Protective Quotes

Quotes tagged as "protective" Showing 1-30 of 160
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“My little sister snuck out of the house carrying a circular-saw blade and a can of Mace. I couldn't exactly let her come alone.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Charlaine Harris
“And you are mine, and you will be mine. They
will not get you. - Eric from Dead and Gone”
Charlaine Harris, Dead and Gone

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I dare a lot more than that." Roth's skin seemed to thin his face becoming sharp angles."I will not stand for one hair on her head to be harmed. If you want her, you're going to have to come through me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Every Last Breath

D.H. Lawrence
“The bitch-goddess, as she is called, of Success, roamed, snarling and protective, round the half-humble, half-defiant Michaelis’ heels, and intimidated Clifford completely: for he wanted to prostitute himself to the bitchgoddess, Success also, if only she would have him.”
D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Mariana Zapata
“You can't be that overprotective if you didn't love someone.”
Mariana Zapata, Dear Aaron

Nina Lane
“there really is a place where kisses taste like apple pie and where stars spill like sugar across the sky.”
Nina Lane

Stephanie Garber
“Jacks reminded himself she was safe with Apollo. As a princess, she'd have anything she ever wanted.

But she wasn't supposed to want to kiss him. It wasn't fair of Jacks to hate her a little for it. But feeling hateful was the only thing that made it possible for him to leave. And he really needed to leave.

Evangeline was safe. That was what mattered.

If Jacks stayed, if he stormed in the room and used his powers to make Apollo watch as Jacks told Evangeline that she wasn't nothing to him. That she was everything. That he'd turned back time to keep her alive, and he would make the same choice again. If Jacks made her remember that he was the one she should have wanted to kiss. She wouldn't be safe anymore. She wouldn't even be alive.

If Evangeline was going to have any future, Jacks could not be a part of it.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Lali A.  Love
“Lilac’s protective nature ignited all the supernatural powers in her; she never imagined existed. A surge of adrenaline, triggered by her fight-or-flight response, gave her physical body the super-human strength needed to free her hands from bondage.”
Lali A. Love, Heart of a Warrior Angel

Carissa Broadbent
“Do not,' Raihn said sharply, 'speak about her that way.”
Carissa Broadbent, The Serpent and the Wings of Night

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“No one will harm you,' he vowed. 'I will not allow it.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

K.L. Speer
“Touch her again, and I’ll put a bullet between your eyes,” Trey said in a dark voice I’d never heard him use before. 
K.L. Speer, Bones

C. L. Adams
“I will protect every moment for you, and pray this world is softer to you than it ever was to me.”
C. L. Adams, Barely Thoughts

Jovan Stipic
“If anything happens to her, I will skin you.”
Jovan Stipic, Tournament of the Lost

Jenna Levine
“Reggie shoved Richardson away from me and jumped between us. "If you bite her," he growled, his face a mask of fury. "No--- if you so much as breathe on her, I will stake you where you stand."
On some level at least, I shouldn't find Reggie's protectiveness as hot as I did. But I was too stunned and terrified by what was happening to care.”
Jenna Levine, My Vampire Plus-One

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: Xyst was my one indulgence, a slap in the face to the future laid out for me. It was where I traded whispers with the city’s elite, where I was more than just a tactic in my family’s strategy. My role at the club, the thrill of the gamble, the dance of seduction—it was me at my most alive. And tonight, like most nights, I was embracing that defiance. It was the only piece of my life that was truly mine, and I’d fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.
I was a boss lady at Xyst, ruling over a domain of nocturnal secrets. And for a few precious hours, I’d forget about the chains waiting to drag me back into my daytime reality.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: Standing there, watching her, I felt like a damn monster—a guy covered in tattoos, each one a marker of past fights and darker days. My exterior might have been tough, but it was nothing compared to the ugliness trying to claw its way out of my heart. My childhood had left me jaded and untrusting. I had always put on a good front, acting like the easygoing golden retriever who didn’t take life too seriously. But ever since I was a kid, I’d known life mostly sucked. So why not live in the moment? If life had taught me one thing, it was that none of us were guaranteed a tomorrow.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: I leaned in, keeping my voice low as the monitors beeped in the background. “I’ve got your back, pretty angel. I won’t let any more harm come to you.” It was more than a promise; it felt like a vow. Being this close to her, I couldn’t shake the feeling that fate had thrown us together for some higher purpose. Here I was, a beast, and there she was, a beauty—our lives slammed together by some twist of destiny.”
Evie James

