Internet Or Technology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "internet-or-technology" Showing 1-9 of 9
“People are always afraid of TV. They are thinking, they will be brain washed and what they don’t know is that social media is worse than TV and they are always glued on it. They spend more hours on social media than anything .

Use social media with caution. Social media feeds on your evil traits.  It brings the worse out of you. It targets your inner darker side. It will brain wash you, if you are not careful. They will use it to control you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“They can’t destroy you or do anything to you now, because they are not at your level. But when you choose to support them in bad things they do or say. You are feeding their ego, hate, evil hearts, and mind.
You are giving them power and they will grow up to your level.
Then they will be doing or saying those bad things to you. They will be In the same league or level as you. They will destroy you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“On social media, you will be fighting someone who is nobody. Who is trying so hard to be somebody by fighting you? Most people are not sane or normal and some are lost, broken, angry, hungry, bitter, and jealous. Never experienced any love or attention. They have nothing they have worked for and nothing to lose. You should not entertain anyone and everything on Social Media.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You can't stalk me by going through my social media, because of what I post. It is what I want you to see.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Social media people would rather support your beef than support your hustle. They rather share your memes rather than share your business posts.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If you want attention or engagement on social media. Say anything about men or to men. The word men is used as a trigger these days.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Do your content but respect people boundaries and privacy.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“What I have learned from IT is that whatever works. Never works, especially when you want it to work.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Nowadays people are choosing to be more aggressive, viler .More toxic. More evil, more racist, more sexist more abusive, more provocative because it gives them engagement and expressions. The more engagement or expressions the more they get paid in some social media platforms. People are now choosing to lose their morals, values, principles and teachings because of that payment. But what good is the money or how do you even enjoy it . When you know you got the money by hurting, bullying and abusing others. Money comes and goes but your character will be forever questionable because of your actions. Good or bad whatever you put out there. Will eventually come back to you. Choose wisely.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos