Women Rights Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-rights" Showing 1-30 of 53
“A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with.”
Ellen J. Barrier, How to Trust God When All Other Resources Have Failed

Gina Buonaguro
“I needed to bring my own gifts to my new home, not resist them, not sway to and fro like the tidal waters of the lagoon, but rather chart my own course through the shallows like an experienced boatman.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Gina Buonaguro
“One year from now, a decade, a century, half a millennium, will things be different? Dare we dream it? When we are seen for ourselves, not just as the conduit of progeny, heirs, lineage, not just as beautiful objects to be protected, inspected, appreciated, but for who we are at the core . . .”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Gina Buonaguro
“The evening blessed us with a sunset to rival a painting by Carpaccio in its colours. The sky mutated from shades of ultramarine and azure to vermilion and ochre, then strips of violet and finally indigo.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Widad Akreyi
“It is only with the setting of the sun that one can judge how well the day had gone. Looking back through the vista of time, I can analyse and assess why I fought hard for my right to say no to joining the Baath Party, why I took that first step towards requesting respect for human rights. But it is important to stress this: Up against a task larger than oneself, one has to overcome one's fear.”
Widad Akreyi, The Daughter Of Kurdland: A Life Dedicated to Humankind

“If you wished to know how civilized a culture is, look at how they treat it's women.”
Bacha Khan

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“Peygamber dedi: 'Kadın akıllılara ve gönül sahiplerine tam galip gelir. Cahillerse kadına üstün olur, çünkü onlar sert ve serkeş davranır.' İncelik, letafet ve insaf onlarda az bulunur, çünkü tabiatlarında hayvanlık galiptir. Sevgi ve incelik, insanlık vasfıdır. Öfke ve şehvet, hayvanlık vasfıdır. O, Hakk'ın ışığıdır; sevgili değil. O, sanki yaratıcıdır; yaratılmış değildir.”
Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi, Masnavi I Ma'navi

Melinda French Gates
“As women gain rights, families flourish, and so do societies. That connection is built on a simple truth: Whenever you include a group that’s been excluded, you benefit everyone. And when you’re working globally to include women and girls, who are half of every population, you’re working to benefit all members of every community. Gender equity lifts everyone.
From high rates of education, employment, and economic growth to low rates of teen births, domestic violence, and crime—the inclusion and elevation of women correlate with the signs of a healthy society. Women’s rights and society’s health and wealth rise together. Countries that are dominated by men suffer not only because they don’t use the talent of their women but because they are run by men who have a need to exclude. Until they change their leadership or the views of their leaders, those countries will not flourish.
Understanding this link between women’s empowerment and the wealth and health of societies is crucial for humanity. As much as any insight we’ve gained in our work over the past twenty years, this was our huge missed idea. My huge missed idea. If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.”
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

Scarlett Curtis
“I want women to feel like we are not in competition with each other. We are on
the same team. Something as small as a compliment to let another woman know she is on the right path or she is doing a great job can make all the difference. We can defend each other when we are being attacked or judged. We can hire other women and refer each other for jobs when the opportunity fits”
Scarlett Curtis, Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them

Scarlet Jei Saoirse
“Women have learned to love different parts of their bodies based on what men like…But I wonder which parts of a woman’s body does she like for herself?”
Scarlet Jei Saoirse, Scarlosophy: Thinking Out Loud

Scarlett Curtis
“I want women to feel like we are not in competition with each other. We are on the same team. Something as small as a compliment to let another woman know she is on the right path or she is doing a great job can make all the difference. We can defend each other when we are being attacked or judged. We can hire other women and refer each other for jobs when the opportunity fits”
Scarlett Curtis, Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them

“The wheels of our cultural “moral compass” run on the racist belief that women are somehow less privileged than males – and therefore many women don’t ever belong to even the sense of belonging.”
Qamar Rafiq

Diane C. McPhail
“Isn’t that momentous? Women! A krewe of women. Turning the tide on men! We are making history here. Yes, this moment! Making history.” The woman had barely taken a breath. She tapped Constance on the arm and picked up her fork to begin her hors d’oeuvre of boudin-stuffed mushrooms.
Constance leaned toward the woman as if wishing to speak more directly. In truth, she wanted to see the name on the place card. She had time to make out only the first name: Marianne. “Ah, yes, Marianne,” she said. “It is history, isn’t it? You are so very right.”
“It is time that women spoke up for themselves, did for themselves, and we are part of that wave that will surely come to shore when we get the vote. But for now, having our own ball will have to suffice.”
The woman turned to her neighbor on the other side.
“Indeed.” Constance finished the last bit of mushroom, speaking to the air. Her fork clanged on the plate as the uniformed server whisked it away. It was replaced immediately with a sumptuous, but unpretentious luncheon plate of shrimp and asparagus, with a decorative sprig of green grapes.”
Diane C. McPhail, The Seamstress of New Orleans

