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Closed Discussion Topic > Philly Beth's Rainbow Reads

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message 1: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Oy, I must be CRAZY to be taking this one on.

message 2: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Think of it as visiting friends in the looney bin :~)

message 3: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Actually, it just gave me an excuse to bump Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell up on my TBR, since it is Orange!!!! Yea! Although I had liked Shadow of the Wind as an option, too....

message 4: by Beth (last edited Oct 28, 2012 09:36PM) (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Planning Reference Section:

Welcome to the 2012 - Half Year Challenge!

You asked for it; you got it! This challenge brings a little rainbow into everyone's life. You will read 7 books over the last 6 months of 2012, one for every colour in the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

But wait, you say. There are seven colours and six months. You're right. You'll have to squeeze a MINIMUM of 7 books in. That should be pretty easy judging from the numbers of books read in the June Toppler.

There's a bit of a twist coming your way. The word 'rainbow' has 7 letters in it. Let me see what I can do to work that in. There will be points, too!

The rules:

1. The challenge will start July 1, 2012 and finish December 31, 2012. Books counted towards the challenge must be started and finished between those dates.

2. You may read any format - paperback, hardcover, ebook, audiobook unless otherwise indicated in the given task.

3. You may read any genre you chose unless otherwise indicated in the given task.

4. You may plan ahead and chose books for the entire challenge, but you are not restricted to those books. You may swap them out at will.

5. You will report your progress by starting your own thread in the "Year Long Challenge". Please indicate in the title of your thread that it is for the Rainbow Challenge.

6. In order to complete the challenge, you must read at least one book from each task.

7. If you are choosing a book based on the colour of the cover, any edition of the book you choose will qualify. It does not need to be the edition you are reading.

8. If you are choosing a book based on the word being in the title, any derivative of the colour will qualify. Eg. Red, Crimson, Scarlet for Red. Violet, Lavender, Purple for Violet. Etc.

9. Only one occurence of the word appearing in your title will be counted. (Eg - Green, Greener, Greenest will only count for one green.)

10. You may not count books read for the monthly challenge or for the group reads. However, TBR Topplers are exempted.


20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
10 points for any book over 800 pages in length (if you are listening to an audiobook, or reading an ebook, we will take the number of pages indicated on the first book that comes up in the Goodread's search function)
5 points for 500 - 799 pages
4 points for 400 - 499 pages
3 points for 300 - 399 pages
2 points for anything 299 pages and under
Additional points will be awarded in each task.

50 points awarded to EACH completion of the challenge.

The Tasks:

R Task: Read a book that has a predominantly RED cover, or the word red in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with R, as in Rainbow, the last name of the author must start with R.
- Count 1 point for every R in the title and author's name. You're guaranteed at least one point.

The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling by J.K. Rowling Completed
Déjà Dead (Temperance Brennan, #1) by Kathy Reichs Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs
The Moor's Last Sigh by Salman Rushdie by Salman Rushdie
Harm Done by Ruth Rendell by Ruth Rendell Completed
Break No Bones (Temperance Brennan, #9) by Kathy Reichs by Kathy Reichs

A Task: Read a book that has a predominantly ORANGE cover, or the word orange in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with A, your book must be read in AUGUST!
- Count 5 points if the author's last name starts with A.

The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, #1) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón Completed
The Hanged Man's Song (Kidd & LuEllen, #4) by John Sandford by John Sandford Completed
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell Completed

I Task: Read a book that has a predominantly YELLOW cover, or the word yellow in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with I, your book must be set in a country, city, state, or area that begins with I (Ireland, Italy, India, Indiana, Idaho, etc.) We will accept an island setting as well (Hawaii, New Zealand, etc.)
- Count 1 point for every I in the title and author's name.
Indulgence in Death (In Death, #31) by J.D. Robb Indulgence in Death by J.D. Robb Island = Manhattan COMPLETED
Death in the Devil's Acre  by Anne Perry Death in the Devil's Acre by Anne Perry Island = British Isles
The Cabinet of Curiosities by Douglas Preston by Douglas Preston Island = Manhattan Completed
Open City by Teju Cole by Teju Cole Island = Manhattan

N Task: Read a book that has a predominantly GREEN cover, or the word green in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with N, your book must be non-fiction.
- Count 10 points if the book is about the environment.
- Count 5 points for a memoir.

