Mental Wellbeing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mental-wellbeing" Showing 1-30 of 30
Poppy Jamie
“Nothing happens if we don’t make it happen. We can’t get the job we don’t apply for. We can’t date the guy we don’t text back. We can’t have good mental health if we don’t take action to break out of limiting thought patterns and anxious drama loops.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Sam Owen
“Your brain is paying attention to how you treat yourself.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Poppy Jamie
“Loving, hopeful, optimistic thoughts are the finest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant pills in the universe. Hateful, fearful thoughts are like swallowing poison.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“Stiff thoughts grow in a fear-based life. Flexible thoughts grow in a love-based life.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“When we’re not fighting a feeling, we ironically allow it to pass quicker and, in the process, create the silence and space to hear its message.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

“As a child of God, please recognize that God is the strength of your life. Not your husband, children, job, friends, loved ones, or well-wishers. God should be the strength of your life, the source of your joy.”
Precious Avwunuma Emodamori

Abhijit Naskar
“Do not force your mind to get rid of random thoughts, because your brain is simply not capable of doing so. Instead, when you sit to practise meditation, let the thoughts come and go, just don’t serve them tea. Over time, that background noise inside your head would disappear.”
Abhijit Naskar, I Am The Thread: My Mission

Lysa TerKeurst
“Nothing will give you emotional laryngitis like living in close proximity to someone who refuses to listen. Having emotions but no voice chokes the life out of relationships.”
Lysa TerKeurst, Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely

Nadia L. King
“You have so much potential. You don't know it yet but there are important things you have to do with your life. You are here for a reason and you will touch people with your life and what you choose to do...Your life matters.”
Nadia L. King, Jenna's Truth

Sam Owen
“Either way, whether your anxiety is self-generated or externally-generated or both, your brain still needs to sound the alarm – and thank goodness it does! It’s essentially telling you: ‘Warning, something is sabotaging or might sabotage your goals, health, happiness and survival – find it, fix it!’ to which your mental response should be, ‘Gee, thanks, I’m on it!”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Anxiety is just our brain’s way of trying to keep us alive and
well; it is simply, and fortunately, one of our many in-built survival
mechanisms. Just as we feel pain when we burn our skin which
tells us to move away from the cause of the pain, we experience
anxiety when the brain perceives a threat to our well-being and is
telling us to prevent or extinguish the threat/danger.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Anxiety is our friend, not our
enemy. Even when anxiety is severe and out of control, it’s still
our friend because it’s telling us something seriously needs
addressing in order for us to survive and thrive, even if that severe
anxiety is a sign that our alerting system is unnecessarily working
overtime or even ‘malfunctioning’ of sorts.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Anxiety is just our brain’s way of trying to keep us alive and well; it is simply, and fortunately, one of our many in-built survival mechanisms. Just as we feel pain when we burn our skin which tells us to move away from the cause of the pain, we experience anxiety when the brain perceives a threat to our well-being and is telling us to prevent or extinguish the threat/danger.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Don’t choose to live with anxiety any more than you would choose to live with a bleeding arm.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Anxiety is not intended for us to live with it. You use anxiety to your advantage to protect your mental and physical well-being and survival from a threat or danger.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Rumination doesn’t solve anything, reflection and introspection can solve all.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“It’s weird how much just one sentence uttered to yourself about the thing that you are doing, as you are doing it, can noticeably alter your behaviour right there and then. Just start watching how your thoughts play out.”
Sam Owen

Sam Owen
“Don’t let some people’s blase attitude towards human relationships in the modern world fool you into thinking that humans are dispensable, that family and friends are dispensable, that marriages are dispensable. They are not and they never will be. Good people are your key to sanity. Good people are your survival.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Always being busy is not the sign of a winner, it’s the sign of your life being out of balance.”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Sam Owen
“Just because we can achieve so much in little pockets of time doesn’t mean we should. Just because we can, doesn’t mean it’s good for us. Everything in moderation, right?”
Sam Owen, Anxiety Free: How to Trust Yourself and Feel Calm

Poppy Jamie
“What will change our perception of the world – and the world itself, if we can all get on board – is choosing compassion.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“When fear speaks, it speaks lies that are disguised as truth and it can be very convincing.

Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“Living an emotionally authentic life is what makes each and every one of us interesting and it is only then that healing can take place.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“It’s an odd paradox: life’s challenges have the capability to actually make us happier in the end.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Narayanan Palani
“Even thousand successes do not equalize to single mind filled with huge stress”
Narayanan Palani

“I felt like a terrified first time stand-up act, about to be pelted with tomatoes and hounded from the stage. On second thoughts maybe no reaction was quite a positive response.”
Chloe hall