Painters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "painters" Showing 1-30 of 60
Paul    Graham
“There are few sources of energy so powerful as a procrastinating college student.”
Paul Graham, Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age

“Thanks for your encouraging words. But I know the grim realities of being an artist. Most of us would never make a mark in this world. Nearly all of us would be living in oblivion and would face utter neglect by society. You know what? I am prepared for that. It doesn’t matter whether people laud and appreciate my artistic skills or not. Or whether I live a life of non-recognition. I expect nothing. One becomes a true artist only when one creates art just for the sake of it and not for monetary gains or approval from people. I want to become a true artist. Yes, that would give me happiness.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

Christopher Moore
'Paint only what you see,' his hero Millet had admonished.
'Imagination is a burden to a painter,' Auguste Renoir had told him. 'Painters are craftsmen, not storytellers. Paint what you see.'
Ah, but what they hadn't said, hadn't warned him about, was how much you could see.”
Christopher Moore, Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d'Art

E.A. Bucchianeri
“She preferred the quiet solitary atmosphere, to create in her own world of paint and colour, the thrill of anticipating how her works would turn out as she eyed the blank sheets of paper or canvas before starting her next masterpiece. How satisfying it was to mess around in paint gear, without having to worry about spills, starch or frills, that was the life!”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

“The sense of pleasure you get creating something that doesn’t exist is inexplicable. I can never explain this joy in words. I like the process more than the outcome. I mean, the moments when I am busy painting. It makes me feel good about myself. It is like prayer. An ode to the Universe.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

Don DeLillo
“I'm completely aware of Matisse and what he said, that painters must begin by cutting out their tongues.”
Don DeLillo, Underworld

W. Somerset Maugham
“I had not then acquired the technique that I flatter myself now enables me to deal competently with the works of modern artist. If this were the place I could write a very neat little guide to enable the amateur of pictures to deal to the satisfaction of their painters with the most diverse manifestations of the creative instinct. There is the intense ‘By God!’ that acknowledges the power of the ruthless realist, the ‘It’s so awfully sincere’ that covers your embarrassment when you are shown the coloured photograph of an alderman’s widow, the low whistle that exhibits your admiration for the post-impressionist, the ‘Terribly amusing’ that expresses what you feel about the cubist, the ‘Oh!’ of one who is overcome, the ‘Ah!’ of him whose breath is taken away.”
W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale

Edward Gorey
“Anyway, for whatever interest is to be derived therefrom. Bacon, Balthus, and Magritte are my three favourite painters, along with Dubuffet, of the whole post-impressionist period, by which I mean that before them Bonnard, Vuillard, & Seurat are my favourite painters of that time.”
Edward Gorey, Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey & Peter F. Neumeyer

Karl Wiggins
“There are hundreds of thousands of musicians, artists, painters, poets, writers and bricklayers, and we certainly need walls, music and art, but I truly believe that what some of them do comes from a higher source.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Kazimir Malevich
“Being a painter, I ought to say why in pictures people's faces are painted green and red.”
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

“I have two options as an artist; achieve success or cause an uproar. The second option is my major goal.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

David Hockney
“Artists, real artists, have to work. They can’t be hedonists. Really good painters are always working. The world is such a marvelous place. You have to look and to work. That’s exactly why Van Gogh was such a great artist: total commitment. That’s what you need.”
David Hockney

Louie Anderson
“Mothers are artists, in their way, wouldn’t you say? They’re like symphony conductors of entire lives. They’re painters or sculptors. And not only is it really hard to shape clay into something really good, but that piece of clay is changing dramatically, all the time, even if you never touch it. A painting won’t get painted if you just leave the canvas alone but a child will still develop into something even if you neglect it. Each mom and each dad has to adapt to what they’re trying to make, hoping to make, and Mom and Dad also have to let that child turn into the creation he or she wants to be. Oh, and then lots and lots of moms and dads have to do this with two or three separate creations, simultaneously. Or, in the case of you, Ora Zella, with eleven creations. How is that not way more impressive than anything a great painter does? Picasso, Shmicasso.”
Louie Anderson, Hey Mom: Stories for My Mother, But You Can Read Them Too

