have placed at the epicenter of our existence and fill the gap that these things cannot. Since our Higher Power is independent from, separate from, and beyond us, a Higher Power can help us in ways we cannot help ourselves. If we cannot put our Higher Power at the center of our lives, then something else will be there, and it will not be so kind a ruler.”
Michael J Heil

“For most of the year I wore no shoes. This Higher Power was my guide, but it seemed to be just as confused about the world as I was. Eventually, I realized that my Higher Power was an ethereal nothingness. It was a collection of lofty ideas that, although beautiful, were not capable of contradicting me, reshaping my paradigms, or defining reality for me. It was a god that appealed to my own sensibilities; it was as ever-changing and subjective as my own mind.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“It seems as if faith and worship are so ingrained into humanity that even when people renounce God or some higher power, they still devoutly follow a spiritual leader.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Reclaiming Femininity: Saving Women's Traditions & Our Future

Felisa Tan
“Humankind, with all its symbolic capability, seems to always have associated light and height with a higher power—something numinous and holy.

Could it be that deep down inside, we all know that we are part of something far greater than ourselves?”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning

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