Queen Elizabeth Ii Quotes

Quotes tagged as "queen-elizabeth-ii" Showing 1-30 of 32
Mouloud Benzadi
“Elizabeth II was the best known child in the world when she was BORN.
She became the greatest monarch of all times, LATER ON.
She will be remembered as the most wonderful queen on the THRONE.”
Mouloud Benzadi

James Morcan
“Despite the absence of Queen Elizabeth II’s name in annual Forbes Rich Lists, everyone in the room was aware the Queen was one of the wealthiest people in the world, if not the wealthiest. However, hers and the House of Windsor’s assets and income were mostly non-declared.”
James Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

James Morcan
“Contrary to the myth that the British Royals were no longer all-powerful, it was common knowledge within Omega and other organizations in the know that they remained one of the most dominant forces on the planet. The Royals were totally comfortable with the mass populace believing they’d passed their heyday. That belief allowed them to control things behind the scenes with effortless ease. And control they did, in every way imaginable.”
James Morcan, The Orphan Factory

“I have to be seen to be believed.”
Queen Elizabeth II

Sally Bedell Smith
“Philip revealed his carefully cloaked emotions when he wrote to his mother-in-law, "Cherish Lilibet? I wonder if that word is enough to express what is in me." He declared that his new wife was "the only 'thing' in this world which is absolutely real to me, and my ambition is to weld the two of us into a new combined existence that will not only be able to withstand the shocks directed at us but will also have a positive existence for the good”
Sally Bedell Smith, Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch

“The city of Gloucester, by ancient custom, presented a lamprey pie to the sovereign at Christmas time, as a token of loyalty. Lampreys are scaleless freshwater sucker-fish resembling eels, desirable in the past for their oily, gamey flesh. The tradition of gifting lamprey pies to the royal family continued until the end of Queen Victoria's reign, but was revived for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 when a 42-pound pie was cooked by the RAF catering crops.”
Janet Clarkson, Pie: A Global History

Petra Hermans
“She stayed humble, in a two seconds night of rest and peace.”
Petra Hermans , Voor een betere wereld

Stewart Stafford
“The Lion of Albion by Stewart Stafford

Bell tolls on the second age of Elizabeth,
As another reign of Charles commences,
The Lion of Albion monitors its domain,
With the steadying mending of fences.

Acceding to the throne, León Coronado,
History's weight on verisimilar shoulders,
As the matriarch reflects in absentia,
Crown jewel of memory to beholders.

Over moor, loch, valley and causeway,
Rises the realm of Charles Rex III,
Phoenix feathers of noblesse oblige,
For the Brexit nesting of a dove bird.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“Fellow Africans, we have condemned Queen Elizabeth II the second for racism and all the atrocities during the colonial period, under her reign, who are we blaming for tribalism, xenophobia and other forms of separatism we commit today?”

Lily Amis
“Queen Elizabeth II will be a symbol for compassion & kindness! RIP”
Lily Amis

Lily Amis
“Queen Elizabeth II will be a symbol for unconditional love & loyalty! RIP”
Lily Amis

Lily Amis
“Queen Elizabeth II will always be remembered and admired for her discipline and unconditional sense of duty and humanity. RIP”
Lily Amis

Mimi Novic
“Life is about dancing in the rain
While the sun sings its music and the rainbows deliver hope”
Mimi Novic, Brilliance of Dawn

Lily Amis
“Queen Elizabeth II experienced two
world wars and was the symbol
for global stability even in the most
challenging and difficult times!
RIP, Lily Amis”
Lily Amis

Lily Amis
“Queen Elizabeth II will always be
remembered for her great sense of
humour and beautiful smile! RIP”
Lily Amis

“Queen Elizabeth II showed diligence to duty until her final days.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Exceptional exemplary leadership demonstrated by King Charles II during his beloved mother, Queen Elizabeth II, funeral. Long live the King.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“At a time when hopelessness and despair loom over the world, Queen Elizabeth torched a candle of hope, and acceptance, helping to show us what was possible.”
Qamar Rafiq

“Faith communities will remember Queen Elizabeth, for their warm relationship with her, with a particular commitment to interfaith dialogue and harmony.”
Qamar Rafiq

Sally Bedell Smith
“Засади високого виховання, яких дотримувалася Єлизавета, ґрунтувалися на заохоченні й розумінні: не висміювати, не вихвалятися, не підвищувати голос і "в жодному разі не кричати й не залякувати", адже "втратиш цінну довіру інших". Як писала мати в одному з листів до Лілібет, "не забувай тримати себе в руках, не порушуй обіцянок, і нехай тобою керує любов".”
Sally Bedell Smith, Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch

“Success isn't wealth or status; impact matters.”
Maheshika Halbeisen

“Leadership is service, not a throne to seize

Empowering and uplifting those you lead with ease

Each day, ask yourself how you can lend a hand

Supporting others, not yourself, is what makes a true command

The Queen’s example, a shining light

Acknowledging and elevating others, always in her sight

Breaking through barriers, supporting good causes

Making everyone feel valued, she’s a true leader who never paused

Let us all follow in her regal path

Celebrating each other’s achievements, no aftermath

Age and gender, never to be a limitation

We can all make a positive impact on this nation

Remember, true leadership is not about fame

It’s measured by the success and well-being of your game

So lead with service, and watch your people thrive

For a true leader empowers, and helps their people to survive.”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

“I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.” Her Majesty at the Coronation in 1953”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

“Proper training is key, it allows one to accomplish a great deal."" Queen Elizabeth II”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

“The things which I have here promised, I will perform, and keep, so help me God.” Queen Elizabeth – The Queen’s Coronation Oath, 1953”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

“I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice, but I can do something else: I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

“Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and family disagreements."" Queen Elizabeth II”
Maheshika Halbeisen, The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership

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