Portals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "portals" Showing 1-21 of 21
Sherry K. White
“Sing to your mountains because as you sing, they are being cast into the sea.As you sing, the portals of heaven are opening.”
Sherry K. White

“People don't believe me when I tell them I'm a magician who makes portals to other worlds. So I tell them I'm a writer instead.”
Genesis Quihuis

Dianna Hardy
“It took Pueblo a few seconds to take in his surroundings. The first thing he realised was that he felt bruised all over; the second was that his clothes were waterlogged, even more than before, from the quicksand; and the third, was that he had landed on his front and was lying on a large, uncomfortable stone.

No, wait… In his disoriented state, he shifted his weight. The stone didn't move. He was lying on his own fucking erection.”
Dianna Hardy, The Sands Of Time

Will Advise
“Quinns always come at half price, about half the time, and half-naked, even during the colder half of winter. A Quinn is like a queen, but draggier, and cheaper to buy and use for personal gain, unless you’re suspicious that you’re poor and illiterate like Jarod Kintz, in which case Quinns could be the spirits of your dead relatives, come to haunt you until you gather a massive fortune through selling books on the internet, to send some back in time through a portal you bought from the NSA, so they would have lived better lives without having to move a finger for their fortune. Oh, yah, and since they aren’t - they’re blue, like smurfs, yet they turn purple whenever tickled on the belly, which is something they seem to rather dislike, since they start biting and scratching when it happens, for no good reason, I might add.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Akshay Vasu
“When you explain an art to someone, you destroy an imagination that was about to catapult in them, and you destroy a place which they were about to build in their mind. Let them see it through their heart without the bounds of time. Through many memories of their life and through the heart, mind, and eyes of their loved ones. Through a mind, that break the constraints of all their thoughts and through the pain, lies, and happiness that they hide inside them. Let them open their wings and get into the portals, which will take each one of them to very different places from the one that you exist.”
Akshay Vasu, The Abandoned Paradise: Unraveling the beauty of untouched thoughts and dreams

Alix E. Harrow
“The boy returned at ten-thirty on a Tuesday morning. It’s official library policy to report truants to the high school, because the school board felt we were becoming 'a haven for unsupervised and illicit teenage activity.' I happen to think that’s exactly what libraries should aspire to be, and suggested we get it engraved on a plaque for the front door.”
Alix E. Harrow, Apex Magazine Issue 105, February 2018

Carl Sagan
“Black holes may be apertures to elsewhen. Were we to plunge down a black hole, we would re-emerge, it is conjectured, in a different part of the universe and in another epoch in time . . . Black holes may be entrances to Wonderlands. But are there Alices or white rabbits?”
Carl Sagan

Anthony T. Hincks
“Doors are funny things.
Some lead to somewhere exciting and wonderful, while others lead to the mundane and ordinary. Some, because they are gaudy and ornate, usher us into the land of greed and money. But many look unassuming and plain, yet hidden behind their simplicity one can find love; warmth; a cozy fire; a home cooked meal and a beautiful family.
It's these doors I search for in life and it's these doors that I shall find.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anna Tizard
Sunk on its haunches in a predatory pose, a creature spread its long, curled fingers over the tiles on the roof, sniffing them. Its mottled, olive-grey skin winked in the uncertain March sunlight. Truly, a thing that didn’t belong here in ordinary suburbia, overlooking a garden that burst with beauty and life.”
Anna Tizard, The Empty Danger

William Richard Lethaby
“Portals must have guardians.”
William Richard Lethaby, Architecture Mysticism and Myth

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your dream is a portal to your destiny.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

“And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Sandy Zenith, And In The Whorl Ring The Town Portal That Time Consumes The Empty Ether, Was The Tomb Of King Leoric, The Crown, A Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic The Ring Is Mine...My Own...My Precious...”
Jonathan Mckinney

Edward Flaherty
“Landscape: what is seen? What is felt?”
Edward Flaherty, Tangier Gardens

Edward Flaherty
“Move through the landscape, take shelter in the architecture. That is life for every human.”
Edward Flaherty

“And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Zenith, Although The Glass Not Half Empty Or Half Full In Time Consumed, Was The Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic In Town Portal To King Leoric's Tomb?”
Jonathan Mckinney

“And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Zenith, Although Nor Half Empty Nor Half Full In The Time Consumed, Was The Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic In The Town Portal To King Leoric's Tomb”
Jonathan Mckinney

“And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Sandy Zenith, And In Its Glass Nor Empty Nor Half Xor Full Time Consumed, Was The Tomb Of King Leoric, The Crown, And The Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic Portal Up To Town”
Jonathan Mckinney

“And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Sandy Zenith, And In Its Empty Glass Before Half Xor Full Time Consumed, Was The Tomb Of King Leoric, The Crown, Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic, And Portal Up To Town”
Jonathan McKinney

“...And So It Came To Pass That The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Sandy Zenith, And Inside That Whorl Ring The Town Portal That Time Consumes The Empty Ether Was The Tomb Of King Leoric, The Crown, And The Topaz Orange Elixir Of Magic That The Whorl Ring Cucked On A Hidden Shrine, And The Ring Is Mine, My Own, My Precious In Time...”
Jonathan Mckinney

Kaylin R. Boyd
“Books are portals. Even if the people and events inside are all fictitious, the magic of it all is real.”
Kaylin R. Boyd, Tell City: A Novel

Holly Smale
“Because these aren't just dresses.
They're portals: ways of time-travelling without moving. A little bit of me went into each of them, and it's as if I can see myself in each of them, standing there like a ghost. As if every emotion, every thought, every hope, every memory I had is still drifting visibly through them like smoke.
These are all part of who I am and who I was, and they're also part of who I will be.
My very own historical timeline.”
Holly Smale, Forever Geek