OPTIONS Singing Away the Hunger The Autobiography of an African Woman by Mpho M'Atsepo Nthunya Singing Away the Hunger by Mpho M'Atsepo Nthunya completed
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson by Rachel Carson
Green Hills of Africa by Ernest Hemingway by Ernest Hemingway
The Zookeeper's Wife A War Story by Diane Ackerman by Diane Ackerman

B Task: Read a book that has a predominantly BLUE cover, or the word blue in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with B, your book must be a book (not audiobook or ebook).
- Count 5 points if the theme is betrayal.

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett by Ann Patchett completed

The Sparrow (The Sparrow, #1) by Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell

Blue Heaven by Joe Keenan by Joe Keenan
O Task: Read a book that has a predominantly INDIGO cover, or the word indigo in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with O, your book must be Old (published before 1980).
- Count 5 points if it was published 1960 - 1979.
- Count 10 points if it was published earlier than 1960.
Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe by Daniel Defoe Completed
Out of Africa by Karen Blixen by Karen Blixen Completed
The Tin Drum by Günter Grass by Günter Grass
Independent People by Halldór Laxness Independent People by Halldór Laxness

W Task: Read a book that has a predominantly VIOLET cover, or the word violet the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with W, your book must be from your wishlist or your TBR.
- Count 5 points if the theme is war.
- Count 10 points if the cover has purple flowers on it.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Agnes Grey (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) by Anne Brontë by Anne Brontë
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo by Victor Hugo
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner by William Faulkner COMPLETED

message 5: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56953 comments Your choices look good Beth. At first I thought Independent People didn't fit the criteria for "old", but I see it's original publication does.

message 6: by Beth (last edited Jan 02, 2013 10:00AM) (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments PROGRESS POST WITH POINTS


20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
10 points for any book over 800 pages in length (if you are listening to an audiobook, or reading an ebook, we will take the number of pages indicated on the first book that comes up in the Goodread's search function)
5 points for 500 - 799 pages
4 points for 400 - 499 pages
3 points for 300 - 399 pages
2 points for anything 299 pages and under
Additional points will be awarded in each task.

50 points awarded to EACH completion of the challenge.


The Tasks:

R Task: Read a book that has a predominantly RED cover, or the word red in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with R, as in Rainbow, the last name of the author must start with R.
- Count 1 point for every R in the title and author's name. You're guaranteed at least one point.

Harm Done by Ruth Rendell by Ruth Rendell
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling J.K. Rowling

A Task: Read a book that has a predominantly ORANGE cover, or the word orange in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with A, your book must be read in AUGUST!
- Count 5 points if the author's last name starts with A.

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell by David Mitchell
The Hanged Man's Song (Kidd & LuEllen, #4) by John Sandford by John Sandford
The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, #1) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

I Task: Read a book that has a predominantly YELLOW cover, or the word yellow in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with I, your book must be set in a country, city, state, or area that begins with I (Ireland, Italy, India, Indiana, Idaho, etc.) We will accept an island setting as well (Hawaii, New Zealand, etc.)
- Count 1 point for every I in the title and author's name.

The Cabinet of Curiosities by Douglas Preston by Douglas Preston Island = Manhattan
Indulgence in Death (In Death, #31) by J.D. Robb by J.D. Robb Island = Manhattan or Ireland

N Task: Read a book that has a predominantly GREEN cover, or the word green in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with N, your book must be non-fiction.
- Count 10 points if the book is about the environment.
- Count 5 points for a memoir.

Singing Away the Hunger The Autobiography of an African Woman by Mpho M'Atsepo Nthunya by Mpho M'Atsepo Nthunya

Blue Water, Green Skipper by Stuart Woods by Stuart Woods

B Task: Read a book that has a predominantly BLUE cover, or the word blue in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with B, your book must be a book (not audiobook or ebook).
- Count 5 points if the theme is betrayal.

