Urban Fantasy Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "urban-fantasy-series" Showing 1-30 of 117
B.M.B. Johnson
“Melody exploded. "THIS ISN'T LIKE GETTING A FISH TO SEE IF I COULD BE RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH FOR A PUPPY!" She took a deep breath, calmed herself and lowered her voice. She then repeated the statement as if doing so removed the stink of the outburst.

"I'm well aware of that," said Lonnie. "And not to poke it with a stick, but you don't see any puppies sniffing around that empty fish bowl, do you?”
B.M.B. Johnson, Melody Jackson v. the Woman in White

Jess C. Scott
“Anya looked upon Nin admirably. Having him as a partner-in-crime—if only on this one occasion, which she hoped would only be the start of something more—was more revitalizing than the cheap thrills of a cookie-cutter shallow, superficial romance, where the top priority was how beautiful a person was on the outside.”
Jess C Scott, The Other Side of Life

Kelley Armstrong
“I have to.
I've been fighting it all night. I'm going to lose. My battle is as futile as a woman feeling the first pangs of labor and deciding it's an inconvenient time to give birth. Nature wins out. It always does.”
Kelley Armstrong, Bitten

Kimberly Spencer
“Don’t you think it’s best that you stay away from mortals? You know they break so easily these days.”
Kimberly Spencer, Limerick

Kenya Wright
“His eyes went to predatory mode, following my every movement. The gold flecks in his eyes gleamed.

I was going to have to burn him again. I could see it in his eyes.

Were-cats and their constant need to poke and bat at things.”
Kenya Wright, Fire Baptized

Vicki Pettersson
“...lovers, even those who are married, always exist autonomously of one another, no matter how close they are or how long they've known each other. That's why jealously can flare in even the most intimate relationships.
Because you know that at some basic level this person exists separately from you. No mater how close you are, the landscape of their life is always tinted a different hue than your own." - Hunter to Joanna”
Vicki Pettersson, The Neon Graveyard

E.J. Stevens
“Walking out into the night with a water fey was all kinds of stupid. Heck, Kelpies eat people. They may not play with their food as creatively as the Each Uisge, but dead is dead.”
E.J. Stevens, Shadow Sight

Kenya Wright
“One downside of living with a Were-cheetah is that he purrs when he’s happy. At times, the apartment vibrated
all day from MeShack’s enjoyment of life.”
Kenya Wright, Fire Baptized

Vicki Pettersson
“But no life was without it's strain & strife, not if it was fully lived. Opening up to experience, even the good ones like trust & love, was to open yourself up to the pain. I suppose the key was to not compound matters by making the rest of it unnecessarily hard. My need for control had certainly done that in the past. So I made a promise to myself in that moment.
I would make a concerted effort to reach for what was soft & good in this world. I'd find a place to settle into, and hold still so that this world's good and soft could reach back & touch me as well.”
Vicki Pettersson, The Neon Graveyard

Vicki Pettersson
“What would become of me if I was never truly seen again?" - Joanna”
Vicki Pettersson, The Neon Graveyard

“She tapped her chest. “No, I’m not a freak, okay, so could you stop pressuring me.”
Rafael muttered something under his breath, throwing up his hands in surrender. “So what am I? What’s Karhl, Jayani, my brother, and all the BaSatai? Are we all freaks? Just
because this human has some kind of fascination with labeling you, you believe in it. Be your own person, Armani, not what someone else says you are.”
Suzan Battah, BaSatai: Outside In # 1

Bruce Jenvey
“Do I at least get to keep the toothbrush?”
“Sure. Unless you can get it back in that wrapper and seal it up all nice and new. Well, that’s what the last girl did. See,
you can hardly tell it’s been opened!”
--Reggie Sinclair from Angela's Coven”
Bruce Jenvey, Angela's Coven

“Armani froze to the spot, unable to move. Her breath tightened in her lungs, shivers of awareness ran down her spine, the sudden energy zipping through her body announcing the shimmer of recognition.”
Suzan Battah, BaSatai: Outside In # 1

“Armani halted, thinking twice about making her way over there, but she pushed forward not wanting to believe something was wrong. There was nothing worse than walking into a nightmare. And Armani just did. The air in her lungs seized when she saw her draped all over him. She blinked a few times, but Lily was still pressing her body all over Rafael.
Armani wanted to kill her, right then and there.”
Suzan Battah, BaSatai: Outside In # 1

“Do I strike you as a frivolous man, Kelly?"