Evie James
“CONAN: “In the middle of chaos, there you were—mine to care for, mine to protect.”
A whispered vow I would keep.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: By the time he’d finished the song, I was so wrapped up in his playing and the sound of his voice that I hadn’t realized how much my imagination had run wild. I was having a vivid daydream about those very fingers, imagining how well he could play—me—and betting mentally that he could make me sing too.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: I was more than the sum of discovered—or undiscovered—facts. And if my past wouldn’t come to me, I’d build a future that didn’t need it. But the question of who I’d been before all this remained. This was a puzzle I was determined to solve, with or without Conan’s help. No matter what truths lay buried, I would face them head-on. After all, wasn’t that what survivors did?”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: “It was only a simple kiss,” I said. “It’s not like you threw me against a wall and fucked me until I didn’t know my name—not that I know my name, but you get my drift. Besides, I all but fell into your lap and begged you to kiss me. No need to be dramatic. It was no big deal.” I huffed, rolling my eyes so hard it hurt.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: “But you gotta know that I value honesty. I may not have many friends, but I’m completely loyal to those I do have. Anyone who knows me knows that my friends mean the world to me, and I’d go to war for them. I’d give my life for my brothers and those I call friends. Honesty is at the heart of trust, and trust doesn’t come easy to me. I want to trust you, my Angel, and I want you to trust me. So no secrets between us, okay?”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: “Your tattoos tell a story too. The skull on your back, the black widow on your neck, the bloody axes, the broken heart—all intermixed with the sexy women. You try to paint yourself as some badass, but I see the truth. You’re not just the easygoing live-and-let-live guy. In reality, you’re more like a jaded, brokenhearted little boy who lost his momma way too early and who has a giant, sensitive, although scarred, heart that has been hurt too many times.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: I stayed silent, watching her breath. I wanted to freeze time, to hold on to this moment forever. No woman had ever affected me this deeply. Maybe it was her innocence—the fact that she was a blank slate due to her amnesia, free to write her story anew without the weight of past memories. God, how I longed to help her fill those empty spaces.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“Those crystal-blue eyes of hers…they cut through all the bullshit and pierced my soul. I was forever lost to her. That twenty percent angel, eighty percent devil mix made me want to dive headfirst into whatever underworld she’d take me.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: Soulmates, true love, and forever were just fairy tales—but then I met her.
It didn’t make sense. Hell, I’d spent my whole life dodging anything that even hinted at real feelings. I’d always been the guy who kept it light, never letting anyone get close enough to see the cracks beneath the surface. But Angel had fallen into my life—quite literally—and changed everything. When she was brought into the ED, bloody and unconscious, something had shifted inside me. I couldn’t leave her side, not then and not now.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“CONAN: There was something about her that drew me in deeper than I’d ever thought possible. Maybe it was how she saw me—not as some carefree playboy but as someone worth getting to know. She didn’t judge me for my past or the walls I’d built around my heart. She accepted me for who I was in this moment, and that scared the hell out of me. Yet it also made me want to protect her with everything I had.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“Eyes on me, Angel,” he commanded, closing the space between us, his breath brushing across my lips. “I’m going to know everything about you—your fears, your dreams, your past, the best and the worst. I want to be the one who stands by you when you’re at your lowest and lifts you up higher at your best. I’ll be the one who fights off anyone or anything that tries to hurt you. You’re mine now, and I will know every part of you, even your darkest origins. Nothing will get in my way. Nothing.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“ANASTASIA: “Conan, you make me feel…safe. More than that, you make me feel valued. You’re the first person who has ever made me feel truly alive. Before I met you, my life was on a course dictated by others. You’ve shown me what it means to be cherished, to matter. Every moment with you is a gift I never thought I’d get. I don’t have the words to express how much you mean to me, but know this: you are my strength and my courage. I trust you with my life—with my heart. I’ve never experienced anything like this, and I never will again. You’re everything I never knew I needed.”
Evie James, Day Shift

Evie James
“Nearly dying had turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Waking up as a blank slate without a past and with only a future to consider had given me a newfound hope for tomorrow. There were no worries, no obligations, no insecurities—just endless possibilities. Sure, it had been terrifying to have no clue who I was or where I came from, but I was also the luckiest girl alive. Fate had landed me in the care of a man who wanted to be with me for who I truly was—not because of my family, not for what I could give him, not out of obligation—because I was just me. The wreck had been a once-in-a-lifetime reset button, a chance to explore what life had to offer.”
Evie James, Day Shift

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