Pledge Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pledge" Showing 1-30 of 39
Erik Pevernagie
“The fresh “breeze of freedom” that so many people promise lightheartedly, so often, remains void in the hot desert of yearning expectations. Pretending that everything is just a deplorable misunderstanding, may soothe their conscience and let them walk out easily on their pledge. (“Breeze of freedom)”
Erik Pevernagie

Suzanne Collins
“Upon this crown my pledge I give,
To my last breath,I hold this choice,
I will your unjust deaths avenge,
All here who died without a voice.”
Suzanne Collins, Gregor and the Marks of Secret

Vera Nazarian
“Patriotism is a thing difficult to put into words. It is neither precisely an emotion nor an opinion, nor a mandate, but a state of mind -- a reflection of our own personal sense of worth, and respect for our roots. Love of country plays a part, but it's not merely love. Neither is it pride, although pride too is one of the ingredients.

Patriotism is a commitment to what is best inside us all. And it's a recognition of that wondrous common essence in our greater surroundings -- our school, team, city, state, our immediate society -- often ultimately delineated by our ethnic roots and borders... but not always.

Indeed, these border lines are so fluid... And we do not pay allegiance as much as we resonate with a shared spirit.

We all feel an undeniable bond with the land where we were born. And yet, if we leave it for another, we grow to feel a similar bond, often of a more complex nature. Both are forms of patriotism -- the first, involuntary, by birth, the second by choice.

Neither is less worthy than the other.

But one is earned.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Helen Fielding
“Bet I will become known as brilliant cook and hostess”
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’s Diary
tags: pledge

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The real promise in too many promises is a promise that I’m going to be disappointed.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Helen Fielding
“Am going to cook shepherd's pie for them all - British home cooking.”
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’s Diary
tags: pledge

Dejan Stojanovic
“There is a pledge of the big and of the small in the infinite.”
Dejan Stojanovic, Circling: 1978-1987

Henry James
“Suddenly she said to him with extraordinary beauty: "I engage myself to you forever."

The beauty was in everything, and he could have separated nothing—couldn't have thought of her face as distinct from the whole joy. Yet her face had a new light. "And I pledge you—I call God to witness!—every spark of my faith; I give you every drop of my life.”
Henry James, The Wings of the Dove

Kirill Klevanski
“They took the Kingdom, they took his own destiny. But he is willing to wage a war, against the whole world if need be, to bring everything back.”
Kirill Klevanski, Stone Will

Steven Magee
“Before you pledge allegiance, you should thoroughly examine your government to see if you are comfortable with doing so.”
Steven Magee

Israelmore Ayivor
“The leader’s commandment is made up of pledges to solve local and global problems, and not to create more problems to add to the existing ones.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Thoughts

Munia Khan
“I conquer my existence to find you
By defeating my mind to remind you
That my lonely life’s pledge is to bind you
With my blue heart tightly tied behind you
To follow, to embrace and to give you
All my love, pain, desire just to heave you

From the poem: Pledge”
Munia Khan, To Evince the Blue

Ehsan Sehgal
“Whenever you pledge your life, for your companion, you bind respect too. If you break it; you break with own hands your life, and respect.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: pledge

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Noble Praise of INDIA, The Pledge

"India is my property and I am a property of India,
Service is my Identity Card and Bharat Mahan is my designation,
Indian is my template and citizen is my nameplate,
Let the sunset in the west, I will be the light for my nation,
Respect thy my country and thy my people,
I shall practice any potential risk to seek peace for my country and my people,
I shall sustain my nation's culture pertaining to my personal rights and freedom,
I shall esteem human values regardless of the prevailing diversity in my country,
I shall never bribe my fellowmen to corrupt my country,
I shall stand straight to keep my nation tall,
I shall be ready to sacrifice my life to live in my country,
I shall wish to be the richest citizen than to be the richest man,
I shall be a milestone in the history of my country,
I shall be determined to obey the law and order of my country,
I shall be proud to salute my tricolor national flag,
I shall live finite to make my country infinite,
My first breath is from my mother and my last breath is for my motherland,
This body belongs to my country until I am a dead body,
Even if it is my last day, I will pledge for my country,
Jai Hind, Vande Mataram, Jai Bharat Mata”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Steven Magee
“I pledge allegiance to the disabled of the United States of America, and to free healthcare for which they need, one marginalized group under the government, unable to work, with freedom from poverty and social security payments for all.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“For me, participating in the Pledge of Allegiance is akin to performing a Nazi salute, and that is why I never do it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“As a person who is aware of extensive USA government fraud, my ethics dictated that I could no longer participate in the Pledge of Allegiance.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Being aware of extensive corporate controlled government corruption, I found that I could no longer do the Pledge of Allegiance, so I rewrote it to one that I could participate in.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Until disability reform takes place that looks after all disabled people, you will never see me participate in the Pledge of Allegiance.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If you support a corrupt corporate controlled government, please go ahead and pledge allegiance.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Your corrupt government would like you to pledge allegiance to them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Protesting can be as simple as not participating in the Pledge of Allegiance.”
Steven Magee

Ehsan Sehgal
“Whenever you pledge your life, for your companion, you bind respect too. If you break it; you break, with own hands your life, and respect”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: pledge

Steven Magee
“To participate in the Pledge of Allegiance would be a public declaration of support to a corrupt government.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You will never see me pledge allegiance to a corrupt government.”
Steven Magee

Ron Baratono
“Bless Your Memorial Day

Today, we salute and pledge our never ending appreciation to the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedoms, and defending our Nation. And, to the many front line workers who have lost their lives fighting COVID-19. Today, our hearts belong to all of you.”
Ron Baratono

“I pledge alliegiance to the Lord, who love me unconditionally.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Ehsan Sehgal
“Whenever you pledge your life for your companion, you bind respect too. If you break it; you break with your own hands your life and respect”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: pledge

“I dropped to my knees on the ground at Dani's feet, plunging my claws in the soil on either side of me, an ancient pledge the significance of which would be long lost to all but any other dragons that were still out there kicking. Her eyes grew wide but her mouth stayed closed as she observed.
"I swear on my fire. I swear to you, Dani. Trust me, and I will deliver you home safely," I vowed. "I swear on my fire. I swear on my life. Dani, I promise. If you can trust me, I will protect you with my life so we can find out what's going on. If you choose to go home, no vampires involved, I'll swear my life to that instead. Whatever you want to do, I'll make it happen.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

“I come before you not as a politician or as a bureaucrat, but as a soldier and servant of Justinian Augustus, most happy and victorious Emperor of the Romans. I hereby pledge my life to your safety. If during the coming storm you suffer, know that I will suffer before you. If you are injured, know that the enemy will have to knock me down to get at you. If you are in peril of death, know that I will share that peril every day until the peril is gone. As Stilicho and Aetius, I do not fear my own destruction, but will put everything I have on the line to protect Rome from our enemies.”
Paolo Belzoni, Belisarius Book III: Rome the Eternal

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