Lit Bug
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Future Shock
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  (page 35 of 430)
"To survive what we have termed future shock, one must search out totally new ways to anchor oneself, for all the old roots - religion, nation, community, family, or profession - are shaking under the impact of accelerative thrust.

Before that, however, he must understand how the effects of acceleration creep into his personal life and affect, alter his behaviour.

He must, in other words, understand transience."
Jun 09, 2016 03:45PM

Taqwacores: A Novel
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Graham Greene
“Champagne, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector.”
Graham Greene

Mita Jain
“Quote from In Love of Honey, Money....and My Virgin Passport

If you think you’ve the most wicked sense of humour, try life!”
Mita Jain, In Love of Honey, Money....and My Virgin Passport

Paula Danziger
“When my father would yell at me, I told myself someday I'd use it in a book.”
Paula Danziger

Diane di Prima
“I have just realized that the stakes are myself
I have no other
ransom money, nothing to break or barter but my life”
Diane di Prima

Rana Dasgupta
“Before the man lost his sight, he read this story in a magazine: a group of explorers came upon a community of parrots speaking the language of a society that had been wiped out in a recent catastrophe. Astonished by their discovery, they put the parrots in cages and sent them home so that linguists could record what remained of the lost language. But the parrots, already traumatized by the devastation they had recently witnessed, died on the way.

The man feels a great fraternity with those birds. He feels he carries, like them, a shredded inheritance, and he is too concussed to pass anything on.”
Rana Dasgupta, Solo

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