2023 Reading Challenge
Participants 7,927,377
Books Pledged 342,074,583
Avg. Books Pledged 43
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Rose (Adventurous Bookworm) has read 371 of 250 books in 2023.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
  • Easy as Pie by Carina Taylor
  • Crave by Tracy Wolff
  • I'll Be Married for Christmas by Claire Cain
  • Beta Read by Anonymous
  • Not Yet Married by Marshall Segal
  • Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton
  • Juniper Bean Resorts to Murder by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
  • The Photograph by Beverly Lewis
  • How to Be a Perfect Christian by The Babylon Bee
  • View More â–¾
Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Happy reading, Rose!

Rose (Adventurous Bookworm) Gloria wrote: "Happy reading, Rose!"Thank you and you too.

message 3: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Rose (Adventurous Bookworm) wrote: "Gloria wrote: "Happy reading, Rose!"Thank you and you too."

message 4: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Congratulations, Rose! Wow! What an amazing job! 😊

message 5: by Rose (Adventurous Bookworm) (last edited Aug 09, 2023 11:23PM) (new)

Rose (Adventurous Bookworm) Gloria wrote: "Congratulations, Rose! Wow! What an amazing job! 😊"Thank you! It looks like you’ll be finishing your challenge any day now too.

message 6: by Gloria (new)

Gloria You're welcome! I am not the fastest reader around but hopefully within a couple of weeks I will reach my goal. :)

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More like Rose (Adventurous Bookworm)'s 2023 books

  • Bound by Knighthood
  • Bound by Stardust
  • Bound by Stardust
  • Bound by Dragons (Bound by Dragons #1)
  • Bound by Blood
  • Bound by Treason
  • Bound by Twilight: A Gender-Swapped Jack and the Beanstalk Retelling