Ya Urban Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ya-urban-fantasy" Showing 1-25 of 25
Kiersten White
“Just as he reached for my neck, I tased him. I was there to bag and tag, not to kill. Besides, if I had to carry separate weapons for every paranormal I took out, I'd be dragging around a full luggage set. Tasers are a one-size-fits-all paranormal butt-kicking option. Mine's pink with rhinestones. Tasey and I have had a lot of good times together.”
Kiersten White, Paranormalcy

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“It figured--the almost invincible girl gets hurt, and they call a vet.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jess C. Scott
“Anya looked upon Nin admirably. Having him as a partner-in-crime—if only on this one occasion, which she hoped would only be the start of something more—was more revitalizing than the cheap thrills of a cookie-cutter shallow, superficial romance, where the top priority was how beautiful a person was on the outside.”
Jess C Scott, The Other Side of Life

Kiersten White
“I sighed. I hate the vamp jobs. They think they're so suave. It's not enough for them to slaughter and eat you like a zombie would. No, they want it to be all sexy, too. And, trust me: vampires? Not. Sexy. I mean, sure, their glamours can be pretty hot, but the dry-as-bone corpse bodies shimmering underneath? Nothing attractive there.”
Kiersten White, Paranormalcy

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Right. You're Kali. Of course you're planning a rescue mission. Stupid self-sacrifice is kind of your thing.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“The werewolf Senate hadn't been happy with the idea of a human alpha, and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about the fact that I had something most male Weres wanted very, very badly...Maddy. Lake. Lily, Katie, Sloane, Avie, Sophie...”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Trial by Fire

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Blend in. don't make waves. Don't look up.' That was the mantra I lived by. But not today.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“If one thing was perfectly, crystalline clear, it was that I could take care of myself. I just kept coming and coming and coming. I was what I was.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I had my knife in hand before I realized I'd reached for it and had kicked open the...front door before it ever occurred to me that it might have already been unlocked.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I wasn't built for running away from monsters. I wanted desperately to run toward them--track them down, kill them. Luckily, I was used to restraining myself, used to acting human even when I wasn't, and the human part of my brain reminded me that right now, preternatural beasties weren't exactly my primary concern. Someone had made a strong attempt at killing me this morning....”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“The problem was that there was no treatment. No cure. There was nothing that...any medical professional could do. If I'd been fully human, I would have been a dead girl walking....”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I had no weapons. No plan. Nothing but my blood and my hands. They were coming, and there were more of them than I'd realized.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Kimberly Spencer
“Hmm, I officially amend my previous statement. Clearly one of them is that stupid.”
Kimberly Spencer, Limerick

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“You're a very pretty girl...Did you know? Once upon a time, I had a pretty, pretty boy.' She reached forward and touched my cheek with one manicured hand.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I heard the telltale sound of scales scraping against metal--a light swoosh, a tongue flickering out to taste the stale and humid air. Whatever it was, my prey was tasting for me.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I did a quick injury check on my organs and bones. The routine was familiar, one I paced my way through every other morning as I went from dispassionately watching my body heal to wondering if this time, I might have pushed things too far.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“She'd let me in, and for the first time, I actually wanted to do the same, to tell someone the truth. That I wasn't normal. That I wasn't human.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“This is why you don't call the police. Or Preternatural Control. No matter what. Ever. If I'd doubted that rule--and I was fairly sure I never had--I certainly never would have again. My skin itched just talking to the authorities....The police department had more than a few open cases with my name on them--figuratively, and I had no desire to make that literal [where they connected me to] the vigilante responsible for dozens of area beastie slayings....”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I sunk into velvety nothingness. It caressed my skin, lapped at my temples, the nape of my neck. It circled me like smoke, its touch light, but all consuming. And just as I was about to lose consciousness, I heard the voice. 'Hello, Kali. I'm Zev.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“My dad was a different person when he lectured: his eyes sparkled, his lips turned upward.... 'Think what it must have been like for Darwin, two hundred years ago. He took that voyage on the Beagle [1831] expecting to document the natural world and he stumbled across something impossible. A creature who could defy the laws of physics--straight out of the pages of mythology...In that one moment, the entire landscape of scientific investigation was drastically and irrevocably changed. The impossible became a widespread scientific reality, as omnipresent as gravity and in some cases, nearly as hard to see.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Kimberly Spencer
“If by it, you mean that big ass vein in the middle of your forehead, then yeah. It moved all right and it’s still pulsing.”
Kimberly Spencer, Limerick

Kimberly Spencer
“There once was a girl of the sea, who refused to see who she could be. The strength of a world in the hands of a girl, consumed by the curse of the three.”
Kimberly Spencer, Limerick

Kimberly Spencer
“You know, while you’re off sexercizing, I’ll be sitting here all by my lonesome watching lame ass lifetime movies.”
Kimberly Spencer, Limerick