Mama Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mama" Showing 1-30 of 68
“It just be life, that's all. Ain't nothin' happened to you, ain't happened to most women whether they care to admit it or not. You strong, Babygirl. You a woman. You gotta be.”
Marilyn Fullen-Collins

Koushun Takami
“All of a sudden Yutaka realized he had created a cloud of dust all around him. Oh no! No! This sucks. This blows more than your mama! Hey, now's not the time to come up with stupid jokes!
Koushun Takami, Battle Royale

Molly Harper
“Mama operated under the assumption that I was eight years old and incapable of feeding myself. It was physically impossible for her to cross my threshold without some form of nourishment. She once offered me cheese and crackers from her while we were standing in my kitchen.
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Israelmore Ayivor
“My mother is my friend
Who shares with me her bread
All my hopelessness cured!
Her company makes me secured!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Molly Harper
“She's your mother. I asked, Plus, you do look a bit like her. When you're angry, you both get these tense lines around your mouth...Look, there they are.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Lauren Kate
“Cam il ignora pe domnul Cole si se aproprie de mama lui Luce, ducandu-i mana la buze inainte sa fi facut cineva prezentarile.
- Dumneavoastra trebuie sa fiti sora mai mare a lui Luce, spuse el cu dezinvoltura.”
Lauren Kate, Fallen

Louisa May Alcott
“Si tiene edad para plantear la pregunta, tiene edad para escuchar la respuesta”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Men

Maria Caranica
“Cum atâția ani irosiți cu tatăl meu lăsaseră niște goluri destul de mari, viața mamei a fost ca o continuă învățare de a le umple, cum sunt victimele unui accident vascular cerebral care învață din nou cuvintele uzuale. Felul timid în care se privea în oglindă, la fel de critic și plin de speranță ca un adolescent. Modul în care-și prindea bretonelul scurt cu două clămițe, pentru că, așa cum spunea ea „îmi intră-n ochi la serviciu”...”
Maria Caranica, Notițe cu cerneală verde
tags: mama


En la noche con una vela rezando te

y sé que tu oración sacra es para
porque la tristeza en mi alma
una herida profunda escarba,
porque de encono estoy rodeada
y la oscuridad me ha cautivado.

Tus sacras oraciones
llaman la luz para mí.
Tus sacras oraciones
¿cuándo las merecí?

Tus sacras oraciones
en mi seca alma
entran como rocío.
Y me duele,
porque mi noche no tiene día.”
elena bisserova, Tiempo cerrado

Ashlee Gadd
“To color and bake and arrange flowers in a jar, to do whatever it takes to keep making beautiful things in a broken world.”
Ashlee Gadd, Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood

“Your mom is your world, she can understand everything even what you can’t tell she can see it”
Jordan Hoechlin

“Mi-e dor de tine, mamă...
Cuvintele-s puţine
Mă doare amintirea
Atât am luat cu mine.

În dimineti cu soare
Te văd lângă fereastră,
Cum tragi încet perdeaua
Și-mi spui... te-aștept la masă.

Îmi vin adesea-n minte
Atâtea lucruri dragi
Aş vrea să-ţi simt sărutul
Din nou pe-ai mei obraji.

Zâmbind... mereu spre mine
Tu brațele-ai întins
Mi-e dor de tine mamă,
Chiar de am părul nins.”
Doina Bonescu

Fredrik Backman
“Mamos darbai gali prilygti darbui, kai reikia nusausinti namo pamatus arba pakeisti stogą: tam reikia laiko, pastangų ir pinigų, bet kai baigi - viskas atrodo lygiai taip pat kaip prieš tai. Už tai pagyrimų negauni. O jei paslieki ilgiau biure, tai tas pat kaip pakabinti gražų paveikslą arba naują šviestuvą - tada visi mato.”
Fredrik Backman, Us Against You

Ashlee Gadd
“You desperately want all the right tools because you want to mother “the right way.” But motherhood is messy, and raw, and nuanced, and requires things a baby registry could never provide: surrender, and trust, and dependence on the Lord Almighty to fuel you with grace, with perseverance, with steadfast love, with a sacrificial willingness to get up the next morning with your eyes half shut and do it all over again.”
Ashlee Gadd, Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood

Enock Maregesi
“Ukimheshimu baba au mama yako katika mambo mema au mabaya umemheshimu Mungu katika mambo mema.”
Enock Maregesi

Nicoleta Beraru
“Ştefan se opri brusc. Vocea îi dădu înapoi ca un val în reflux. Privi spre Luluţa care îşi duse mâna la ochi, voind ruşinată să-şi acopere faţa ce i se congestionase şi lacrimile care-i şiroiau ca nişte pârâiaşe pe obrajii stacojii. Privire stinsă. Ochi roşii. Cap plecat. Umeri strânşi. Spate încovoiat. Şuviţe de păr încâlcite şi aruncate peste muci împletiţi cu lacrimi. Sufletul - un zgârci. Asta devenise Luluţa. Se prefăcuse în mâhnirea aceea pe care o purta mereu în ea, pe dinăuntru. Şi pe care o îndesa adânc în ocna sufletului. Şi care o năpădea uneori fără oprelişti. Acum se făcuse vulcan. Şi magma îi erupse vânjos, propulsată de o putere atât de mare, încât fata trebui să-şi adune forţele ca să-şi înghită vocea. Suspina întrerup şi îndesat, încercând să-şi stăpânească sughiţul şi tremurul mâinilor care căutau un şerveţel, bâlbâindu-se înfrigurate pe faţa de masă.
Timpul se făcu punte de dor şi i-o aduse Luluţei pe Florica: o mână caldă pe creştetul capului, un nas mic, îngheţat, încălzit de un decolteu uzat, un miros de pâine bună, aburindă, abia scoasă din cuptor, o îmbrăţişare ca o haină groasă pe timp de viscol şi ger. Luluţa zâmbi duios nălucii: Mi-e dor de tine, mămică! Când o să vii la vară, acasă... şi se opri brusc, siderată de inconsistenţa gândului.”
Nicoleta Beraru, Luluta si Petrisor sau povestea cuiburilor parasite

Milan Kundera
“Prošlo je više vremena nego što su slutili. Mama je odložila maršalski štap svog materinstva i otišla u drugi svijet. Drugom prilikom, kada su s njom bili u šetnji, iznenadila ih je oluja. Držali su je pod ruku, svatko s jedne strane i doslovce su je morali nositi da je vjetar ne odnese; Karel je dirnut, osjećao u rukama njenu neznatnu težinu, razumio je da njegova majka pripada kraljevstvu drugih bića: manjih, lakših i otpuhljivijih na vjetru.”
Milan Kundera
tags: mama

Alicia D. Williams
“When mama does my hair, she spills all the tea.”
Alicia D. Williams, Genesis Begins Again
tags: hair, mama, tea

Sanjib Chattopadhyay
“বড়মামা বললেন, অত বক্তৃতা দেবার দরকার নেই। একে বলে, স্লিপ অব টাঙ্গ। জিহ্বাস্থলন। আমি রোজ পিতৃপুরুষের তর্পণ করি। তোমার কী মনে হয়, এই ওপরে ওঠাটা আমি জানি না? বালক ! শোনো, আমি এইভাবে মনে রাখি, পি, প্রপি, বৃপ্রপি।”
      হল না, একটা বাদ চলে গেল। ওটা হবে, পি, পিপি, প্রপি, বৃপ্রপি।”
Sanjib Chattopadhyay, অজ্ঞাতবাস
tags: mama

Sanjib Chattopadhyay
“গাড়ি যেমন পেট্রোলে চলে, মানুষ তেমনি চলে আশীর্বাদে। পূর্বপুরুষরা আশীৰ্বাদ না করলে জীবনকে চালাতে হয় ঠেলে ঠেলে।”
Sanjib Chattopadhyay, অজ্ঞাতবাস
tags: mama

