Trust Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trust-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 272
Mouloud Benzadi
“Always be realistic with your expectations.
Too much expectation
can only lead to frustration.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
Friends are sometimes like shadows.
When you walk in the light, they follow you.
And when you fall into darkness, they leave you.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“War doesn’t only kill humans; it also kills love, trust and relations!”
Mouloud Benzadi

“Partially trust your friends.
Moderately trust your family.
Seldomly trust your acquaintances.
Never trust your enemies.

Jealous friends betray you quickly.
Envious friends will betray instantly.
Loyal acquaintances will help you swiftly.
Noble acquaintances will help you immediately.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Matthew Bracey
“when things are going too well, don’t be foolish enough to trust that it’ll continue that way, because some shit will inevitably go down very soon and BOOM, there it is, The Fuckening!”
Matthew Bracey, Steel Dogs

“Jo tried to think about her suspicion that Lynn liked her. She figured that Lynn was nice to her because she was a patient. Jo's mother had shown her what it meant to have a professional mask. The times Jo saw her mother at work in the lab, busy and efficient as she drew blood and marked vials. Nancy smiled warmly at the patients, ready with a sympathetic comment. If a patient or a doctor called Nancy at home, she immediately became the caring professional, no matter what had been happening before the phone rang. When Lynn hung up after an evening phone call from Missy, Jo suspected that Lynn resumed screaming at her husband or kids.”
Joan Frances Casey, The Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality

“When trust breaks once, it feels like it will keep breaking again and again.”
Garima Soni - words world

Sira Mas
“Trust is the sunlight that makes love bloom.”
Sira Mas

“To know if someone is trustworthy, you must first trust them.”
Garima Soni - words world

“She needs someone she can trust and rely on and I want to be that for her.”
N.L. Amore, Loved By You

“You’ve been strong for so long. Lean on me, trust me to take care of you.”
Lorraine Heath, An Affair with a Notorious Heiress

“Only special idiots trust politicians.”
Eduvie Donald

“The scars of broken trust often remind me to be cautious with whom to give my trust. At least from my mother's words, I learned this caveat: 'trust no one', even the devil was once an angel!”
Joseph Jacson K

“Breaking trust is inexcusable. When you compromise your character, you lose the ability to be trusted.”
Joseph Jacson K.

Frank  Sonnenberg
“People are more receptive if they trust and respect you rather than if change is demanded.”
Frank Sonnenberg, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose

Julie Fairhurst
“When you can communicate persuasively, you can align your message with others' needs and values, building trust and rapport.”
Julie Fairhurst, Powerful Persuasion : Unlocking the Five Key Strategies for Business Success

Frank  Sonnenberg
“You may not think that paying lip service to trust bears a cost, but it commands a very handsome price.”
Frank Sonnenberg, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose

Monica Lombo
“Creamos, a pesar de la cruda realidad que nuestros ojos observan. Creamos, a pesar de toda oposición y resistencia. Creamos, porque solo al creer podremos movernos en otra esfera.”
Monica Lombo, Los ladrones del alma (Libroespejo del alma)

“If you fail to defend me in my absence, then you are not worthy enough to praise me in when I am there.”
G. Plason Z. Plakar

“If you fail to defend me in my absence, then you are not worthy enough to praise me when I am around.”
G. Plason Z. Plakar

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“How can you trust God who is not true to his word? Isn’t that what the Bible is?

Because God is larger than a platitude. A platitude is sweet, concise, and fits on a throw pillow. God is larger than that. With the sufferings in my life, I need more than a platitude. I need this Larger Story God I’ve come to know.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“You wish you could go back to a time when God wasn’t confusing--when God and everything made sense.

Your questions matter. Your fears matter. Your confusion matters. Your anger matters. Embrace the vulnerability of them and find out who God is. Even your fears and doubts become opportunities for encountering God, if you let them draw us close to God.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“We often don’t have the patience to wait. We want some control over the outcome. We want to know the outcome. We believe deeply that if we could just know the outcome we will make it through. We treat God like a vending machine with an expected outcome after we put our something in. When we do this our relationship with God is transactional.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“Waiting requires patience. There are three words in that sentence that nobody likes.

Patience is not passivity. To be patient doesn’t mean you get to be idle and wait for something to change. I don’t get to “let go and let God.” I can’t “easy button” this to God. As if I actually could. I must stay in the tension.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“God loves to meet us in that messy middle of the tunnel. And at the end of the tunnel, as well as the beginning of the tunnel.
I’ve learned that it is in that messy middle that God becomes particularly “loud” in our lives.

God never tells me to get over my emotions and just get past them. God meets me there in my emotional mess. Sometimes I’m so emotional I believe God has abandoned me. Until I get through that tunnel and I realize how present God always was.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“Waiting is trusting that God has our larger story as you have trust issues.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“Your trust issues come from your hope being broken. You have learned it is safer not to hope. It is safer to beat vulnerability to the punch and strive to control your surroundings.

It is safer to treat hope as a wish. Hope then becomes something ethereal that you wish upon a star and then you continue on controlling your outcome. Or holding steadfast to hope–which really is your version of that “supposed-to” you want to see happen–as a symbol of your faith.
This is not hope. Hope involves more of you and your soul than wishing it up to God. (Look out vulnerability!) It is easier to believe you can “easy button” this to God but a life of hope involves your guttiness.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
“Love will smash your heart. To love is to put yourself in vulnerability. With vulnerability comes the possibility that you will have your heart smashed. This is a 100 percent possibility.

Nothing will change that percentage. As a Christian, you are not exempt from pain.
God is always faithful. That is also 100 percent. God always redeems our pain. And pain has a Holy Spirit magic way of making you beautiful.”
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea, Trust Issues With God: Because Life Is Unfair: Bible Study, With Video Access

“Look inward for truth; in the outer world, trust is a scarce light.”
Yvonne Padmos

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