Traditions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "traditions" Showing 1-30 of 188
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
“We live among ruins in a World in which ‘god is dead’ as Nietzsche stated. The ideals of today are comfort, expediency, surface knowledge, disregard for one’s ancestral heritage and traditions, catering to the lowest standards of taste and intelligence, apotheosis of the pathetic, hoarding of material objects and possessions, disrespect for all that is inherently higher and better — in other words
a complete inversion of true values and ideals, the raising of the victory flag of ignorance and the banner of degeneracy. In such a time, social decadence is so widespread that it appears as a natural component of all political institutions. The crises that dominate the daily lives of our societies are part of a secret occult war to remove the support of spiritual and traditional values in order to turn man into a passive instrument of dark powers.

The common ground of both Capitalism and Socialism is a materialistic view of life and being. Materialism in its war with the Spirit has taken on many forms; some have promoted its goals with great subtlety, whilst others have done so with an alarming lack of subtlety, but all have added, in greater or lesser measure, to the growing misery of Mankind. The forms which have done the most damage in our time may be enumerated as: Freemasonry, Liberalism, Nihilism, Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, Imperialism, Anarchism, Modernism and the New Age.”
Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Bruce Lee
“If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow -- you are not understanding yourself.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
“The believer is not a slave to fashion.

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Robert Kegan
“Successfully functioning in a society with diverse values, traditions and lifestyles requires us to have a relationship to our own reactions rather than be captive of them. To resist our tendencies to make right or true, that which is nearly familiar, and wrong or false, that which is only strange.”
Robert Kegan

زكي نجيب محمود
“ليس الزواج عندنا ازدواجا بين قلب وقلب أو إتحادا بين عقل وعقل بل مزاوجة بين مجموعتين من الظروف”
زكي نجيب محمود, أيام في أمريكا

Ronald Reagan
“We do not deny any nation's legitimate interest in security. But protecting the security of one nation by robbing another of its national independence and national traditions is not legitimate. In the long run, it is not even secure.”
Ronald Reagan, The Quest for Peace, The Cause of Freedom

Vera Nazarian
“The Gingerbread House has four walls, a roof, a door, a window, and a chimney. It is decorated with many sweet culinary delights on the outside.

But on the inside there is nothing—only the bare gingerbread walls.

It is not a real house—not until you decide to add a Gingerbread Room.

That’s when the stories can move in.

They will stay in residence for as long as you abstain from taking the first gingerbread bite.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Alex Haley
“Carrying little Kunta in his strong arms, he walked to the edge of the village, lifted his baby up with his face to the heavens, and said softly, “Fend kiling dorong leh warrata ka iteh tee.” (Behold—the only thing greater than yourself.)”
Alex Haley, Roots: The Saga of an American Family

S.G. Blaise
“A myriad of small red violet-colored animals, like rabbits, burst out of the trees, surrounding the guardian god. Their long bushy tails, with specks of black among the silver hairs, remind me of the squirrels of my home world, Uhna. Their two-inch-long dark brown pedicles remind me of the female reindeer from Arrov’s home world, A’ice. But I’ve never seen rabbits that have green flower stalks with tiny white flowers entwined around their furry bodies, while A’nima magic clings to them.
A tiny critter hops to me and rises on its hind legs to sniff my hand, its large green eyes glinting with surprising intelligence. Long whiskers move as its nose sniffles, then sneezes.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

S.G. Blaise
“Callum holds me tightly as we submerge under the water. Thin lines of air bubbles escape from his nose and mouth. He struggles to get back to the surface but to no avail—his heavy uniform and black boots weren’t meant for swimming.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

Lars Fredrik Händler Svendsen
“Traditions brings continuity to one’s existence, but this sort of continuity is precisely what has been increasingly lost
throughout modernity.”
Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, A Philosophy of Boredom

أحمد خالد توفيق
“عندما يريدون الكلام عما يروق لهم أمام الأطفال يقولون لك ..دول عيال .. عندما تتكلم أنت يطالبونك بالصمت و الحذر لأن الأطفال يفهمون كل شئ”
أحمد خالد توفيق, تويتات من العصور الوسطى

Boria Sax
“Every animal is a tradition, and together they are a vast part of our heritage as human beings. No animal completely lacks humanity, yet no person is ever completely human. By ourselves, we people are simply balls of protoplasm. We merge with animals through magic, metaphor, or fantasy, growing their fangs and putting on their feathers. Then we become funny or tragic; we can be loved, hated, pitied, and admired. For us, animals are all the strange, beautiful, pitiable, and frightening things that they have ever been: gods, slaves, totems, sages, tricksters, devils, clowns, companions, lovers, and far more.”
Boria Sax, The Mythical Zoo: An Encyclopedia of Animals in World Myth, Legend, and Literature

Greg Gordon
“Are we empty of all the traditions of religious men so that we can learn from the Lord Himself? This is the way of the Lord. God is looking for a Gideon’s army of those that are willing to trust fully in His power and not in any might or power of their own.”
Gospel Fellowships, Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ

Jung Chang
“Both my mother and father regarded a traditional ceremony as old-fashioned and redundant. Both she and my father wanted to get rid of rituals like that, which they felt had nothing to do with their feelings. Love was the only thing that mattered to these two revolutionaries.”
Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China

