Hospitals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hospitals" Showing 1-30 of 113
“In short, physicians are getting more and more data, which requires more sophisticated interpretation and which takes more time. AI is the solution, enhancing every stage of patient care from research and discovery to diagnosis and therapy selection. As a result, clinical practice will become more efficient, convenient, personalized, and effective.”
Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

“Used in combination with genomics, AI could help pharma companies to develop new drugs for rare diseases. The rarer a disease is, the smaller the market is and so the less likely it is to have been addressed. Big pharma is hesitant to take on the high development costs for new drugs if there’s no sign of a return on investment. Biological processes are complex, and that means that they lead to multidimensional data that human beings struggle to wrap their heads around. The good news is that AI is the perfect tool to spot patterns in this kind of data.”
Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

Erich Maria Remarque
“A man cannot realize that above such shattered bodies there are still human faces in which life goes its daily round. And this is only one hospital, a single station; there are hundreds of thousands in Germany, hundreds of thousands in France, hundreds of thousands in Russia. How senseless is everything that can ever be written, done, or thought, when such things are possible. It must be all lies and of no account when the culture of a thousand years could not prevent this stream of blood being poured out, these torture chambers in their hundreds of thousands. A hospital alone shows what war is.”
Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

Michel Foucault
“Is it surprising that the cellular prison, with its regular chronologies, forced labour, its authorities of surveillance and registration, its experts in normality, who continue and multiply the functions of the judge, should have become the modern instrument of penality? Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?”
Michel Foucault

Tilda Shalof
“The hospital will never be healthy for patients if it's not a healthy environment for nurses, where their voices are heard and where they can care for their patients and use the full extent of their knowledge, abilities, and skills. After all, hospitals today have become one big intensive care unit: all patients need intensive caring.”
Tilda Shalof

Pat Barker
“We are Craiglockhart's success stories. Look at us. We don't remember, we don't feel, we don't think - at least beyond the confines of what's needed to do the job. By any proper civilized standard (but what does that mean now?) we are objects of horror. But our nerves are completely steady. And we are still alive.”
Pat Barker, The Ghost Road

Jacob M. Appel
“This is how most stories end in the hospital. Not with crash carts and sirens and electric shocks to the chest, but with an empty room, a crisp white bed, silence.”
Jacob M. Appel, Phoning Home

Victor Hugo
“The merciful precepts of Christ will at last suffuse the Code and it will glow with their radiance. Crime will be considered an illness with its own doctors to replace your judges and its hospitals to replace your prisons. Liberty shall be equated with health. Ointments and oil shall be applied to limbs that were once shackled and branded. Infirmities that once were scourged with anger shall now be bathed with love. The cross in place of the gallows: sublime and yet so simple.”
Victor Hugo, The Last Day of a Condemned Man

J.G. Ballard
“I guessed that he was one of those ambitious young physicians who more and more fill the profession, opportunists with a fashionable hoodlum image, openly hostile to their patients. My brief stay at the hospital had already convinced me that the medical profession was an open door to anyone nursing a grudge against the human race.”
J.G. Ballard, Crash

“What the sick need is teachers not treaters, health schools not hospitals, instruction not treatment, education in right living not training the sick habit. Both they and their advisors must get rid of the curing idea and the practices built up thereon.”
Herbert M. Shelton, Getting Well

Naomi Shihab Nye
“Apparently people commonly died when their loved ones were out of the room. Bathroom break. Quick trip down to the cafeteria for a grilled cheese. It was easier to die if you didn't have family members to worry about at that exact moment.

Easier for the one who was dying, maybe.”
Naomi Shihab Nye, There Is No Long Distance Now

Stevie Smith
“The world is come upon me, I used to keep it a long way off, But now I have been run over and I am in the hands of the hospital staff.”
Stevie Smith, Modern Classics Selected Poems Of Stevie Smith

Eric J. Hobsbawm
“The Labour party on the whole has not been a very effective opposition since the election, partly because it spent months and months electing its new leader. I think the Labour party should, for one thing, stress much more that for most people in the past 13 years, the period was not one of collapse into chaos but actually one where the situation improved, and particularly in areas such as schools, hospitals and a variety of other cultural achievements—so the idea that somehow or other it all needs to be taken down and ground into the dust is not valid. I think we need to defend what most people think basically needs defending and that is the provision of some form of welfare from the cradle to the grave.”
Eric Hobsbawm

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“The sun is shining, mynah birds are chattering, palm trees are swaying, so what. I'm in the hospital and I'm healthy. My heart is beating as it should. My brain is firing off messages that are loud and clear. My wife is on the upright hospital bed, positioned the way people sleep on airplanes, her body stiff, head cocked to the side. Her hands on her lap.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Tobias Wolff
“Getting from La Jolla to Alta Vista State Hospital isn't easy, unless you have a car or a breakdown. April's Father had a breakdown and they got him there in no time.”
Tobias Wolff, The Night in Question

Paula Fox
“It was a dead hole, smelling of synthetic leather and disinfectant, both of which odors seemed to emanate from the torn scratched material of the seats that lined the three walls. It smelled of the tobacco ashes which had flooded the two standing metal ashtrays. On the chromium lip of one, a cigar butt gleamed wetly like a chewed piece of beef. There was the smell of peanut shells and of the waxy candy wrappers that littered the floor, the smell of old newspapers, dry, inky, smothering and faintly like a urinal, the smell of sweat from armpits and groins and backs and faces, pouring out and drying up in the lifeless air, the smell of clothes—cleaning fluids imbedded in fabric and blooming horribly in the warm sweetish air, picking at the nostrils like thorns—all the exudations of the human flesh, a bouquet of animal being, flowing out, drying up, but leaving a peculiar and ineradicable odor of despair in the room as though chemistry was transformed into spirit, an ascension of a kind,
…Light issuing from spotlights in the ceiling was sour and blinding like a sick breath.
There was in that room an underlying confusion in the function of the senses. Smell became color, color became smell. Mute started at mute so intently they might have been listening with their eyes, and hearing grew preternaturally acute, yet waited only for the familiar syllables of surnames. Taste died, mouth opened in the negative drowsiness of waiting.”
Paula Fox, Desperate Characters

Phindiwe Nkosi
“Like my loved one, I am convinced that we all have critical conditions. Battles that we undertake behind the hospitals, in lonely alleys, secret locations and sometimes public places that are out of reach to those who seem to care.”
Phindiwe Nkosi, Behind the Hospital

Gretel Ehrlich
“It was difficult to know what was worse: being in a hospital where nothing worked and nobody cared, or being alone on an isolated ranch hundreds of miles from decent medical care.”
Gretel Ehrlich, A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

Steven Magee
“For some, the hospital resort for sick people is their final vacation.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Many people are bankrupted by their vacation at the hospital resort for sick people.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors are taught to write expensive prescriptions and lots of them!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When you are having to fight with your doctors to have basic medical tests done, you know you are dealing with a corrupted medical profession.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My health research is bad for the businesses of healthcare and the pharmaceutical industries.”
Steven Magee

Gretel Ehrlich
“Patients just need to be touched, that's all. (Blaine)”
Gretel Ehrlich, A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

Gretel Ehrlich
“But the center did not hold. Each room was a composite flower's petal exploded out, propelled by fire ... I was dying. Hummingbirds circled my head, separating oxygen from blood with their beaks. I gulped the rich dessert of air. Sandhill cranes flew through the room, way up near the ceiling, their cries growing fainter. I was going the other way. ... Then I heard a nurse say to me: "Don't worry, we won't let you die.”
Gretel Ehrlich, A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

Atul Gawande
“The most important talent may be the talent for practice itself.”
Atul Gawande, Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science

Atul Gawande
“Studies generally find that teaching hospitals have better outcomes than non-teaching hospitals.”
Atul Gawande, Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science

Steven Magee
“Many patients are misdiagnosed by the medical profession.”
Steven Magee

Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie
“Whitewash and blue cotton, and weary faces in the women’s wards; whitewash and brown fustian, and sullen, stupid looks in the men’s; this was all that Trevithic carried away in his brain that first day; - misery and whitewash, and a dull, choking atmosphere from which he was ashamed almost to escape into the open fields outside the town, across which his way led back to the station.”
Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie, Jack the Giant Killer

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