True Value Quotes

Quotes tagged as "true-value" Showing 1-7 of 7
Sigmund Freud
“It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement — that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.”
Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents

Shannon L. Alder
“If you want to know if someone was meant to be in your future, then remove all the worldly things about them from your mind. Don’t think about their looks, the intimate moments or their personality. Now, think about how they made you feel, how they improved your life and what virtues they possess that push you to want to become better. Did they bring you closer to God? Did they bring you to your life mission? Did they ever lie to you, betray you or made it impossible for you to feel comfortable speaking your mind? When you remove all the shine from a diamond, it becomes a glass rock. What value is it then? See beneath the surface and you will know who your future is with.”
Shannon L. Alder

“The real worth of a gift is in how it meets the other person’s need.”
TemitOpe Ibrahim

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“True wealth are those things that I can’t put a dollar figure on. And one of those things is the part of me that I leave with the whole of you.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Viktor Shel
“Everyone has honour and a good name. It is the only sacred thing that every person has.”
Viktor Shel, Why He Betrayed Jesus

Steven Redhead
“It is only when you lose something that you can begin to understand its true value.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Your true value is not known till you become a scarce one.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Debit Credit of Life: from the good books of accounts