“A mother's life is an ocean of resilience beyond our imagination.”
Qamar Rafiq

Annie Ernaux
“Estaba por todas partes. En los eufemismos y las lítotes de mi agenda, en los ojos saltones de Jean T., en los matrimonios forzados, en el filme "Los paraguas de Cheburgo", en la vergüenza de las mujeres que abortaban y en la reprobación de las otras. En la imposibilidad absoluta de imaginar que un día las mujeres pudieran decidir abortar libremente. Y, como de costumbre, era imposible determinar si el aborto estaba prohibido porque estaba mal o estaba mal porque estaba prohibido. Se juzgaba con relación a la ley, no se juzgaba la ley.”
Annie Ernaux, Happening

“I don't mean this to sound cruel," Tish began, "but it seems like part of your heart can never work if you don't have kids. Like it will always be shut off."
"I agree," Katie said. "I didn't really become a woman until I felt Mackenzie inside me. I mean, there's all this talk these days of God versus science, but it seema like, with babies, both sides agree. The Bible says be fruitful and multiply, and science, well, when it all boils down, that's what women were made for, right? To bear children."
"Girl power," Becca muttered under her breath.”
Gillian Flinn

Gina Barreca
“I'd say it's time for women to make a stand. And it's far, far easier to make a stand when you're wearing comfortable shoes.”
Gina Barreca, "If You Lean In, Will Men Just Look Down Your Blouse?": Questions and Thoughts for Loud, Smart Women in Turbulent Times

மு. வரதராசன்
“பெண்களைப் பொறுத்தவரையில் கூறத்தக்கது இது: தம் உடம்பைக் கருவியாகக் கொண்டு, ஆண்களைக் கவர்கின்றவரைக்கும் பெண்கள் அடிமைகளாக வாழ நேரும்; தம் உள்ளத்தைக் கருவியாகக் கொண்டு ஆண்களைக் கவர முடியுமானால் ஒத்த உரிமையோடு உயர்வு பெறமுடியும்.”
மு. வரதராசன் (Mu. Varatharasan), பெண்மை வாழ்க [Penmai Vaazhga]

“Life of Most Girls in Lahore!
To all their life they're told that they can do whatever they want. However when it comes to the matrimonial topic, parents are intent to clip their wings. It hurts that first someone shows you how to fly and then suddenly encage you.”
Aroosa Fatima

“To all their life they're told that they can do whatever they want. However when it comes to the matrimonial topic, parents are intent to clip their wings. It hurts that first someone shows you how to fly and then suddenly encage you.
Life of Most Girls in Lahore!”
Aroosa Fatima

“Wish I were fairy godmother, I could have changed even fates of girls.”
Aroosa Fatima

“Wish I were a fairy godmother, I could have changed even fates of girls.”
Aroosa Fatima

“It was as though the throttling nature of the cloth against her mouth wanted to sentence her to a lifetime of silence.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

Aiyaz Uddin
“Do not burn her wings,
Do not cage her being,
and see the magic begins.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Shoma A. Chatterji
“Is it not ironical that the commercial market economy has a financially valued analogy for every item of housework a homemaker does on a daily basis without payment? Restaurant meals provide the parallel for preparing, cooking and serving food. Laundering services provide the analogy for washing and ironing. Housecleaning can be done professionally by professional housekeepers and domestic maids. Crèches, play-houses and baby sitters can take care of small children. These services need to be paid for and thus they are computed while measuring the GNP. But a homemaker provides all these services for free, so her services are kept out of evaluation and measurement of GNP.”
Shoma A. Chatterji, The Female Gaze: Essays on Gender, Society and Media

Mitta Xinindlu
“You cannot continue to have ONLY TWO gender specific categories in any field anymore. We need to open up the spaces and recognise other genders too. In your SHOWS, have Trans categories. Have Gay categories. Have men categories. Have Women categories. And so on. INCLUDE EVERYBODY.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“No girl should have to go through the heartache of forced conversion.”
Qamar Rafiq

“When you can leave the past behind you, the future vividly awaits.”
Norah Marler

“Modern world allows women to be subjected to rape through the eyes, minds, hands, and words of men.”
Rashid Jorvee

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