Vistas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vistas" Showing 1-4 of 4
“Time makes the ordinary extraordinary and the extraordinary ordinary.”
Kevin Focke

“There is nothing as powerful to the human psyche as the mental image educed by viewing a magnificent vista. We comprehend the paltriest of our bodies whenever a single person travels across an open desert or an immense prairie, stands on top of a mountain range, walks in the sand in front of a furious sea, or lies on their back and takes in the magnificence of the misty span of the Milky Way. Each act of magnification places us in touch with the finiteness and irrelevance of our trifling personhood. We can only view the broad expanse of the desert and steppe, the sheerness of a mountaintop, the immensity of the sea, and the immeasurable vastness of the galaxy with an overpowering sense of both horror and awe as their grand span transcends human scale. The overpowering physicality of these vistas stands as a testament to their cold indifference to the mortality of humankind. The sheer immensity of nature’s breadth beseeches us to consider the unthinkable: we are transient beings. We are mortal; we are mere sparklers burning fitfully until our spurting light completely fizzles out.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To climb in the canopy I must leave the ground. And such a decision will determine whether I will live a life of forest vistas, or an existence of dirt and leaves.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough