Shy People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shy-people" Showing 1-19 of 19
Penelope Douglas
“The shy ones tend to be the baddest after all.”
Penelope Douglas, Corrupt

“But then the fate of shy people is that all of their fears usually come true.”
Manu Joseph, The Illicit Happiness of Other People

Eliezer Yudkowsky
“Aside from helping people with their homework, or anything else they needed, she really didn't know how to meet people. She didn't feel like she was a shy person. She thought of herself as a take-charge sort of girl. And yet, somehow, if there wasn't some request along the lines of "I can't remember how to do long division" then it was just too awkward to go up to someone and say... what? She'd never been able to figure out what. And there didn't seem to be a standard information sheet, which was ridiculous. The whole business of meeting people had never seemed sensible to her. Why did she have to take all the responsibility herself when there were two people involved? Why didn't adults ever help? She wished some other girl would just walk up to her and say, "Hermione, the teacher told me to be friends with you".”
Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Amit Kalantri
“Your shyness alone will bring you more emotional and material losses than all of your other negative attributes.”
Amit Kalantri

Roberto Hogue
“If you love sex, let it be known. You don’t have to walk around downtown naked or have some flyers printed up, but definitely don’t be shy about your love (or obsession) for sex.”
Roberto Hogue, Real Secrets of Sex: A Women's Guide on How to Be Good in Bed

Karl Wiggins
“For a shy person it’s hard enough to overcome self-consciousness and establish personal relationships with others without having the additional hindrance of a well-meaning but misguided relative who only emphasises that person’s limitations”
Karl Wiggins, You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

Stewart Stafford
“It is often asked why the greatest performers are so timid in private. Confident people get attention naturally. Shy people must do something extraordinary or outrageous to have similar recognition.”
Stewart Stafford

“Shy people operate as if they have a mirror in front of them all the time.”
Bernado Carducci

Avijeet Das
“Shy people are my favorites. The unmistakable glint of shyness in someone's eyes can mesmerize me for years!”
Avijeet Das

Allyson Kennedy
“My face is like some sort of bashful chameleon, flashing red at any sign of social interaction. Stupid face.”
Allyson Kennedy, Speak Your Mind

Jennifer Valoppi
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re shy. We are both adults, Helene. We are about to form a bond to which there is no foreseeable end. We will be together for a very long time.”
Jennifer Valoppi, Certain Cure: Where Science Meets Religion

Meg Cabot
“Forget about showering with my fellow students in Tribeca Alternative’s prison-style showers—one nozzle for four to six girls at a time—in the locker room.
It was impossible to work up a sweat during what passed for physical education class at TAHS, so there was no need to shower, anyway.
Well, impossible for me, considering that, in the past, whenever a volleyball or whatever came near me,
I’d always make sure to step calmly away to avoid it.
See? No sweat. No need for a shower. Problem solved.”
Meg Cabot, Being Nikki

Karen Witemeyer
“He was halfway to the house, thinking to set the cabbage inside the kitchen door,when a brown blur thundered past him.
Joanna Robbins tore out of the barn astride a magnificent chestnut quarter horse. She leaned forward in the saddle,hat flopping against her back, hair streaming out behind her in a wild curly mass as she urged her mount to a full-out gallop. Unable to do anything but stare, Crockett stood dumbstruck as she raced past.
She was the most amazing horsewoman he'd ever seen. Joanna Robbins. The shy creature who claimed painting and reading were her favorite pastimes had just bolted across the yard like a seasoned jockey atop Thoroughbred. She might have inherited her mother's grace and manners, but the woman rode like her outlaw father.Maybe better.”
Karen Witemeyer, Stealing the Preacher

Matthew Dicks
“Jessica Trent was a thin, freckled redhead who had more fire in her hair than her demeanor. Caroline had spoken to the mother of two on several occasions, but being that she and Jessica were both fairly shy, they hadn't managed to connect. Shy people, in Caroline's experience, rarely forged successful friendships because they need an extrovert to make things happen. Someone to take the first step, make the first phone call, and assume the initial risk. Shy people like Caroline and Jessica require a facilitator of sorts to get things started, and there had been no one to bring the women together. It was a shame. Caroline suspected that she and Jessica Trent had a lot in common.”
Matthew Dicks

“If you feel like you never have anything to say,
go out and do something
you'll want to
talk about.”
Liz Luyben

Nanette L. Avery
“Sometimes words get stuck in your throat and you let your eyes talk. Don’t look away because you might miss what they are saying.”
Nanette L. Avery

“Shy people don’t say they are shy. Humble people don’t say they are humble. If someone does, read again.”
Sotero M Lopez II

Namrata Gupta
“Sometimes, I wished I was not shy, for being quiet and shy was sometimes a curse because the people would never let you take the credit of doing something good. Ultimately, to get the credit, you’d have to change yourself a little, which implies, losing a part of yourself to get your place in the world.”
Namrata Gupta, A Silent Promise

“If you realize you are an artist, then start showing your paintings”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil