Possessions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "possessions" Showing 1-30 of 221
Henry David Thoreau
“What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
Henry David Thoreau, Familiar letters

John Wesley
“Do you not know that God entrusted you with that money (all above what buys necessities for your families) to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to help the stranger, the widow, the fatherless; and, indeed, as far as it will go, to relieve the wants of all mankind? How can you, how dare you, defraud the Lord, by applying it to any other purpose?”
John Wesley

Roman Payne
“I was surrounded by friends, my work was immense, and pleasures were abundant. Life, now, was unfolding before me, constantly and visibly, like the flowers of summer that drop fanlike petals on eternal soil. Overall, I was happiest to be alone; for it was then I was most aware of what I possessed. Free to look out over the rooftops of the city. Happy to be alone in the company of friends, the company of lovers and strangers. Everything, I decided, in this life, was pure pleasure.”
Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

David Sedaris
“I love things made out of animals. It's just so funny to think of someone saying, "I need a letter opener. I guess I'll have to kill a deer.”
David Sedaris

Thomas Henry Huxley
“The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land, to add something to the extent and the solidity of our possessions. And even a cursory glance at the history of the biological sciences during the last quarter of a century is sufficient to justify the assertion, that the most potent instrument for the extension of the realm of natural knowledge which has come into men's hands, since the publication of Newton's ‘Principia’, is Darwin's ‘Origin of Species.”
Thomas Henry Huxley

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Men have looked away from themselves and at things so long that they have come to esteem the religious, learned and civil institutions as guards of property, and they deprecate assaults on these, because they feel them to be assaults on property. They measure their esteem of each other by what each has, and not by what each is.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance: An Excerpt from Collected Essays, First Series

Joshua Becker
“Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.”
Joshua Becker, Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life

Alda Merini
“I don't like Paradise,
As they probably don't have obsessions there.”
Alda Merini

Rebecca Wells
“These are all I have. I do not have the wide, bright beacon of some solid old lighthouse, guiding ships safely home, past the jaggedrocks. I only have these little glimmers that flicker and then go out.”
Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Thomas Mann
“The books and magazines streamed in. He could buy them all, they piled up around him and even while he read, the number of those still to be read disturbed him. … they stood in rows, weighing down his life like a possession which he did not succeed in subordinating to his personality.”
Thomas Mann

Héloïse d'Argenteuil
“[I]t is not by being richer or more powerful that a man becomes better; one is a matter of fortune, the other of virtue. Nor should she deem herself other than venal who weds a rich man rather than a poor, and desires more things in her husband than himself. Assuredly, whomsoever this concupiscence leads into marriage deserves payment rather than affection.”
Héloïse, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse

Colson Whitehead
“If niggers were supposed to have their freedom, they wouldn't be in chains. If the red man was supposed to keep hold of his land, it'd still be his. If the white man wasn't destined to take this new world, he wouldn't own it now.

Here was the true Great Spirit, the divine thread connecting all human endeavor--if you can keep it, it is yours. Your property, slave or continent. The American imperative.”
Colson Whitehead, The Underground Railroad

Omar Khayyám
“You’ve seen the world, and all you’ve seen is nothing; and everything, as well, that you have said and heard is nothing. You’ve sprinted everywhere between here and the horizon; it is nothing. And all the possessions you’ve treasured up at home are nothing.”
Omar Khayyám, Quatrains - Ballades

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
“You only truly possess that which you cannot lose in a shipwreck.”
أبو حامد الغزالي

William Shakespeare
“Those that much covet are with gain so fond,
For what they have not, that which they possess
They scatter and unloose it from their bond,
And so, by hoping more, they have but less;
Or, gaining more, the profit of excess
Is but to surfeit, and such griefs sustain,
That they prove bankrupt in this poor-rich gain.”
William Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece

Anthony Liccione
“The more material we lose, the less we have. The less we have, the more we win.”
Anthony Liccione

Tove Jansson
“But that's how it is when you start wanting to have things. Now I just look at them, and when I go away I carry them in my head. Then my hands are always free, because I don't have to carry a suitcase.”
Tove Jansson, Elizabeth Portch

Roman Payne
“Do we take less pride in the possession of our home because its walls were built by some unknown carpenter, its tapestries woven by some unknown weaver on a far Oriental shore, in some antique time? No. We show our home to our friends with the pride as if it were our home, which it is. Why then should we take less pride when reading a book written by some long-dead author? Is it not our book just as much, or even more so, than theirs? So the landowner says, ‘Look at my beautiful home! Isn’t it fine?’ And not, ‘Look at the home so-and-so has built.’ Thus we shouldn’t cry, ‘Look what so-and-so has written. What a genius so-and-so is!’ But rather, ‘Look at what I have read! Am I not a genius? Have I not invented these pages? The walls of this universe, did I not build? The souls of these characters, did I not weave?”
Roman Payne

Tove Jansson
“The garnets,' Sniff moaned. 'I didn't get a single one.'
Snufkin sat down beside him and said kindly: 'I know. But that's how it is when you start wanting to have things. Now I just look at them, and when I go away I carry them in my head. Then my hands are always free, because I don't have to carry a suitcase.”
Tove Jansson, Comet in Moominland

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Technologies of easy travel "give us wings; they annihilate the toil and dust of pilgrimage; they spiritualize travel! Transition being so facile, what can be any man’s inducement to tarry in one spot? Why, therefore, should he build a more cumbrous habitation than can readily be carried off with him? Why should he make himself a prisoner for life in brick, and stone, and old worm-eaten timber, when he may just as easily dwell, in one sense, nowhere,—in a better sense, wherever the fit and beautiful shall offer him a home?”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables

Patrick H.T. Doyle
“There's never enough of the stuff you can't get enough of.”
Patrick H.T. Doyle

Wallace Stegner
“To have so little, and it of so little value, was to be quaintly free.”
Wallace Stegner, All the Little Live Things

Clare Winger Harris
“Already, in the last few decades, you have realized the utter futility of of encumbering yourselves with superfluous possessions that have no useful virtue, but which, for various sentimental reasons, you continue to hoard, thus lessening your life's efficiency by using for it time and attention that should have been applied to the practical work of life's accomplishments. (The Miracle of the Lily - 1928)”
Clare Winger Harris, The Dreaming Sex: Early Tales of Scientific Imagination by Women

Anna Quindlen
“There was a period when I believed stuff meant something. I thought that if you had matching side chairs and a sofa that harmonized and some beautiful lamps to light them you would have a home, that elegance signaled happiness.”
Anna Quindlen

Zora Neale Hurston
“The town had a basketful of feelings good and bad about Joe's positions and possessions, but none had the temerity to challenge him. They bowed down to him rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

Bryant McGill
“Like in the animal kingdom, where every creature has its defenses and weapons, humans also possess powerful instruments for camouflage, defense and attack.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Hannah Rothschild
“Beauty and desire to possess have driven men mad for centuries.”
Hannah Rothschild, The Improbability of Love

“Peace of mind isn't about what you do have, it's about what you don't have.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

“True wealth is not the abundance of possessions, but the richness of the soul”
George Stamatis

Donna Goddard
“The energy of all our objects transforms according to our use and handling of them. Cleanups are important not only in an aesthetic sense but also in an energetic sense. You will never delete unwanted karma from your life if you cannot delete the gross physical counterparts of it.”
Donna Goddard, Love Matters

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