Samadhi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "samadhi" Showing 1-30 of 78
Amit Ray
“Samadhi is the journey from individual to collective consciousness. The steps of Samadhi are the steps towards reaching the collective consciousness. In meditation, the more we radiate love, compassion, peace, harmony and tranquility, the more is our contribution towards the collective consciousness. The more we positively contribute towards the collective consciousness the more is our progress in Samadhi.”
Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Enlightenment is the realization that all is as it should be. Everything is perfect as it is. Enlightenment is not an effort to achieve. Enlightenment is a state of non-doing, of effortlessness. Enlightenment is the feeling that you are at home in existence. You are part of the whole. You don't exist separately, all separation has disappeared. Enlightenment is the understanding that all is good and that all is an tremendous harmony.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean

“Many Yogis are blindly attentive to their particular system of meditation, ignoring their own background of Consciousness or Beingness... that they forget about the goal, the Self.”
SantataGamana, Kriya Yoga Exposed: The Truth About Current Kriya Yoga Gurus, Organizations & Going Beyond Kriya, Contains the Explanation of a Special Technique Never Revealed Before

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Thinking happens by itself. The thing that is thinking that it is it that is thinking is a product of thinking.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Meditation eventually reveals our ability of getting pleasure from giving our undivided attention to our pain.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Atman or Soul is visible in the ‘Samadhi’ stage. The Soul is percolated. It means ‘Kundalini’ or Life power is percolated. After percolation from the whole body, it is accumulated in the cerebrum or the seventh plane of the body and is seen. If any cell of the brain is defective, the man will not thrive at this stage. The life power will melt. And if it is flawless, the life power will descend from the cerebrum, and just at this stage, Atman is seen.”
Sri Jibankrishma or Diamond

Dada Bhagwan
“If you experience samadhi (enlightened bliss) in a completely difficult situation, then know that you have met a Gnani Purush (enligtened one)!”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“As much 'sarad' (flexible and straightforward) as you will be; that much 'samadhi' (bliss) will prevail within you.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“True peaceful state is that when one has inner peace amidst total lack of peace on the outside. Samadhi (Bliss of the Self) amidst external turmoil is the ‘tested’ samadhi.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“When does one experience the ‘Samadhi sukh’ (happiness of the blissful state)? When one does not want anything, when the entire ‘tuber’ of greed has been removed; thereafter the ‘Samadhi sukh’ shall prevail.Therefore, give away. As much as you give, that much will be yours!”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Abhijit Naskar
“Once you are alive to liberation, liberation would be alive in you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Abhijit Naskar
“Real enlightenment is not at all free from all sorts of ignorance, but it is at all times aware of that ignorance as well as all the shortcomings of the self, whereas in the so-called enlightenment fueled by mysticism, the self gets consumed by the illusion of knowledge, which is worse than ignorance.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Don't be worried whether you will be able to be enlightened in this life. Once you have started the journey, you have already made it.
Every river is constantly moving to the ocean. The only problem is with people, who have become closed stagnant ponds, which is not open to flow. To become a stagant small pond means that there is no growith, there is no new experiences.
To be a sincere seeker means to drop this static state and become a flowing river.
It does not matter when you reach the ocean. Once you have started moving and flowing, falling into the ocean is absolutely determined.
You have gatehred the trust, courage and silence to jump out of the static state into a living being.
When you have started flowing, then falling into the ocean is bound to happen.
And you are the ocean, every drop contains the ocean, it is of the same nature.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean

“For example, there was once a pagan master who was devoted to an art, that of mathematics, to which he had devoted all his powers. He was sitting by the embers, making calculations and practicing his art, when a man came along who drew a sword and, not knowing that it was the master, said: "Quick, tell me your name or I will kill you!" The master was to absorbed to see or hear the foe or to catch what he said; he was unable to utter a word, and to say: "My name is so and so". And so the enemy, having cried out several times and got no answer, cut off his head. And this was to acquire a mere natural science. How much more then should we withdraw from all things in order to concentrate all our powers on perceiving and knowing the one infinite, uncreated, eternal truth!”
Eckhart Mester

“Shabda, Transcendent Word, or logos ( λόγος ) in Greek, is the exclusive means by which transcendent truths are revealed. This is the case because shabda, being of the nature of the spiritual, corresponds in essence with the spiritual nature of transcendent truths. It is only via consciousness
that we can know consciousness. It is only via spirit that we can know Spirit. It is only via atman (our individual soul) that we can know Brahman (God). It is only through shabda that we can know transcendent truths. Shabda represents the essential nature of spiritual realities as they exist in
the form of trans-empirical vibrational frequency (thus Word, logos, etc.). Truth, being an eternal and living reality, can be accessed by human beings who have purified themselves, and who have absorbed their subjective consciousness in the Absolute supreme subjective consciousness (God), to such a degree that qualitative separation between themselves and God has ceased to exist. At this point, the medium (pramana) between knower (pramatr) and object of knowledge (prameya),
which in this case is God, has evaporated. Thus, shabda is the only means of knowing in which we transcend even the use of a medium.