I look at him, sitting there in another thousand dollar suit. Pompous? Yes. Self-centered? Yes. Careless? "No.”
Bill Blais, No Good Deed

Cleo Rozenfeld
“È come se Mary-Rose fosse in balia di un collegamento tra il nostro mondo e uno sconosciuto. Il tamburo maculato accompagna ogni passo, ogni pulsazione, quasi a indicare la forza vitale che trascende tra due sentieri: uno terreno, l’altro sensoriale, quasi si trovasse attraverso un intricato labirinto.”
Cleo Rozenfeld, La Stella

“He eyed me skeptically. "Kotori was right, you are very loud. I have seen wild boars mate with discretion.”
Ken Bebelle, Julia Vee

“He eyed me skeptically. "Kotori was right, you are very loud. I have seen wild boars mate with more discretion.”
Ken Bebelle, Julia Vee

Robert G. Culp
“What’s that?”
Mitchell blinked in an annoyed manner and said, “The potion, of course. With any luck, once you drink this, you’ll be able to astral project yourself to wherever Shade is keeping Marley.”
“No,” said Jeb, “I meant, what were those two drops you just added to it?”
“Sweat of goat anus,” Mitchell smirked. “Does wonders for digestion.”
“You’re sick,” said Jeb. “You know that, right?”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain

Robert G. Culp
“Shut up.” Marley playfully slugged his shoulder as she wiped her own tears away. “And never say I look good wearing these... things.”
“Got it,” Armie laughed. “From now on, only pure and decent insults about you will leave my mouth.”
“Yeah, right,” Marley laughed.”
Robert G. Culp, City Of The Slain

Black Mike
“Angels and demons weren’t the only beings wandering the world. Vampires, werewolves, fairies, yokai, and more were to be found all over the world. You could even find them in the city! New York was a melting pot for supernaturals as much as it was for humans from around the world.”
Black Mike, Archangel: The Book of Mammon

L.J. Kentowski
“Descendant, right?"
I glanced over my shoulder. "Are my wings showing?"
He smiled. "No. You simply have a rebellious vibe about you...and the allure of an angel.”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

L.J. Kentowski
“Okay, so far what I'm getting from you on this Reis guy is: he's hot, has buku money, and is mega powerful," Jaz said. "And you turned down the pig and Porsche, why?"
I gave her the death ray stare. "Um, I don't know, maybe because he manhandled me, threw me across the room, broke my wing, and chained me to a wall?"
"Oh yeah, I guess there's that.”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

L.J. Kentowski
“Because you're slime, Thaddeus. And slime spreads, sticking to all the shit in its path and taking that crap with it along the way.”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

L.J. Kentowski
“How did they know?"
"I don't know. Maybe they have invisibility cloaks in their bag of tricks."
"Damn, that hot. Can we get invisibility cloaks?"
"Sure." My words dripped with sarcasm. "I'll ask Alfred what he can drum up when I get back to the Batcave.”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

L.J. Kentowski
“I hated that term. Fallen. I hated it almost as much as I hated Sexy Lexie. Fallen suggested an involuntary movement. I'd clearly made a decision to be what I was now. I didn't fall; I had jumped with both feet.”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

L.J. Kentowski
“Those exquisite features were meant to entice, draw his prey in until they lost themselves in the beauty. But the dark, shadowed side warned of something sinister dangerously close to all that beauty, waiting to take the bait, so it could steal one's soul. Sitting there, he was the embodiment of good and evil, two sides of a soul in one corporeal body. Was this the true Reis Draeger? If so, would mine be the next soul he'd steal? Did I even have one left to lose?”
L.J. Kentowski, Descended in Vengeance:

Cie Gives
“Stop doing that. And I wasn’t even awake. The first time.”
“You are practically sky writing your emotional state. I can’t even pretend to ignore it. Even if I wasn’t Sanguim, I would notice,” Alexandru finally looked over at him, head tilted, “What?”
Cie Gives, As You Prefer: A Queer Modern Fantasy Romance

K.V. Wilson
“My lives are chock-full of mistakes and regrets. It is the way in which I make amends for them that makes me who I am.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

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