J.L. Mackie
“Each individual is linked not only to his biological ancestors but also to traditions of activity and information and thought and belief and value; nearly all of what anyone most distinctively and independently is he owes to many others. The taking over and passing on – with perhaps some changes – of a cultural inheritance is itself a part of the good life, and this too is a social relation to which there belong appropriate sorts of conflict as well as cooperation.”
J.L. Mackie, Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong

Louis Yako
“A Flock of Geese"
She often wondered
about the inexplicable deep sorrow that she feels
every time she sees a flock of geese flying in the sky …
Do the flying geese remind her that she has wasted her life
stuck in the trivialities of daily life?
Or perhaps the flying birds remind her
that she’s lost her ability to fly?
She thinks at times in sadness
how she wasted the years of her life
like a naïve bride dreaming about the ideal groom...
A bride planning the minutest details of her wedding,
not realizing, until her wings were clipped,
that the wedding, the groom, and the bride
are roles and illusions created by society
to counter the dangers of all those who wish to fly;
those who dream about creating new worlds
instead of getting hanged or strangulated
in a world created by on their behalf by others …
As she hears the honking of another passing flock of geese
flying over her head as did the most beautiful years of her life
the birds awaken in her that uncontrollable itch to depart
to refuse the illusion of settling and stability
The illusion of the wedding and the groom
The illusion of all the wedding invitees
Who spend an entire night dancing, cheering, and celebrating
the clipping of her wings…

[Original poem published in Arabic on December 14, 2023 at]”
Louis Yako

Louis Yako
“A Flock of Geese"
She often wondered
about the inexplicable deep sorrow that she feels
every time she sees a flock of geese flying in the sky …
Do the flying geese remind her that she has wasted her life
stuck in the trivialities of daily life?
Or perhaps the flying birds remind her
that she’s lost her ability to fly?
She thinks at times in sadness
how she wasted the years of her life
like a naïve bride dreaming about the ideal groom...
A bride planning the minutest details of her wedding,
not realizing, until her wings were clipped,
that the wedding, the groom, and the bride
are roles and illusions created by society
to counter the dangers of all those who wish to fly;
those who dream about creating new worlds
instead of getting hanged or strangulated
in a world created on their behalf by others …
As she hears the honking of another passing flock of geese
flying over her head as did the most beautiful years of her life
the birds awaken in her that uncontrollable itch to depart
to refuse the illusion of settling and stability
The illusion of the wedding and the groom
The illusion of all the wedding invitees
Who spend an entire night dancing, cheering, and celebrating
the clipping of her wings…

[Original poem published in Arabic on December 14, 2023 at]”
― Louis Yako”
Louis Yako

Gustav Mahler
“Tradition ist die Weitergabe des Feuers, nicht die Anbetung der Asche”
Gustav Mahler

“At the core of any unified set of people or society is a worldview that supports their way of reasoning and guides their actions.”
John Mwafise Woloko, The Bible vs Theology: Lighting the Way

“I have understood we can only use what we have as resources to make life better for us. So, we interpret life based on what we know. Hence, the importance of having a philosophy that transcends cultures and traditions.”
John Mwafise Woloko, The Bible vs Theology: Lighting the Way

“Why, it can never be too cold for a picnic. Besides which, we have one every year. It's tradition. And you must never break a tradition,' she said solemnly. 'I firmly believe that old ones are to be cherished and new ones cultivated as often as one feels inclined...”
M.A. Kuzniar, Upon a Frosted Star

“I'm a weird contradiction of someone who pursues and values traditions but tries to reject the parts that are oppressive, unfair or unnecessary, because we can adapt things to who we are, not to who we feel like we have to be,”
Kate Kennedy, One in a Millennial: On Friendship, Feelings, Fangirls, and Fitting In

“Old customs are not meant to make us old.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Freydís Moon
“Homes left and remade, countries carried from one place to another, rituals remembered in tangled languages.”
Freydís Moon, Exodus 20:3

Abhijit Naskar
“Tradition divides, tradition unites;
Choose carefully the tradition you live.
Not all traditions imposed on you are good,
You gotta use conscience to pick and mix.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

“Ah, the Lunar New Year —a time of vibrant traditions, sumptuous feasts, and ancient wisdom. Amidst the festive dragon dances and glittering lanterns, it whispers profound life lessons. Like the patient blooming of cherry blossoms, it teaches resilience in adversity. The red envelopes, symbols of generosity, remind us of the joy of giving. And in the gathering of loved ones, it celebrates the power of community and connection”
Life is Positive

“Happy Lunar New Year! It's time to channel your inner dragon and breathe fire into your goals. Let's kick off this year with a fire of confidence, fierce determination, and unstoppable energy. Here's to embracing change, chasing dreams, and devouring all the delicious dumplings along the way. Wishing you a year filled with laughter, prosperity, and unforgettable adventures. Let's make this Year of the Dragon one to remember! Dragon energy, activate!”
Life is Positive

Dean Koontz
“Homemade cookies are one of the best parts of Christmas. It's an absolute fundamental.”
Dean Koontz, Strangers

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