Immortals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "immortals" Showing 1-30 of 110
Alyson Noel
“I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.”
Alyson Noel, Evermore

Rick Riordan
“It seemed weird calling a teenager 'sir' but I'd learned to be careful with immortals. They tended to get offended easily. Then, they blew stuff up.”
Rick Riordan

Alyson Noel
“Oh, so you see some chick in baggy jeans and a hoodie, and you just have to have her so bad, you decide to repeat high school, just to get her?"

"Sounds about right." He laughs.”
Alyson Noel, Evermore

Alyson Noel
“Though I have to admit, I had a good laugh when I realized you thought I was a bloodsucker." He smiles.

"Oh, well excuse me. I mean since there are immortals running around, I figure we may as well bring on the faeries, wizards, werewolves, and—" I shake my head. "I mean jeez, you talk about all this like it's normal!”
Alyson Noel, Evermore

Tamora Pierce
“I will tell the stork-man.”
Tamora Pierce

Lynsay Sands
“I'm starved." -Juli
"How can you be starved? You just ate a huge bowl of popcorn." -Elspeth
"Popcorn isn't food, it's popcorn." -Vicki”
Lynsay Sands, A Quick Bite

China Miéville
“Its substance was known to me. The crawling infinity of colours, the chaos of textures that went into each strand of that eternally complex tapestry…each one resonated under the step of the dancing mad god, vibrating and sending little echoes of bravery, or hunger, or architecture, or argument, or cabbage or murder or concrete across the aether. The weft of starlings’ motivations connected to the thick, sticky strand of a young thief’s laugh. The fibres stretched taut and glued themselves solidly to a third line, its silk made from the angles of seven flying buttresses to a cathedral roof. The plait disappeared into the enormity of possible spaces.

Every intention, interaction, motivation, every colour, every body, every action and reaction, every piece of physical reality and the thoughts that it engendered, every connection made, every nuanced moment of history and potentiality, every toothache and flagstone, every emotion and birth and banknote, every possible thing ever is woven into that limitless, sprawling web.

It is without beginning or end. It is complex to a degree that humbles the mind. It is a work of such beauty that my soul wept...

..I have danced with the spider. I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god.”
China Miéville, Perdido Street Station

Alyson Noel
“Deep down inside, my heart knew the score.
And I know that Haven was wrong.
It's not always a case of one loving more than the other.
When two people are truly meant to be, they love equally.
Differently - but still equal.”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Alyson Noel
“Soundlessly whispering into the void, my lips moving quickly, silently, without ceasing. Calling his name, calling him to me.
Even though there's no use.
Even though it's futile.
Even though it's way past too late.”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Alyson Noel
“Despite the fact that he no longer dressed like the big dork he did then, despite the fact that he’d swapped the nerd wear for some
much cooler clothes, despite the fact that he’d let his hair go all shaggy and loose to the point where it curved down into his face in that
cool guy, slightly windswept, effortless way, despite the fact that every time I looked into his brilliant blue eyes I was totally reminded of
the Zac Efron poster that used to hang on my old bedroom wall, it still didn’t make it okay for him to laugh at me the way he did.”
Alyson Noel, Shimmer

Alyson Noel
“After two solid weeks of waking up in Damen's bed, wrapped in Damen's arms, you'd think I'd have grown used to it by now.
But nope.
Not even close.
Though I could get used to it.
I'd like to get used to it.”
Alyson Noel, Everlasting

Alyson Noel
“He stops in his tracks, face expressing major disappointment. "Wait - seriously? That's it? We don't get to do a stealthy tiptoe as we slip around back? No sneaking through a cracked window, or arguing over who gets to crawl through the dogie door to let the other one in?”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Sarah J. Maas
“Twenty-seven was ideal age to make the Drop, they'd decided together, after years of mercilessly judging the various immortals who marked their lives by centuries and millennia. Read before any prominent lines or wrinkles are Gray hairs. They merely said to anyone who inquired, What's the point of being a mortal basses if we have sagging tits?”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood

Peter S. Beagle
“You must never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention. [...] Never run. [...] Walk slowly, and pretend to be thinking of something else. Sing a song, say a poem, do your tricks, but walk slowly and she may not follow.”
Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Jessica Khoury
“They all seem infected with a vivaciousness that isn't common in our compound, and there are more smiles on their faces than I've ever seen at once. And yet as I watch them, I feel more intensely than ever the knowledge that I'm not one of them. For these moral humans, birthdays are a kind of countdown to the end, the ticking clock of a dwindling life. For me, birthdays are notches on an infinite timeline. Will I grow tired of parties one day? Will my birthday become meaningless? I imagine myself centuries from now, maybe at my three-hundredth birthday, looking all the way back to my seventeenth. How will I possibly be happy, remembering the light in my mother's eyes? The swiftness of Uncle Antonio's steps as he dances? The way my father stands on edge of the courtyard, smiling in that vague, absent way of his?