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett by Ann Patchett

Independence Day Bascombe Trilogy (2) by Richard Ford by Richard Ford

O Task: Read a book that has a predominantly INDIGO cover, or the word indigo in the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with O, your book must be Old (published before 1980).
- Count 5 points if it was published 1960 - 1979.
- Count 10 points if it was published earlier than 1960.
Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe by Daniel Defoe

Out of Africa by Karen Blixen by Karen Blixen

W Task: Read a book that has a predominantly VIOLET cover, or the word violet the title.
- Count 5 points if your book has both the cover and title requirement.
- Keeping with W, your book must be from your wishlist or your TBR.
- Count 5 points if the theme is war.
- Count 10 points if the cover has purple flowers on it.

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner by William Faulkner

American Rust by Philipp Meyer by Philipp Meyer


R The Casual Vacancy 36 points
-30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
-5 points for 500 - 799 pages
-1 point- Count 1 point for every R in the title and author's name. You're guaranteed at least one point.

R Harm Done 26 points
(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
3 points for 300 - 399 pages
- Count 1 point for every R in the title and author's name. 3 points.)

A Cloud Atlas 25 points
(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
5 points for 500 - 799 pages)

A The Hanged Man's Song 33 points
(30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
3 points for 300 - 399 pages)

A The Shadow of the Wind 34 points
(30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
4 points for 400 - 499 pages)

I Cabinet of Curiosities by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child 31 points
(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
5 points for 500 - 799 pages
- Count 1 point for every I in the title and author's name. 6 points)

I Indulgence in Death 35 points
- 30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
- 3 points for 300 - 399 pages
- 2 points Count 1 point for every I in the title and author's name.

N Singing Away the Hunger 27 points
20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
2 points for anything 299 pages and under
- Count 5 points for a memoir.)

N Blue Water, Green Skipper 37 points
(30 points for any additional books completed in each task
2 points 299 pages and under
5 points if book is a memoir)

B Bel Canto 23 points

(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
3 points for 300 - 399 pages)

B Independence Day 34 points
(30 points for any additional books for each task
4 points 400-499 pages)

O Moll Flanders 33 points

(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
3 points for 300 - 399 pages
- Count 10 points if it was published earlier than 1960.)

O Out of Africa 43 points
(30 points for any additional books completed in each task.
3 points for 300 - 399 pages
- Count 10 points if it was published earlier than 1960.)

W The Sound and the Fury 23 Points
(20 points for the first book in each task that is completed.
3 points 300-399 pages)

W American Rust 33 points
(30 points for any additional books for each task
3 points 300-399 pages)

Full Rainbows 100 Points
2 Rainbows

CURRENT TOTAL POINTS: 573 American Rust by Philipp Meyer Philipp Meyer

message 7: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments I'm psyched! I already have ANBO!!! Not bad for being here only a couple weeks.

message 8: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56953 comments Beth wrote: "I'm psyched! I already have ANBO!!! Not bad for being here only a couple weeks."

That's awesome! I only have AIB, and I set up the challenge. LOL!

message 9: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Just found another edition of my current book in INDIGO!!! and original publication date was 1959!!!

message 10: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Ok, I think I can squeeze in one more Orange. Just realized the August Nobel group read goes to Sept 17th, so I can do that book after end of August... Then I will need to seriously start beefing up the other colors again ...

message 11: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Went nuts at BN today looking at cover colors (since I have a lot of my TBR on nook/kindle and wanted to see what colors they are...). I'm now shooting for 3 rainbows

message 12: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Officially shooting for 3 rainbows now that August is ending and I got 3 Orange books read.

message 13: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Yea! I have an R!

message 14: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments And one Yellow down!

message 15: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 56953 comments Just need W, and you'll have a rainbow. :)

message 16: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments I started The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison today.

message 17: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments I love Toni Morrison, although I've switched to Sound and Fury because that is a Sept read and also purple. I'll come back to this one when I'm done with that and my other urgent Sept reads. I just realized how much less daytime reading is likely to be possible with fall here.

message 18: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Done another red! The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

message 19: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Great going - you'll complete a rainbow soon!

message 20: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Another Yellow down! Indulgence in Death (In Death, #31) by J.D. Robb

message 21: by Beth (new)

Beth (eparks4232) | 2334 comments Finally finished a Violet. Up to 416 points!

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