Unsafe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unsafe" Showing 1-25 of 25
Judith Lewis Herman
“...repeated trauma in childhood forms and deforms the personality. The child trapped in an abusive environment is faced with formidable tasks of adaptation. She must find a way to preserve a sense of trust in people who are untrustworthy, safety in a situation that is unsafe, control in a situation that is terrifyingly unpredictable, power in a situation of helplessness. Unable to care for or protect herself, she must compensate for the failures of adult care and protection with the only means at her disposal, an immature system of psychological defenses.”
Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

Criss Jami
“I never feel unsafe except for when the majority is on my side.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Cortney S. Warren
“The areas in which we felt most insecure, unsafe, unloved, uncomfortable, embarrassed, angry, and generally unresolved as a child are the areas that we will be most prone to self-deception as an adult.”
Cortney S. Warren, Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-Deception

Iain Reid
“School is the place we all have to go. There is potential. School is about the future. Looking forward to something, progression, growing, maturing. It's supposed to be safe here, but is has become the opposite. It feels like a prison.”
Iain Reid, I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I lie to her. Because this world is not safe. The people who are supposed to protect us, the people we are supposed to trust -- I know that sometimes they are the ones who do the most harm.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Long Game

Deborah Bray Haddock
“As a therapist, I have many avenues in which to learn about DID, but I hear exactly the opposite from clients and others who are struggling to understand their own existence. When I talk to them about the need to let supportive people into their lives, I always get a variation of the same answer. "It is not safe. They won't understand." My goal here is to provide a small piece of that gigantic puzzle of understanding. If this book helps someone with DID start a conversation with a supportive friend or family member, understanding will be increased.”
Deborah Bray Haddock, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook

Sanhita Baruah
“But sometimes, when she'd be all by herself, walking home late in the evening on a crowded street she'd be afraid of her own shadow following her...”
Sanhita Baruah

Munia Khan
“Blood is everywhere..
Vultures take shelter beneath the tanks;
for the fumed sky is unsafe for their avian flight to prey on the Palestinian flesh.”
Munia Khan

Munia Khan
“In a cruel world kindness is certainly an unsafe virtue”
Munia Khan

Anthony Liccione
“Do not feed your motives, just feed the bears.”
Anthony Liccione

Jason Medina
“I wish I had something reassuring to tell you, but I don’t. It’s not safe out there. People are rioting and looting. There’s no telling what could happen to you, if you went out there. We need to play this safe.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Mercy Cortez
“Rahul’s great idea, he said that having either darkness or too much white made someone’s sanity decay and made them easier to manipulate. In the dark, though, they felt they could hide, and in Rahul’s words... 'They can hide, but they can’t run' he used that like a mantra.”
Mercy Cortez, Messy and Shattered

Jacqueline Winspear
“And as she grieved, she realized that she had never trusted the world to keep herself or those she loved safe. From the moment of her mother’s death, she had known that terror could be around the next corner at any moment. Had there ever been a time when she felt the clutch of fear in her gut loosen its grip, so that she could have faith in the future?”
Jacqueline Winspear, The Consequences of Fear

“If you feel safe, you're unsafe.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Stephanie Garber
“At this point, I'm just assuming everyone wants you dead.'

'Does that include you?'

'No.' There wasn't even a second of hesitation. 'But it doesn't mean I'm safe.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Jason Medina
“I’m sorry to say this, but the city is lost. Go home to your families, while you still can. They need you, now, more than ever.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Steven Magee
“The problem when managers become fearful of their company is that you end up with unsafe workplaces.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I can prove that the summit of Mauna Kea is unsafe for workers. I have yet to see the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) prove that the very high altitude mountain is safe for workers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The very high altitude Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) are unsafe for sea level adapted humans to work in. They always have been hazardous to health and always will be.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The State of Hawaii are facilitating the construction of the biologically toxic 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop the sacred Mauna Kea mountain while conveniently ignoring the unsafe workplace for the very high altitude TMT workers, which is illegal under USA law.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If I were asked ‘Is it safe?’ by a person considering working atop the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, my response would be ‘It is a biologically unsafe workplace for sea level adapted humans.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Space is the stuff that we fill, so sometimes we’d rather not have it because of the things that stand around the space eager to rush in and fill it to its edges.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey

“We’re asking you to undo years of practice, maybe even eons of genetic shaping that prod you to take flight or pick a fight (when under attack), and recode the stimulus. “Ah, that’s a sign that the other person feels unsafe.” And then what? Do something to make it safe.”
Kerry Patterson, Crucial Confrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior

“How can we possibly act curious when others are either attacking us or heading for cover? People who routinely seek to find out why others are feeling unsafe do so because they have learned that getting at the source of fear and discomfort is the best way to return to dialogue. Either they’ve seen others do it or they’ve stumbled on the formula themselves. Either way, they realize that the cure to silence or violence isn’t to respond in kind, but to get at the underlying source. This calls for genuine curiosity—at a time when you’re likely to be feeling frustrated or angry.”
Kerry Patterson, Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

Stephanie Garber
“I remember all of it,' she said. 'I remember everything from the moment we met in your church to the night at the Valory Arch. I'm sorry it took me so long.'

'It doesn't matter,' Jacks said flippantly, still smiling crookedly as he dropped the apple in his hand. It fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

'Evangeline. Back away from him,' called a smoky voice through the trees. It was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place it until Chaos carefully stepped closer. 'He's not safe right now.'

'I'm never safe,' Jacks said. Then with a smirk toward his old friend, he added, 'Playing the hero doesn't suit you, Castor.'

'At least I don't give up just because I fail.'

'I'm not giving up,' Jacks drawled. 'I'm giving the girl what she wants.' His fingers moved down her jaw to Evangeline's chin. For a second, time seemed to slow as he carefully lifted her chin in a way that made her think of only one thing: kissing.

Evangeline felt suddenly sober.

'Isn't this what you want?' Jacks whispered.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love