Nra Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nra" Showing 1-30 of 37
Quentin R. Bufogle
“A little stupid is like a little forest fire. If you happen upon some stupid, please stomp it out before it spreads.”
Quentin R. Bufogle, Horse Latitudes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Our love affair with guns has nothing to do with tyranny, or militias, or self-preservation. Just ask any NRA member the following: If Jesus Christ himself were to come down off the cross and grant you one wish, would you opt for a world without guns -- or the one we live in now? If every gun owner truly feared for their life and liberty, the answer would be obvious. But it's not about life and liberty. It's all about the sheer hard-on of owning a gun.”
Quentin R. Bufogle

DaShanne Stokes
“When a country with less than five percent of the world's population has nearly half of the world's privately owned guns and makes up nearly a third of the world's mass shootings, it's time to stop saying guns make us safer.”
DaShanne Stokes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“If you're one of those delusional 2nd Amendment types who believes you and your trailer park 'militia' might need to take on the Army, the Navy, the 101st Airborne and SEAL Team 6; not only should you be denied the right to bear arms -- but the right to your belt & shoelaces as well ... 'cause you're stark, ravin' batshit!!!”
Quentin R. Bufogle

DaShanne Stokes
“If guns don't kill people, why do mass killers arm themselves with guns?”
DaShanne Stokes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Why do we still cling to the intellectually retarded notion that liberty can be obtained, maintained, or lost at the end of a gun barrel? When you're working 3 minimum wage jobs to make the minimum payment on a pair of socks you bought 12 years ago because your credit card company slapped you with an interest rate that would make a loan shark holler WTF! ... well, no one needs to hold a gun to your head. Your ass has already been sold down the river.”
Quentin R. Bufogle

“When the NSSF fights against legislation designed to prevent mass shootings because it “won’t work and is a violation of rights,” we understand that many people agree with that argument. But that’s not, at all, even a little bit why the organization lobbies so hard. It works hand in hand with the NRA and certain senators, and spends millions of dollars per year for one reason and one reason only: to make more money. And every time a shooting happens, it makes even more money.

Yes. For real. When a mass shooting makes national headlines, the gun lobby purposefully stokes up fear and paranoia over proposed new gun laws so that scared citizens get out their checkbooks and buy a new AR-15 (or sporting rifle). So why would the NSSF have any interest in stopping mass shootings? Why would it engage politically and invest in compromise, a reform plan that attempts to make all Americans safer, or any sort of reckoning of the role guns play in gun violence? It won’t.

However you feel about guns and their place in America—whether we’re talking about rifles for hunting or assault rifles, or anything in between—it’s undeniable that the gun lobby has refused to acknowledge or entertain any sort of regulation or reform aimed at making us a safer and saner nation. The reason why: because that does not make it more money. A customer base kept terrified at all times that this will be “the last chance before the government bans” whatever gun manufacturers are peddling is much more valuable. A customer base absolutely convinced that the just-about-anyone-can-buy culture we have is politically necessary without seeing that it serves those companies is what they’re after. They have achieved it.”
Trae Crowder, The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark

Joseph Fink
“If you say guns kill people one more time, I will shoot you with a gun, and you will, coincidentally, die.”
Joseph Fink, Mostly Void, Partially Stars

Quentin R. Bufogle
“It takes a good guy with a gun, to stop a bad guy with a gun (unless the bad guy's a much better shot).”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Quentin R. Bufogle
“When has a civilian ever stopped a mass shooting with an AR-15? An AR-15 is a perfect weapon for mass murderers -- not so much for self-defense. Would you bring an AR-15 along on a date? To your place of work? To the movies? If not, how can owning an AR-15 save your life in the event of a mass shooting? Why does the NRA keep telling us we need semi-automatic rifles for self-defense? Whose side are they really on?”
Quentin R. Bufogle

DaShanne Stokes
“When nearly 3,000 people died on 9/11, it was enough to create massive change in our society. Over ten times as many people die from guns each year. Where is the social change?”
DaShanne Stokes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Just a thought for all you God-fearin', gun-lovin', Bible-thumpin' 2nd Amendment patriots. If it turns out Heaven's a gun-free zone, what's plan B???”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Quentin R. Bufogle
“To all the kids from the "special" reading class back in high school (the one where you tried to form words using wooden blocks) -- PLEASE stop telling me that I can't blame an "inanimate object" for the off-the-hook gun violence in this country. YES! ... I CAN!!! I blame all the "inanimate objects" in Congress who refuse to pass sensible gun legislation because they're too chicken-shit to take on Wayne LaPierre and the gun lobby.”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Forget 'pray the gay away.' I you're more turned on by an AR-15 than a pair of tits, time for some serious therapy. Time for all you gun-humpers to come out of the closet. Is this really about the 2nd Amendment and self-defense -- or just a pathetic fetish for guys with tiny pee-pees?”
Quentin R. Bufogle, Horse Latitudes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Before you're allowed to own a .44, your IQ should be higher than .44.”
Quentin R. Bufogle, Horse Latitudes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Remember: Guns don't kill! -- The dimwits who insist EVERYONE should have the right to own 'em do!”
Quentin R. Bufogle

John Sandford
“Like the NRA says, it's better to have a machine gun and not need it than to need a machine gun and not have it.”
John Sandford, Outrage

Quentin R. Bufogle
“MY ASS IS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR INCONVENIENCE ... that's my response to anyone opposed to universal background checks. If Ted Nugent has to wait three days because his wife wants a Howitzer for the backyard -- tough shit! If a background check keeps ONE gun out of the hands of ONE maniac thereby saving MY ass, it's worth it. May sound a bit selfish, but I'd hope you're equally fond of your own ass.”
Quentin R. Bufogle, Horse Latitudes

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Personally, I think we should remove the word "shooting" from the vernacular. It's an ugly, biased word that somehow creates the assumption that a gun was involved. Let's go with 'Interpersonal Ballistic Event' (IBE).”
Quentin R. Bufogle

“We do wish they’d have the same fervor and monetary backing for, say, a group of black legal gun carriers in Ferguson, Missouri, as they do white folks.”
Trae Crowder, The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark

“The NRA brainwashes you into believing that you need to buy a bunch of guns, to protect yourself from all the people with guns.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, How to Defeat the Trump Cult: Want to Save Democracy? Share This Book

Sue Klebold
“I didn't know until a year later that Marilyn Manson had canceled concert dates in our area out of respect, or that the NRA did not cancel their annual meeting, held at a hotel fifteen miles away from the school, just ten days after the shootings.”
Sue Klebold, A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy

“Use a Condom, Not a Knife”
Vic Stah Milien

Anthony T. Hincks
“Raise your gun in anger, then hang your head in sorrow.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Agona Apell
“When racks shed arms like autumn leaves, the land shall turn from red to gold”
Agona Apell

Trump calls for Muslim leaders to fight terrorists. Great. Will he now address American leaders
“Trump calls for Muslim leaders to fight terrorists. Great. Will he now address American leaders about ending the terrorism of the police?”
A.K. Kuykendall

Stewart Stafford
“America is drowning in guns. Even if they were all banned from midnight tonight, it would probably take a century or two to get them all out of circulation and maybe not even then.”
Stewart Stafford

Anthony T. Hincks
“Soldiers understand and know death.
Families only understand grief, anger and sorrow.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Scott C. Holstad
“feeling the fear
in mass murder

83-year-old woman
shot thru eye

convenience clerk
nothing taken
it’s pointless
junked out killer on
killing for
art’s sake

THIS is my art
judge me
Scott C. Holstad, Big Head Press Broadside Poem Collection

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