In such a state of oneness with the Divine, the sage now has the ability both to know the transcendent truth, as well as to reveal the transcendent truth of the Divine for all the world to know. Thus, Veda, or perfect scriptural authority comes into being as a result of such direct, non-mediated insight into the nature of the Divine on the part of the sage. Word, as the eternal transcendent reality revealed to sages in deep states of meditative absorption (samadhi), becomes "the Word" as written scripture when these very same sages then write their realizations down.”
Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Natural Way

“Shabda, Transcendent Word, or logos ( λόγος ) in Greek, is the exclusive means by which transcendent truths are revealed. This is the case because shabda, being of the nature of the spiritual, corresponds in essence with the spiritual nature of transcendent truths. It is only via consciousness that we can know consciousness. It is only via spirit that we can know Spirit. It is only via atman (our individual soul) that we can know Brahman (God). It is only through shabda that we can know transcendent truths. Shabda represents the essential nature of spiritual realities as they exist in the form of trans-empirical vibrational frequency (thus Word, logos, etc.). Truth, being an eternal and living reality, can be accessed by human beings who have purified themselves, and who have absorbed their subjective consciousness in the Absolute supreme subjective consciousness (God), to such a degree that qualitative separation between themselves and God has ceased to exist. At this point, the medium (pramana) between knower (pramatr) and object of knowledge (prameya), which in this case is God, has evaporated. Thus, shabda is the only means of knowing in which we transcend even the use of a medium.

In such a state of oneness with the Divine, the sage now has the ability both to know the transcendent truth, as well as to reveal the transcendent truth of the Divine for all the world to know. Thus, Veda, or perfect scriptural authority comes into being as a result of such direct, non-mediated insight into the nature of the Divine on the part of the sage. Word, as the eternal transcendent reality revealed to sages in deep states of meditative absorption (samadhi), becomes "the Word" as written scripture when these very same sages then write their realizations down.”
Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Natural Way

“Mulla Nasrudin is a Sufi figure, one of the oldest centers of Sufi anecdotes, and he shows whatsoever I have been saying here: that the world is a cosmic joke – he represents that. He is a very serious joker, and if you can penetrate him and understand him, then many mysteries will be revealed to you. Mulla Nasrudin illustrates that the world is not a tragedy, but a comedy. And the world is a place where if you can learn how to laugh, you have learned everything. If your prayer cannot become a deep laughter which comes from all over your being, if your prayer is sad and if you cannot joke with your god then you are not really religious. (p. 139, When The Coin Disappears)”
osho, Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi- Discourses on Akshyupanishad

Ralph Skuban
“Yoga ist der Weg der Reinigung. Er beginnt mit dem Körper und führt zum Geist. Wenn der Geist rein ist wie ein Kristall, dann durchstrahlt ihn das innere Licht, das ist Samadhi. Buddha nannte diesen Zustand Nirvana. Im Zen heißt er Satori oder Kensho. Jesus nennt ihn Himmelreich. (S. 76)”
Ralph Skuban, Die Bhagavad Gita

Paul Brunton
“Experience shows that if a sufficiently deep level--not necessarily the deepest level but one that corresponds to what the yogis call savikalpa samadhi, which is not as deep as nirvikalpa--if that can be attained and then prolonged sufficiently in time, an artist or a writer can draw from the experience creative power for his work.”
Paul Brunton, Advanced Contemplation: The Peace Within You

“Forget about everything and nothing; self is love in action.”
Wald Wassermann

“Discrimination succeeds ‘Nivritti’ (Lit, mind without any occupation)”. Nivritti is a cool, composite, and even condition of mind. No Nivritti can be had until and unless God-the-Preceptor appears within the body. Then the yoga starts. Life Power or Kundalini gets awakened and in the course of the upward progress of the Life Power a man gets Samadhi and then real Nivritti comes. In short, the more the divinity appears within, the more the Nivritti grows. Furthermore, there is a kind of Samadhi known as Nirvija Samadhi which literally means burning up the seeds of desire.”
Jibankrishna or Diamond

Paramahansa Yogananda
“In sabikalpa samadhi the devotee has attained realization of his oneness with Spirit but cannot maintain his cosmic consciousness except in the immobile trance state.