Kate   Young
“Back in my room, I put Izzy down, pulled my dress over my head, and tossed it on the floor, lost in thought.
"Marygene Brown," Mama scolded the second I closed the door.
I screamed. Izzy was growling and running around Mama, barking.
Alex bolted through the door, gun in hand, scanning the room for an intruder. "What is it?"
I held my hand over my heart, a familiar response for me now, and scooped Izzy up. Mama was giving me a chastising glare, her arms folded across her chest. She didn't seem to like the idea of Alex sleeping in the house. She was such a hypocrite. That was when I recalled I was standing in nothing but my bra and panties. Alex devoured me with the intensity of his gape. I snatched the dress off the floor, using it to cover myself.
"Um... I thought I saw a mouse. Sorry I alarmed you," I stammered.
"Mouse, my derriere," Mama said. "That boy doesn't need to be in this house. You have a blind spot when it comes to him." She had never been fond of Alex.
He was subpar in her eyes. He didn't own his own business, like Zach did, nor did he come from an aristocratic family. He was a common boy who grew into a common man, who earned a deputy's salary. Like Eddie.
Alex had a lopsided grin. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were using that as an excuse to get me up here. A little jealous tonight, were we?"
"You watch yourself, young man!" Mama scolded, her finger in his face. Not that he saw her.
"Shh," I said to Mama.
"What are you shushing me for? Any man would think the same," Alex said.
"I thought I heard it," I held my hand to my ear, "the mouse, listen."
He put his gun back into his holster. "Right. If you want me to stay," he waggled his eyebrows at me, "all you have to do is ask."
"I mean it. You're about to get it, young man," Mama was waving her arms around like a lunatic, and I wasn't certain she could do no harm. She had slammed me to the floor the other night.
"No. I swear it was a mouse." I shoved him out the door. "I'll be fine. Good night, Alex."
"Good night, Marygene." He grinned again as I closed the door. "If you need me, just holler." He put extra emphasis on the word need.”
Kate Young, Southern Sass and Killer Cravings

Edmondo de Amicis
“Gyvenime tavęs laukia daug sunkių dienų, bet visų sunkiausia bus ta, kai neteksi motinos.”
Edmondo de Amicis, Cuore

Farrah Rochon
“Do you need a rest, Mama?" Tiana said as she drizzled praline syrup on the order of beignets she'd just made.
"No, baby. You know I stopped sewing to embrace the excitement of the restaurant business."
"Well, that's not the only reason you're here," Tiana said with a laugh. She rounded the cooking station and enveloped her mother in a hug.
"No, it isn't," Eudora said. She and Tiana stared up at the portrait of her daddy that hung on the wall, looking down over the entire kitchen. "I'm here because this is exactly where he would want me to be."
"And it's exactly where I want you to be, too. What did that man from the paper call you? The queen of Tiana's Palace?"
"Well, he's right," her mother replied with no small amount of sass.
Then she and Tiana burst out laughing.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Matteo Gravina
“I can not lie to you. I love telling stories, but I do not read books.”
Matteo Gravina, HOW NOT TO KILL MAMA

Allene vanOirschot
“Motherhood is a gift from God designed to completely empty our selfish desires and teach us fully how to live this life in service to others.”
Allene vanOirschot

“Nothing can replace a Mama nor Papa! Thereof, cherish your parents.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“In every language the saying of either "Mama" or "Papa" remains the same. This is the paradox of parenting.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Cruel mothers are still mothers. They make us wars. they make us revolution. They teach us the truth. early. Mothers are humans who sometimes give birth to their pain. Instead of children”
Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

Ashley Audrain
“Motinos širdis per gyvenimą sudūžta tūkstantį kartų.”
Ashley Audrain, The Push

“Po prostu to, co w nas wyjątkowe, może zachwycać naszą mamę, ale dla badacza pozostaje bezużyteczne: nie da się na tej podstawie zbierać danych, określać częstotliwości ani wyciągać wniosków.”
Emilia Dłużewska, Jak płakać w miejscach publicznych

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