The scene shifts and blues in my imagination. As if brushed away by some invisible broom, these people whom I've known my entire life disappear. The courtyard is empty, bare, covered in decaying leaves. I imagine Little Cam deserted, with everyone dead and gone and only me left in the shadows.

Jessica Khoury, Origin

Alyson Noel
“And I start to say, no.
Start to ask him to please just take it off and put it away.
Start to explain how it holds far too many memories for me.
But then I remember what Damen said once about memories - that they're haunting things.
And because I refuse to be haunted by mine - I just take a deep breath and smile when I say, "You know, I think it looks really good on you. You should defiantly keep it.”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Kim Cormack
“She smiled as she imagined that the sun’s last rays were flames from a distant dragon.”
Kim Cormack, Enlightenment

Kim Cormack
“The shade of the sky changed ever so slightly in her peripheral vision. She raised her eyes from her toes to the horizon, to witness the sun’s last dance in the daylight as it began to descend slowly, magically into the distant sea. Exotic pastel hues of orange and fuchsia were now painted across the fading expression of the day. It was a calm yet isolating vision to take into her heart, for it made her feel exceedingly small in the grand scheme of things.”
Kim Cormack, Enlightenment

Kim Cormack
“The sun had now set the sky ablaze with glorious hues of orange. She squinted to focus in the brilliance and thoughts of distant fire breathing dragons lit up her imagination once again.”
Kim Cormack, Enlightenment

Kim Cormack
“Moments… there are always moments where a decision has to be made. In mortal life there is always a choice. One road or another? The ultimate choose your own adventure story. In the clans, there is only one option, and that is to do whatever your clan’s oracle tells you to do.”
Kim Cormack, Enlightenment

“Even upon first meeting him, Qian Meng was certain the man was a storm to be weathered. Wherever he went, the cultivator surely grasped exactly what he wanted without resistance. People no doubt threw themselves at his feet just to be noticed, even if it was simply to step over them.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Qian Meng smiled, wide and blinding. It seemed to take the cultivator before him aback, Lei Hua's face going slack and his ruby lips parting. It was the first time the prince had shown such easy joy, and it revealed just how beautiful he was underneath his pain.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Maintaining the shivering balance of power in this god-forsaken palace was a priority if only to stave off future pain. And yet... Here he was. Sitting across from the cultivator and reveling in the way their energies had become so synced Qian Meng could feel them Lei Hua from a Li away. Two Li. A lifetime, perhaps. As if they were blessed by the Celestial Beings to meet and bond over magic. It was a fool's notion, or a desperate one, or both.

Qian Meng was well aware of that.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Qian Meng felt a small part of himself aching to speak past his loathsome feelings, but he was, by and large, a coward always looking to save himself some pain.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Your presence makes me rise from bed each morning and smile as I go to sleep. While I may tease you about it, my words are true. Meeting you was no mistake, and you are not a burden.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Lei Hua stared down at the shivering man before him, hands twitching to pull him into his chest. To soothe the prince's terrible past into something manageable. And if he couldn't do that, he wanted to storm out and kill every single person who'd ever wronged him. Tear their heads from their bodies and hold them out as favors of conquest.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“You are worthy," the man repeated, expectantly.

"I, I don't know if I can say that," Qian Meng admitted, voice small.

Lei Hua's soft smile tightened. "Then I will say it for you until you can muster it yourself. Again and again, for a lifetime—for two or three if that's what it takes.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“Oh, no," the king murmured, leaning so close Qian Meng was forced to lock gazes with him. "It seems you've become stubborn as of late, and I do not blame you. It's a human response when one has something to fight for.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

“His twin twitched, and Qian Meng smirked a little. He knew it was a struggle for Zihao to look him in the eye. The coward lasted all of ten seconds at best, but it was enough. A shiver of revulsion echoed between them, their very cores recognized a finite difference. While being of the same blood, they were a paradox. Destined to rebound off one another for eternity, forever linked, but never united.”
K. Klein, The Failed Assassination of the Thunder God: A Dark Cultivation Fantasy

Lisa Kessler
“You frustrate me and challenge me and make me think. I've never met anyone like you before, Lily Bouchard, and I will do whatever it takes to gain your trust and win your heart.”
Lisa Kessler, The Captain's Curse

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