Valentine Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "valentine-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 56
Mouloud Benzadi
“I want you to know that you are my soul and my HEART.
You are my today, my tomorrow and my PAST.
Nothing and no one can ever break us APART.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“Beauties are like flowers, and I, like a bee,
can't help but feel drawn to each one I see.”
Mouloud Benzadi

“To lovers out there ….

I hope you find someone who Is running towards you and who wants to be with you, rather that someone who is running away from someone, or something then find themselves with you. When the energy, effort and commitment is match In a relationship. Love is a beautiful thing.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

You can’t put your friends first, when you have a partner and when you are In a relationship. Marriages and relationships end when more than 2 people have a say in the relationship or marriage. Some even extort, sacrifice, undermine, ridicule, mock, disrespect, and humiliate their partners in the relationship so that their friends can benefit or have a laugh.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

There are people, who are focused on pleasing their partner in a relationship and there are those who are focused on pleasing strangers, social media, congregation, family, and friends about their relationship. That difference Is felt or experienced by their partner.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

No man is an island. We all need someone In our lives no matter how rich we are, how educated , well-spoken, or how capable we are .The reason why most people are alone and suffering the way they are suffering . It is because they’re judgmental towards other people. They judge people without knowing them first. By doing so they choose to ignore good people who have good intentions, good heart and who care about them, because of their own selfish ego and standards. By the time they are desperate and are looking for someone they end opening up for wrong people in their lives and end up being hurt or murdered.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Some people are the way they are. They even converted and became something they are not, because they had never experienced or received love from their partners. They had been into multiple relationships or marriages but had never experienced true love shown to them. Reason might be because of their attitude or behavior. Might be also because of the type or preferences they select. Not that they have bad luck or not meant to be loved.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Study your partner. What makes relationships hard is people are staying together or dating for a long time, without knowing each other. They don’t even bother to get to know each other. How then will they be able to please, satisfy or help each other?”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

When you are with the wrong person for you. You will end up feeling guilty and wrong for doing the right things. You will be afraid, being yourself around them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Ignoring someone for too long. It is teaching them how to live, cope, survive and be happy without you. Absenteeism creates new opportunities for those who want to be present.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

It is sad that most relationships are driven by guilt and not driven by passion. You find your partner is being sweet, caring, and doing things for you because they are feeling guilty about something they are doing behind your back.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

It is sad to see relationships ending because of personal problems and not because of relationship problems.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

There is this partner that says baby we can’t do this, my friends are here and the partner that says baby we will do this. Let me tell my friends to excuse us. There is this partner that will do anything for friends ,but not for you and the one who will do anything for you, but not friends. There is this partner that says I am sorry my partner needs me and the one who says I am sorry my friends need me. The one who makes times for friends and the one who makes times for their partner . These are two types of people when it comes to relationships. One of these makes the relationship to work and the other makes the relationship to fail. One is looking for solution and the other is looking for excuses.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there….

You should not avoid love but avoid certain people in your life. Love doesn’t hurt ,but it is certain people who hurt others in the name of love.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Relationship is like work. The more time you invest in it. The more you contribute. The better the outcome or more profit you make. The more you put in. The more you get out of it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there ...

A relationship is verbal contract between two people. Like any contract there are clauses, terms and conditions. If you don’t know any clauses, terms and conditions of your relationship. How then would you know if you are not bridging your contract. When to end your contract and how to make your partner happy based on the agreement. When to upgrade your contract to a written one which is Marriage .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

When you have what your partner wants. They will find any reason to stay. They will justify your every action. When you no longer have what they want. They will find any reason to go or to leave you. Everything you do or say will be wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there ….

A relationship should bring the best In you. If the relationship brings the worse In you then that relationship is not for you. If it makes you want to do bad things, start thinking bad things or harmful things, desiring to do bad things on others. If it makes you want to do the very same things, you complain about saying they are wrong. Know you are in a bad or toxic relationship .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

One day we must break away from the myths that if you single and not dating. It means you are well mannered , raised well and you are a good person. If you’re dating then you are ratchet, wild, fast forward and you like things. Most people who are not dating is not by choice but is by circumstance .

Some are not dating because they can’t find right partners. Some are in the closet. Some they fear to be heart broken, pregnancy ,commitment, to be burden. Some are busy don’t have time. Some don’t have money. Dating doesn’t make people hoes. Not dating it doesn’t make people saints either.  We should stop bad mouthing, slandering, name calling, slut shamming people who are trying their best to find right partners or to find love. Especial when we can’t do what they are doing because of our fears, even thou we also want what they want. To be loved .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

A hurting relationship is a relationship that one is 100 percent fully concentrating on another person, and a good working relationship is a relationship that is 50/50. 50 is concentrating on another person and another 50 is concentrating on yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Sometimes you will say you don’t eat something because It wasn’t cooked or done properly. When you find someone who makes it perfectly you end up enjoying it and start loving it. This is the same as relationship, marriage, dating or love. Most people who hate relationships, marriage, dating or love . It is because they got love from wrong people or from people who could not love them better or right. When you find the right person. Love will be the best thing for you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Partners who don’t know the cost of things will cost you . If they don’t know what it cost, you to have what you have or to live the life you are living. They will cost you to lose everything you have that includes your dignity and peace.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there ….

Choose a partner that wouldn’t want to hurt you or cause you harm even when they are angry at you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Everybody deserves love, but not everybody deserves you. You also deserve love , but you don’t deserve everybody.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …..

The worse and sad thing in life is not to have someone who really understands you. Someone who can put up with you , when you say and do stupid things. Both of you laughing about it rather than being judged from it. Someone who will always have you back and who genuinely cares about you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“no more fairy tales on love...
So Me and Universe are conspiring for one.”
Deepa Gera

“To lovers out there …

Make sure you find or provide a safe space or environment for your partner, because when someone realize they are in a safe space or environment. They become free. They open up or loosen up. They trust, communicate, share, explore. They try everything and they become their true selves. They say how they feel. They start having fun, pleasure and enjoying. They become at peace and most importantly they settle.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The strength of love lies in its vulnerability.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“To lovers out there …

Be reasonable , practical and considerate to your partner . Other people should not suffer because they you or are interested in you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there ….

Not feeling the same way as they do about you. Doesn’t make them insane, stupid, or fools . Why would you even see it as a sign of disrespect when someone express their feelings and announces their love for you .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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