By continuous meditation he reaches the superior state of nirbikalpa samadhii, in which he may move freely in the world without any loss of God-perception.

pg416, Chapter 43, The resurrection of Sri Yukteswar
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

“Samadhi is holding onto the Reality while witnessing the world, without reacting to it from within—the stillness of a waveless ocean…. Consciousness which is Absolute and unaffected: that is samadhi…. Sages say that the state of equilibrium which is devoid of the ego is samadhi.”
Rober Wolfe

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Joy is possible when you dissolve into silence. It is like a drop which dissolves into the ocean. When you are ready to dissolve into the whole, joy happens.If you resist to dissolve, if you try to remain a separate entity, we protect ourselves.That is what everybody is doing. They try to be an ego, they try to protect
 themselves. They defend themselves against the whole. Everybody is afraid against the whole, because the whole is vast.
Many years ago, a spiritual teacher, who has counseled thousands of people, told me:
  “You will dissolve into the silence. All the earlier enlightened Masters and all the small
 Deva’s  are just here to help you to get
The whole surrounds you from all sides. The whole surrounds you from the
 inside  and from the outside. The whole is like the wind, which invisible and exists  everywhere. We are not separate. We are part of the whole. Dissolve into the  whole, drop the  ego. Fel yourself as part of the
 whole. Slowly the experience of  being part of the whole deepens. 
One day it becomes your truth, your being, your reality. Then you have arrived home. When you live the whole and forget yourself as a separate entity, each moment becomes a joy. ”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole - Thousand and One Flowers of Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom, Beauty and the Divine

Swami Dhyan Giten
“A man without meditation is not part of existence. He exists, but he is not part of existence. He is separate from existence. There is no bridge between him and the whole. Life begins with meditation, because meditation creates the bridge between you and the whole. Without meditation you're like a separate island. With meditation you become part of the whole continent.
The ego tries to live like a separate island. The ego is afraid of being part of something which is larger than itself. The ego tries to live a confined life. The ego is afraid of love, because love is larger than the ego. The ego is afraid of meditation, because meditation is far larger than the ego. The ego is afraid of joy, because joy happens when you are connected with something larger than yourself.
The whole is interconnected. It is only the stupidity of man that tries to live separate
from the whole. This is why man lives in misery, because man lives in separation from
the whole.
Meditation gives you a taste of joy, because meditation give you a taste of something
that is larger than yourself. It gives you a taste of the infinite, of the oceanic. Then
you understand that existence loves you and cares for you.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole - Thousand and One Flowers of Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom, Beauty and the Divine

“The Tathagata, the World-Honored One, taught his disciples how to sit and said to them, "If you want to manifest samadhi and enter it, you should gather together all distracted thought and scattered mind within this posture. Practice in this way and you will manifest and intimately enter the king of samadhis."

Thus we clearly know that sitting in the meditation posture is itself the king of samadhis. It is itself entering realization.”
Dōgen, The Essential Dogen: Writings of the Great Zen Master

“When even for a moment you sit upright in samadhi expressing the buddha mudra [form] in the three activities [body, speech, and thought], the whole world of phenomena becomes the buddha mudra and the entire sky turns into enlightenment. At this moment, all things actualize true awakening; myriad objects partake of the buddha body; and sitting upright, a glorious one under the bodhi tree, you immediately leap beyond the boundary of awakening. Then you turn the unsurpassably great dharma wheel, and expound the profound wisdom, ultimate and unconditioned.”
Dōgen, The Essential Dogen: Writings of the Great Zen Master

Swami Dhyan Giten
“The first time that Padma, Giten's beloved friend for many lives, attended satsang with Giten, she did not really know how deep the satsang was going. After the satsang she exclaimed astonished: "Did you feel the timelessness, the eternal?" She had gone so deep that it is possible in the inner being,
which is the dimension of the timeless, of the eternal.
Padma described her experience of satsang with Giten: “I love satsang with Giten. Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten is like coming home. I went into samadhi three times during a satsang weekend with Giten - and I also got a map
and an understanding for how to go into samadhi again. I was so scared that I would
lose the stillness that I found in satsang in India, but I found the stillness again in
satsang with Giten. Previously, I did not think that enlightenment was possible, but now I think it is possible.”
The essence of satsang is meditation. Meditation is the art of discovering the light within. Meditation is the art of discovering your own soul. It is only through meditation that we can discover the light within. Otherwise man lives in darkness. Meditation
enkindles something that is already latent in all of us, but which needs to be discovered.
Normally we are only looking outwards. We never look within ourselves, so our back is turned at our inner source of light. It is being ignored and neglected, and the only ignorance is to ignore our inner being, our source of light within.
To know the inner being is the only knowledge. All other knowledge is worthless. It may help you in the world, but it can't help you in eternity. Life is such a small and fast disappearing phenomenon. The real life
is something totally different. Seventy or eighty years are nothing compared to eternity. To pay too much attention to this life, and ignoring the inner life is just stupid. But that is what the majority of people are doing, which is why the world is full of stupidity, darkness, ignorance, violence, unconsciousness, misery and suffering.
The moment we turn our attention within ourselves, it enkindles a light within. Turning our attention within enkindles a light inside,
which knows no end. Once it is enkindled, it starts to spread. First it fills you, then it starts spreading outside you, and ultimately it
fills the whole universe.
Those who attains to that state, where the inner light becomes as vast as the universe has become an enlightened one, an awakened one, a Buddha, a Christ.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Man is Part of the Whole: Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Compassion, Freedom and Grace

Master Del Pe
“The age of the Soul determines the level of samadhi experience and expansion of consciousness during meditation.”
Master Del Pe, Hidden Dangers of Meditation and Yoga: How to Play with Your Sacred Fires Safely

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