Donna Tartt
“I think of something I read about Sargent: how in portraiture, Sargent always looked for the animal in the sitter (a tendency that, once I knew to look for it, I saw everywhere in his work: in the long foxy noses and pointed ears of Sargent’s heiresses, in his rabbit-toothed intellectuals and leonine captains of industry, his plump, owl-faced children).”
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Anthony T. Hincks
“Colors may run on a canvas of love.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Stefan Hertmans
“They’re all daubers, today’s painters; they’ve completely lost touch with the classical tradition, the subtle, noble craft of the old masters. They muddle along with no respect for the laws of anatomy, don’t even know how to glaze, never mix their own paint, use turpentine like water, and are ignorant of the secrets of grinding your own pigments, of fine linseed oil and the blowing of siccatives—no wonder there are no more great painters.”
Stefan Hertmans, War and Turpentine

Ahmad Ardalan
“Why do you paint, Akram?” I asked. “What—”

“Close your eyes, Sebastian,” he said, stopping me. “Just for a minute, close them and tell me what you see.”

I did as he asked and answered, “Nothing, just black.”

He tilted my head a bit to the west. “Open them now and find the blessing of vision. This abundance, the explosion, the mixture of colors, the movement, life passing by… See the sun setting? What colors can you find in the sea? Surely there are blue and gray, but don’t you also see that darker gray, light green, even black? Look at the hues of the sun drowning in the sea, melting in oranges, reds, purples. Look at those trees over there. Look at the waves, at me, at your hands, the eyes of your friends. Now, must you still ask me why I paint?” Akram replied. He then left me and walked to the tip of the yacht to enjoy the sunset and the breeze.

“Artists,” I mumbled to myself.”
Ahmad Ardalan, The Art Collector of Le Marais

“Never I've felt more validated in my life that through art.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

“Every painting tells a story.”
Adrienne Posey

“Hiring A Drywall Contractor in Portland Oregon
You can check reviews from customers and find out as much as you can concerning the company before you hire it. If you are from Portland Oregon, you can get the help of Brian Erik Jamison for instance when it comes to your drywall project.”
Brian Erik Jamison,

“The painting of your home is something that is very important. This is because it is something that people can see. It needs to be done neatly and with much care. A painting contractor can help you out. Brian Erik Jamison of Portland Oregon can be considered if you stay in this area.”
Brian Erik Jamison,

“I believe creativity is a gift that chooses certain persons. Not all are born with this magic. Artists are gurus.
When I was little, I always compared artists as the innovation of ancient witches and wizards, that instead of using magic wands or brooms, use brushes. Similar, but different in size.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Painter and reality! Both of these are changers! But the painter changes reality virtually; on the other hand, reality changes the painter really!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Kristian Ventura
“Beneath the nice book cover, camera angles, format of the page, size of the canvas, sound of the song – was someone with something to say.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

“You can't make the good old days come back just by painting pictures of them.
That kind of stuff is dead now and I think it's about time.”
Norman Rockwell, in the late 1960s

Avijeet Das
“Support all singers, musicians, photographers, dancers, painters, poets and writers. We don't fight wars. We spread love in the world.”
Avijeet Das

Margaret Atwood
“What interested these painters was evidently the fact that my clothes were torn off, which allowed them to paint a naked woman in distress, always of interest to a certain kind of man.”
Margaret Atwood, Old Babes in the Wood: Stories

Deborah Blum
“The painters were teenage girls and young women who became friendly during their hours together and entertained themselves during breaks by playing with the paint. They sprinkled the luminous liquid in their hair to make their curls twinkle in the dark. They brightened their fingernails with it. One girl covered her teeth to give herself a Cheshire cat smile when she went home at night. None of them considered this behavior risky.”
Deborah Blum, The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York

“Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.”
Angelica Kauffman

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