Normal Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "normal-life" Showing 1-17 of 17
Toba Beta
“You don't deserve to understand truth
if all that you want is just the normal life.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Amit Kalantri
“You will miss a normal life while living a successful life, but not as much as the craving for a successful life while you were living a normal life.”
Amit Kalantri

Dan Pearce
“Don’t you get it? There is no other you. Out of the six and a half billion people on earth, not a single one of them has had the same experiences in life that you have had. None of them share the exact same passions and struggles. None of them have lived your life. None of them.

You are the product of you, and nothing else. Every decision you have ever made over your entire life has led you exactly to where you are right at this moment. Simplified… You are you because of you.

I am me because of me.

And everybody else is everybody else because of what they did to get there. Because of their own choices. Because of their own paths.

There is no “normal” because there isn’t a single common trait shared by “everyone”. There is nothing that everyone is doing or that everyone is.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Mariana Zapata
“There were moments in life where you asked yourself if you did drugs without realizing it.”
Mariana Zapata, From Lukov with Love

Dan Pearce
“My 30 year attempt (and subsequent failure) to reach “normal” has brought me to ponder whether “normal” even exists, or if it is nothing more than delusional grandeur based in the sounds of those sweet sirens drawing my ship in all the wrong directions.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Michael Montoure
“Life went back to normal, after that, as it will do if you're not careful.”
Michael Montoure, Slices

Jacob Nordby
“Let Life race you out beyond your own boundaries over and over again until you are comfortable with watching the Map of Normal's edge disappear behind you.
Let Life show you that it is safe to exceed your own expectations and reputation--and prove that the only danger in following her into the wilderness is a loss of your own fear.
This is when we gain the warrior's heart, the master's eye, and the student's mind. After that, Life holds our hand in every adventure and shows us things not possible before.”
Jacob Nordby

Karl Wiggins
“I want to make one thing clear; although we’re having a little fun at Rag Tag’s expense you can still like him. That is allowed, you know. You can have friends who are Rag Tags, you can enjoy their company, share jokes with them and look forward to seeing them again. And if they’re of the opposite sex you can even shag them! Or the same sex, I guess, if you’re that way inclined. But they’re still Rag Tags, and they’re on a different planet.

Or rather, you’re on the Wrong Planet.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Karl Wiggins
“Rag, Tag & Bobtail always seem to manage life better and have better control over their finances, but to me they’re stuck inside the box of time-honoured and long-established attitudes and beliefs. They are dull, rigidly conventional and humdrum.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Ezra Claytan Daniels
“You see me as inferior in contrast to your idea of "normal." But what is normal, but mediocre? Is that what you want from our life?”
Ezra Claytan Daniels, Upgrade Soul

Katherine McIntyre
“Truth be told, loneliness had seeped into her bones with the passing of time until it had become her normal way of life.”
Katherine McIntyre, Soul Solution

Christina Baker Kline
“Look, I don't mean to be rude, but you could never have a normal life, even if that's what you thought you wanted. You and me, we're not 'normal.”
Christina Baker Kline, A Piece of the World

Stephanie Butland
“There's no such thing as ordinary, just like there's not really a normal.And there's no such thing as special, either. Or rather, we bring our own special. We make it. We make it when we dare and we make it when we ask for help. We make our lives special when we choose to forgive and move on, and not to make ourselves the centre of everything. We make specialness by trusting to the music and the dance.”
Stephanie Butland, The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae

“The entire universe has been harmoniously created and everything in it work in harmony.The sun has its rising and settling time. Seasonal changes have their own time for appearing and departing.Fruit bearing trees have their own time and timing. The child crawls and then walks.We take a step to make a journey. A simple deviation then from the normal is a simple deviation to the abnormal.”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Rasmenia Massoud
“How nice that must be, to blend in with unexceptional people in that banal, work-a-day banter. Like regular people.”
Rasmenia Massoud, Tied Within

Alison  Fox
“Normal life continued on, heedless of the occasion.”
Alison Fox, The Beginning : Book One of the Lucky Ones Series

Sanhita Baruah
“No matter how "normal" people look, living "ordinary" lives, everyone has a story to tell.
And maybe, just like you, everyone else is a misfit too.”
Sanhita Baruah, The Art of Healing : Notes for Life